Capture the Jade:

Teng Yu expected that Lin Chengyou would not teach her swordsmanship, so he didn’t find it strange at all when he heard this, so he said coldly: “Masters, if you keep dragging, it will be dark.”

Wudao has long seen that Lin Chengyou is not easy to manipulate, unless he wants to, no one else can instigate him, Teng Yuyi is not easy to mess with, blindly playing tricks will definitely offend the two of them, based on the temperament of these two, no matter who they offend, it is not right Good thing, Jiantian snorted embarrassingly, and waved to Jianle and Jianxi behind him: “Teach me.”

Jian Le and Jian Xi hummed and drew their swords: “Young Master Wang, you have seen the third move clearly!”

Seeing that Tian stayed where he was, he smiled at Lin Chengyou and said, “Earlier, the yamen servant said that even we had to be grounded, which shocked the poor Dao. Fortunately, the son has other arrangements.”

Lin Chengyou: “I said there are other arrangements, not that seniors don’t have to confine your feet in the room, but give you another place to confine your feet.”

Wu Dao suddenly exploded: “My son, what do you mean? You suspect that we are murderers? Don’t forget that we were temporarily caught by you to catch demons!”

Lin Chengyou rubbed his ears, it was so noisy. He usually dislikes the noise of Jue Sheng and Abandoned Wisdom.

He calmly said: “Can someone listen to the conversation first? Everyone in the building last night is suspicious. The restraint is not only to find out the clues as soon as possible, but also to protect everyone. Long.

Wu Dao is dubious: “Protect us?”

Lin Chengyou glanced at Teng Yuyi who was not far away: “Didn’t the prince make a sound analysis just now, the murderer may still kill people in the building, if everyone in the building is not restrained, the murderer can also freely in the building Walking around, if you can’t help yourself, no one knows who will be killed next.”

Remembering Yao Huang’s death, Wu Dao couldn’t help shivering: “We have no grievances with the murderer in the past, and we have no vengeance in the present. There must be a reason for killing people.”

Lin Chengyou raised his voice: “Foot restraint, that is, these two days, at the latest tomorrow evening, I will send people from Caifeng Tower to the Sad Field Rehabilitation Workshop of Dayin Temple. They will take care of it, and we will be the only ones in the Caifeng Building, so we can move around freely, and I will order them to move back after the demons are collected here.”

Juesheng and Qizhi were surprised: “Senior brother, why is this?”

Jian Tiandao: “I think the Caifeng Building will be in chaos soon. Once your brothers are busy catching monsters, you won’t be able to pay attention to the strange behavior of the people in the building. He doesn’t want the murderer to take advantage of the chaos to harm others. We can only send the prostitutes out first.”

“Then why don’t you send the prince and the others away? There are only three preys of the corpse evil, but there are hundreds of people in the Caifeng Tower. Let’s just remove the three of them. We only need to go together to protect each other.”

Lin Chengyou raised his head to study the sky: “There are formations inside and outside the Caifeng Building, and even the formations to suppress the two monsters are ready-made. Juesheng and Qizhi have been cleaned up last night. Where can I find them again?” A place to catch monsters? Anyway, General Teng and the Du family are currently taking refuge in Dayin Temple, so it’s better to send the prostitutes from Caifenglou there, and the monks from Dayin Temple will take care of them, so that we won’t be distracted.”

“Should we let the prostitutes move tomorrow evening? Is it too urgent?”

“If it wasn’t hard to find a place to accommodate hundreds of people, I wish they would move tonight.” Lin Chengyou pointed to the sky above his head, “Seniors, look up at the sky.”

Wudao looked up and his face became stiff immediately. Out of curiosity, Teng Yu also cast his gaze over it. It should have been daytime, but at this time there was a lone star rising in the sky. The haze was thick and stretched for thousands of miles. Not to the end. Although she doesn’t understand astronomical phenomena, she also feels that the lone star appears abruptly, and the dark clouds are surrounded by shining golden borders, rushing towards the lone star inch by inch.

Jianxian stared at the sky: “Look at that cloud, does it look like—”

Lin Chengyou: “That’s right, it’s the Nine and Three Lines.”

A look of panic flashed across all five faces: “Nine three lines? This line is a yang line but surrounded by shadows, which is a sign of great evil (Note 1). Oh, the old man understands, so what? It’s a lone star, it’s obviously a monster, but it’s pretty good, where did the big monster come from?”

Lin Chengyou’s face became a little more serious: “A few days ago, the reason why there was no incident inside and outside Chang’an City was because the two monsters were recuperating from their injuries. , the evil spirit can actually go straight to Xiaohan, it can be seen that the skill of the golden man has increased a lot.”

Seeing the fairy trembling with fear: “That’s not right, the corpse is an immortal body, that’s all. Bird monsters don’t have this ability. Last time, the young man in golden clothes was bleeding profusely after being shot by his senior brother’s gold bar. If you keep your life, you will lose your skills.”

Jianxi tugged his beard distractedly: “It means that we guessed correctly before, the two monsters are practicing some kind of secret technique together. The young man in golden clothes can borrow the evil power of the corpse, and the corpse also relies on the golden clothes The place of the young master, so after the serious injury of the young master in golden clothes, the demon power did not weaken, but increased a lot.”

Lin Chengyou glanced left and right: “Seniors understand now? I don’t have time to let you drink and have fun now. Before, I was only useless as a golden man. When I was setting up the formation, I focused on dealing with corpses. Now It seems that the Nine Heavens Subduing Demon Formation is far from enough, because this formation suppresses evil but does not control demons.”

When all the Taoists heard about it, they had already left the matter of teaching Teng Yuyi’s swordsmanship out of the blue, and surrounded Lin Chengyou in a hurry, discussing the solution.

Teng Yuyi couldn’t see that she couldn’t finish her studies, so she had to go back to the pavilion and wait patiently. She thought that Lin Chengyou’s side had already won the victory, but she didn’t know that there was another accident. However, the more I listened, the more confused my heart became. As long as she thinks that the corpse sees her as prey, she can’t stay out of it.

Wu Dao has always been unreliable, Lin Chengyou—Teng Yuyi admitted that he has first-class skills in catching monsters, but this time he didn’t know why he didn’t speak up, and who knows what crooked ideas he was playing, something really went wrong. One unlucky one is her Teng Yuyi.

She silently observed the crowd through the rim of the glass. Although she did not open her mouth, her eyes were shining brightly. Finally, she blinked her slender eyelashes, put down the glass and said, “I understand now. The law can only trap the evil corpse, but it cannot prevent the pair of wings of the young man in gold. If so, why not divide and conquer?”

All Taoists turned their gazes over in unison: “Divide and conquer?”

Teng Yuyi said sternly: “Although the two monsters are working together, their nature of harming people will not change. When they meet what they want, the two monsters will inevitably be distracted. Humans also have their own quirks. That being the case, why not use prey to lure them away when they enter the Caifeng Tower, if you can get rid of one monster first, the other monster will be much easier to deal with.”

Jiantian thought and nodded: “Although the words are correct, there is a disadvantage in doing so. It is to divide the manpower into two groups, one group traps the corpse evil, and the other group besieges the young man in golden clothes. After a few rounds, the Dao power will be correspondingly insufficient, let alone defeating the two monsters separately, we will only die faster.”

Juesheng Qizhi hastily asked: “Brother, can you recruit some more manpower from other Taoist temples?”

Lin Chengyou said: “I can’t smoke it. In order to prevent the two monsters from harming the people, Taoist priests from various Taoist temples and monks from Dayin Temple have been patrolling the streets and alleys day and night recently, but they only care about the inside of the city, but they don’t care about the outside of the city. Now, if more people are brought in, the city will be even more overwhelmed.”

It seems that this method will not work, but Teng Yuyi said again: “I haven’t finished my words yet. To divide and conquer, it may not necessarily be divided into two groups. You have forgotten that although the corpse evil has boundless evil power, but There is also a fatal weakness. As long as you use this weakness to trap the corpse first, will you be able to free up your hands and concentrate on dealing with the young man in gold?”

Lin Chengyou then looked up at Teng Yuyi.

He smiled and asked: “According to the prince’s opinion, how to trap the corpse evil?”

Teng Yuyi said: “Several masters said last time that corpses like to destroy people and souls together. Before cutting out the heart, they often make their prey miserable. When confusing Juanerli, it pretended to be Juanerli When dealing with me, it pretended to be my aunt… Now there are three prey, when it breaks into Caifeng Tower, even it can’t predict which one it will meet first, but it won’t Give up this torture trick, guess what it will do?”

Qizhi was stunned: “It will temporarily change its appearance?”

Teng Yuyi shook her head slowly: “Last time, it went to the room to steal my mother’s clothes to hurt me. It can be seen that it can’t change its appearance. It only disturbs the prey’s mind. I even need to make some changes in the clothes. Perhaps because of this, it stole several clothes from my mother.”

Jianle’s face brightened: “My lord, I understand what you mean. If the corpse is not prepared enough, it will not be able to use illusions to torture its prey into a distracted mind. This is what it can’t stand. So this This time, for the sake of authenticity, it may bring these stolen clothes with it.”

Teng Yuyi hummed: “I guess it will dress up in advance in order to succeed in one blow. As for who it is the first to attack, you can know from the dress when the corpse shows up. If it is a barbarian Dressing up, probably the first key point is Juerli, if you pretend to be my mother, it’s for me—”

Lin Chengyou listened very seriously. Teng Yuyi is not usually willing to give ideas enthusiastically. Today, he changed his normal routine. Maybe it is because he is afraid that he will not be able to deal with the second monster. Heh, are there any monsters in this world that he can’t subdue?

Jianxi rubbed his hands excitedly: “Young Master Wang is right, it’s easy to know who it will hurt first, we have ‘Jiexie Dazhu’, just let that person wait in the formation in advance It is not difficult to introduce the corpse evil into it, and once the corpse evil is trapped, you can concentrate on dealing with the golden man, and then the battle will be resolved quickly, and the two monsters will not be given a chance to join forces.”

Qizhi scratched his head: “But this is not right, the corpse moves so fast, even if you can see its dress clearly, it can’t deliver the message in time, and if you are a little later, you won’t be able to bring the first prey with you.” It’s time to kill the evil and wait for the corpse to take the bait.”

Lin Chengyou took out a few arrow-like objects from his bosom: “These two arrows sound differently. If there is only one sound, it means that the corpse is wearing the clothes of a barbarian. Don’t delay, take the arrows out immediately. Take it to the center of the big wish of killing evil. If there are two rings, it means that the corpse is wearing Mrs. Teng’s clothes that she stole from Teng’s mansion last time. Bring in the corpse evil, this formation is enough for you to delay for a while, and then I will deal with the young man in gold.”

The Taoists snatched the firecrackers: “Oh, it turns out that the prince has a countermeasure, why didn’t he say it earlier?”

Lin Chengyou is not ashamed: “There was something wrong last night, and the original plan has also changed. Let’s not mention this, there are already a dozen golden nets planted inside and outside the wall. These things can’t trap corpses, but It can be broken into flesh and blood. In order not to suffer from pain, the corpse will definitely avoid the place where the golden net is buried. The only place inside and outside the Caifeng Tower that is not buried with the golden net is under this tree—”

Lin Chengyou pointed forward, and Teng Yuyi looked at it. It was the locust tree where Lin Chengyou was lying when she was practicing last night. It seems that his sneaking up in the tree last night was not just to follow Ge Jin.

Lin Chengyou walked under the tree and looked up with his hands behind his back. The pale golden spring light fell from the leaves, casting a soft light on his face: “At that time, the corpse will definitely break into the Caifeng Tower from here.” , I will wait on the tree in advance, as soon as the corpse shows up, I will immediately release the command arrow.”

Qizhi has always been careful, seeing that there are only two firecrackers, he couldn’t help but ask: “Senior brother, did you miss a firecracker? Where is Mrs. Gejin, did you make three rings?”

The stinky boy is a bit more mature, and he knows that he missed one. Lin Chengyou touched Qizhi’s head to express his encouragement, and then he took out a firecracker from his arms and said to Wu Dao: “This is what I said about the accident. Originally, the three beeps meant Gejin, but it’s no longer possible.” , if you hear three beeps, don’t touch Gejin, and bring Juan’erli and Lady Teng to the Juxie Dazhu.”

Juesheng wondered: “Why is this?”

Lin Chengyou knocked Juesheng on the head: “Think about it, no matter what Gejin’s inner demons were before, after what happened last night, they would have been replaced by Yao Huang and Qingzhi who disfigured her.” The two sisters are gone, Shixie hasn’t seen Gejin for a while, and he didn’t know this when he came, but with his ability to spy on people’s hearts, as soon as he meets Gejin, he will know that the original illusion will not work, unless it temporarily Pretend to be Yao Huang or Qingzhi, whom Gejin hates the most, but it is easy to miss if you are not prepared enough, it is far easier to change the target directly.”

Jiantian frowned: “Then will it attack Lady Teng instead, or go for Juanerli?”

“I can’t guess this, just bring the two into the formation together.”

Wu Dao was stunned: “Two together? Shixie knew we were setting up a trap at a glance, so he wouldn’t go into the formation at all.”

Lin Chengyou answered very firmly: “No, the corpse will definitely be fooled.”

Juesheng and Qizhi were surprised: “Why?”

“How many times have you fought with the corpse, don’t you know the habits of this thing? It likes to play with people’s hearts and control everything. If you are really angry, it will be difficult to concentrate on using evil power.”

“I understand.” Jianxi turned his head to look at the senior brothers beside him, “It can’t spy on people’s hearts when its evil power is low, and when that happens, Lady Teng and Juan’erli pretend to be panicked and run into the formation , the corpse evil can’t tell the truth and can only be fooled, we start the battle while its evil power has not recovered, are we afraid that it will escape?”

The frustration on everyone’s face was swept away: “This can be regarded as a way of repaying oneself.”

While speaking, Wu Dao was convinced by the arrogant young man in front of him, and unconsciously formed a tight circle with Lin Chengyou as the center.

Teng Yuyi pursed her lips secretly. Lin Chengyou didn’t bother to say a word before, why did he suddenly go on and on?

However, she had to admit that after hearing this arrangement, she felt a lot more at ease. Although Lin Chengyou always had the face of “I am the best in the world”, but in an inadvertent moment, people would have a kind of other The illusion of being able to support the sky.

Jiantian was happy for a while, and suddenly said: “My lord, after talking for a long time, I only talked about how to lure the corpse away from the young man in golden clothes, so what about young man in golden clothes?”

Lin Chengyou smiled when he heard the words: “It? It doesn’t need to be too much trouble, just roast the bird.”


“The bird demon belongs to gold, and fire can overcome gold. Its wings are not afraid of anything else, but fire is the most fearful.

When I saw the sky, I suddenly realized: “My son, is he going to burn the golden clothed young man with the nine-day fire ring?”

Jian Xi and the others looked at each other, the Nine Heavens Fire Ring is not a formation, but a ritual to ask the fire refining **** to ask the Samadhi real fire talisman. When setting up the altar, a Taoist priest with high mana needs to cooperate. One person performs the ritual, and the other protects the Dharma. Good luck In other words, one hour is enough, if you are unlucky, it will take at least seven or eight hours.

No wonder Lin Chengyou said that the feet should be grounded in another place. He originally meant the garden. The two people who set up the altar must stay here all the time, so there is no time to wander around.

Wu Dao was stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered the matter of teaching Teng Yuyi swordsmanship. After removing two at once, wouldn’t the remaining three be exhausted?

“Prince Wang, that, look…”

Unexpectedly, Teng Yuyi counted with her fingers: “After two people left, there are only three masters left to teach me swordsmanship. Alas, this time is even more difficult. I only learned two moves, and there are thirty-four moves left.” I haven’t learned, but I am not afraid of getting tired after drinking the Huoyu Linggen Decoction, but I am afraid that the three Taoist priests will not be able to bear it.”

When it came to this point, Wu Dao couldn’t hold back a single sentence, because the heat and shame were stuck in his throat, blocking them back to the next sentence.

They are all good at martial arts, but Teng Yuyi has never learned kung fu for a day. They can take turns to rest, but Teng Yuyi needs to learn from beginning to end alone. Even Teng Yuyi wasn’t too tired, but they quit because they were too tired. Are they admitting that they are incompetent, or that they are going back on their word?

Jiantian, as the elder brother among the five, took the lead in raising his face: “What are you talking about, Mr. Wang? Isn’t it just a set of brown swordsmanship? Let’s just watch it, don’t say that three people will teach you , even one person can teach you.”

Teng Yuyi smiled and nodded, this is not too bad.

She glanced at Lin Chengyou from the corner of her eyes and found that he was looking at her with a smirk. She looked back at Lin Chengyou inquiringly for a while, and then relaxed after making sure that he had no intention of interfering.

“Jianxi, Jianle, you go to set up a sacrificial offering.” Jiantian drew his sword out of its sheath, “My lord, I don’t have time to teach the remaining moves slowly. You need to learn them once. Young Master, watch carefully!”

Teng Yuyi responded loudly, but unexpectedly, just after he had learned half a trick, two government servants came over, and they didn’t speak after they came, they just stood aside from a distance.

Cheng Bo went up to talk with a smile, and returned after a while: “It is said that he is ordered by the son to protect the people in the garden.”

Seeing the joy, he said, “Did you see it? Did you see it? Lin Chengyou, a brat, said he wanted to protect us, but he still had doubts in his heart. He seemed to be treating us like murderers!”

Jiantian waved his hand: “Actually, I can’t blame him. I would be suspicious too. On the day Qingzhi’s body was found, there was clearly something wrong around the well. If Qingzhi was killed by some unorthodox sorcery , besides us, who else in this building knows how to do it?”


Lin Chengyou did not go back directly to the front building, but went to Yiyuxuan and Hongxiangyuan first, and saw that the prostitutes and fake mothers in the two places were all closed, and there were two guards in each of the corridors , and went straight to Qingzhi’s room.

Qingzhi lived in a row of unremarkable side rooms on the west side of Yiyuxuan. There were four maidservants in one room. After Qingzhi’s accident, the other three also moved to other places.

Lin Chengyou let Juesheng and Qizhi wait outside the door, and went into the room by himself. In fact, he had come to search several times before, and now he could tell the furnishings in the room with his eyes closed.

In addition to the four bearded beds, there is nothing decently furnished in the room. Qingzhi’s bed is on the south side of the innermost side, and the beds are separated by dusty coarse cloth curtains. Because there are no windows, the corners are a bit dark.

Lin Chengyou squatted down and groped under the bed board. After feeling for a while, he turned on the fire folder, and inspected the bed board by the light of the fire.

Juesheng looked around curiously outside: “Senior brother, last time you suddenly used Yuhu to test the actors in the building, is it because you saw that Qingzhi was killed by sorcery? Senior brother, did you mistakenly think Was it made by the puppet of the corpse evil?”

Lin Chengyou’s eyes moved under the bed, “I thought so, but firstly, I tried all the actors in the building, and no one showed signs of being possessed. Secondly, judging from Yao Huang’s death, Qingzhi was He was deliberately killed. This matter has nothing to do with the corpse, and the murderer is clearly a living person who knows sorcery.”

The backs of Juesheng and Qizhi felt chills.

Juesheng said with a pale face: “Qizhi and I would rather believe that the puppet was manipulated by the corpse evil, and we don’t want to believe that the murderer is someone from the Caifeng Building. Brother, we have lived here for a while now. The prostitutes and temple guests in the building are all kind, and judging from their daily relationship, it is really impossible to connect them with murderers.”

Lin Chengyou snorted: “Bad people can write on their faces? You have been out for so long to practice, and there are still fewer people with kind faces and evil hearts? You have used benevolence and kindness in the wrong place, beware of misleading others and yourself. Last night I asked you to clean it well in the eyes of the formation, but what did you find?”

Abandoned wisdom: “I have scanned every corner. The eyes of the formation should have been carefully selected by the patriarch of Dongming Temple a hundred years ago. Even two niches have been dug underneath. It is a pity that the only one is the Niluo Building. Last time, he was also destroyed by Mr. Jin Yi, and now there is no trace in the formation, and I don’t know how Dongyangzi beat the two monsters into the formation in the end.”

Lin Chengyou said: “I know all of this. I asked you to clean the eyes of the formation carefully. I am not only talking about the ground, but also the lotus statue of the pure child and the surrounding beams and pillars. After sweeping all night, Didn’t find anything else?”

Juesheng and Qizhi hurriedly said: “I was just about to tell my brother, first, the statues and the area around the incense table are very clean, it should be that someone often comes to clean them-“

Lin Chengyou’s heart moved: “How clean is it?”

“There is not even a layer of dust.”

Lin Chengyou hesitated for a moment. Judging from the pools in the garden, the servants in charge of cleaning were not diligent, otherwise the water would not be full of broken branches and leaves. The outside is so perfunctory, and the remote small Buddhist hall will not be cleaned diligently,

However, there are often sneaky things in the Caifeng Tower, and the people in the building spontaneously clean it out of awe of the gods, which makes sense.

“In addition, we also found a mark on a floor tile under the incense table. When Zhi came out of the formation, he accidentally opened a corner of the felt blanket, so he might have missed it.”

“What kind of imprint?”

Juesheng took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms: “The size of a pea, the shape can’t be described, it’s a bit like starburst, and it’s a bit like the pearl flowers worn by women.”

Lin Chengyou took it in his hand and looked at it, then suddenly got up.

Juesheng and Qizhi looked at each other in surprise.

Lin Chengyou’s face is strange: “No wonder you don’t know it, it’s called Qimang Guidance Seal, it’s a very partial method of summoning souls, arresting people’s souls, besides asking about the ghosts, there are often acts of abuse, Speaking of it is detrimental to yin and virtue, and has always been despised by righteous celebrities.”

Qizhi was shocked: “Everyone is dead, even if there is a big hatred, it should be eliminated. Why do you still torture ghosts?”

Juesheng said “Ah”: “I heard that ever since the death of the couple from the Caibo line, this building has always been haunted by ghosts. Yes. That person knows that there are many sneaks in the building, isn’t he afraid that he will attract a ghost? The ghost has been tortured so badly that it is very easy to bite back on the caster.”

“If you dare to use such a sorcery, of course you are sure that you will not make mistakes.” Lin Chengyou sneered twice, “You found it under the rug?”

The two nodded.

“I guess it was accidentally burnt out during the practice, and I didn’t have time to change the floor tiles. Unfortunately, Taoist priest Dongming and I lived in the small Buddhist hall, so that person didn’t dare to act rashly.” Lin Chengyou sneered twice. .

It’s getting more and more interesting. It turns out that long before the two murders, there were people making trouble in Caifenglou.

Juesheng suddenly had a thought: “Senior brother, Qingzhi was also killed by sorcery. Could it be that she was killed because of something she discovered?”

Lin Chengyou didn’t answer, and buried his head to look under the bed carefully, but found nothing, so he patted the ashes on his hands and got up.

After coming out, he still didn’t go to the front building, but turned to Hongxiangyuan. There was a yamen guard in front of Yao Huang’s gate, Lin Chengyou nodded at the man, bypassed the yamen guard and entered the room.

Yao Huang’s room has the same layout as Ge Jin’s room, but the furnishings are slightly different. There is a six-curved landscape screen in front of the bed, and a pintuo eight buckets of gold and silver-plated vases are placed on the low table. There are few valuable items.

There was originally a dowry box in front of the mirror stand, but it was sent to Dali Temple this morning.

Boxes, bookshelves, bed legs…all the hidden compartments where things can be hidden have been turned over, and I didn’t expect to find new tricks, but what Lin Chengyou looked at was not what was on the bright side, but what was in the dark trace.

Anyone who uses magic in the room will inevitably leave some things, such as nail marks, brand marks, or nicks pierced by short swords. It is strange that Yao Huang and Qingzhi’s rooms are clean. Fortunately, Yao Huang said, after all, she was poisoned by the rotting heart grass and died, but Qingzhi started to have nightmares seven or eight days before her death. If someone used magic to deal with her, where would it be done.

Lin Chengyou turned around in his heart, turned his head to look at the moon window next to Hu’s bed, and saw the sparkling light outside the window, his heart suddenly moved.

On the opposite side is Yiyuxuan where Gejin and others live, and between the two rows of houses, there is a green pond.

The sun started to turn westward, and the orange light fell on the water surface, refracting thousands of tiny rays of light. The light in the surrounding area was astonishingly dazzling. Thickness can be seen.

Lin Chengyou moved his gaze upwards along the grille, and there was nothing unusual inside or outside the window. He clasped his arms on the window sill, stretched out half of his body to look up, and touched the top of the window drawer, not even a single strand of hair appeared. Found one.

Lin Chengyou had no choice but to shrink back, his arm accidentally touched the window edge on the right, and made a very slight “click” sound. Other places are brighter, as if the vermilion paint has faded and been repainted.

He leaned over and took a closer look. The place was integrated with the window edge on the surface, but the color changed slightly. It might not be noticeable at night or on a cloudy day. No wonder several groups of people searched last night and this morning and found nothing. Something is wrong with this place.

The corner of Lin Chengyou’s mouth revealed a bit of mischief: “It’s hidden deep enough.” Touching it with his hand, the wooden board can be pushed up and down, and he took off the dagger on the jade belt and pried it, and it snapped, and the wooden board fell on the window sill.

There is a small dark alcove hidden in the back, and there is a small colorful bamboo in the dark alcove, which is blocked by wooden boards on the surface, so no one can find the clue.

Lin Chengyou took out the casket, and saw several yi of gold and some pearls and jade toys in it.

I heard that the prostitutes in Pingkang Fang are quite controlled. No matter what rewards they get on weekdays, they must be handed over to masters such as fake mothers and He Mingsheng. In order to make plans for one’s own future, it is unavoidable to do some acts of obedience and obedience.

From this niche, it can be seen that Yao Huang has been in office for several years and knows that he already has a lot of experience in hiding things.

The playthings in the colorful bamboo baskets are much more rare than those placed in the room, such as jade ruyis, coral strings, moon-reflecting bead cups, and even meaty poems and paper love poems… everything you expect to find.

Among a pile of jeweled objects, there is only one small brown thing that is extremely inconspicuous.

Looking at the dazzling sunlight from the window, it is a walnut ornament, the size of a fist. The back looks like an ordinary walnut shell, but when you turn it over, there is another world. A ship with sides, window rails, and masts are all available. The window sash can be pushed open, and the long oar can be shaken, just like a real ship shrunk down.

There are two young girls sitting on the shaft of the boat, one is slightly bigger and the other is slightly smaller. They are wearing exactly the same clothes, leaning against each other intimately, judging from their appearance and demeanor, they look like a pair of sisters.

Lin Chengyou stared at the villain’s expression, although he couldn’t see clearly, but the intimacy was vivid.

It seems that not only Qingzhi misses her sister, but Yao Huang also misses her own sister very much. I don’t know where she got this half walnut.

Lin Chengyou checked it upside down and found a line of words engraved on the bottom of the walnut.

I saw it said: Yuezhou, Ding Younian, Taozhi Ferry.

Lin Chengyou was startled, Yuezhou is the hometown of Yao Huang and Qingzhi, is this Taozhi Ferry also in Yuezhou?

While thinking about it, a yamen servant hurried over from outside: “Lin Pingshi, Yan Sizhi is back, he said he has something important to ask, and asked where you are.”

“Got it.” Lin Chengyou put the walnuts in his sleeves and stepped out of the room.

When I went to the lobby, I saw that Yan Sizhi was sipping his tea. He was usually polite and decent, and when he seldom had a drink, it seemed that he was quite tired in the afternoon.

“Yan Sizhi.”

Yan Wangchun put down the teacup and took a breath: “Your Majesty, you are right, the Tuo Niang in the palace is indeed a god.”

Lin Chengyou coughed, signaling Yan Sizhi to keep silent, and then said loudly, “Let’s talk outside.”

Yan Wangchun regained his composure, got up and followed Lin Chengyou to the outside of the court, found a relatively secluded corner, and spoke again: “Tuo Niang saw the murderer’s sachet, and said it was the weaver’s handicraft in Yuezhou.”

Lin Chengyou’s smile faded away.

It’s Yuezhou again.

The murderer also has something to do with Yuezhou?

“Can Tuo Niang recognize which embroidery workshop it is from in Yuezhou?”

Yan Wangchun: “Tuo Niang said that Yuezhou produces mulberry, and there are many embroiderers with excellent needlework in the village, but the embroidery method on the sachet is called Liuyun rolling embroidery method, and the petals and leaves embroidered by this method are like flowing. There are hundreds of embroiderers in Yuezhou who are good at this method, and Tuo Niang can’t tell which embroidery workshop it is from just this sachet.”

“What kind of embroidery workshops are there in Yuezhou? This lady should know.”

Yan Wangchun took out a roll of paper from his sleeve: “I wrote it down. There are no less than twenty large and small embroidery workshops in Yuezhou. There are three most famous ones. The first one is Xiaoshan Cuixiufang, and the second one Taozhi Embroidery Workshop, the third one is called Yueju Embroidery Workshop—”

Lin Chengyou was stunned: “Wait, what’s the name of the second one?”

“Peach Branch Embroidery Workshop.”

Lin Chengyou quickly took the piece of paper from Yan Sizhi’s hand, compared it with the “Taozhi Ferry” on the walnut, and then raised his eyes suddenly: “Do you know where this second embroidery workshop is located in Yuezhou?”

Yan Wangchun was stunned: “Tuo Niang didn’t tell me about this, and I forgot to ask just now.”

“I found this in Yao Huang’s room just now, look at this line.”

Yan Wangchun took the walnut, squinted his eyes, and let out a cry of surprise.

“This is too coincidental—they are all in Yuezhou, and they both have the word ‘Taozhi’.”

Lin Chengyou said coldly: “Is it a coincidence? There is no such a coincidence in the world. One is the murderer’s sachet, and the other is an object from seven years ago, but these two sisters died in the hands of another person.”

Yan Wangchun’s brows became tighter and tighter: “Could the murderer know this pair of sisters seven years ago? Last night, the murderer risked his life to hide this sachet. Was it because he was afraid that we would find out that he/she was related to Yuezhou? No. Seven years ago, Yao Huang was ten years old, so he should have some impression of the murderer. His sister died suddenly, so Yao Huang should have remembered something.”

Lin Chengyou said meaningfully: “Just look up and find out what’s going on.”

While speaking, he went to the hall.

Yan Sizhi was startled, and hurriedly lifted his robe to follow.

Lin Chengyou arrived in the hall, and said to the yamen servant: “Tell He Mingsheng, immediately bring all the deeds of prostitution of everyone in the building. There are also false mothers and a group of temple visitors. Let them come over and I have something to ask.”

The yamen servants hastily responded, this young man usually looks like he doesn’t care when the sky is falling, he rarely looks serious, probably something serious happened.

Not long after, He Mingsheng and others rushed over.

He Mingsheng was also ordered to be grounded, so he had to do everything himself. In the past, no matter where he went, he would hug each other, but now he is holding the dragon sandalwood box by himself. After a lot of work, my head was covered with oil and sweat.

E Ji, Wo Ji and the others had just gotten up from the bed, arranging their clothes as they walked.

These people did not dare to speak when they arrived in the hall, they watched Lin Chengyou uneasily with their eyes.

Lin Chengyou lifted his robe and sat down behind the case. He looked at He Mingsheng first. My son, please take a look.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and nodded: “Okay, Yan Si and I will return it to Boss He.”

How could He Mingsheng dare to provoke Lin Chengyou: “My son, take a look at it casually. What happened in Caifenglou, He still expects his son and Yan Sizhi to find the culprit as soon as possible.”

Lin Chengyou took over the conversation logically: “Then please ask Boss He to arrange a wing room for us on the second floor. Yan Sizhi and I want to inquire about a few things, so we—”

He casually pointed to Wo Ji in the crowd: “Let’s start with Aunt Wo, and the rest of you will wait in the hall for a while, after asking Aunt Wo, it will be your turn.”

“There are private rooms on the second floor.” He Mingsheng turned his head and waved at Wo Ji, “Wo Ji, take your son and Yan Si straight upstairs.”

Yan Wangchun ordered two yamen servants to stay and take care of everyone, and went upstairs with Lin Chengyou.

Wo Ji led the two of them to a room, and stood aside anxiously after entering.

Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi left Wo Ji aside and searched for everyone’s deeds of prostitution. What do you want to ask the slave family?”

Lin Chengyou remained indifferent, quickly flipped through the last contract of sale, and then looked away from the table. Except for Yao Huang and Qingzhi, none of them are from Yuezhou, but this is not surprising, Qingzhi’s deed of sale also says “Xingyang native”, presumably it was made up by Ren Yazi when he brought Qingzhi to Chang’an to sell. .

Qingzhi’s body deed can be faked, so can other people’s.

“When you bought Qingzhi back then, didn’t you find out that her body deed was fake?”

Wo Ji looked unhappy: “When it comes to this, I will get angry. My family bought five children in one go. Qingzhi is the most inconspicuous one. There has not been any trouble in these years. How can I expect someone to do it for me? He dared to forge his deeds in order to make money.”

Lin Chengyou sneered: “The accents of Xingyang and Yuezhou are very different. The body deed can be faked, but the accent cannot be faked. Didn’t you realize that Qingzhi is not from Xingyang?”

Wo Ji sighed: “There were so many children bought at that time, how could the slave family pay attention to these? If it hadn’t happened, the slave family wouldn’t even have noticed where Qingzhi was. The children learn things quickly, a large group of people If you stay in one place, you will forget your native dialect within a few days.”

Lin Chengyou: “You have been living in Pingkangfang since you bought Qingzhi? Where did you make a living before Caifenglou opened?”

Wo Ji said with a dry smile: “My family rented a house in the workshop, and planned to raise a few children to attract customers by themselves, but it didn’t take long for Nanqu to open several famous brothels. They are all talented in color and art, and all the princes and grandchildren in Chang’an City have been seduced by them, so how can they even notice the small workshops in the corners.

“My family has no business to do. I heard that Nanqu was going to open the largest Caifenglou in Chang’an, so I took the children to join me. When I came, I made an agreement with Boss He. He provided accommodation and meals for the children. They are all under his control. In the future, these children will be successful. No matter how much they earn, the slave family will only take 10%. Moreover, when the slave family was young, they were excellent in folk art, and it was more than enough to help other actors. Boss He originally refused to agree, but at the time Caifenglou couldn’t recruit so many teachers to teach Le Ji at once, he saw that the slave family volunteered to help teach music, so he agreed. By the way, Eji and the others are also the same.”

Lin Chengyou closed the lid of the box: “Caifeng Building has been open for more than half a year. You stay in the building day and night. Have you heard who is from Yuezhou?”

“Yuezhou people?” Wo Ji flinched, “Isn’t Yao Huang the same?”

“There is no one else but her?”

Voji answered affirmatively: “No.”

Lin Chengyou scoffed: “The murderer is in the building, if you know something but don’t say it, you might be the next one to be unlucky.”

Wo Ji’s voice trembled: “Think about it, think about it.”

She twisted her hands together nervously, until her knuckles turned white, and finally shook her head helplessly: “My family has dealt with everyone for a long time, and I have never heard of anyone from Yuezhou. Yao Huang mentions it from time to time. A few words about Yuezhou, but I haven’t seen anyone take over.”

Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi looked at each other, and simply changed the way of asking: “Qingzhi often goes out and about on weekdays, have you heard that she met some fellow countrymen outside recently?”

Wo Ji was stunned: “This…Qingzhi only buys food every time she goes out, and I have never heard of getting to know fellow countrymen—”

Speaking of this, Wo Ji’s face suddenly showed a strange look, looked at Lin Chengyou and said: “No, no, speaking of fellow countrymen, Qingzhi didn’t know what happened that day, and suddenly said that he and the former shop owner’s concubine are from the same township. The slave family also mentioned it to the prince before, and the prince should still remember—”

Lin Chengyou was silent for a moment. Of course he remembered that if he hadn’t grasped this point, he would not have been able to find out that Qingzhi was actually from Yuezhou. If he didn’t follow this clue, he might not have found out Qingzhi and Yao Huang’s real relationship.

But the little concubine named Rong has been dead for more than a year——

Not only the concubine died, but the Tians and his wife also died one after another.

He just wanted to know who else in the building was from Yuezhou, and why was Caibohang involved? The three people who died a year ago have nothing to do with the murder a year later.

Lin Chengyou was puzzled patiently: “Okay, then I will ask again, what did Qingzhi tell you at that time?”

Wo Ji said: “She didn’t say it herself. The slave family learned about it when they heard people complain about Qingzhi. They said that Qingzhi was always talking crazy, and openly said that she and that dead concubine are from the same town. I don’t think it’s taboo.”

Lin Chengyou smiled: “But now it proves that what Qingzhi said is not crazy, she is indeed from Yuezhou. Has Qingzhi met Rong before, why does she know that she and Rong are from the same village?”

Voji looked a little uneasy, as if thinking about something.

Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi looked at each other, and the doubts in their hearts grew bigger and bigger.

Lin Chengyou said: “The Caibo Shop has a long-standing reputation here. You have lived in Pingkang Fang for many years, even if you haven’t bought anything in the store, you should have heard of the name of the Caibo Shop. Think about it carefully. I wonder if Qingzhi mentioned the Rong family?”

Wo Ji said anxiously: “This child has never mentioned Rong, but I think she should have seen it.”

Yan Sizhi was startled, he thought that Qingzhi’s words were just for grandstanding, but it turned out that she had really met Rong Shi.

He hurriedly asked: “When did you meet? Where did you meet?”

Wo Ji put her hand on her forehead: “When Caibo Co., Ltd. was still in existence, the servants often visited. The Caibo Co., Ltd. had a great business and hired many staff, but Tian and his wife were used to being stingy, and they liked to do everything by themselves. Boss Tian was born with a handsome appearance, and his words were sweet. But Mrs. Qi’s eyes seemed to be hiding sharp knives. Just by looking at you, you could tell how much you weighed. She answered more questions and bought less, so her face was dull. My family looked down on her mean face very much, and often took Qingzhi and others to the store to make trouble in her spare time.

“One time when Qi was ill, Rong came out to receive the female relatives on her behalf. I remember that Rong was married to Boss Tian not long ago. She was beautiful and kind. There were many people who went to the store that day. The boss was overjoyed, but Mrs. Rong came out to entertain her for a while, and Mrs. Qi threw things behind her. It sounded like she was scolding Mrs. Rong, and every sentence was ugly. Mr. Tian didn’t dare to defend Mrs. Rong, so he comforted her in a low voice. Sentence, just urge her to go in and serve Mrs. Qi—”

Wo Ji said and paused: “When I came back, my children still said, Boss Tian has a lot of money, why is he so afraid of his wife? There is Qingzhi among the children who talked, and I guess she is that one. Back then I knew that Mrs. Rong was from Yuezhou. Later, my family saw Mrs. Rong several times on the street, but she became haggard all of a sudden. I heard that Mrs. Qi often beat and scolded her, and Boss Tian was not in Chang’an. After a while, Mrs. Rong jumped into the well and died.”

Lin Chengyou pondered for a moment: “Qingzhi must be able to recognize Rong’s Yuezhou accent. Did Qingzhi mention Rong to you after that? For example, I met Rong somewhere, or told Rong What did you say?”

Wo Ji thought about it seriously: “I didn’t mention it. After the death of Mrs. Rong, there were all kinds of rumors in the village. Everyone said that she was killed by Mrs. Qi, and that she was killed by the Caibo industry.” Haunted. These rumors spread to my small workshop, and I didn’t see anything special about Qingzhi.”


After Wo Ji left, Lin Chengyou stared at the table in a daze.

Caifeng Tower seems to have nothing to do with Caibo Xing, but whenever new clues are found, Caibo Xing is like a jagged island in the thick fog, suddenly revealing a corner at an inadvertent moment.

It turned out that Qingzhi met Rong Shi more than a year ago.

The Rong family is from Yuezhou.

Coincidentally, the murderer’s sachet also came from the embroidery workshop in Yuezhou.

Is there really any connection between Caifenglou and Caibohang?

Does the murderer know Mrs. Rong?

He/she killed sister Yao Huang, would it have something to do with the Rong family?

Lin Chengyou looked at the sachet in his hand, then took out the walnut, put the two in front of his eyes, and rubbed them thoughtfully.

“Yan Sizhi, Lin Juan.” The yamen servant poked his head in, “Eji is here.”

Eji bowed her head and saluted after entering the house, looked up to see that Lin Chengyou’s face was still kind, and asked boldly: “My son, I heard from the master that tomorrow we have to move to the compassionate healing workshop of Dayin Temple.” , is this serious?”

“Madam E, what do you want to say?”

E Ji covered her handkerchief and laughed: “The arrangement of the son must be very comprehensive. The slave family just wants to ask the son about how many days to stay. If it is only a day or two, it will be fine. If you live for a long time, the slave family will have Tell the children to bring more change of clothes.”

Lin Chengyou said unhurriedly: “Ms. E is so inquisitive about everything, she should know a lot about the people in the building. Do you remember who came from Yuezhou?”

E Ji blinked her eyes: “My family only knows that Yao Huang is from Yuezhou, others don’t.”

Lin Chengyou snorted: “Ms. E has a very good memory, you better think about it again.”

I have a good memory… what do you mean by that? Eji’s eyes flustered for a moment, and she said with a dry smile: “Forgive me for being stupid, please speak clearly.”

Lin Chengyou looked at Eji calmly. She is also a fake mother. Eji is a few years younger than Woji, and she is more clever and tactful. I heard that He Ming thinks highly of Eji in his life. Leave it to Eji to take care of. Eji must know a lot about the people and things in the building.

“There are four false mothers in Caifenglou.” He started, “Each false mother is only responsible for disciplining her own ‘daughter’. You are not Wei Zi and Yao Huang’s false mother, so it is reasonable to say that you are responsible for their private property. Not sure, but whether it was Wei Zi’s Mohebao or Yao Huang’s Silver Winged Butterfly Buyao that night, you recognized them at a glance, so you can see that all these trivial matters of prostitutes cannot escape your eyes.”

E Ji’s complexion changed a few times: “My family didn’t intend to inquire about these things, but Yao Huang and Wei Zi are no better than others. They are the most outstanding ladies in Caifenglou. Don’t talk about receiving valuable rewards, no matter how small they are. If someone is watching, even if I don’t inquire, I will listen to others.”

“‘Have heard of’ and ‘being able to match’ are two different things.” Lin Chengyou smiled, “You can even tell the ins and outs of those things, and you know that there are many ladies in your hands. If you don’t pay extra attention, how can you remember it so firmly.”

Eji opened her mouth to defend herself, Lin Chengyou smiled and said, “What are you in a hurry for? I’m praising Aunt E for her good memory.”

He picked up the sachet on the table and asked, “Have you seen this sachet?”

Just a few words scared Eji into a sweat. She subconsciously restrained her self-consciousness, took a closer look honestly, and recognized that it was found in the lobby in the morning. That one, I stumbled a little: “This, this is not—”

“Yes.” Lin Chengyou looked directly at Eji, his eyes were as dark as lacquer, as if he wanted to see into the other’s bones, “This is the murderer’s property, if you want to find the murderer as soon as possible, this is the most critical clue. Think about it carefully, have you ever seen someone use this thing in the past.”

“Don’t hide it from my son.” Eji took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat off her head, “My family has a good memory, the color on this sachet is so unique, if someone in the building used it, my family must have an impression .But I’m sure I’ve never seen this sachet before.”

Lin Chengyou reminded her: “Not only the prostitutes in the building, but also the guests and neighbors.”

Eji thought for a while, then shook her head again: “I have never seen it before. I know the seriousness. It’s this time. I dare not lie.”

Lin Chengyou was faintly disappointed. Wo Ji said she hadn’t seen it, and Eji said she hadn’t seen it either. Even if one of them was lying, it wouldn’t be possible for both of them to be lying.

The sachet is not newly made, and the design and color are eye-catching. If you have never seen a false mother with sharp eyes and a careful heart, it means that the murderer seldom uses this sachet in front of others.

This is interesting. The Caifeng Tower has been open for more than half a year. The prostitutes live next to each other, and even the most cautious people will show their flaws. The murderer has been hiding for so long and so deep…

Lin Chengyou paused: “I remember your shop owner said that the small Buddhist hall in the back garden was built after a senior person in Luoyang saw it?

E Ji said honestly: “Yes.”

“Do you usually go to the Small Buddha Hall to burn incense?”

Eji shook her head like a rattle: “I have never been to my house, and others rarely go around the Small Buddha Hall.”


Eji put her hand on her chest: “It’s strange to say that the small Buddhist hall is said to be built to suppress evil spirits, but not to mention the night, even the day is cold, and even if the incense candles are lit at night, the hall will still be dizzy.” The tide is cold, people feel uncomfortable as soon as they enter, women dare not walk around the small Buddhist hall, even our host is afraid, if we go there occasionally, we will definitely find a dozen or so temple guests to accompany us. As time goes by, everyone I’m not going either.”

Lin Chengyou thought to himself, the name of the small Buddhist hall is the Buddhist hall, but it actually uses the Taoist wishful magic formation. Breaking the cornerstone of the formation below is enough to keep the building safe.

The bad thing is that it smashed the eyes of the formation that suppressed the two monsters a hundred years ago, causing a lot of Yin Qi to overflow from the eyes of the formation. It will feel gloomy. And the second monster absorbed enough evil energy, and broke out in a short time.

It is estimated that the people who set up the array did not expect this.

“Have you met that expert in Luoyang?”

“I’ve never seen it before. When the master came to Chang’an, someone else was in charge of entertaining him. The slaves only know him as Xiaoyao Sanren.”

Lin Chengyou snorted: “But I have sent someone to look for it. There is no one named Xiaoyao Sanren in Luoyang.”

Eji couldn’t laugh or cry: “My son, don’t mention this matter, our master’s intestines are almost regretful. After the completion of the small Buddhist hall, Caifenglou was only clean for a while, and soon began to be haunted. The master’s family had no choice but to I personally went to Luoyang to look for that free and unrestrained person, but I went twice in a row, and failed every time. The master jumped up in anger, and said that the Taoist priest was a liar, otherwise how could he disappear as soon as he received the money. “

Yan Sizhi wondered: “Since you suspect that the man is a liar, why didn’t your master report it to the authorities?”

“The master’s family has already reported to the officials, and asked someone to ask the Facao in the county, saying that the Taoist priest is from Luoyang, but the deception is in Chang’an. Does this matter belong to Wannian County in Chang’an, or Luoyang? But before the master could ask, a big monster popped out of the back garden, and then the whole building was sealed off, so this matter was put on hold.”

Lin Chengyou groaned silently. Judging from the layout of the small Buddhist hall, the Taoist priest is not like a liar. Don’t even show your face?

Because Xiaoyao Sanren didn’t show up again, no one noticed that the hole underneath was smashed through. The craftsmen didn’t dare to tell He Mingsheng when they got into trouble. He Mingsheng didn’t know the way and couldn’t see the clues, so until the two monsters ran out, the Caifeng Tower continued to sing and sing every night.

Small Buddhist hall… Small Buddhist hall… Lin Chengyou was thinking in his heart that everyone would avoid this gloomy small Buddhist hall, but some people took advantage of this to cast magic in it.

His thoughts were condensed on the seven-pointed guiding seal found under the incense table in the small Buddhist hall.

Qimang guides the way to seal the evil sect to the extreme, it can only be done at night, and no one is disturbed during the practice, the small Buddhist hall is the best place.

The murderer didn’t want people to see what he was doing, and he wished that everyone would dare not go to the small Buddhist hall… But in order to be safe, being “ghostly” is not enough, reasoning should do something else.

Lin Chengyou’s heart moved: “Ms. E, has anyone ever heard that she bumped into a ghost in the small Buddhist hall?”

E Ji nodded nervously: “Yes, yes, someone said this a few months ago, and then one after another, people bumped into ghosts one after another. I seem to have seen it before.”

Yan Sizhi said strangely: “If you have seen it, you have seen it, if you have not seen it, you have not seen it. What do you mean by ‘seem to have seen it’?”

E Ji flicked her handkerchief: “Because my family can’t tell whether that thing is a human or a ghost.”

Lin Chengyou asked with great interest: “What does that thing you see look like?”

E Ji swallowed her saliva in fear, it has been a long time since that incident, and she still feels terrified when she thinks about it.

“About two months ago, I remember that it was the fifteenth day, and a few well-dressed youngsters who came to take the exam from other places came to the building to drink and compete poetry, and asked to listen to the music. Juan’erli and Baozhu went to wait on them. They agreed that they would only serve wine orders by reciting poems and not serving others. The lords also agreed, but when they drank until midnight, a gentleman held Juan’erli and begged for help. Huan, I can’t pull that person away with the beads, and seeing that something bad is going to happen, I have to run out to find my slave.

“When the servant rushed over, Juerli’s clothes were all torn. The dog was drunk and had a bad temper. When we pulled him away, he slapped Juerli several times angrily. The skin was as tender as water, and the face was swollen immediately.

“I was so angry that my teeth were about to be gritted. I even coaxed and kicked these dogs out. I managed to get away, and I couldn’t find Juanerli when I looked back. I knew that this kid was not good-looking. She loves to talk and has a heavy heart. After suffering such a grievance, she might feel very uncomfortable, so she hurriedly searched for her with Baozhu, but Juanerli was not in the room, so she had to go to the garden to look for her.

“The garden is big, and it’s late at night. I remembered that there was a well in the back garden. I was afraid that Juan’erli would commit suicide, and I wouldn’t care about ghosts. Once I went in, I went to search separately with Baozhu. No one in the garden No, the more you go in, the more secluded it becomes, and when you get near the small Buddhist hall, the slave family suddenly sees a shadow jumping out of it—”

When Eji said this, her voice trembled suddenly.

“The slave family saw, the slave family saw a female ghost in red clothes.”

“The female ghost in red clothes—” Yan Sizhi was puzzled, “It’s so late, are you very close? Why can you even see the color of the clothes.”

E Ji was stunned for a moment, as if she didn’t know how to answer the conversation.

A mocking smile appeared on Lin Chengyou’s mouth: “Didn’t Aunt E just say that it was fifteen that night.”

E Ji hurriedly nodded: “Yes, yes, the moon was full that night, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of silver frost. I forgot to bring a lantern to come out, but I also felt that there was light all around.”

“Have you seen the appearance of the ghost?”

Eji shook her head like a rattle: “I didn’t dare to stare at it, and the ghost ran fast, I just felt a red shadow flash in front of my eyes, and the ghost disappeared in an instant.”

Lin Chengyou: “I didn’t see the appearance clearly. I should have some impression of tall, short, fat and thin. Do you think it looks familiar or unfamiliar?”

Eji pondered for a while, and said firmly: “If it is an acquaintance, I should have recognized it a long time ago. Besides, I have lived in these years, and I have never seen anyone who can fly so fast. That thing can’t be a person, but It could be a ghost.”

“Clothes, hairpin rings, fragrance…is there nothing familiar?”

E Ji grimaced: “It was just a flash of magic, I didn’t dare to think about it afterwards, I just knew that the thing was wearing a skirt, and other slaves had long forgotten it.”

Lin Chengyou looked at Eji motionless, and Eji resisted Lin Chengyou’s gaze. She didn’t know how long she had been there. Just as she moved her footsteps uneasily, Lin Chengyou’s beautiful voice sounded: “The story is not over yet, Baozhu Did you find Juanerli?”

Eji said happily: “I found it. I was so frightened that I turned around and ran back. I saw a group of people looking for it. It turned out that Baozhu found Juanerli in the Green Butterfly Pavilion. This child is hiding in the pavilion. I was crying, the two came to look for me, they met Wo Ji and Wei Zi on the way, and they walked together together, they saw that I was out of my mind, and hurriedly asked what happened, the slave’s family saw that Juan Erli’s face was not lightly hurt, so I just They said they had run into a ghost, so they didn’t dare to stay, so they immediately took them back to the house to apply ointment.”

The room fell silent, Lin Chengyou tapped his index finger on the table, and vaguely heard the chatter of the yamen servants and prostitutes downstairs, accompanied by the slightly anxious footsteps.

Not long after, he said, “The small Buddhist hall is used to suppress ghosts, and it did work for a while at first. If even the small Buddhist hall started to be haunted, the people in the building would be very surprised. Who is the person who bumped into ghosts in the Small Buddha Hall? Aunt E must have some impression.”

Eji wiped the sweat from her forehead: “My family is not the only one who bumped into a ghost near the Small Buddha Hall. I’ve heard of it, but I really don’t know who the first person I bumped into is.”

As she spoke, she looked at Lin Chengyou anxiously, thinking that she would be made things difficult again, but Lin Chengyou took the initiative to smooth things over for her: “The rumors are already half-truths and half-false when you hear them. It’s not so easy to find out the source. It’s not surprising that the aunt can’t remember.”

E Ji squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: “The son really understands people. The slave family hopes that the son will catch the murderer as soon as possible, and can’t wait to tell the son everything he knows.”

Lin Chengyou looked at Eji sincerely: “I have already felt the sincerity of Aunt E. Let’s ask this first today. When Aunt E goes out, tell the yamen servant and ask Boss He to come up and answer.”

E Ji was relieved, and as soon as she retreated to the door, she heard Lin Chengyou say: “I forgot to tell Aunt E, the ‘ghost’ you saw that night is probably the murderer, if you think of anything after returning to the room, let me know immediately. The yamen servant sent me a message.”

“Murderer?” Eji turned her head in shock, “Isn’t that a female ghost?”

Lin Chengyou smirked, and didn’t mean to answer. Eji stared at Lin Chengyou for a while, then nodded unsurely: “I must think about it after returning to the house.”

After Eji left, Yan Sizhi wrote while writing: “Chengyou, don’t you think this Eji’s speech is full of loopholes? He said earlier that ‘the slave family can’t tell whether that thing is a human or a ghost’, but later changed his words to ‘people are not. It might fly so fast, it must be a ghost.”

Lin Chengyou said with a sarcasm: “Brother Yan, do you think she is speaking for us, or for herself?”

Yan Sizhi put down his pen: “Could it be that she has some doubts in her heart and wants to use these words to convince herself?”

Lin Chengyou smiled and said: “I guess she either remembered who the female ghost looked like, but she didn’t want to believe it in her heart, so she used this method to convince herself. Or—”

“Is she the murderer herself?” Yan Si said directly, “That’s right, at this point, who else would lie except the murderer? Chengyou, why don’t you use Se Sezhu to try this Eji, the murderer knows martial arts, Whether it is her or not, you will know once you try it.”

Lin Chengyou shook his head: “I can’t try it anymore, this method can only be used once, the murderer knows that I deliberately tested her, and I would rather have one of my eyeballs destroyed and not reveal my truth.”

Yan Sizhi sighed: “Then we can only interrogate one by one, but we don’t even know what enmity the murderer has with Sister Yao Huang, and we don’t know how to investigate the motive.”

“No matter how well hidden, there are times when the truth is exposed.” Lin Chengyou looked down at the testimony on the table, “Actually, it’s okay to say that Eji is the murderer, regardless of her motives and origins. I can always find out. But what if she didn’t It’s a lie, when she talked about the female ghost, she repeatedly showed doubts, and she clearly remembered something.”

Yan Sizhi thought about it and said: “It’s about life and death, there is no reason to cover up the murderer, not to mention Eji is a person who is very good at protecting herself, she is lying at the moment, I would rather believe that she is the murderer.”

Lin Chengyou thought for a while, and said to the yamen servant outside the door: “Let Boss He wait downstairs for a while, and first call Juanerli, Wei Zi and Baozhu for questioning.”

The first one to come is Juanerli.

She seemed a little mentally ill, and she did not speak after entering the room. She saluted Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi, and then silently stepped aside.

Yan Sizhi looked at Juan’erli, feeling a pity in his heart, this Orchid is surprisingly beautiful, but unfortunately her expression is a bit dull, once she is stunned, her appearance will lose a bit of color.

Lin Chengyou looked at Juan’erli for the first time, and said that Teng Yuyi was somewhat similar to Juan’erli Gejin, but he couldn’t see the resemblance.

If you have to compare, the eyes are a bit similar, they are all the same apricot round and clear, but Teng Yuyi’s eyes are full of water, and the long eyelashes blink, and the water seems to be rippling. , every frown and smile are quicker than Juan Erli’s eyes, but it’s a pity that the water is full of bad ideas.

He snorted in his heart, picked up the sachet and asked Erli: “Have you seen this sachet?”

Juan’erli shook his head lightly: “This is the first time I saw you last night.”

After asking Juanerli, Lin Chengyou called Baozhu and Wei Zi in one by one.

As expected, none of the three had seen the sachet.

As for what happened on the fifteenth day two months ago, Baozhu and Juanerli agree with Eji. Wei Zi accompanied the guests in the front building that night, and he didn’t know that Juan’erli had been bullied by others, but his experience in the garden later also matched E Ji’s account.

Lin Chengyou then asked: Have you ever seen anyone haunting the Small Buddha Hall at night? Who was the first person to say that he ran into a ghost in the Small Buddha Hall?

The three of them said they had never seen it before, but they all remembered that it was Aunt E who mentioned that they had run into a ghost in the Small Buddha Hall for the first time.

Finally, I asked people from Yuezhou, and Juanerli and others knew nothing about it. Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Lin Chengyou had no choice but to let them go back first.

Yan Sizhi’s face was complicated: “After all, Eji herself was the first to say that she saw a ghost in the Small Buddha Hall? She is smart, and she has hidden things about other things, except for Juerli. If she is willing to tell the truth, she probably knows it well in her heart, and she will know the truth as soon as she asks about this kind of thing.”

Lin Chengyou stroked his chin: “Whether it’s true or not, we can’t make a conclusion yet. Now we can only prove that Juan’erli and the four walked together that night, but Eji joined them later, and she was alone At the time, whether she bumped into a ghost or went to the Small Buddha Hall, she is the only one who can say at the moment.”

Yan Sizhi gave a confused “Hey”: “Chengyou, you never leave the ‘Little Buddha Hall’ today, did you find something in it?”

Lin Chengyou slapped his forehead, turned his head and said with a smile: “I forgot to tell Brother Yan, last night my two younger brothers found out that someone had performed magic tricks in the small Buddhist hall. It was the murderer who killed Qingzhi. I suspect that someone deliberately spread rumors that the Small Buddha Hall is haunted, in order to make people afraid to approach the Small Buddha Hall.”

Yan Sizhi was stunned: “According to this, isn’t Eji the most suspect? This is strange. The sachet comes from the Taozhi Embroidery Workshop in Yuezhou, but Eji is a native of Chang’an. When will she go?” Yuezhou, why did you kill Sister Yao Huang?”

An idea popped up in Lin Chengyou’s mind, and he called the yamen servant outside and said, “Go to Chengwang’s mansion for me, and tell Commander Chang that there is a bamboo stick under the bed in my room, and ask him to take it out and give it to me as soon as possible.” Come.”

As soon as the yamen servant left, Lin Chengyou also stood up, Yan Sizhi didn’t know what to say: “What’s wrong?”

“I think we’ve lost our minds, Brother Yan, you check the rest of the people first, I’ll go to the Little Buddha Hall.”


It’s raining outside, the spring rain is continuous, as thin as a hair, and it falls down from the head, like a wet light sarong on the face.

Lin Chengyou returned to the small Buddhist hall in the rain, and saw the bright lights in the hall from a long distance away. There were two yamen servants standing at the door, looking in through the window. When they turned around and saw Lin Chengyou, they said in unison: “Everyone is inside. .”

Lin Chengyou nodded and quickly stepped into the small Buddhist hall.

The hall is full of people, and the four sitting postures on the left are crooked, followed by Jiantian, Jianxian, Jianle and Jianmei.

The three sittings on the right are slightly better, they are Juesheng, Qizhi and Jianxi.

There were two standing in front of the incense table, one was Cheng Bo with his arms behind his back, and the other was Huo Qiu with his arms folded.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the moving figure in the hall. The man held a biyingying short sword, stretched his shoulders and stretched his arms, and turned around lightly, making decent gestures.

Teng Yuyi has learned the tenth move, and gradually feels a little enlightened. The gap between moves is getting shorter and shorter, and the sword is no longer so clumsy.

When learning Cheng Bo’s Ke’e sword technique before, the heat in his body always felt stagnant and coagulated, but this set of brown sword technique is different.

Teng Yuyi was practicing vigorously, and suddenly felt a gaze from behind her. The back of Teng Yuyi’s head was already familiar with this gaze, and she automatically felt an unpleasant feeling. She glanced at it from the corner of her eye and saw a tall figure coming from outside. walk in.

Lin Chengyou was still wearing the jade hairpin green round-neck gown that morning. The bag slammed faintly with his steps, and the dark black rhinoceros belt stretched out a good waist.

Teng Yuyi smiled and thought in her heart, this guy is rich and proud, and he always looks down on the world on weekdays, if he puts a red peony on the crown, it will look like a golden vermilion crown in the cockfighting square Rooster.

Lin Chengyou didn’t know that Teng Yuyi had already compared him to a fighting **** in his heart, but this did not prevent him from looking at Teng Yuyi with teasing eyes, and he didn’t know how Wu Dao was taught. The barbarians of the play.

He laughed inwardly, and was about to boast about Teng Yuyi’s nonsense like “extraordinary talent”, “excellent birth”, “if you keep practicing like this, you will become a master”, when the sky bounced off the ground : “My lord, the nine-day fire ring has been arranged, don’t you believe it, today is lucky, I invited the Samadhi real fire talisman in an hour, it happened to be raining outside, let’s go in to take shelter from the rain.”

After speaking, I felt something was wrong, why did it feel like my **** was blown up when I saw Lin Chengyou.

But Lin Chengyou said with a smile: “I might not believe it if I were someone else, but I know the abilities of the five seniors.”

Wudao loves to be flattered by others, and when he heard this, he immediately felt aggravated: “Hurry up, hurry up, before the second monster is here, the prince will come here to rest.”

But Lin Chengyou went straight to the incense table and said, “My lord, please let me go.”

Teng Yuyi pretended to notice Lin Chengyou. She didn’t even turn her head, and avoided it in a flash. The small Buddhist hall is so big. Lin Chengyou didn’t go to other places to trouble her. She was fooled, she didn’t even dare to drink her saliva in order to catch up with the progress, quarreling and fighting would only delay her work.

Lin Chengyou didn’t expect Teng Yuyi to retreat so quickly, he felt as if he had punched the soft cloth, but this was exactly what he wanted, so there was no need to waste any more words.

He squatted down to inspect the felt blanket under the incense table, and there was no trace on the surface, and he couldn’t find the imprint immediately after turning it over, so he ran to Lin Chengyou and squatted down, pointing with his fat finger: ” Brother, here.”

Lin Chengyou squinted his eyes, and Qizhi’s pattern was drawn exactly. not come out.

It should be the same person, and his cultivation level is not low.

He coughed, and two yamen servants came in quietly, fixed their eyes on everyone, secretly paying attention to everyone’s every move.

The attention of all the Taoists was drawn away by the felt blanket, and they didn’t pay attention to the movement at the door. They swarmed around Lin Chengyou and lowered their heads curiously.

Seeing the imprint, Jiantian said in amazement, “Isn’t this the Qimang leading the way?”

Although Teng Yuyi ran to the side to practice her sword, her ears were still standing up. Seeing Tian’s cry, she asked curiously: “Taoist priest, what is the Qimang leading the way seal?”

“A kind of sorcery, it is not enough for a person to die, but the soul of the deceased must be detained to torture and humiliate with a ghost weapon.

When I saw the sky, I was both excited and disgusted: “The old man has not seen this kind of sorcery for many years. Could it be the same person who killed Yao Huang Qingzhi? My son, have you found out who did it?”

Lin Chengyou continued to search nearby: “It’s good to find out. This person has a meticulous mind and is rare in his life. Take this seven-pointed guide seal as an example. When doing it, you need to release seven fire seal lamps at once. If the caster is a little distracted, sparks or seals will fall, but you have also seen that there is only a small trace left in such a large small Buddhist hall.”

Jianxi stared at the brand mark and said in doubt: “I remember that there are quite a few rules in this sorcery.”

“There are a lot of rules.” Lin Chengyou looked up and looked under the incense case, “the first three are: don’t stick to the soul of Chunxuan, don’t stick to the soul of children, don’t stick to the soul of distant places.”

Teng Yuyi slowed down her moves, and she could understand the first two, which would not harm parents or young children, indicating that although people who practice magic arts are vicious, they have not lost their conscience, but she couldn’t understand the third .

Fortunately, besides her, there are two other people who are as curious as her in the Small Buddha Hall.

I only heard Juesheng ask: “Senior brother, does this ‘soul that doesn’t stick to distant places’ refer to souls that don’t stick to too far away?”

Jian Le sneered and laughed: “Silly boy, what this means is that this formation can’t do whatever you want, it can only arrest the souls who died in a certain place, such as casting a spell in the Caifeng Tower, you can only arrest the souls who died The souls of the people in the building—”

Teng Yuyi’s ear exploded, the person who died in the building? Sisters Yao Huang and Qingzhi were killed not long ago, but the imprint under the felt blanket does not seem to have been left recently, which means that the person who performed the magic was not the target of Yao Huang sisters, so it is strange, the murderer is obviously from Caifenglou People, why deal with the former dead?

Wudao also seemed to be shocked, and looked around blankly: “How many people have died in this place? No, it’s not that the building has always been haunted by ghosts, and no one has ever died.”

Jianle has heard a lot of rumors about this place recently: “You don’t know, this place used to be a silk shop, and the owner, his wife and the concubine died more than a year ago.”

He changed the subject: “My lord, don’t you suspect——”

“No matter who this formation is going to deal with, it won’t be Yao Huang and Qingzhi anyway.” Lin Chengyou looked up, and jumped onto the crossbeam, “And seeing that Daoist Xi guessed right, from the murderer to Qingzhi Judging from the method used, it should be the same person who set up Qimang’s guide seal, which shows that the murderer not only couldn’t tolerate Yao and Huang sisters, but also hated a certain deceased earlier.”

Jiantian was extremely surprised: “Caifenglou only opened half a year ago, but the Caibo shop in front of it has been closed for a year, and the shop further ahead has nothing to do with Caifenglou. How much does that person hate?” Who is it?”

Lin Chengyou’s voice vibrated on the beams: “If you ask, you will know.”

Five ways looked at each other: “Ask? Who can I ask?”

Lin Chengyou jumped down and patted the dust on his hands: “Didn’t the murderer tell us a good way?”

Everyone was perplexed, but Teng Yuyi looked at the blanket thoughtfully. Could Lin Chengyou be…

Just at this time, the yamen servants from outside came over: “Your Majesty, Commander Chang is here.”

“So fast?” Lin Chengyou got up and went out to meet him, only to hear a sound of steady footsteps, Chang Rong dived in.

His shoulders are covered with fine silver raindrops, he holds a red bamboo stalk in his right hand, and a large bundle in his left hand.

“Uncle Chang.”

Chang Rong first took a closer look at Lin Chengyou, seeing that the little master was unscathed, he seemed relieved, then looked around, bowed to Wu Dao and saluted, and when his eyes swept over Teng Yuyi, he was obviously taken aback.

Teng Yuyi cupped her hands casually, but she quietly hid behind Uncle Cheng. She was wearing men’s clothing and had a big beard on her face. It’s better to be more cautious as she resists the corpse evil together.

Fortunately, Chang Rong quickly looked away: “I was afraid of delaying Dalang’s business, so I rushed here as fast as I could. Fortunately, Shengyefang is not far from Pingkangfang, and the road didn’t take long. Dalang, how many times have you been here?” The day is not in the mansion, the palace has sent people to look at it a few times, if you have time to turn around, go to the palace to see the saint and the queen.”

Lin Chengyou responded with a smile: “Did Azhi send a message?”

“Yes, the little princess urged my brother to enter the palace every two days, and I said back that my brother was on a business trip, and I would go to the palace to pick her up when I had time. The little princess sent this thing out, and told my brother Put it on immediately.”

As Chang Rong spoke, he opened the bag in his hand, revealing a neat stack of changed clothes, with a small colorful object on top.

Lin Chengyou picked up the thing: “Longevity thread? Did A Zhi make it? It’s not the Dragon Boat Festival yet, why did you make this?”

Chang Rong smiled kindly: “The little princess said that this is the first time she has made a long-lived thread, and she sent it out eagerly, hoping that her brother would praise her, and said that she would make better ones for her brother after the Dragon Boat Festival.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and tied the longevity thread on his wrist: “Got it.”

Chang Rong handed the bamboo stick to Lin Chengyou, confirmed that he had taken the right thing, and then left. When he reached the door, he looked at Teng Yuyi again, but Teng Yuyi had already turned his back to practice the sword. up.

Chang Rong only remembered after going out, isn’t this the little lady who swung the sword to fight off the evil corpse last time? How thrilling it was in the flower hall that night, he will never forget it in his life, thanks to this little lady, she used several tricks to keep the corpse out of the door.

Strange, Mrs. Teng is the daughter of a famous general, why does she stay in a brothel. Da Lang said that he was going to deal with the evil corpses in Caifeng Tower recently, so Mrs. Teng would have taken refuge here? As he was walking and thinking, he suddenly remembered that a nanny came to tell him last time that Da Lang had stopped Mrs. Teng from speaking in the plum blossom forest in the mansion.

When the two things were combined, Chang Rong felt mixed feelings. Da Lang is eighteen this year, and he doesn’t even have a girl he likes. If Da Lang and General Teng’s daughter get along well, does it mean that the unfeeling Gu is showing signs of loosening.

Do you want to write to the prince and princess overnight? No, it’s too hasty, just wait a little longer, youthful affection can’t be hidden, if Da Lang likes Lady Teng, it will definitely be revealed in a short time, if there is no movement, it proves that he just thinks too much.

Here, Lin Chengyou opened the bamboo stalk, took out several strangely shaped silver nails inside, and placed them one by one from the entrance of the Buddhist hall in front of the incense table. They were deliberately arranged crookedly, like a messy corridor.

Then took out a red rope, stretched his hands to test its toughness, took out seven small bowls and arranged them in a circle, poured sesame oil into the bowls.

Although Teng Yuyi doesn’t understand all these entanglements, she has already guessed what Lin Chengyou is going to do. The way of man also treats his body.

Wu Daoxian was still at a loss, but when he saw the seven small bowls, he suddenly came to his senses: “My lord, are you going to set up a seal with seven lights to guide the way?”

Juesheng and Qizhi said anxiously: “Brother, absolutely not, this is a sorcery.”

“Pedantry.” Lin Chengyou blew out the candle in his hand, “Spells are used to harm people, of course they are called sorcery, but if they are used to save people, what evil is there?”

He spoke eloquently, and Juesheng and Qizhi scratched their heads: “But, but…”

Lin Chengyou patted the ashes on his hands, turned his head and said to the two yamen servants: “I can’t be disturbed by others during my practice, please invite the priests and princes and masters to the west side.”

Teng Yuyi has already practiced the eleventh trick at this time, because he is afraid of affecting the progress, he has been guarding against Lin Chengyou to drive them out, but he agrees to let everyone stay in the small Buddhist hall, which is strange, the murderer will be evil Wu Dao can’t rule out the suspicion. If Lin Chengyou doesn’t guard against them, does it mean that he doesn’t suspect Wu Dao anymore?

The next moment she saw two yamen servants standing in front of the crowd, she suddenly understood: If you intend to make trouble, you can take advantage of the chaos outside, so it’s better to keep people under your nose, and you will be able to detect any disturbance in time. Anyway, in addition to the two yamen servants, there are Juesheng and Qizhi to help Lin Chengyou protect the formation.

A group of people retreated to the west side of the Small Buddha Hall. After they were settled, Jian Xi and Jian Le continued to guide Teng Yuyi.

Lin Chengyou squatted in front of the felt blanket, cut the candle into several pieces with a knife, and then gesticulated the brand mark on the felt blanket to carve the wax block into a rough fake “golden mansprint”.

Seeing that Tiantian and the others are relatively free, they wiped their sweat and excitedly watched Lin Chengyou’s formation: “My son, it’s not an old man who wants to pour cold water on you,

I heard that this formation requires first knowing the birthday of the deceased. You don’t even know who the murderer is going to deal with. Where can you find out the birthday of the deceased? If you don’t know the time, you won’t be able to hold even half of your soul. “

Juesheng had just written down the time of the three people on the talisman, and when he heard this, he raised the talisman in his hand: “Senior brother has already inquired about the birthdays of the Tian couple and the Rong family, you see.”

Lin Chengyou glanced at him: “What are you talking about, work.”

Juesheng sent the three talismans to Lin Chengyou hesitantly. Lin Chengyou dipped some cinnabar with the fake golden awn seal and pressed the red seals on the three talismans respectively, then cut the talismans into the shape of villains, and cut the three A villain is placed in front of the incense table.

Jianxian grinned: “But knowing the time of these three people is useless. I don’t believe that apart from the five dead in Caibohang and Caifenglou, no one has died here before. It can’t be because Yao Huang is ruled out. And Qingzhi, it must be related to the three people in Caibohang.”

Qizhi couldn’t hide the worry in his eyes: “Yes, brother, if it wasn’t for the three of them, wouldn’t you take the risk in vain? The old master said that any sorcery that goes against the sky and reason, Everything hides danger, in case you hurt yourself—”

Lin Chengyou glanced lightly at Wudao, raised his hand and touched Qizhi’s head: “Senior brother knows it well, you and Juesheng can concentrate on helping to protect the formation. Confine your feet in the room, there are government officials guarding them so you don’t have to worry about them running out, in addition to guarding against disturbances outside, you also have to guard against the inside of the hall.”

Qizhi nodded, Lin Chengyou got up and walked to the west side, pasted two talismans on the backs of the two yamen servants, and told the yamen servants to stand with their backs to the formation, and not to look back no matter what they heard later. In this way, you can keep an eye on the actions of the Taoists, and you won’t run away in fright because you see something attracting you.

After setting everything up, the hall quickly quieted down. Wu Dao stopped making noise and concentrated on watching the hall. Teng Yuyi put away her sword and sat cross-legged in a corner.

Lin Chengyou sat in the formation with his robe lifted, took out the red string, tied one end to his middle finger, and tied a candle-carved gold seal to the other end, and threw the red string outside the door after finishing.

Then the left hand was placed across the right arm, and a talisman was ignited at the tip of the right finger. With a snap of the fingers, sparks shot towards the outermost oil lamp.

I saw a flash of fire, and a small circle of flames faintly swayed from the lamp. It was strange that the firework glowed with green light, casting a strange color on everything in the Buddhist hall.

Then the second, third…

The more lights were turned on, the darker the Buddhist hall became, and the faint green light surrounded Lin Chengyou, giving rise to the illusion of a dark underworld.

Teng Yuyi was Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu on the left and right, but she still didn’t dare to show her air, she cautiously took Xiao Yajian out of her sleeve, and stared at the door for a moment.

There was obviously no wind in the hall, but there was an invisible air current surging in the dark, and the three small figures in front of the incense table rustled, as if something was lying on the ground and blowing on them.

Lin Chengyou closed his eyes and recited the mantra for a while, then suddenly shook the red rope, and said in a low voice, “Get up.”

The three villains had fallen to the ground, but suddenly two of them stood up silently. The red string on Lin Chengyou’s **** suddenly stretched, obviously there was a heavy object on the other end.

Unknowingly, a layer of hairy sweat appeared on Teng Yuyi’s back, the lamp in the oil lamp was flickering on and off, the air in the hall suddenly became a little colder, his palm felt hot for a while, even Xiao Yajian moved.

The dark wind gradually picked up, and the branches and leaves whirled around the door. Along with the sound of wind and rain, there were subtle sneaking sounds approaching. At first, it sounded like someone wandering outside the door, but after careful identification, it was just a strange wind.

Lin Chengyou tightened the red rope, and calmly fought with the opponent, whimpering loudly, and the strange strength also increased. Although he forcibly activated the Qimang Seal, Lin Chengyou was not familiar with this formation, and he was completely following the gourd.

It is reasonable to say that as long as the formation is activated, the souls of the dead will be tightly bound by the red rope, but his formation may not be a bit interesting, the ghosts are recruited, but they cannot be dragged in.

“It’s already here, why don’t you come in and sit down?” After struggling with the other party for a while, the sweat on Lin Chengyou’s temples rolled down, because he didn’t dare to relax, the words almost squeezed out from between his teeth “Do you think I look like a bad guy? Don’t be afraid, I’m here to help you.”

The other party seemed to tremble a bit, and the red rope became a little bit loose. How could Lin Chengyou miss this opportunity, and pulled the other party in with a backhand.

The green flames in the oil lamp all fell together, and the coldness rushed towards his face. Teng Yuyi saw the scene in front of him clearly, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

The red rope came in, but the end was vibrating desperately in mid-air, as if two invisible people were bound, and that person was trying to break free from the red rope.

Lin Chengyou struggled to grab the red rope: “I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no hatred in the present. I recruited you out to harm you. I know that you have suffered a lot from that person. If you don’t want to suffer anymore, don’t No more struggling.”

The end of the rope suddenly stopped in mid-air, but it was still shaking slightly, as if a person was trembling because of fear, but there was nowhere to hide.

Lin Chengyou softened his tone a bit, while slowly tightening the rope, while staring at the empty ghost in front of him: “I want to help you, so I want to ask you something, I can neither see nor hear you I don’t see you, I’ll sprinkle something on you later, it’s harmless to you, but it can draw out your appearance and voice.”

The rope trembled in mid-air, but obviously no longer resisted, Lin Chengyou pulled the opponent to him, and threw out the gray powder in his hand.

The rope was messed up, but he didn’t hide very far, and the powder fell down profusely, outlining two vague shadows.

Teng Yuyi’s ears suddenly heard messy breathing, and it was obvious that Wu Dao was also nervous.

The shadow became clearer and clearer, and it turned out to be a man and a woman. The ghost figure in front was tall and majestic, while the one behind was a plump woman, but the outlines of both of them were too blurry to see their faces clearly.

Lin Chengyou quickly sprinkled out a second handful of soul revealing powder, and now the outline is finally clear, but he can barely see the figure and face shape, but the eyebrows and eyes are absolutely invisible.

Perhaps it was because of the dusting of soul powder, the two ghosts finally started to make noises. They let out strange screams intermittently. It was sharper than a sound, stimulating everyone’s hearts and souls.

Teng Yuyi only felt that the sound could move his heart, and after listening to it for a while, he had a splitting headache. Although he was curious about what the second ghost would say next, he could only temporarily cover his ears.

Lin Chengyou quietly looked at the taller ghost: “Tian Yunde?”

The screaming stopped abruptly, and the male ghost trembled.

“It seems so.” Lin Chengyou smiled, and turned to look at the female ghost, “Rong?”

The female ghost seemed to have a thunder in her throat, and she struggled while roaring, obviously full of outrageous anger compared to her panic just now.

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, “I’m sorry, it turned out to be Mrs. Tian.”

The female ghost calmed down.

Teng Yuyi was dumbfounded. It turned out to be the Tian couple from the Caibo line. The murderer was someone from the Caifeng Building, but the two had passed away for a year. How much hatred did the murderer have for them? Nian also detained the souls of the dead to torture them.

Hey, it doesn’t seem quite right. Lin Chengyou clearly wrote the birthdays of three people, but only attracted the ghosts of two people. What about the concubine Rong? Rong shi jumped into the well in the backyard, so he should have been recruited by the formation.

“I’ll make a long story short.” Lin Chengyou went straight to the point, “The man kept your souls here in order to harm you with this sorcery. If you don’t find this man out, you will never get out. Tell me that Who are people, and why should you be treated like this?”

The screaming of the male ghost and the female ghost suddenly stopped, and the two of them seemed to be terrified. First, they turned around like headless chickens in the ground, and then hugged each other rustlingly.

Lin Chengyou said patiently: “Don’t be afraid, no matter how that person tortured you before, as long as you tell who that person is tonight, I can guarantee that such a thing will never happen again.”

The male ghost and the female ghost were quiet for a while, then suddenly raised their arms and pointed at the position of their mouths.

Lin Chengyou’s complexion changed: “You can’t talk?”

The male ghost whimpered helplessly, and the female ghost roared violently, but no matter how hard she struggled, she could only make a vague and strange sound in the end.

Lin Chengyou was surprised and angry: “Did that person dig out your tongue?”

The two ghosts wailed and raised their arms to their chests, motioning for Lin Chengyou to look.

Lin Chengyou seemed to be stunned for a moment, Teng Yuyi moved a little further away, and when he looked carefully, a deep sense of discomfort surged in his chest.

I saw that the ends of the Tian couple’s arms were empty, and their hands had been chopped off by Qi Gen.

Lin Chengyou looked strange, the punishment in the mortal world tortured the flesh of the living, but the souls of the dead were tortured by the Qimang guide road seal. If you pull out your tongue, you can’t speak, and if you cut off your hands, you can’t write. Even if Tian and his wife reincarnate Reincarnation, born as a disabled child.

This person is really ruthless.

He nodded slowly: “Although you can’t speak, at least you can understand what I say. Next, I will ask you a question and you will answer. If you are right, you will nod. If you are wrong, you will shake your head.”

The second ghost nodded slightly to show that he understood.

“Is the person who hurt you in Caifeng Tower at the moment?”

Tian Yunde and Mrs. Tian both nodded.

“Can it be in the Small Buddha Hall?”

This time it’s a shake of the head.

“How many strokes does this person’s surname have? One stroke? Two strokes?”

When the “Twelve Paintings” was mentioned, Er Gui had a strong reaction.

Lin Chengyou’s expression froze: “Twelve paintings? (Note 2)”

The two ghosts nodded desperately.

Teng Yuyi searched quickly in her mind, but there were too many people in Caifenglou, and she couldn’t remember whose surname was Twelve Paintings.

Lin Chengyou regretted that he didn’t bring a roster of people in the building. After all the calculations, the Tian couple couldn’t say a word. If they sent someone to the front building temporarily, it would definitely destroy the formation. Thinking of the testimonies I just wrote down in my bosom, although the list is incomplete, the murderer may be among them.

His right hand was holding the red rope tightly, while his left hand was busy making formulas, both hands were occupied, so he rushed to the holy way: “I have a roster in my bosom, quickly take it out and let Mrs. Tian identify who it is.”

Juesheng wiped off his cold sweat and ran closer, knowing that he must never touch the oil lamp and silver nails, so he lowered his body and carefully inserted his saber into Lin Chengyou’s front lapel.

Lin Chengyou glanced at Juesheng and signaled him not to worry.

Juesheng nodded, but fortunately he met him this time, he held his breath, and gently pulled the booklet out.

Lin Chengyou took advantage of this time to continue to ask: “Is that man trying to avenge Rong?”

Tian Yunde seemed to be stunned for a moment, but Mrs. Tian roared resentfully. Although they had different reactions, they finally shook their heads unanimously.

Lin Chengyou’s expression almost cracked, isn’t it because of Rong? .

Before he launched the battle, he wrote down the birthdays of three people, but only two dead souls were arrested. From this point of view, Rong’s dead souls had already been reincarnated, and that person never thought of dealing with Rong.

In fact, ever since he discovered that the murder in Caifenglou was inextricably related to Caibohang, he had wondered if the murderer was trying to avenge Rong. It is still a mystery whether he committed suicide by jumping into the well or was killed by the Qi family. And after discovering tonight that the dead souls detained were the Tians and his wife, he was even more certain of his guess.

Unexpectedly, when I came to ask, that person was not for Rong.

Could it be that the Tians have done other unconscionable things?

“How did you become enmity with that person?”

Tian Yunde’s body trembled, Qi’s seemed to be greatly stimulated, he bent down and hugged his head, and started to turn around again.

“Have you ever hurt him/her?”

This time the reaction was even bigger, even Tian Yunde’s ghost started to shake around.

Lin Chengyou glanced at the oil lamp. The two ghosts have been tortured for so long, and their souls have long been incomplete. Not to mention normal communication, they will panic at the slightest stimulation. Formation fled.

He turned his head to look at Jue Sheng, fortunately Jue Sheng had become more or less calm after practicing these few times, he got the booklet smoothly, unfolded it and held it in front of the two ghosts.

Lin Chengyou said to Tian Yunde: “If that person’s name is on the roster, point it out to the little Taoist priest.”

Qi seemed to have never heard of it, and was still running around like a headless chicken with her head in her arms.

Tian Yunde turned to Juesheng tremblingly, saw something at a glance, his figure leaned back in fright, and pointed at a certain place on the book with a severed wrist.

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