Capture the Jade:

Ziyun Tower is on the bank of the river, opposite to Yuedeng Pavilion Wangheng.

After what happened just now, no one dared to take a shortcut. They walked around the bamboo forest to the main road, and ran for a long time before reaching the river bank.

By the light from the car window, Teng Yuyi looked at the wound on her cousin’s palm. The bloodstains were unhealed, very thin and deep. She thought it was a monster’s wound, but the more she looked, the more she looked like she was stabbed by embroidery scissors.

“Auntie, look.”

Madam Du held Du Tinglan’s hand and examined it back and forth, tremblingly said: “It was fine when I went out in the morning, it was probably broken by that monster.”

Teng Yuyi was full of doubts. The monster’s sharp claws were as big as a fan. If he grabbed it deliberately, his cousin’s hand would have been **** and bloody. How could there be only a thin scar?

“Auntie, did sister tell you before she left that she was leaving the nunnery?”

Madam Du said tearfully: “Why did you ever tell me? I went to watch the Hundred Operas ahead, and your elder sister felt bored and wanted to stay in the Yunhui Hall to rest. I thought about going back to the city after watching the Hundred Operas, so I didn’t force Looking at her, who would have thought that the child would turn around and leave the nunnery, and encounter such a strange thing.”

She was dazed for a moment, then grabbed Teng Yuyi’s hand and asked in a low voice: “My good boy, you and your sister have written letters, have you ever heard your sister mention any young gentleman in the letter?”

Teng Yuyi had thought about this question thousands of times, but she hadn’t seen her cousin for more than half a year when the accident happened. All pens.

“My sister sent me some novelty items every now and then. The letter never said anything else, but I wanted to ask my aunt, is there anything unusual about my sister in the mansion these days?”

Madam Du was startled, and thought about it for a while: “You don’t know that your sister has always been steady and considerate in everything. Even if something unpleasant happens, she never shows it on her face. I think she is a little depressed these days. I deliberately paid attention to her daily life, but I didn’t see anything inappropriate. A few days ago, I heard that you were coming to Chang’an, and your sister moved all your mattresses and quilts to her room. All the food you mentioned to her, I will let you know in advance, I see that she is happy and doesn’t look like she has something on her mind, so I let go.”

She beat her breast in remorse: “I am also confused, there are mixed fish and dragons in the nunnery, how can I leave her alone in the back garden! If I can’t be rescued, I will die.”

Teng Yuyi grabbed Mrs. Du’s shoulders: “We have invited Daoist Master Qingxuzi, are you afraid that my sister will not be able to save her? My sister is urgently waiting for treatment, and my aunt needs to decide everything. If my aunt is in a mess, how can I deal with it What’s next?”

Madam Du was stunned for a moment, then wiped her tears and nodded, “Good boy, you still understand that Auntie is in a dizzy state.”

After finishing speaking, he forced himself to calm down, and Bilian ordered his servants: “Send someone to the city to send news to the master and the eldest son! The sooner the better!”

Teng Yuyi recalled the situation in the forest with a sullen face, just as the carriage passed by the Moondeng Pavilion, she subconsciously turned her head to look out.

The lamps and candles in the building are shining brightly, and the Jinshi Banquet has begun.

All the guests had already taken their seats, and the attic door was closed tightly, so it was impossible to see the clue from the outside.

When we arrived in front of the Ziyun Tower, an elderly palace official came over and said, “The head of the Taoist priest is drinking in the building first. I heard that the shooting at the Moondeng Pavilion has started, and there is no one in sight immediately. The king of the county Afraid of delay, His Highness asked the old slave to wait here, and went to the Moon Lantern Pavilion to find the Taoist priest.”

Mrs. Du didn’t care to think about why an old Taoist priest who was nearly seventy years old was interested in fighting, and hurried out of the driveway: “Everything is thanks to His Royal Highness.”

The old palace people asked to bring some baskets; “His Royal Highness often feels grateful for General Teng’s life-saving grace back then, and happened to bump into him tonight. Several of you are in danger of life, even if there is no old friendship in it, His Highness will not just sit idly by.”

At this moment, the evening wind blew up the curtain in front of the cage, Du Tinglan choked, her face was covered with a hideous golden gray, and then her nose fluttered, and she vomited a big mouthful of black blood.

This situation is so strange that Teng Yuyi and Mrs. Du’s heart trembled, and while wiping the blood with a handkerchief, they said anxiously: “I think it’s because the cold wind can’t blow, please take us in quickly.”

The old palace man only knew that he had bumped into an evil thing, but he didn’t know how dangerous it was, so he hurriedly said, “Follow this old slave, the second wife of Dong County Magistrate of Wannian County was also frightened just now, and she was about to rush back to the city for treatment. , I heard that His Highness the Prince of the County invited the Taoist priest to take care of him temporarily, and he also entered Ziyun Tower.”

Madam Du nodded. Usually, His Majesty’s big drink is accompanied by officials of the third rank and above. Without an invitation from a distinguished person, ordinary officials cannot enter Ziyun Tower.

In addition to the front building of Guan Dajiu, Ziyun Building also has more than a dozen large and small annexes, covering a very large area, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

The old palace people didn’t take them into the main building, and went directly to the annex at the back,

Most of the official women’s family members have banquets in the front main building, but there are also many noble ladies decorated with jewels and emeralds in the annex. In the past, if the women’s family members accidentally got drunk, they would often leave in a basket. In order not to hit the eyes, he specially prepared several baskets.

While passing by the atrium, the silk and bamboo orchestra was playing, and nearly a hundred actors and actresses walked into the courtyard and danced lively.

Teng Yuyi did not look sideways, and followed closely behind the old palace man.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at Lanxia Pavilion. This place is located in the northwest corner of the back garden. There is a rockery in front and a wall in the back.

The old palace people knew that this place was cleaner than other places, so they reserved it for the wounded.

The group of people were just about to enter the yard when someone suddenly exclaimed, “Why is there a man hiding in the cage?”

Everyone stopped, it turned out that the palace servant fell down the steps and accidentally knocked Duan Fu’s leg out, and the boots on his feet made it clear that he was a servant.

Teng Yuyi and Mrs. Du looked at each other, they had covered Duanfu’s pocket tightly because they were afraid of accidents, so no flaws would be exposed, and I don’t know why the palace servant suddenly fell down.

The ones who spoke were a few ladies with hairpin flowers and peiyu, who came with drunken faces, and seemed to be about to rest in Lanxia Pavilion.

“Eunuch Wen, how can Houyuan tolerate such barbaric servants, hurry up and throw this thing out!”

The old palace man stepped forward to salute with a smile: “I’m sorry, this old slave. This is the wife of General Teng’s family, the governor of Huainan. This is the wife of Dr. Du, a doctor of Guozixue. There was an accident, and he was urgently waiting for treatment. The king of Chun’an heard that there were several people injured, so he went to ask the Taoist priest first, and ordered the old slave to resettle the wounded before he left. Because of the urgency of the situation, there was no time to inform everyone, and he also asked a few ladies Don’t blame it.”

The faces of all the girls turned pale: “So that’s how it is. We are always timid. Suddenly we saw a rough servant hiding in the cage and mistakenly thought that someone trespassed in the back garden. We were rude just now. Let us make up for it.”

Teng Yuyi smiled lightly, lifted Mi Li’s veil, leaned back and said: “I can’t afford it, the sudden and abrupt things happened, it’s all our fault.”

When all the girls saw her delicate and graceful, they first had a good impression in their hearts, and someone whispered: “A few days ago, I heard that there were evil spirits, and several young ladies died one after another. He mistakenly thought that he died without any illness, and it was not until more people reported to the officials that the Dali Temple was alarmed.”

Teng Yuyi was startled. Before and after her cousin was murdered in her previous life, Chang’an City had never heard of any evil beings. There were obvious strangle marks on her cousin’s neck, which was clearly murdered by someone. Why did she say “no body injury”? Could it be that the one I ran into in the forest tonight was not the murderer who killed my cousin in the previous life.

“Since Dali Temple and Daoist Qingxuzi have been invited, we will soon find out what is causing the trouble. Madam Teng, just put this servant outside and wait for treatment, why bring him into the hospital .”

Mrs. Du said with a smile: “There is no cold wind, if you put it outside, you may die before you can be treated. It is the protector who was seriously injured, how can you just ignore it.”

All the women showed hesitation: “However, some of the ladies at the banquet got drunk, so they let this male servant lie in the courtyard, in case the female relatives come here to rest, what should I do if they are bumped by this servant.”

Grand Wen said: “It’s all old slaves who didn’t think carefully. Only when the injured were all female relatives came to the door to welcome Mrs. Teng and Mrs. Du, did I realize that a male servant was also injured. The second lady of the county magistrate’s family was placed in Lanxia Pavilion, and she couldn’t move to other yards for a while, so she had to make do with it first. But please rest assured, the old slaves have ordered Zhaolexuan next to them to be tidied up, at most for a quarter of an hour It can be settled.”

All the girls were a little loose, and suddenly someone said: “What are you doing?”

A glamorous woman lazily walked into the hospital, looking around the crowd with a pair of beautiful eyes as she walked. The lady had emerald green tins on her temples, she had a graceful bearing and an extraordinary manner.

The noble ladies stepped forward to salute one after another: “Mrs. An Guogong.”

Teng Yuyi didn’t stay in Chang’an for a long time in her previous life, but she also met a lot of female relatives of princes and ministers. She vaguely remembered that after the death of his original wife, An Guogong married the widowed younger sister of the Li family in Zhaojun as his continuation.

Ms. Li has a beautiful face and has been good at rhythm since she was a child. Mrs. Li regards this daughter as the jewel in her palm and listens to her playing the piano every day.

Daughter Li is also filial, and she was cared for by her mother until she was in her twenties before she left the cabinet.

Nv Li was not happy to go back to Chang’an for a trip. An Guogong met her by chance, and she was shocked at first sight.

In Teng Yuyi’s impression, Mrs. An Guogong is weak and doesn’t like to make friends, so she has never met her face to face in her previous life. When I met tonight, I realized that Miss Li is so beautiful.

Someone told the story just now, Mrs. An Guo raised half of her eyebrows: “All the courtyards are occupied tonight, only Lanxia Pavilion is idle, if we are not allowed to sober up here, where else can we go? Earlier, they forced me to drink a lot of wine, and I felt panicked, and if I didn’t rest, I was afraid I would get sick.”

Eunuch Wen’s face became tense. The wind is very strong tonight, and the light curtain of the cage can’t block the wind. He has learned it just now. Lying in the wind, it is estimated that he will die soon.

Madam Du went to visit Du Tinglan in the pocket cage, she was very angry, her hands and feet were cold, she couldn’t drag it any longer, she had to be carried to the house immediately, but seeing the situation of Mrs. An Guogong, how would she be willing to vacate the courtyard.

“What are you waiting for? Throw him out quickly, he is not expected to die. He is just a poor envoy, and he is more precious than his master.” Mrs. An Guogong seemed to be quite drunk, after saying this Saying that, he put his hand on his forehead, and swayed towards the courtyard.

Ms. Du was on the verge of death, thinking about what to say, but Teng Yuyi smiled before her: “Mrs. Guo doesn’t know something. Eunuch Wen placed the wounded in the same courtyard, so that it is convenient for the Taoist priest to come.” This is a method, and secondly, it is to find out the origin of the evil spirit as soon as possible. This monster appears strangely, and its mana is so powerful. If it is not subdued earlier, who will be the next victim. “

The faces of the girls changed, Mrs. An Guogong stopped and looked back at Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi said again: “You were not in the bamboo forest just now, so I don’t know how ferocious that monster is. Its claws are so big that it can kill people with one claw. When it attacks people, it makes no sound at all.” /

The people in the court looked at each other with fear deepening in their eyes.

Teng Yuyi said: “This kind of demon will not be eradicated for a day, and there will be no peace in Chang’an. Ladies go out later, and they may bump into it at any time. Now we can only hope that the Taoist priest can capture this demon as soon as possible, but even if Dao He has the ability to reach the sky, but he still has to save this old slave first, why—”

Mrs. An Guogong was aroused interest: “Forgive my poor eyesight, I really can’t see what this old servant is capable of. Tell me, why did you save this old servant first when the Taoist priest came?”

Teng Yuyi smiled and said: “The Taoist priest has not met the monster face to face. If he fails to find out the details of the monster during the fight, it is very likely that the monster will escape by chance. This old slave is different. He not only sees the monster He also knows how it moves, as the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, if you want to catch a monster, this old servant must never lose his life, not only can’t lose, but you have to find a way to make him wake up earlier.”

The noble ladies have loosened up, Mrs. An Guo’s complexion is unpredictable, and it seems that she has no intention of stopping.

“I forgot to say something.” Teng Yuyi added solemnly, “If this old slave hadn’t given up his life to resist for a while, the monster might have rushed to Ziyun Tower to make trouble. It’s not a big deal to ruin a feast, but a big deal to hurt people.”

Everyone was already shivering down their backs. After hearing this, they almost screamed. Teng Yuyi glanced from left to right. Seeing that it was almost done, he logically asked Eunuch Wen to carry the wounded inside. In a blink of an eye, he reached the corridor , Turning around and curtseying: “Thank you Madam for your acceptance.”

Mrs. An Guogong smiled lazily: “Whose family are you a daughter? I have never seen you in Chang’an City.”

Eunuch Wen and Mrs. Du were busy arranging for the wounded. Teng Yuyi was determined to enter the house, so she could not help but smile patiently: “In the words of Madam, the little girl’s surname is Teng, and Aye is Teng Shao, the governor of Huainan.”

“It turned out to be General Teng’s daughter. Just now I lost my composure when I was drunk. If there are any inappropriate words and deeds, I will first apologize to Mrs. Teng.”

Teng Yuyi pretended to be generous: “Madam is serious, but it was just a misunderstanding.”

Mrs. An Guogong covered her mouth and smiled: “I know Mrs. Teng is still angry with me. Now that I’m sober, I’ve figured out what happened. Let me give you something nice. My fault.”

She took off her purse from her waist, and took out a small jade-colored porcelain vase: “Last year, the Duke of the State obtained it from Qingxu Zidao, and it is said that it can resist all kinds of poisons. After taking the medicine, I took it with me. Coincidentally, a few months ago, my nurse and I went to Weiqu to play, and we ran into Xie Chong. The nurse fell into a coma on the spot, and her body seemed to be covered with gold dust. The color changed, I was terrified, thinking of this elixir, I fed a pill to the nurse in a hurry, and it took only half a stick of incense to heal.”

Teng Yuyi was secretly startled. Hearing this description, it was consistent with the symptoms of his cousin.

Mrs. Du and the lady in charge of Dong County Magistrate’s family heard a few words in the room, and hurriedly lifted the curtain and came out.

“I don’t know what kind of evil you have bumped into, but Qing Xuzi has a profound knowledge and practice, and the prescriptions he prepared should be able to drive away evil spirits. You can use them for now, and it may be able to resist for a while.”

Madam Du was overjoyed, her daughter’s life was hanging by a thread, and Daoist Qing Xuzi hadn’t shown up for a long time, this elixir was undoubtedly rain and rain to them, she hurried down the steps, and then paid homage to Jishou: “Thank you, Ma’am.”

Teng Yuyi was full of thoughts on how to save his cousin and Duanfu, so she put away her narrow mindedness and saluted seriously with Madam Du.

Mrs. An Guo asked them to help them up, and laughed at herself: “Whoever told me to be drunk and shameless, I should make an apology. Does this count as a stranger? The more I look at it, the more I think this child is likable. Come on.” , Pick off the power fence and let me see.”

Teng Yuyi picked up the soap gauze as she said, and glanced down inadvertently, her eyes suddenly froze.

Mrs. An Guogong’s every move is full of charm, she held Teng Yuyi’s hand and said: “‘The prosperity of the four directions, Chen Yuguangling’, I have seen such a beauty as Lady Teng, and I know where Yangzhou’s reputation comes from. I wanted to go to Yangzhou for a long time, but I didn’t live up to it, and it’s rare to hit it off so well, would Mrs. Teng be willing to tell us about the local customs and customs?”

All the girls laughed in amazement: “Usually, I only know that Mrs. Duke’s poems, wines and zithers are unique. It’s rare to see my wife so interested. Anyway, the wounded people have life-saving elixir. Why don’t you go to the next room to sober up and talk, and wait. It’s never too late for the Taoist priest to leave.”

Just received a gift from someone else, and she couldn’t say “no”. Madam Du was eager to enter the house to take care of her, so she patted the back of Teng Yuyi’s hand and said in a low voice, “Go, auntie, go inside and feed the medicine. Come to Chang’an, take this opportunity to meet more ladies, and it will be convenient for you to move around in the boudoir.”

Teng Yuyi stared at Mrs. An Guogong’s hand holding her, wondering and wondering, thinking back and forth, and forced a smile.

Surrounded on the left and right, Teng Yuyi had no choice but to follow the girls into the house. Unexpectedly, just after taking two steps, something fell from the belt around her waist, and rolled all the way to Mrs. An Guogong. stop at the foot.

It turned out to be a round silver hydrangea, Teng Yuyi blinked: “I’m sorry, it’s my sachet.”

She gradually separated the girls and went forward to pick up the thing. When she got up, she “accidentally” touched Mrs. An’s right arm, separated by a layer of light and soft clothing, she felt that it was so hard underneath.

As if struck by lightning, she looked around the courtyard. The lady in charge of Dong County Magistrate’s house was already in a hurry. Mrs. Du was eager to give the pill to the woman, so she stepped forward and snatched the medicine bottle : “Slow down.”

Everyone was taken aback.

Teng Yuyi looked at the medicine bottle, but her ears paid attention to the movement around her. At some point, Lanxia Pavilion became extremely quiet. There should be music outside, but not even a single noise could be heard.

This situation was strange and inexplicable, Teng Yuyi suppressed the fear surging in his chest, and calmly said: “Ma’am, I have a headache and want to vomit, and I think I have also been infected with the evil spirit of that thing. I don’t know if taking this medicine will work or not?”

“Nature works.”

Madam Du just came back to her senses, and hurriedly came over to check Teng Yuyi’s face: “Yu’er!”

Teng Yuyi comforted her aunt: “Don’t worry, Aunt, I’ll be fine after taking the medicine.”

She tried to twist the medicine bottle, but said helplessly: “I can’t open this medicine bottle, can I ask my wife to help me.”

“It’s so difficult, just take it.”

Teng Yu pointed to Mrs. An Guogong’s right hand that was always hidden in her sleeve: “Madam, I haven’t seen you lift this hand since entering the yard. Could it be that it was injured?”

An Guogong’s wife suddenly changed color.

Teng Yuyi earnestly said: “I have learned some Hu people’s massage methods from Aye. If Madam doesn’t mind, why not let me take a look for you.”

After finishing speaking, she wanted to step forward, Mrs. An’s tensed face broke into a smile: “Don’t bother Mrs. Teng, the wine order at the banquet was twisted, it’s just that I can’t use my strength, I have made this mistake before, take a break That’s it.”

Teng Yuyi looked at Mrs. An Guogong quietly: “Madam is famous for her piano skills in Luoyang, and she is good at everything. She cares more about her hands than ordinary people. Why don’t you seek medical attention when you are injured?”

Madam Du was stunned, and everyone was puzzled.

Mrs. An Guogong tilted her head and looked at her right arm, with a smile on her lips, “Why do you say?”

Teng Yuyi bit her head and said: “Because I don’t understand, I have to ask my wife.”

Mrs. An Guogong waved her left hand: “Come here, let me tell you why.”

Teng Yuyi glanced at the gate of the courtyard, and suddenly realized that the singing and swallows in the waterside veranda had disappeared out of thin air.

The doorway is as quiet as a lonely tomb, the wind outside can’t come in, and the sound inside can’t come out.

She was drenched in sweat, instead of moving forward, she secretly touched the emerald sword in her sleeve.

Mrs. An Guogong noticed Teng Yuyi’s movement, grabbed a noble woman beside her, and said with a coquettish smile: “Go, bring me the things in her sleeve.”

The girl was puzzled at first, then seemed to be stupefied, stunned for a moment, and walked towards Teng Yuyi in a daze, her joints were stiff when she moved, as if someone was controlling her behind her back.

Teng Yuyi was frightened and wanted to draw her sword, but unexpectedly, a strange force like a thousand ton suddenly fell from her shoulders, which immediately fixed her in place, and no matter how hard she exerted, the scabbard would not move at all.

She squeezed out a smile and said, “Ma’am, what are you doing?”

Princess Anguo adjusted the smoky gray scarf in her arms, looking at ease: “Miss Teng, I should ask you this, what are you hiding in your sleeve?”

Teng Yuyi looked around, his aunt and Eunuch Wen were not far away, but his eyes were empty, and he was collectively startled. She sneered and said, “The monster in the forest is chasing after me, I plan to cut off its left claw too.”

Mrs. An Guogong seemed to have been slapped in the face, and the anger in her eyes was soaring.

The lady of Dong county magistrate was too far away to see clearly. She only knew that after waiting for so long, the life-saving pills were too late to arrive. Mrs. An Guogong was eager to give the medicine, but Mrs. Teng wanted to stop it.

She stomped her feet: “Miss Teng, Mrs. Guo is kind, so it’s fine if you don’t appreciate it, why bother to say all the rude things?”

Suddenly heard a person laughing contemptuously: “Because she is not stupid.”

Before the words were finished, something shot from above the courtyard, as anxious as sparks and shaped like an arrow, piercing through the thick night and hitting Mrs. An’s face heavily.

Mrs. An Guogong was startled at first, and then a look of contempt appeared on her face. When the thing approached, she smiled charmingly and shook the silk, and brushed it off without any effort.

Teng Yuyi was greatly disappointed, that man was full of momentum, who knew that he could not be vulnerable to a single blow, he thought it was Daoist Qing Xuzi who had come, but it seemed that there was someone else.

She secretly glanced to the side, under the bright moonlight, there was a person standing under the courtyard wall, with a lazy and calm look, it really didn’t look like he had just suffered a setback.

Mrs. An Guogong covered her sleeves and smiled: “What kind of magic weapon do I take, it turns out to be a horse, I often hear that the prince is fond of playing, did you send this thing to play with me?”

The boy stepped on the moon and said with a smile: “Are you worthy?”

Mrs. An Guogong’s eyes were filled with spring water: “The son came here uninvited. He is considered courageous and courageous. Unfortunately, his ability is too poor. As soon as he came, he fell into my trap. Whether he deserves it or not, is it up to you?”

The young man sneered, Mrs. An’s eyes swept over her feet, her complexion suddenly changed, and she saw that inconspicuous horse suddenly split in two, and in a flash, a red-black insect sprang out of it.

The insect twisted its lower body towards her five-color clouds, and then swam around her feet.

Mrs. An Guo was shocked, this move was impossible to guard against, if it came from the air, with her ability, she would have jumped out of the courtyard long ago, but this person was so bad that he used blindfolds to confuse her first.

It was too late to run away, so she resented and went back.

But the insect seems to have a spirituality. She jumps up an inch, and the insect climbs an inch; retreats an inch, and the insect advances an inch; gradually elongates and thickens, and suddenly turns into an iron chain Bind her from head to toe.

“Is it fun?” The boy had a beautiful voice, and his laughter was full of irony.

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