Capture the Jade:

Duan Qingying was wrapped in a cloak, with a veil on her head, her hands tightly twisted together, she seemed a little uneasy.

Seeing Lin Chengyou coming out, she immediately put down her hands and calmly stepped forward to salute: “I’m bothering you.”

Lin Chengyou had checked the female guests who attended today’s banquet at Yuzhen Nuguan Temple before, and knew that this person was the daughter of the Duan family.

Duan Qingying said respectfully: “I took the liberty to come here because I wanted to inquire about something with your son. Just now, my aunt brought someone to send her luggage, saying that my cousin who is pregnant will return to Hongzhou soon. (Note 1), only because the government has come to check on pregnant women these days, my cousin and her husband are reluctant to leave. I heard that the son is in charge of the case, and he happens to be in the temple, so I came here to ask the son for my cousin. Recently, they Can you leave Chang’an, and be more careful on the way.”

Lin Chengyou said: “It’s useless to be careful, in order to be on the safe side, it’s best to wait for this matter to pass before leaving.”

Duan Qingying froze: “But I heard that the murderer has been caught by Dali Temple, logically there will be no more victims of pregnant women – still, do we still need to be so cautious?”

Lin Chengyou didn’t respond. These words sounded like they were deliberately inquiring about the progress of the case.

Duan Qingying hurriedly explained: “Cousin is getting heavier and heavier, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to go on the road if I drag it on. My cousin and her husband are in a hurry to leave, and my mother and I are inevitably anxious…”

He smiled and said: “Thank you, son, for clarifying your doubts, I will ask my cousin not to leave.”

As he spoke, he saluted and took his leave.

Lin Chengyou waved to several attendants not far away.

The attendants approached, and they clapped their hands in unison and said, “Your Majesty.”

“Where is the slave?”

“Send Jun Nu back to the palace.”

“Go and find out. A pregnant cousin has recently come to the Duan family. It is said that he is from Hongzhou, and he is eager to leave Chang’an recently. In addition to the residence of the Duke of Zhen, the residence of the two brothers of the Duke of the Kingdom is also Find out clearly, whether you have this relative or not, call me back within half an hour.”


It didn’t take long for the attendants to come and reply: “The Duan family is currently living with a pregnant cousin, who is said to be the niece of Mrs. Duan Er, who accompanied her husband to Chang’an to take the exam last year. The couple have lived in Duan’s residence for almost half a year. Well, this cousin was pregnant a few months ago, and her husband also lost the first place. After the pregnancy was stabilized, the couple were going to return to Hongzhou two days ago, but they didn’t dare to leave when Marquis Wu came to check on the pregnant woman. “

This is exactly the same as what Mrs. Duan said. From this point of view, it is only natural for Mrs. Duan to come to ask a few words for her cousin. Lin Chengyou thought for a while and nodded: “Got it.”

There are so many volumes in the Sutra Pavilion, and it is quite difficult to find each volume. The three brothers managed to find all the scriptures related to Shura Dao. When they opened it, they found that most of them were in Sanskrit.

Juesheng and Qizhi were dumbfounded. They didn’t know a single word of Sanskrit. Even though the senior brother knew a little bit of Sanskrit, it was impossible for him to understand such a thick scripture.

Lin Chengyou was in a hurry to investigate the case, so he couldn’t wait for a moment. Remembering that Mingtong was the great monk in charge of guarding the Sutra Pavilion in the monastery, he asked Mingtong, “Is there no auxiliary volume that has been translated and annotated?”

Ming Tongdao: “There are more than 600 Sanskrit scriptures in Bi Temple, and only 70 of them have been translated so far (Note 2). The rest of the scriptures are only translated and annotated. However, the abbot has already explained, It’s about subjugating demons, so don’t wait too long. The poor monk has already made arrangements. In the next few days, I will help with the translation and transcription with a few younger brothers. Now the whole west wing of the monastery is empty, so the prince might as well live in the monastery. Here, if any clues are found, the poor monk can notify the prince in time.”

Living in a temple? Lin Chengyou was stunned, then smiled and said: “Then there is Master Lao Mingtong. But I don’t have to live in the temple. I just let my two juniors stay here for a few days. Is the abbot coming back? I’ll go ahead Say a few words to his old man before leaving.”

Another young novice came in outside and said, “A guard who claims to be Duanfu came to find the two path leaders.”


Juesheng and Qizhi put down the scriptures and ran out.

“Uncle Duanfu?”

Duan Fu said: “Please take a step to speak.”

He led the two of them aside without saying a word, making sure that there was no one around to speak: “My wife has something important to tell the prince, but there are too many people in the temple, so I have to ask the two priests to tell the story on my behalf. If the two priests are free, please come to Li Baixuan in the East Wing tonight, “

Juesheng and Qizhi hurriedly said: “Okay, but we have to help transcribe the scriptures as soon as possible, it may be very late when we are free, but we will go to find Lady Teng as soon as we have time. “

Duan Fu agreed and left on his own.

Juesheng and Qizhi were also about to go back to the Sutra Pavilion, and when they turned around, they saw their senior standing on the steps watching them, but as soon as they ran over, the senior went down the steps on their own.


Looking ahead, Lin Chengyou asked casually, “What is Teng Yuyi looking for from you?”

Juesheng and Qizhi whispered what happened just now.

“Is there something important to tell me?”

“That’s what you said, and you can only know it when you see it in person. You also said that it’s best to tell senior brother tonight, but there are too many people in the temple, so we can only tell you.”

Lin Chengyou thought to himself, since it’s an urgent matter, wouldn’t Teng Yuyi be afraid that Juesheng and Qizhi missed a few words when telling them?

But her worries are not unreasonable, there are many people living in the temple now, if she meets him privately, who knows what troubles will be caused.

“Where does she live?”

“Li Baixuan in the east wing.” Qi Zhi was surprised, “Brother, are you going to see Mrs. Teng?”

How is it possible? This is Dayin Temple, Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi are only nine years old, it doesn’t matter if they walk around in the temple, if it’s for him to see Teng Yuyi, it would take a lot of effort for him to clean all the eyes and ears around him.

“Just tell me when the time comes. Remember to go to Teng Yuyi as soon as possible. Also, you’d better memorize what she said, don’t miss a single word.” Lin Chengyou said, “By the way, you can have dinner with her.” Let’s eat with Master Mingtong and the others, and the senior brother will not help you with food.”

Juesheng and Qizhi sighed.

After saying this, Lin Chengyou went to find Abbot Yuanjue.

Abbot Yuanjue’s meditation room is located in the west courtyard of the temple. There are flower docks and medicine beds in the courtyard. Next, accidentally saw Teng Shao in the meditation room.

The window of the meditation room is wide open, and a burner of incense is quietly burning on the torreya table by the window. Teng Shao and Abbot Yuanjue are sitting opposite each other on the mat in front of the window, and the two seem to have had a long conversation .

The setting sun at dusk peeked into the window casement, enveloping their bodies in an orange halo.

Teng Shao’s voice floated out of the window intermittently.

“Since I accidentally drowned on the way back to Chang’an, my little girl has frequently bumped into evil spirits. Not only that, she often has nightmares at night. If it is said that she is haunted by evil spirits, but according to Shizi and the five priests of Dongming Temple, she did not see it. Something is wrong. This matter is too unusual to say, and Teng is very worried… Abbot, don’t laugh, this child lost his love at the age of five, and he has no brothers or sisters around him. He has been alone all these years, and Teng feels that he owes this child A lot…”

Lin Chengyou paused, he didn’t want to hear these words, but his ears were so sharp, could it be that Teng Yuyi was still having nightmares at night? With the Xiaoya sword to suppress evil, logically, it wouldn’t be like this…

Speaking of which, it seems that Teng Yuyi seldom mentions her grandpa before others. She lost her mother at the age of five, so she should have a deep relationship with grandpa. She doesn’t often mention her grandpa, is it because Teng Shao is rarely in the house…

Just thinking wildly, the monks under the eaves saw Lin Chengyou, bowed and said: “My son.”

Teng Shao’s expression moved slightly, and he immediately turned his head to look out the window. With a glance, he got up from the seat and strode towards Lin Chengyou.

“Teng has heard from his subordinates that the little girl was taken away by that evil thing today, and it is all up to the son to save her—”

He stalked like the wind, with a sincere tone, and when he approached him while speaking, Natou was going to perform a “shouting” ceremony.

Although Lin Chengyou didn’t have much acquaintance with Teng Shao, he was very familiar with him. In the temple, Teng Shao was the heart of the emperor. On the battlefield, this man was a mighty general. Even in terms of seniority, Teng Shao is a well-deserved senior.

This kind of gift is really too grand. He raised his arms, held Teng Shao’s arm firmly, and said with a smile: “General Teng is serious. I have been taught by my parents and master since I was a child, and I have already defeated demons.” The devil regards it as a matter of duty. Today, the evil spirit endangers the people of Chang’an. We can stand by and watch. General Teng does not need to be polite. In other words, thanks to Abbot Yuanjue who arrived in time today, otherwise the strength of the younger generation alone would not be enough Resist such demons.”

Teng Shao’s expression was extremely solemn: “Your Majesty is too humble. The last time my little girl was entangled by those two monsters, it was all thanks to my Majesty’s strategizing. If it wasn’t for my Majesty’s wise plan, how could I eradicate such difficult demons smoothly? Teng Shao had long wanted to repay his kindness, but he never found an opportunity. This time he was rescued by his son again, this kindness is like a new creation, but it will be useful to Teng in the future, and Teng is willing to do his best.”

Teng Shao is a deep and dignified person, and rarely expresses his happiness or anger on his face, but when he said these words, his gratitude was beyond words, and it can be seen that the words came from the heart.

Lin Chengyou refused to accept the gift, and besides feeling that it was unnecessary, he also had a strange feeling in his heart. He and Teng Yuyi are already acquaintances, how could he ask his friend’s grandpa to give him such a big gift.

Teng Shao insisted on prostrating. At this time, Abbot Yuanjue brushed the chessboard with his wide sleeves, and said with a smile, “Your’s teacher taught him these skills, and the original intention was to help him uphold the good and eliminate the evil. He can do it many times.” Rescuing Ling Ai is because of a predestined relationship in the dark. General Teng doesn’t need to be too polite, don’t let the junior down.”

Abbot Yuanjue spoke, but Lin Chengyou refused to let go, so Teng Shao had to give up for the time being, thinking to himself, the abbot’s so-called “self-destined fate in the dark”, could it be that Ayu’s life should not be terminated.

When Lin Chengyou stepped forward to salute the abbot, he also returned to the table and sat down. In addition to being grateful, he also secretly admired Lin Chengyou’s high internal strength. Lin Chengyou is the eldest son of King Cheng, and he just turned eighteen this year. Inner strength, in addition to being taught orally by a famous teacher since childhood, the talent should also be far superior to ordinary people. Such a talent from the sky was secretly plotted against by a soldier.

After Yu’er was honest with him last night, he made up his mind overnight. When he got up early this morning, he rushed back to Xiying and asked his confidants to act in secret. He will pay attention to the people around his son, but after all, this incident happened three years later, and that person is a soldier in the army, how can he find out who it is in advance.

Once time passes, it is inevitable to take it lightly.

Do you want to remind Lin Chengyou face to face now?

But even if Lin Chengyou is used to seeing gods and ghosts, how can he believe in a dream of others? Before my daughter came to Chang’an, she had never had any contact with Lin Chengyou. She suddenly dreamed of Lin Chengyou, which was unbelievable. If the words were inappropriate, it would be bad if there was any misunderstanding.

Abbot Yuanjue remembered the topic just now: “General Teng, the matter of Ling Ai—”

Lin Chengyou said with a smile: “It’s not a coincidence for the younger generation to come. General Teng will wait for a while, and the younger generation will leave after a few words with the abbot.”

As he spoke, he walked to the desk beside him, and sat down in his robe.

Teng Shao had already figured out how to remind Lin Chengyou, and said, “It’s okay. When we dealt with the two monsters last time, the prince probably heard about it. Abbot, Teng knows nothing about the ghosts, and the little girl is suddenly haunted by evil spirits.” , Could it be related to her drowning?”

Lin Chengyou flipped through a scripture casually, and when he heard this, his hand paused.

Abbot Yuanjue pondered for a moment: “Do you still remember where Ling Ai fell into the water?”

Teng Shao was taken aback. Although he had investigated this matter a long time ago, he never thought that it would have anything to do with his daughter’s abnormality.

“The little girl drowned in the water on the way to Chang’an. At that time, there was a Buddhist temple on the bank called Bodhi Temple…”

Speaking of this, Teng Shao’s face darkened. When he returned to Yangzhou with Hui Niang, he passed by this Buddhist temple. At that time, Ayu was already four years old, but for some reason, Hui Niang always With many worries, Ayu is lively and active. After staying in the cabin for a long time, she was bored, so she ran around on the deck. Niang Hui took Ayu back to the cabin to teach her daughter to study… Seeing the plum blossoms in the temple are in full bloom, Niang Hui was heartbroken. Huanxi, told him to go to the temple to enjoy flowers and incense.

It was rare to see his wife showing such interest, so he immediately ordered the boat to berth ashore. At night, Hui Niang whispered in his ear that she made a wish in front of the Buddha while drawing lots. He smiled and asked what it was, but Hui Niang smiled and didn’t say anything. She just raised one hand and gently pressed it against his face. , that tenderness like water is still vivid and palpable.

Teng Shao shook his head. Only one year after that incident, Hui Niang died of illness. He was devastated every day, and everything about this Buddhist temple gradually faded in his memory. It wasn’t because of Ayu’s drowning that Cheng An and others investigated carefully, and he didn’t know that his daughter drowned near that Buddhist temple.

According to Cheng An and Duan Fu, Ayu also wanted to go ashore to play after seeing the plum blossoms in the Buddhist temple that day. Yu’er picked it up.

After this incident happened, although for a moment, he wishfully believed that it was Hui Niang who was protecting Yu’er under the spring, but as long as he calmed down, he knew that everything was just a coincidence.

He gave a detailed account of what happened that day.

Yuan Jue asked again: “I heard that Ling Ai suddenly got a spirit sword, did you get it on the way back to Chang’an?”

Teng Shao nodded: “That’s exactly what I got.”

I remember that day when Duan Fu and Cheng Bo had just picked Ayu up from the water, they found that Yu’er was holding a sword tightly in her hand.

Duan Fu and Cheng Bo thought the sword was ominous, so they threw the sword back into the water on their own initiative, but as soon as the sword left their hands, Yu’er started to have a high fever, and she kept screaming during the day, as if she was haunted by a nightmare.

The old nuns on the boat were all terrified in the cabin, saying that all the evil spirits around them seemed to be attracted to the boat at once, and ghosts could be seen coming and going in and out of the cabin in broad daylight.

Cheng Bo saw a lot of strange things in the army in his early years. After discussing with several senior officers, he had no choice but to drive the boat back to the original place and let Duanfu, who was the best in water, go into the water to retrieve the sword. The strange thing is that , the boat had traveled several miles, but Duanfu caught the sword as soon as he got out of the water, as if the sword had been waiting for them in the water.

As soon as the sword came back, the ghosts on the boat disappeared, and my daughter’s high fever subsided.

At night, people are completely safe.

Lin Chengyou felt a little strange. It turned out that Xiaoya Sword came from this way. Teng Yuyi must also think that this sword came from strangely. .

Yuanjue said: “If it comes, it will be safe. It is absolutely impossible for such an ancient artifact to choose its owner at will. Since it recognizes Lingmei as its owner, it has its own reasons.”

Teng Shao was stunned: “The abbot is right.”

“As for why Ling Ai has been haunted by injustice recently…” Abbot Yuanjue was silent for a moment, “With the humble eyes of the old monk, I can’t figure out the reason. I just heard General Teng talk about Ling Ai’s birth date, and her fate does not seem to be able to die well. People…”

As soon as these words came out, Teng Shao and Lin Chengyou changed their expressions at the same time.

Teng Shao lost his voice: “How do you say that?”

Abbot Yuanjue watched Teng Shao calmly: “Ling Ai was born to bring disaster. Judging from Ling Ai’s recent experience, it seems that she has reached the age of the disaster. But I look at Ling Ai’s face, and I don’t look like a person with poor fortune. , why there will be a catastrophe in the fate grid, the old monk is also very puzzled. According to the old monk, the destiny cannot be violated, and your wife only needs to act according to the fate… If you can meet someone who is destined, it may be able to help her through this catastrophe. A calendar will make Ai a long life.”

Teng Shao and Lin Chengyou came out of the meditation room, Teng Shao stood in front of the steps, watching the last slant of the setting sun in the sky disappearing into the dark vault, his heart seemed to be surging, and he couldn’t calm down for a moment.

“I am also very puzzled as to why Ling Ai suddenly appeared in fate.”

He pondered this sentence back and forth, and the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

Could it be with…

He didn’t dare to think deeply.

I can only try to comfort myself, since the abbot said “act according to fate”, Yu’er must be blessed, otherwise why would she have a small sword that can suppress evil after falling into the water out of thin air. This sword has a very good meaning, and it may help Yu’er avoid disasters.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly came to his mind, his daughter is so predestined with that Bodhi Temple, should he, as a father, go to the temple to offer incense? Hui Niang who made a wish in the temple.

Lin Chengyou seemed to be in a trance too, Teng Shao suppressed his worries, turned to Lin Chengyou and said, “Your Majesty, Teng has something to tell you.”

He told Lin Chengyou about the dream, but replaced the dreamer with himself.

Lin Chengyou’s expression became strange, let alone how absurd the content of the dream was, why did Teng Shao dream of him for no reason.

Of course Teng Shao couldn’t say that his daughter dreamed about Lin Chengyou, so he could only lie and say: “Your Majesty, don’t think this is absurd. Teng doesn’t often dream, but every time he dreams, it is very effective. If there is a treacherous person hidden around him, it can be said that it is impossible to guard against. It’s okay for the son to be careful.”

The more Lin Chengyou thought about it, the more weird it became. Teng Shao didn’t seem like someone who would take a strange dream to heart. Could there be some other reason for being so serious…

He thought for a while, and said seriously: “Thank you, General Teng, for reminding me, the younger generation will pay more attention.”

But I saw Duanfu walking towards me.

When he got close, Duan Fu first saluted Lin Chengyou respectfully, and then said to Teng Shao: “The lady wants to see the master.”

When Lin Chengyou saw this, he smiled and said: “General Teng, this junior will go first.”

As he walked, he thought, when Teng Yuyi ordered Duanfu to look for him just now, he also said that it was extremely important to see him in person, I don’t know that Juesheng and Qizhi can’t convey the whole story. If a few words were missed, wouldn’t it be a mistake.

Thinking this way, he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the East Wing. There are other young ladies living in the East Wing, so it would be too much trouble to see Teng Yuyi. Besides, Juesheng and Qizhi are grown up now, and they won’t be able to handle such things well.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the temple, another thought popped up in my head suddenly, that those who are extremely holy and abandon their wisdom may not be able to do it well. It’s ridiculous, besides, he was in a hurry to interrogate Zhuang Mu, so he had no time to care about such trifles, so he got on his horse and went to Dali Temple.


Tonight the moonlight is like silver, Teng Yuyi had people prepare the food and wine early, and sat at the stone table under the pear tree in Libaixuan, watching the moon with his elder sister while waiting for the news.

How can I wait and wait, but I didn’t wait for Grandpa, nor did I see Juesheng and Qizhi.

Grandpa said earlier that he wanted to find Abbot Yuanjue. Now that he is here today, he may still be talking to Abbot Yuanjue. Duanfu said that Juesheng and Qizhi are busy in the scripture storage pavilion, and I don’t know when they will be busy. Finish.

Suddenly heard movement from the Xuanpu Pavilion next door, and after a while, Chunrong entered the courtyard with a face full of surprise and said: “It’s strange, the two little priests have come here, and they turned to the next courtyard to find Li Sanniang Already.”

Du Tinglan felt puzzled: “Did the two priests go by themselves, or were people around Li Sanniang invited?”

“The Taoist priest went there by himself. I heard that Li Sanniang was going to return something. Mrs. Peng heard that the two Taoist priests were coming, and she also came out of the house. It seems like I want to keep two trail leaders for dinner.”

Bi Luo was listening, and said with a surprised smile: “The two Taoist priests are really welcome.”

“Then wait a little longer.” Teng Yuyi lowered her eyes and played with the wine cup in her hand, “I’ve been waiting for so long, so I’m not in a hurry.”

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