Capture the Jade:

At this time, the yamen servant came to answer and questioned the customers in the nearby shops. No one had seen a short and thin man with a figure similar to Zhuang Mu. He turned half of the West Market upside down, and the fetus was still missing. But, Lin Chengyou glanced outside the store, and the sky was full of sunset, so he had to say: “Let’s leave, the customers in the store have finished questioning, you can let them go.”

Looking at Juesheng and Qizhi, Teng Yuyi said at noon that he would take them to a good meal, but something like this happened, and it was getting dark, so it seemed that he could only fulfill the contract tomorrow.

She said to the two of them: “I have to go back to the mansion. I can’t treat you to eat delicious food today. If you are free tomorrow, come to Teng’s mansion early.”

Juesheng and Qizhi peeked at the senior brother, and the senior brother had no intention of objecting, so he hurriedly said: “Okay, we will go to find Mr. Wang tomorrow.”

Lin Chengyou drank half a cup of tea, got up and went straight to the spice shop next door with Yan Sizhi, another yamen servant came to block the door: “Lin Pingshi, there is a pair of twin girls on the opposite side who heard about the death of Mrs. Rong Anbo.” They were so frightened that they fainted. It is said that they ran into a ghost once in Onsugawa River last time, and after that, they became surprisingly timid. I saw it just now, and my face was as white as paper. Lin Pingshi knows Taoism. Don’t go and see for yourself.”

As soon as Teng Yuyi heard the description, she knew it was Peng Huayue and Peng Jinxiu, Juesheng and Qizhi hurriedly said: “This must be frightened, senior brother, you go to other things, let’s go and have a look. “

As soon as they left, Teng Yuyi asked Duanfu to hire a small cart, and got into the cart when they came out. There were many people in the ink studio opposite who knew Duanfu. Let people know that the yellow-faced boy just now is her Teng Yuyi.

The curtain was lowered here, and the ladies and young masters from Mozhai on the opposite side also came out one after another, surrounded by the guards from various prefectures who had heard the news. A group of people stood in front of the cart, pulling Juesheng and Qizhi and refusing to let go. Juesheng and Qizhi scratched their heads, seeming a bit embarrassed.

Teng Yuyi was curious, Lin Chengyou came out from the spice shop, Juesheng and Qizhi seemed to see the savior, separated from the crowd and ran over, whispering: “Senior brother, those little ladies insisted that we send them back home .”

But they wanted to go back with Mrs. Teng’s cart.

Hearing this, Teng Yuyi opened the window and looked out.

Lin Chengyou glanced at the fourth young master Wu and the others opposite him, got on his horse and said, “It’s been a bit uneasy recently, and they’re all afraid of it. If there’s another disturbance on the road, it’s hard to guarantee that you won’t be scared out of trouble. You guys will see you off along the way.” You can also send it.”

Juesheng and Qizhi: “What about the prince?”

“Isn’t there still Jiantian and Jianxi?”

Jiantian and Jianxi happened to come out of the wine shop, and when they heard this, they said with a smile: “It’s getting late, and the old Taoists are just hungry, Mr. Wang, we’ll take you back. The family entertained us for dinner.” Let’s go.”

Teng Yuyi said earnestly: “Hey, why did the Taoist priest say this? Wang has long wanted to treat the Taoist priest well. It is rare to have this opportunity. How can there be no reason not to entertain the Taoist priest? I am afraid that the Taoist priest will think the mansion is contemptible.” The food and drink are crude.”

Juesheng and Qizhi let go of their hearts and returned to the opposite side to **** the group of people to set off.

Teng Yuyi’s calf cart was also officially started. Jiantian and Jianxi each rode a small donkey to accompany the calf cart. The little donkey was short and thin, and walked as slowly as possible.

Teng Yuyi looked at the sky through the window, the sky was getting darker and darker, seeing Tian Jianxi’s slow speed, it might be dark when she returned home. She wasn’t worried about anything else, it was just that she had only seen the murderer in the afternoon, and the murderer knew magic tricks, so what if something happened halfway through.

Duan Fu also seemed to be very worried. He looked at Jiantian Jianxi’s donkey silently for a while, and broke the silence for the first time: “The villain is going to exchange two horses for the priests.”

Jiantian and Jianxi waved their hands: “No, no, our two little donkeys were raised in Guanli, and they are very clever. We are used to riding them, so we don’t want to ride some stupid horses.”

During this journey, it was already dark when we walked out of the West Market. Teng Yuyi talked to Erdao one after another, but secretly anxious. Lin Chengyou told her not to go out at night when he was setting up formations in the mansion last night. , who would have thought that such a thing happened today, it was Shu Liniang last night, so there won’t be any ghosts this time. Elder Sister is still waiting for her in the mansion, and she doesn’t know what to worry about.

Only hearing the sound of horseshoes approaching behind, someone drove the horse to catch up.

Teng Yuyi was vigilant, and quietly opened the window to see who it was, when he heard Tianhe say in surprise: “My son.”

Lin Chengyou reined in the reins and said with a smile, “The two seniors walked really slowly.”

“What’s the rush, anyway, Yanshoufang is not far from the West Market, just turn two streets and you’ll be there. Hey son, aren’t you going to Dali Temple? It’s not in this direction either.”

Lin Chengyou said: “Coincidentally, I happen to be going to Buzhengfang to do something.”

Jiantian and Jianxi clapped their hands: “Isn’t that just the right way.”

Teng Yuyi’s hanging heart fell to the ground, and Lin Chengyou was much more reliable than seeing happiness when he saw the sky.

Jiantian and Jianxi used to talk a lot, and with the addition of Lin Chengyou, the chatterbox became even more uncontrollable: “Young Master Wang chatted with us just now, saying that the cook in their mansion is good at knives, and the slices are delicious. As thin as a snowflake, it will melt in the mouth.”

Lin Chengyou snorted.

There are at least a dozen cooks in the palace and in Prince Cheng’s residence, but he had eaten dim sum made by the Teng family’s cook that night, and his cooking skills were indeed not bad.

“Speaking of which, in addition to fresh fish and meat, the dim sum in Jiangnan is also more delicate than that in the north, but Mr. Wang said that the best dim sum in Jiangnan is the flower cake made by herself. Poor Dao listened I don’t believe it, and the prince doesn’t believe that the prince can make dim sum.”

Lin Chengyou didn’t take over, so Teng Yuyi would make dim sum by himself? Not likely. It’s not that he doesn’t believe that she can’t learn it, but he bets that she doesn’t have the patience, but when he thinks of her quiet and elegant “Tan Shangyue”, he feels a little uncertain again. She has the patience to take so much for the little red horse. Name, it’s not uncommon to make a snack when you are free, but I don’t know who has eaten the snacks she made, maybe only her grandfather and aunt.

Teng Yuyi had already dozed off in the car. She didn’t sleep well last night, and she was frightened again today. Strings, listening to the voices of outsiders at this time, the taut strings unknowingly relaxed.

When one relaxes, one soon falls asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I heard someone knocking on the window wall outside, Teng Yuyi was startled, and suddenly opened her eyes.

Someone outside said: “My lord, are you awake?”

It’s Cheng Bo’s voice.

Looks like he’s home, Teng Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his eyelids, sat up straight and straightened his head and robe.

Getting out of the car and looking around, I saw Lin Chengyou leaning against the horse with his arms folded, as if he had been waiting for a while.

Jiantian and Jianxi laughed and said, “Did Mr. Wang fall asleep in the car?”

Teng Yuyi cleared her throat in embarrassment, and said to Cheng Bo: “There are distinguished guests in the house tonight, hurry up and prepare the banquet.”

Cheng Bo agreed.

Teng Yuyi walked in front of Lin Chengyou again, smiled and bowed and said: “My lord, please stay and have a meal.”

Lin Chengyou glanced at her, the ashes on her face had been wiped off all the way, her face was puffy, her eyes were as clean as washed grapes, don’t worry, she must have slept well in the car all the way. Strange to say, he wasn’t hungry at first, but after hearing Teng Yuyi’s words, he suddenly became hungry. The food in Teng’s mansion is not bad, so it’s okay to stay for a light meal, but unfortunately there are too many things to do tonight.

“Thanks, I still have important things to do.” He got on his horse, “Remember what I said, don’t run around at night.”

“Hey.” Teng Yuyi nodded.

Lin Chengyou drove his horse out of Rongle Lane in front of Tengfu Gate, turned his horse’s head and headed towards Dali Temple.

Teng Yuyi led Jiantian and Jianxi into the mansion, and suddenly heard the sound of a large number of horseshoes at the end of the alley, looking back in surprise, it was Teng Shao who came back with his personal guards.

Cheng Bo was both surprised and delighted: “Master is back.”

Teng Yuyi looked at Grandpa suspiciously. In the morning, Uncle Cheng also said that Grandpa would not be back until midnight, but he would be back in the evening. Looking at Grandpa again, his uniform (Note 1) was covered with wind and dust, and the emerald mud under the mount was even more filthy. Except for the urgent situation of the army, she rarely saw Grandpa rushing on the road like this.

What is the rush…

She remembered that she only learned the news of Wu Yingying’s return to Chang’an in the afternoon, and her complexion suddenly became complicated. She just stood on the steps like that, watching Grandpa approaching without moving.

Teng Shao had seen the old Taoist priest and the young master at the door a long time ago. The old Taoist priest had dealt with him last time. changed.

Teng Shao knew there was something wrong, and if nothing else, just his daughter’s outfit was strange enough. He got off the horse calmly, and threw the whip to his followers: “Masters, don’t come here without any harm.”

Jiantian and Jianxi returned the salute in a serious manner, but Teng Shao is a well-known **** of war, no matter how gentle his face is, the chilling aura on his body can make people shudder.

“General Teng, I’m going to come to the mansion to disturb you tonight.”

“It’s an honor, please come in quickly.” Teng Shao personally led Jiantian and Jianxi into the house, and Teng Yuyi shook his clothes and followed into the mansion.

Teng Shao entertained Jiantian and Jianxi in the middle hall, while Teng Yuyi went back to the inner courtyard to take a bath and change clothes.

When Jiantian and Jianxi were full of wine and food and left, Teng Yuyi had already told Du Tinglan everything about the afternoon.

“Specially killing pregnant women?” Du Tinglan’s face turned pale when he heard that.

Teng Yuyi nodded, ate up the jade clay pot in the bowl, and asked Chunrong to take the food away.

“However, it is not known whether it was made by a human or a demon.”

“So that ghost last night has nothing to do with Lu Zhaoan?”

Teng Yuyi shook her head: “I don’t know yet. The real culprit has not been arrested yet, everything is just speculation.”

At this time, Cheng Bo came over: “My lady, the master asked you to meet him in the study.”

Teng Yuyi hummed, and followed Cheng Bo to the study.

The servants lead the way, and the lantern moves forward slowly in the dark night. The round and bright light outline is like a string of beads in the hands of a beautiful woman. Uncle Cheng was not aware of the big and small matters in Chang’an City. After all, Wu Yingying was the concubine of King Xinchang of the Nanzhao Kingdom. It was impossible for Uncle Cheng not to know about her return to Chang’an.

Cheng Bo told Grandpa about this, so Grandpa made the extra journey to come back.

When passing by the courtyard, Teng Yuyi looked in through the open study window. Grandpa stood in front of the table, as if in a trance, his eyes were on the official letter in his hand, but his eyes did not move.

“Master, the lady is here.”

Teng Yuyi entered the room: “Grandpa.”

“Sit down, Grandpa has something to ask you.” Teng Shao’s face was a little tired, but when he saw his daughter coming in, his eyes brightened a little.

Teng Yuyi glanced at the sachet on Grandpa’s waist. In her memory, Grandpa had never taken off the sachet, so it would not fall into the hands of others. The exact same “Yuyanhualuo”, such a complicated prescription, can only be matched accurately after seeing the spices in the sachet.

She looked away lightly, and sat down on the low couch as she said.

“I heard that Prince Cheng went to the mansion last night to set up a battle?”

Teng Yuyi paused, but he didn’t expect Grandpa to ask this matter first.

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