Capture the Jade:

Duan Wenyin scolded Duan Ningyuan in her heart. This matter is no small matter. If it spreads, it will damage the reputation of the Duke of Zhenguo. The younger brother’s actions are inappropriate. It is not appropriate to argue blindly. If you want to dispel the idea of ​​​​Yuyi, you have to do it this way. Sister’s to turn around.

She pondered for a while and was about to speak, Teng Yuyi suddenly saluted Lin Chengyou in the outer room: “If you dare to ask the prince, how long can you survive without taking the medicine?”

Lin Chengyou glanced at the five pairs of shoes exposed outside the curtain. The man held his breath. After entering the room for so long, he has not shown any flaws until now. He lazily put down the teacup, got up and walked in: ” Two hours at most.”

Teng Yuyi nodded and walked towards the bed, and squeezed out a few drops of fake tears as she walked: “It’s been two hours, at least two hours, since I started working on the post. I think Erniang Dong has passed away. I couldn’t save her. Nice.”

She walked up to the curtain and made a gesture to salute, but she was dizzy and couldn’t stand still, her arm accidentally hit Erniang Dong’s leg, which made Erniang Dong stiff.

Teng Yuyi immediately acted panicked, then retreated in shock: “Dong Erniang, Dong Erniang, she moved.”

Everyone was shocked and rushed to Hu’s bed.

The lady in charge was the first to open the curtain to sniff, the hot breath sprayed to her fingertips, she was really alive. She was ecstatic at first and then puzzled, two hours had passed, why Erniang was fine without taking the medicine.

Madam Du stretched her neck to look around, her face was also full of shock, she had seen the faces of Duanfu and the others after being poisoned, it looked like a golden pot had been dunked, unlike this little lady, her complexion was no different from that of ordinary people.

The others looked at each other in astonishment. They had never learned what it would be like to be poisoned by a demon, but how could this look like a dying person?

Juesheng and Qizhi pretended to join in the fun, and their senior brother had already signaled them to go behind the curtain to find out, but they were too busy using talisman soup to lure the evil poison from Mrs. An’s body, so they never paid attention to the four wounded.

Ms. Teng’s move caught them by surprise and hit their arms. She turned her head to look at her senior brother, who had a smirk on his face, and simply folded his arms to watch the excitement.

After Duan Ningyuan was shocked, he showed a look of great joy, couldn’t help himself for a while, and walked quickly to the bed, but was glared at by Duan Wenyin, and stopped abruptly.

“What’s going on here?” Duan Wenyin leaned behind the curtain and looked at Dong Erniang’s face in astonishment, “Didn’t the son just say that if he was really going to be poisoned by that monster, he would last for two hours at most.”

Comparing the two strokes, she gradually became suspicious. Could it be that she was not poisoned, but just fainted from fright? With such a big commotion, there should have been some movement in Lili.

The room was silent for a while, this situation is definitely not like being poisoned, everyone’s thoughts are floating, even Duan Ningyuan has some doubts.

Teng Yuyi raised an eyebrow, Dong Erniang is as immovable as a mountain, is it for Duan Ningyuan or for the Liuyuan Pill that became the prince’s son? Just now she was under extremely heavy pressure, she thought that Dong Erniang would just cry out in pain, but unexpectedly this person held back, knowing that she should pierce it with a hairpin, now that the other party is on guard, how can he prove it is true? Faint or pretend to sleep.

She pretended to be panicked: “Could it be that she was not poisoned by a demon, but by other sorcery?”

The people in the room were stunned, and the lady in charge recalled the situation just now, and suddenly realized that Erniang’s various behaviors after she fainted were not consistent with those of the Teng family. Thinking more and more wrong.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, and hurriedly followed Teng Yuyi’s words and said: “Yes, yes, she passed out after bumping into that monster on the way to the river bank. You can’t know if you follow another way.”

Juesheng said coldly: “Grandma, are you saying that my senior brother has missed his eyes? Although my senior brother is not old, he has never been blind in Taoism.”

The lady in charge hurriedly shook her head: “I dare not underestimate the Taoism of the son, it’s just that my second mother didn’t wake up after being hit by an evil spirit, there must be a reason, the son’s Taoism is superb, please help me to take a closer look .”

“I think it’s overly frightened.” Lin Chengyou stroked his chin, “It’s not uncommon for weak people to be unable to return to their place for a long time when encountering such evil spirits.”

Duan Ningyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, “It’s probably the case.”

The lady in charge took advantage of the situation and knelt down and kowtowed: “My wife has always been weaker than others, I don’t know if the son can have a countermeasure.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, “Yes, of course.”

He took two steps unhurriedly towards the front of Hu’s bed, and suddenly flicked his fingers, a silver light flashed across the front of his robe, and bounced straight into the thick curtain.

Dong Erniang’s foot exposed outside the curtain twitched, and it didn’t take long before the entire curtain began to shake, shaking faster and faster, and finally bounced off the bed as if on fire, scratching everywhere : “Itchy, itchy.”

Everyone didn’t expect it, and they were collectively stunned.

Lin Chengyou’s smile remained the same, but his eyes were cold: “You are so courageous!”

Duan Ningyuan froze in place, his ears and heart were full of lightning and thunder. He had marched in the army, and he knew what happened to soldiers who were injured and comatose. If they really lost consciousness, they didn’t even know the cold or heat.

The lady in charge panicked for a moment, and quickly covered up for Dong Erniang: “Just wake up, just wake up.”

Dong Erniang tried her best to hold back the itching on her body, leaned against the bed, and said softly: “…Nurse…I…Where am I?”

The lady in charge leaned over and hugged Dong Erniang into her arms, stroked her hair over and over again and said: “When we came here, we bumped into a monster on the road, and the lady fainted from fright on the spot. This is the Ziyun Building. The lady just woke up, luckily With Prince Cheng’s son and two Taoist leaders, the monsters have been subdued.”

Duan Wenyin couldn’t bear it any longer, she kept shouting: “How long are you masters and servants going to pretend?”

She pointed to Dong Erniang: “You didn’t look weak when you jumped out of bed, you’ve clearly been awake for a while, do you really think we don’t have eyes!”

Dong Erniang’s face was pale, and Prince Cheng’s move was unexpected, and he pushed her to the edge of the cliff. If he just recognized it, he would definitely cause endless troubles, but everyone saw the scene just now, and he couldn’t help it at all. I can’t justify it.

She suppressed the itching on her body, looked around in a daze, and then put her hand on her forehead, as if her headache was about to split: “…I just remember that I encountered an evil thing on the way to the banquet, and I don’t know anything about it. I was able to move just now, but my head was dizzy for a while, and I suddenly felt extremely itchy all over my body, and I woke up all of a sudden.”

Madam Du looked at Dong Erniang indifferently: “Your servant woman is crying and fussing over the pills, and you haven’t heard a word?”

Dong Erniang shook her head in a daze, and suddenly felt two cold gazes on her head, she looked towards her head, and saw a girl in green clothes wearing a fence looking at her, although she was silent, it made people flustered for no reason .

It must be Teng Yuyi. Teng Yuyi fell onto her unexpectedly earlier, causing her to almost cry out in pain. Fortunately, she held back, but it was not this action that aroused Prince Cheng’s suspicion.

She covered her sleeves and coughed: “Just now I had a splitting headache, I don’t know if I was waking up or a dream, I just wanted to open my eyes and have a look, but I felt so powerless all over my body, I knew there was noise in my ear, but the sound was too far away, even I can’t hear a sentence clearly, I really don’t know what happened, it was definitely not intentional—”


“It really is.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, “I have limited patience, you’d better think clearly before answering.”

Duan Ningyuan knew something was wrong, even though he was full of doubts, he still bite the bullet and said: “It is not unusual for a person who has just woken up from a coma to be confused. It is not uncommon to know the situation.”

Dong Erniang’s eyes shifted slightly, and she moved away as soon as she touched Duan Ningyuan’s brocade robe, she bit her lips: “I really don’t know what happened, I met that evil thing by the river earlier, I just thought I couldn’t survive After finally waking up, my mind is still in chaos. I don’t understand what I did wrong, and I don’t understand why I have to question me again and again…

As she talked, tears welled up in her eyes. Some ladies were soft-hearted, and felt compassionate when they saw this. Dong Erniang was also a victim. She survived by luck, so why did she keep pushing .

Dong Erniang sobbed in a low voice: “If I could wake up, I would have woken up a long time ago. I only hate that monster cast some kind of magic on me, but I have been in a coma until now.”

“You’re lying!” Jue Sheng shouted, “You’re not in a coma at all.”

Everyone was stunned, Duan Wenyin was puzzled: “Xiao Daoist, what do you mean?”

Qizhi snorted heavily, and raised the altar tree in his hand: “This is the evidence! Tonight, senior brother was fighting a gun in the Moon Lantern Pavilion, and he was temporarily called to catch the demon. He heard that there were five wounded on the way. Falling into a coma, I rushed to Lanxia Pavilion and asked again, and it was confirmed that there were four women and one man. The situation was dangerous at that time, and the brother was afraid that the monster would escape, so he had no time to personally inspect the wounded, so he set up a ‘Five Zang Formation’.

“Who knows that the number of injured people is not right, there are only four wandering souls, and it is said that five people were injured, but in fact, one of them was pretending. Injured. You can deceive others but not us, because the people who set up the formation know best that your original soul has never left your body.”

These words were like thunder on the ground, shaking everyone’s ears. Duan Ningyuan and Duan Wenyin’s complexions suddenly became extremely ugly, and they looked at Dong Erniang in disbelief.

Dong Erniang looked at the Zhentan wood in Qizhi’s hand in panic, and the lady in charge stammered: “How could it be… absolutely impossible, this, this… there is probably some misunderstanding.”

Lin Chengyou looked at the palace people on the left and right: “Are you stupid? I have endured this old thing for a long time!!”

The palace people rolled their sleeves and punched their fists, and went straight to the lady in charge. The lady in charge turned pale with fright, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

Ignoring the howling of the lady in charge, the palace man first tied her up tightly, then found a pair of foot socks that stinked to the sky, and stuffed them into her mouth.

Lin Chengyou sneered: “Misunderstanding? How dangerous is it when catching monsters? Can’t you see that the ‘Five Zang Formation’ can be used to fight with strength? I lost all games, and I almost lost my life because I mistakenly believed that there were five wounded people. At this point, how dare I say that I am not mistaken or not!”

He looked at Dong Erniang coldly: “You might as well make your words clearer. I set up the battle very early, but I still can’t catch the old demon. There is no other explanation than you pretending at the beginning. You didn’t You are not in a coma, why did you sneak into Ziyun Building under the pretext of seeking medical treatment?!”

Dong Erniang bit her lip tightly, her body trembled slightly.

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