Capture the Jade:

Xiaoya picked up the rose apple and gnawed it.

Teng Yuyi looked at Xiaoya curiously, despite the fact that this little old man is only two inches tall, but he has an amazing appetite, he wiped all the fruit plate in one go, and it seems that he still feels that it is not enough.

She picked up the empty fruit plate and deliberately ordered him: “You go back to the sword and wait.”

Xiao Ya burped, but didn’t move his body, but if he was fed a plate of apple apples, would he be commanded?

Teng Yuyi sighed: “That’s all, I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy to be your master, don’t give in here, go find someone else.”

Xiaoya was reluctant to get up: “Since there are three rules of the contract, I will abide by the three rules set by Mrs. Teng, but I am also very tempered. Don’t drive me away with those trivial and trivial matters.”

“The first thing is to bargain with your master, can I expect anything else?”

Xiaoya knew he was wrong, so he jumped onto the bed and disappeared into the sword for a moment.

Teng Yuyi approached and picked up the emerald sword. Except that the blade was a little hot, it looked the same as usual on the surface. She hid it in her sleeve, and she opened the door to call for Biluo and Chunrong.

“My lady, why are you still awake?”

“Maybe I’m too sleepy, but I can’t fall asleep. You bring me a urn of Luofuchun brought from Yangzhou, and drink some wine so that I can sleep soundly.”

Chun Rong and Bi Luo do not doubt that there is him, the wife always likes to drink, Luo Fuchun is not strong-tempered, and he doesn’t worry about the boss when he uses it to satisfy his cravings.

“Don’t be too greedy, lady, don’t forget to have a banquet tonight.”

Later on the maid brought the wine, Teng Yuyi closed the door and called Xiaoya.

“Come out.”

Xiaoya came out of the sword in a hurry and saw a white jade jug on the table.

Xiaoya was so happy that his face was flushed, and he was excited to move the jug, looked at Teng Yuyi, put it back, and said proudly: “Miss Teng, can I drink this wine?”

Teng Yuyi laughed, picked up the jug and poured wine into Biyingying’s wine cup: “Yes, at least I have my master in my eyes, and I know to ask my opinion first. Don’t worry, not only this one The pot is yours, and there will be delicious food and wine every day in the future, and I will not make things difficult for you. As long as you are like this in the future, you can ask me for instructions in advance. I am the person who keeps my promises. I will take good care of you.”

Xiao Ya has long been seduced by the alcohol worm in his belly, so he picked up the wine cup and poured it. After drinking, he felt comfortable, but he was a little depressed. He thought Teng Yuyi was young and he could gain the upper hand, but in the end he was still beaten by the other party. down.

He heaved a long sigh, that’s all, Venerable Qinglian is as good as a god, since Xiao Yajian chose it himself, how could the new owner be so bad?

He respected Teng Yuyi’s attitude a lot, and patiently waited for her to pour him a second cup.

Teng Yuyi finished pouring the wine, and handed the wine cup to Xiaoya. Xiaoya stretched his arms to embrace him, but accidentally touched Teng Yuyi’s fingertips, and his brain shook.

“Miss Teng, it turns out you—”

Teng Yuyi’s expression became tense: “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Ya couldn’t figure it out: “It’s weird.”

“What did you see?”

Xiao Ya gulped down the wine in one gulp, still shocked: “I saw what I should have seen, Mrs. Teng, I see you as someone who borrowed my life.”

Teng Yuyi’s complexion changed: “What is a borrower?”

Xiao Ya drank another sip of wine to calm himself down: “…you should have died, but someone forcibly lent you the life of someone else.”

Teng Yuyi was stunned, these words were unbelievable, the first thought in her mind was “impossible”, but she clearly remembered that she was dead, but was resurrected in the boat from Yangzhou to Chang’an Why did she have such an adventure, she still couldn’t figure it out, she thought she was reborn, but she heard the words “excuse me” from Xiao Ya.

Teng Yuyi tried her best to calm herself: “Speak slowly.”

Xiao Ya cleared his throat: “Let me tell you this, judging from your fate, you will never live past the age of sixteen, but someone forcibly borrowed your life and changed it for you with the secret technique of Minglu.” Ge, but you must also know that doing unnatural things will inevitably lead to unnatural results. I guess this time your soul will definitely break a certain inherent situation in the netherworld, and the person who helped you borrow your life will also be punished.”

Teng Yuyi was startled: “Wait a minute…”

She tried to calm herself down: “If that’s the case, why would someone borrow my life?”

Xiao Ya has a strange expression on his face: “I have seen many strange things with previous masters. In your situation, there must be someone who is unwilling to let you die early. That person must know Taoism and have some ties to you. The old man felt that that person was too bold and reckless. He knew that he would also catch up with him, so he did it anyway. But the old man has already seen it. Your mother passed away when you were five years old. Your grandpa does not know Taoism. , your aunt’s family doesn’t seem to be related to this, so what kind of relationship this person has with you, the old man can’t figure it out.”

Teng Yuyi’s mind is in a mess, let alone whether this matter is true or not, who else in this world is willing to take the risk to save her life.

“Can’t you see who that person is?”

Xiao Ya helplessly spread his hands: “I’m just a weapon spirit, I can’t know everything, but no matter what method this person uses to borrow your life, it’s against the law of nature, as the so-called ‘air against heaven and earth’ , will inevitably invite catastrophe’, not only that person will pay the price for this, but you will also encounter disaster.”

Teng Yuyi’s face became more and more ugly: “Could it mean that I and that person will die unexpectedly.”

“That’s not true, otherwise, wouldn’t that person borrow your life for nothing?” Xiao Ya stroked his beard, “But…that person can only help you borrow your life, and the disaster you encounter after you extend your life You can only resolve it by yourself.”

Teng Yuyi’s chest was boiling: “Let’s not talk about this first, you said that person will also suffer from heavenly punishment? What kind of heavenly punishment is it?”

“I don’t know about that. It depends on whether the person’s life is precious or not. If the life is precious, maybe he will suffer less, but he can’t escape some disasters.”

Teng Yuyi forced himself to be calm: “So this person won’t lose his life just because he lives on for me, right?”


Teng Yuyi’s expression settled down a little. She had no idea who this person was, but since Xiaoya said that the person had a deep bond with her, she thought it was nothing more than the close relatives around her. Can know who it is.

“Just now you said that I will also encounter disasters, how should I resolve them?”

This time, Xiaoya crossed his arms and thought for a long time, hesitatingly said: “There is a ready-made method, but I don’t know if it will work, I will tell you a story first, you will understand after listening.

“My last master was Guizhen Layman. Layman has a close friend named Meng Yunsheng. Meng Yunsheng is a good friend of our Layman and we often communicate with Layman.

“Meng Yunsheng opened a cemetery shop, and next door to his house is a Taoist temple. Once Meng Yunsheng came home after drinking and accidentally fell into the water. Because he was rescued too late, everyone thought he would not survive. When Meng Yunsheng woke up, he was still the same person, but he was sleepy and didn’t like to talk. After half a month like this, he suddenly came to the layman, and he burst into tears as soon as he entered the door, saying that his life was borrowed, and he asked the layman to give it to him. Lend him Xiaoya sword, otherwise he will die.

“Only now did the layman know that Meng Yunsheng had been practicing divination in private for the past few years, and he had broken his fate in advance. Knowing that he would die early, he forcibly borrowed his life. There is a big problem with my life, not only I can’t change my fate, but I have to give my life back.

“He was not willing to die like this. He read a lot of Taoist classics. He heard that slaying demons and demons can resolve disasters. He thought he had found the way, but he had never formally practiced Taoism, and he could not rely on it in a short period of time. I have no choice but to go to the door and ask the layman to lend me to him.

“The layman lent me to Meng Yunsheng, but I have always recognized the Lord, how can I let others drive me around? Although Meng Yunsheng took me back, he couldn’t use my spiritual power no matter what.

“The layman was worried about Meng Yunsheng’s safety, so he simply moved in with him. Afterwards, he patrolled all night and personally took care of Meng Yunsheng’s home and nursing home, but Meng Yunsheng still did not escape. When the layman heard the movement that night, he rushed in. Meng Yunsheng has already died in the house, and the death condition is quite miserable, and he can’t even find his head.”

Teng Yuyi took a deep breath and raised her hand to touch the back of her neck which was chilling.

“Your situation should be different from that of Meng Yunsheng.” Xiaoya looked at Teng Yuyi, “The rare thing is that I am willing to listen to you, but since you want to resolve the disaster, you can refer to the method Meng Yunsheng came up with. .”

Teng Yuyi took a sip of wine to calm down the shock, holding the wine cup and muttering: “You mean… I also use slaying demons to resolve disasters?”

“Exactly.” Xiaoya stood up and walked on the table, “Just think about it, what is the first important thing you do after waking up?”

“Save my cousin?”

“That’s right.” Xiaoya nodded with satisfaction, “But the prerequisite for saving your cousin is that you cooperate with Lin Chengyou to kill a tree demon that is about to become a demon. I guess the blessings of killing this monster are recorded in That’s why your cousin woke up safely, after all, the tree demon killed many women, so it’s not unreasonable to exchange its life for your cousin’s.”

Teng Yuyi was stunned. The situation of my cousin that night was too dangerous. Even if she took Liuyuan Dan, she might not be able to wake up. Unexpectedly, it had something to do with her staying in the yard to help kill the tree demon.

“So you should understand, how many people’s lives have been changed by your life.” Xiao Ya shook his head, “It’s only natural that the person who continued your life suffered a catastrophe. Just ignore that person , Judging from Meng Yunsheng’s experience, you only need to get rid of a few more monsters to eliminate disasters, and the more ferocious monsters, the more they can eliminate disasters for you.”

He spoke lightly, as if to Teng Yuyi, killing demons was as easy as killing chickens and ducks.

Teng Yuyi thought about it calmly: “Xiaoya, let me ask you, can you kill the one in Caifenglou last night?”

“This…” Xiao Ya paused as he stroked his beard, “The one from last night was really scary.”

“Where is the Ziyun Building?”

“Also…” Xiaoya frowned, “It’s not easy to deal with.”

Teng Yuyi couldn’t hide the disappointment in her eyes, she thought that with Xiaoya, everything would be good for her, but it seems that’s far from the case.

She spread her hands helplessly: “Although your suggestion is very reasonable, it is one thing to say and one thing to do. Take the tree demon last time as an example. With Lin Chengyou’s ability, it took a lot of time to subdue the demon It took a lot of strength. First, I don’t know martial arts, and second, I don’t know Taoism, so what if I have your help? If I really want to run into Yaoyi, I’ll be lucky enough to survive.”

“This…” Xiaoya blinked Mung Dou’s small eyes twice, “It’s enough to pick some monsters with low mana, anyway, as long as you kill them with your own hands, it counts.”

Teng Yuyi let out a sigh: “Tell those monsters that those with high mana stand aside, and those with low mana come and die by themselves?”

Xiaoya’s temperament is as explosive as charcoal, and he immediately became angry: “Ms. Teng, what I said is the best way I can think of at the moment. If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it. Why bother to be weird.”

Teng Yuyi raised her hand and pressed down: “You also said that you are not sure what is going on with me, let alone whether killing demons and demons can help you resolve the disaster. Going to catch monsters rashly, if I encounter a monster like last night, I don’t have to solve the disaster, I will give my life in advance.”

Xiao Ya said angrily: “Although I can’t be sure that you are the one who borrowed your life, but it’s not too far away. Didn’t those little Taoist priests come from Qingyun Temple last night? There must be something hidden in their temples.” Less high-spirited sermons, as long as you look for them carefully, there will always be a book that records the whole story of the excuse, you just look for opportunities to ask them about it.”

Teng Yuyi got up and paced back and forth in the room. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was weird. Before she could ask a few more questions, she heard someone outside asking in surprise, “Ah Yu woke up? Why does it sound like someone is talking in the room?”

It turned out that Du Tinglan came here after hearing the sound.

“My lady doesn’t seem to be sleeping very well. The head first ordered us to bring wine in. I don’t know if she is fast asleep now.”

Teng Yuyi hurriedly waved at Xiaoya.

Xiao Ya nodded, jumped onto the sword, and suddenly disappeared.


Teng Yuyi had had enough rest in the evening, and got up to let Chunrong and Biluo pack their luggage.

Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan dressed up and came to Teng Yuyi, and said in astonishment: “Ayu, what are you doing packing?”

“I am about to ask my uncle and aunt to resign. Grandpa will be back in two days. I will go to Duan’s mansion to have a banquet tonight. I plan to go back to Teng’s mansion directly.”

Actually, she was worried that the monster in Caifenglou would really come looking for her. Instead of making Du’s mansion uneasy, she should go back to Teng’s mansion as soon as possible.

Madam Du was stunned, it was too sudden.

“Why didn’t I hear you mention it before? It’s already this hour, do you have time to pack your luggage, or leave tomorrow morning, aunt and elder sister will help you to pack slowly tonight.”

Teng Yuyi put her arms around Mrs. Du’s shoulders: “Grandpa will arrive in Chang’an at noon, and I’m afraid it’s too late to leave tomorrow morning. Anyway, I only bring my clothes back today, and it won’t be too late to move the rest tomorrow.”

Madam Du felt a little strange. In the past, the relationship between Yu’er and her grandfather was tense. As long as she could linger in Du’s mansion, Yu’er would never go back to Teng’s mansion. This time she is willing to go back on her own initiative, which is really surprising.

She thought with relief that Yu’er has grown up and is more sensible than before.

“That’s right, you father and daughter haven’t seen each other for so long, grandpa must also miss you, it’s better to go home earlier to meet your grandpa.” He said and walked towards the low couch, “I’ll take a look at the luggage How are you cleaning up, you can’t sleep without a puppet at night, and you haven’t left any common things behind.”

Teng Yuyi stopped and said: “It’s almost done. I’ll come back after I finish my work in two days. From now on, I will come to accompany my aunt and sister during the day, and I will only go back to the house at night.”

Actually, apart from avoiding evil spirits, Xiaoya’s words also made her extremely uneasy. Since the Dongming Temple is a century-old temple, it should have a lot of classics. She plans to find those five old Taoist priests in the near future.

Since we have to go out frequently, it is better to be more comfortable at home. In case there are twists and turns outside like last night, we will not be so tired that uncle and aunt will worry all night.

The three left the mansion together, and Du Yuzhi and his son were already waiting at the door on horseback. Duan’s family and Teng’s family are related by marriage, Du Yuzhi and Du Shaotang naturally invited Mrs. Duan to celebrate her birthday.

Teng Yuyi sat in the same car with her aunt and cousin, Madam Du sat down and said, “I just forgot to say, when you were sleeping in the afternoon, your uncle went to Qingyun Temple, this time he finally met Prince Cheng.” /

“Oh, what did my uncle say?”

Madam Du said: “The son of King Cheng is about to go out of the temple due to urgent matters. He didn’t want to entertain your uncle. He heard that he came for the monster by the river, so he invited your uncle into the temple, and then brought your uncle to the temple.” The people around him retreated, not even his two juniors. Your uncle thought that the son of the prince kept his promise so much, so he told about Lu Zhaoan asking your cousin to go to the bamboo forest that night.”

Teng Yuyi glanced at Du Tinglan and saw that her cousin was calm, so she asked, “Can Lin Chengyou agree to investigate Lu Zhaoan?”

“He seemed very interested, but he didn’t say if he would help. He just smiled and said that he knew, and then he ordered someone to lead your uncle out of the watch. Your uncle came back and told me that Cheng Wang’s son will come back. He likes to joke, but actually he makes a sword inside his belly. It’s fine when he’s not smiling, but it’s not a good thing if he laughs, but at least he told Prince Cheng the truth, so we don’t have to worry about him coming to trouble our Du family again.”

Teng Yuyi pondered, anyone who went to negotiate with Lin Chengyou would not get nothing but a flat “I know”. But with his uncle’s staid temper, it was almost impossible for him to deal with Lin Chengyou.

“Forget it, Auntie doesn’t need to worry too much. Lin Chengyou is arrogant and aggressive. Even if he doesn’t agree verbally, he will investigate behind his back. Don’t forget that he suffered a big loss from the tree demon in Ziyun Tower. As long as you find out who The monster is related to Lu Zhaoan, and it will never make Lu Zhaoan feel better, so we just need to be patient and wait for the news.”

Du Tinglan said embarrassingly: “Ayu, these days you have worked hard for my elder sister’s affairs, and my elder sister is really sorry. I am a sister with you. Thank you for being too far-fetched. After thinking about it, I bought some clothes. I plan to ask the wet nurse to make some clothes, shoes and socks for Duan Fu and Cheng Bo, and when they are done, you can help me and give them to them.”

Teng Yuyi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: “That’s great, my sister’s wet nurse is very good at stitching. Although Cheng Bo and Duanfu don’t lack clothes, they haven’t worn such exquisite and good things. Go back tonight and tell them , they don’t know how happy they will be.”

Du Tinglan’s eye circles were a little red, and she held Teng Yuyi’s hand silently.

While talking, we arrived at the mansion of the Duke of Zhen. The Duke of Zhen has a great reputation and has inherited his title. Scholars from all over the world are vying for his family. Today is the old lady’s birthday.

Teng Yuyi put on the veiled hat and got out of the cart with his aunt and cousin. The servants of the Zhen Guogong’s mansion were busy but not chaotic, and rushed to welcome them: “Mrs. Du, Mrs. Teng, Mrs. Du, please come in.”

Teng Yuyi looked forward through the veil, Zhen Guogong’s mansion was very strict with the children, the young people of Duan’s mansion were all at the door to welcome guests, but Duan Ningyuan was not seen.

The female family members of Beppu also seemed to find it strange, and whispered in private. At this moment, a very expensive truck came from behind, and everyone stepped aside one after another: “Princess Jingde is here.”

Teng Yuyi was taken aback, but it was Lin Chengyou’s younger sister named Azhi. Looking over, she saw Princess Azhi getting out of the car wearing a veiled hat. Azhi was only less than nine years old this year, but she was tall He was already quite tall, radiant and dignified, and the servants behind him all behaved well, without the usual arrogance of noble servants.

Azhi walked into the mansion quickly, Teng Yuyi then helped Mrs. Du up the steps, accidentally raised her head, and saw two short and fat maidservants among Azhi’s servants.

These two maidservants had round buns on their heads and wore garnet-red skirts. They were probably only eight or nine years old, and their movements were clumsier than others.

The more Teng Yuyi looked at the two, the more familiar the backs of the two looked, and he couldn’t help looking at them secretly. The one on the left seemed to have noticed the gaze behind him, and looked back at Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi saw that red round face clearly, and her heart was shocked: Abandon wisdom!

The one next to Qizhi is naturally the most holy, their lips are dotted with bright red rouge, and their bodies are a little thicker than the other maidservants.

Qizhi turned his head and glanced, then buried his head again.

Teng Yuyi was dumbfounded, what was he doing, there was such a monster in Caifenglou, shouldn’t Juesheng and Qizhi be busy catching monsters at this time.

The guests in the mansion come and go like weaving, and the maidservant walks in a row, and the servants lead Teng Yuyi and three people to the flower hall, passing by a water pavilion, suddenly a maidservant bowed her head and came over and said: “Miss Teng, Princess Jingde would like to invite you to come and talk .”

Madam Du and Du Tinglan stopped to see that they were two chubby maidservants, and from their attire, they looked like servants of Cheng Wangfu.

Mother and daughter couldn’t help being surprised, Teng Yuyi looked at the sage and abandoned wisdom, and said: “Aunt, sister, you go to the flower hall first, I will come as soon as I go.”

Madam Du was worried, and asked in a low voice: “Princess Jingde is King Cheng’s beloved daughter. I heard that King Cheng and his wife are very strict in discipline. Although the young princess is lively, she is expensive and not arrogant. What’s the matter, if there is any embarrassment, immediately ask someone to send a message to my aunt.”

Teng Yuyi agreed, and Juesheng and Qizhi walked forward first. When they arrived at a secluded rockery, the two couldn’t hold back anymore, and took a long breath: “It’s too awkward to wear this, Mrs. Teng, why do you want to wear it?” Are you here at the Duke’s Mansion?”

“I should ask you this.” Teng Yuyi wondered, “Why do you pretend to be like this?”

Juesheng raised his hand to wipe his sweat, but was stopped by Teng Yuyi: “Be careful to wipe off the rouge on your face, here, use this to wipe gently.”

Juesheng pouted and took Teng Yuyi’s handkerchief: “It’s really troublesome. It’s not that senior brother forced us to come. Princess Azhi heard that her group of friends will come to Mrs. Duan’s birthday banquet. I held back and ran out of the palace, my brother was worried about the safety of the princess, so I temporarily asked us to pretend to be maidservants to follow Princess Azhi.”

Teng Yu laughed out loud: “It’s good to dress up like this, I see that you two are more beautiful than other maids.”

“Miss Teng, don’t laugh at us.” Qi Zhi was not as impatient as Jue Sheng, and wiped his sweat with clumsy hands, “Yao Yi is likely to find you next, before senior brother subdue that monster, Lady Teng had better not go out.”

Juesheng pulled Qizhi’s skirt, Qizhi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that General Duan was Mrs. Teng’s fiancé-in-law, Mrs. Duan was celebrating her birthday, so Mrs. Teng naturally had to come to the banquet.

Teng Yuyi pretended not to notice the small movements of the two of them, and asked with a smile: “What did you find out during the day, and what is the origin of that monster last night?”

“I found it. The man who pretended to be the hairpin man was actually a golden bird. It originally cultivated in Zhongnan Mountain, let alone hundreds of years. Well, I often go to the market to collect essence, claiming to be a gentleman in gold, and likes to be with women in brothels—”

Qizhi and Juesheng blushed.

Teng Yuyi thought of the suave and suave attitude of the male demon, and guessing that it would be something good, he coughed and said, “Young Master in Gold Clothes? With such a handsome name, this demon will be more difficult to deal with than the tree demon that time. Is it?”

“Of course, but the most difficult thing to deal with is not the young man in golden clothes. What is really difficult to deal with is the other evil spirit that was suppressed together with him. The senior brother calls it a corpse evil.”

“Corpse evil? What’s the origin of this thing?”

“Senior brother is not very clear. Today he led people to search through all the aspirations of all the Taoist temples in Chang’an, and finally found a clue. It was set up by a blind old Taoist priest, and this blind Taoist priest is the patriarch of Dongming Temple.”

Teng Yuyi thought of the five white and clean Taoist priests who were full of nonsense in Dongming Temple. The five behaved in an upside-down manner. Who would have thought that their patriarch was a blind Taoist priest.

“The blind Taoist priest named Wuchenzi, who heard that his Taoism was superb, subdued the monsters in Pingkangfang, and was seriously injured. The incident was recorded in Guanli’s Zhiyi, but the two apprentices were illiterate. After all, they were blind, and writing was more difficult than others, leaving only some scribbled fragments in the end.

“Senior brother found that strange story, but it’s a pity that it was not very clear. Now I only know that the young man in golden clothes and the corpse were suppressed by Wuchenzi together. All we saw was the young man in gold, and the corpses had long since broken out, leaving no trace.”

Qizhi added: “Miss Teng, when you go out recently, remember to take the talisman we drew for you with you, and that emerald sword. Don’t leave your body.”

Teng Yuyi touched the small sword in his sleeve: “This sword has a name, let’s call it Xiaoya Sword. By the way, have you heard of the mysterious technique like ‘borrowing your life’?”

Juesheng and Qizhi looked at each other in surprise: “Miss Teng, why are you asking this?”

Teng Yuyi looked at their expressions, and his heart slowly sank: “I have a maid, some strange things happened to my relatives, and I happened to meet a wandering Taoist priest, and somehow mentioned “borrowing life”, so I would like to ask for advice. Two Daoists, is there really such a thing as ‘borrowing your life’ in this world?”

“We don’t know much. Even if there is such a profound technique, it is not a righteous way to think about it. Master and senior brother will not mention it to us.”

At this time, a maid came over and said, “Ah Jue, A Qi, the princess is looking for you everywhere.”

Juesheng and Qizhi whispered: “Miss Teng, let’s go first.”

Teng Yuyi nodded secretly, and walked back to the flower hall along the path when she came.

Having walked halfway, she ran into Du Tinglan who was walking in a hurry. It turned out that Du Tinglan was worried and brought her maid to look for Teng Yuyi.

“The female family members of the Duan family are all in the flower hall. Except for the old lady and Mrs. Duan, there is also Duan Ningyuan’s sister Duan Wenyin. They all pulled Auntie and asked where you are.” What did the Princess tell you?”

“I think I’ve heard someone talk about me before, so they asked me out of curiosity.”

Du Tinglan looked at the flower hall not far away: “It’s strange to say that so many people came to kowtow to the old lady to celebrate her birthday, but little general Duan didn’t show up for a long time. Not only the people outside, but also the people in the house are looking Him.”

Teng Yuyi smiled and said: “What should I do, the Duan family values ​​filial piety the most, all the houses came to kowtow to congratulate the old lady, but the grandchildren are gone.”

Du Tinglan looked around, lowered his voice and said, “I wanted to ask you a long time ago, did you do it?”

Teng Yuyi whispered something to Du Tinglan, Du Tinglan was both surprised and happy, and nodded secretly.

The two returned to the flower hall together. The flower hall was lit like daylight, Mrs. Duan was sitting on the emerald mattress, like a Buddha among the hibiscus flowers.

Everyone in the hall was joking, someone saw Teng Yuyi coming in, and said pleasantly, “Here we come.”

Teng Yuyi looked up and saw two women surrounded by jewels and jade coming towards him, the one on the left was Duan Ningyuan’s eldest sister, Duan Wenyin, Mrs. Marquis of Yong’an, and the other looked strange, probably a distant relative of Duan’s mansion.

Duan Wenyin’s smile gradually spread, and she approached Teng Yuyi and said, “It’s counted, grandma is asking you.”

Teng Yuyi smiled and said, “Greetings to the two ladies.”

“This is the lady from Ningyuan who has never been married?” The female relatives came up to meet each other one after another. Seeing Teng Yuyi’s magnificent appearance, they were full of praise, “Such a good-looking woman, I can’t find many in Chang’an. It’s strange that the old lady likes it so much, she often talks about Ayu.”

At this time, another majestic woman walked around from behind the curtain, saw Teng Yuyi, and was taken aback for a moment: “This is Yu’er.”

Teng Yuyi hurriedly said: “Greetings to Madam.”

This woman is the head wife of the Duke of Zhen, the mother of Duan Ningyuan and Duan Wenyin.

Duan Ningyuan and Duan Wenyin mostly followed their mother in appearance.

Madam Duan took Teng Yuyi’s hand and looked up and down, and the more she looked, the happier she was: “I heard from Ning Yuan that you were frightened in Ziyun Tower that day, and I asked them to send Ganoderma lucidum to the house. Are you better?”

Teng Yu said warmly: “Thank you Madam for your kindness, but the medical officer said that it is not suitable to nourish at this time, and the younger generation dare not spoil the good things at will, so I put them away for now.”

“It’s good to raise it for a few days first. If you want to eat anything in the future, just tell me.” Mrs. Duan pulled Teng Yuyi to her, “Aniang, look at Yu’er.”

Teng Yuyi stepped forward to pay homage: “The younger generation congratulates the old lady on her birthday, and wishes the old lady a long life.”

Madam Duan smiled from ear to ear: “It’s been a few years since I’m so tall, come here and let grandma see.”

Teng Yuyi took a look at Chun Rong and Bi Luo, and the two came over with a brocade box in their hands.

Teng Yuyi personally took the brocade box, and walked slowly to the old lady Duan: “I brought some silk colors from Yangzhou, I don’t know if the old lady likes it or not.”

Mrs. Duan was very happy. After lovingly looking at the gift, she clutched Teng Yuyi’s wrist and sighed with a smile: “After a few years, this child is getting better and better. My old bone has always been ill for the past two years.” , I just don’t think I’ll live long, seeing you as an outstanding junior tonight, even if all kinds of illnesses are gone.”

All the female relatives joked: “It’s just that this child is too obedient. What time is this? He’s still talking about an old lady. He’s going to be a family soon. It’s time to change his name to grandma.”

Madam Du was sitting on the other side of the table. Hearing this, she moved uncomfortably.

The smile on Mrs. Duan’s face became more and more warm: “Yu’er is here, where is that brat Ningyuan? He said he would come to kowtow to me, but why is there no one?”

Duan Wenyin hurriedly said: “A lot of distinguished guests have come ahead, brother is busy entertaining them.”

The female relatives laughed and said, “I heard that something good is coming for the family? Isn’t General Duan feeling ashamed?”

The crowd became more and more interested in making fun of it, Madam Duan intentionally put on a straight face: “Yu’er is not ashamed yet, why is he ashamed?”

Immediately asked Teng Yuyi with a smile: “Your grandpa will return to Chang’an tomorrow?”

Teng Yuyi nodded: “I will arrive at about noon.”

Madam Duan hurriedly led Teng Yuyi to sit down on the east side, and said softly: “You were not here just now, we were just about to discuss with your aunt. Grandmother has been looking forward to the happy event between you and Ning Yuan for several years. Now that you are returning to Chang’an with your father to settle down, Ning Yuan is about to be canonized as the eldest son. It is better to make arrangements earlier. When your grandfather comes back tomorrow, your uncle will come to discuss the marriage with your grandfather. “

When she said this, her voice was not low, and the female relatives were naturally boisterous.

Du Tinglan sat next to her mother, the smile on her face was so faint that she could hardly see it. She heard from A Niang that Ayu used his strength to fight in the Ziyun Building that night and blamed Duan Ningyuan on the spot. If he killed him, he wanted to withdraw from the engagement, and he also found the wives present to prove it. Now that the Duan government has openly mentioned the date of marriage, could it be that they have found a decent excuse for Duan Ningyuan’s actions?

She clenched the painting in her arms tightly, really brazen. Judging by the posture of the Duan family, it is clear that Yu’er is sure that she will not be able to produce conclusive evidence of Duan Ningyuan’s affair with Dong Er, and intends to clean up all her faults.

Madam Du was also very angry, the Duan family put Ayu on the fire.

Tonight coincides with Mrs. Duan’s birthday party. Mrs. Duan deliberately mentioned their marriage in public. The little lady in her life will definitely be criticized in the future, and Yu’er can’t prove in public that Duan Ningyuan and Dong Erniang have been ambiguous. Even if the marriage is divorced, the fault will not be attributed to Duan Ningyuan.

But if Yu’er vaguely agrees, if news of the two divorced marriages spreads in two days, the outsiders will be surprised. They clearly promised well at the old lady Duan’s birthday banquet, so how can you say that you just quit the marriage? If the relatives and relatives know about it, they will not only feel that the Teng family did not keep their word, but also suspect Yu’er’s character. After all, it will be the Teng family’s fault in the end.

She suppressed her anger and looked at the Duan family.

Duan Wenyin seemed a little guilty, her eyes flickered, and she turned her face away.

The smiles on the faces of Mrs. Duan and Mrs. Duan did not decrease at all.

Madam Du’s heart was on fire, fearing that Ayu would be fooled, she put on a smile and was about to interrupt, when her daughter suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered something.

Madam Du looked at Teng Yuyi in surprise, and she nodded almost invisible.

Seeing that her aunt understood, Teng Yuyi said with concern on her face: “Auntie, your complexion is so bad, do you feel unwell again?”

Madam Du immediately stroked her forehead: “To be honest, I bumped into an evil thing in the Ziyun Tower that day. I was too lazy to eat and drink in the past two days and took a lot of prescriptions. After sitting down, I talked to the old birthday man for so long , I feel much more at ease.”

Everyone hurriedly praised Mrs. Du for being gentle and courteous, and couldn’t help but mutter in their hearts. The Du family came here to celebrate the old lady of the Duan family’s birthday even if they were unwell for the sake of courtesy.

The elders of the Du family have all come to the door, and Duan Ningyuan doesn’t even show his face.

Madam Duan stepped forward to take care of Madam Du earnestly: “If Madam feels tired, can you go to the side hall to rest?”

Madam Du said humbly: “Mrs. Duan is the birthday star today. There is no reason why the guests go to rest before the birthday party is full of happiness. After talking for so long, why haven’t I seen Ning Yuan? Ever since our master was transferred back to Chang’an, I also I haven’t seen Ning Yuan for quite some time. I finally ran into each other at Ziyun Building the day before yesterday. They went back home without saying a few words. Today, since we are talking about the marriage of the two children, I invite Ning Yuan to show up and say a few words. Words are also good.”

Madam Duan hurriedly laughed and said, “Ning Yuan will come over when he finishes his work ahead.”

Madam Du nodded with a smile: “The old lady is the birthday star today, and the juniors kowtow to celebrate their birthdays is the top priority. There is no reason to put grandma aside and just greet foreigners. I also kowtow to the young masters just now.” See you, everyone is polite, since Ning Yuan is the eldest brother, he should be an example.”

Mrs. Duan’s complexion was slightly stagnant.

Duan Wenyin hurriedly laughed and said: “My younger brother has been feeling a little uncomfortable these few days. I heard that I drank alcohol before, and my body will inevitably be useless. I may be afraid that I will be rude to my elders. I am busy sobering up now.”

The eyes of the people in the hall flickered. These words were completely unreasonable. Grandma celebrated her birthday. Even if General Duan was half-dead from illness, he should force himself to salute, otherwise his reputation of “unfilial piety” would never be shaken off. What’s more, little general Duan has always been healthy, so how can he say that he is sick when he is sick.

Madam Duan resisted the sight from all directions, frowned and scolded the servants: “Go and find Da Lang for me.”

Duan Wenyin also couldn’t bear to walk through the flower hall, and went outside to inquire about news in person.

At this moment, a group of noble girls headed by A Zhi came back, all of them were the daughters of noble princes, they were all around ten years old, and they often played together in one place on weekdays, and today was no exception. They had been fighting weeds and poetry in the garden just now. They had a great time and felt tired, so they went back to the flower hall hand in hand.

As soon as they came in, the room was immediately filled with fragrance and laughter.

Azhi went to the east side with great interest and sat down first. Juesheng and Qizhi followed behind Azhi with their heads bowed.

Madam Du kept looking outside the door, seeing that Duan Ningyuan did not show up for a long time, she sighed in disappointment: “That day in Ziyun Tower, General Duan accused Ayu and me for no reason, and I scolded him several times in a fit of anger. In other words, General Duan is probably still angry and doesn’t want to come see me as an elder.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expression changed subtly.

Madam Duan smiled and said: “Madam is overthinking, what happened that day was purely a misunderstanding, so she opened up the conversation at that time, Ning Yuan is grateful for the teachings of the elders, and it is too late to be happy. Today I know that Madam and Ayu are here, so I said it earlier I’m coming to meet you.”

Madam Du sighed with a smile: “That’s right, as an elder, I’m narrow-minded. General Duan is well-known, so I don’t expect to be so confused.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the door again, since he is not confused, the elders have already come to the door, why he, a junior, did not come to pay his respects so late.

The distinguished guests in the hall originally planned to watch from the sidelines, but at this moment, they couldn’t stand it anymore. The grandmother was here, and the female relatives of Tendu’s family were here. General Duan just shrank and didn’t show up. It’s because they are dissatisfied with this marriage, so they deliberately give the Teng family a bad blow.

Among the female relatives present here, there were some wives from the Ziyun Building that day. They knew that Duan Ningyuan and that Dong Er were a little bit innocent. Seeing Teng Yuyi’s cheeks flushed as if he was trying to endure the grievance, it was inevitable in his heart I can’t get angry.

A certain Mrs. Hou’s husband was Teng Shao’s colleague, and he was the first to hold back his anger and raise his voice: “That day at the Ziyun Tower, General Duan claimed to be confused after drinking alcohol. Is General Duan drunk again? Mrs. Du is not in good health, Madam Du is just recovering from a serious illness, and Ayu, who has been exhausted from traveling and traveling for days, still came to celebrate his birthday together. It would be unreasonable for General Duan not to come to greet him!”

As soon as this remark came out, those female relatives who had hidden their dissatisfaction for a long time also hurriedly responded, and for a while, people in the flower hall were talking nonsense, and Mrs. Duan couldn’t sit still, and said tremblingly: “Da Lang is not like this. People, must have been stumbled by something, tell the master quickly, let him send someone to find it quickly.”

The servants responded and left, but when they came back they just shook their heads, obviously finding nothing.

There was silence in the flower hall, could it be that Duan Ningyuan is not in the mansion at all?

Grandmother’s birthday, the eldest grandson is not in the mansion, being unfilial and disrespectful is simply absurd to the extreme. If someone is in the mansion but doesn’t come to greet the elders of Teng’s family, no one can swallow such an insult to a lady who has never been married.

Teng Yuyi felt the sympathetic gazes of the female relatives, and apologized to Mrs. Duan and Mrs. Duan. She went back to her aunt and purposely sat between her and her cousin. Or scowl.

Everyone showed unbearable, this situation is really too embarrassing, the host and guest didn’t know what to do, suddenly there was a commotion outside the door, and the servant came in ecstatically to report: “The eldest son is here.”

Before the words finished, Duan Ningyuan strode in, dressed in fine clothes and with a handsome face, and knelt down on one knee as soon as he entered: “Grandson is late.”

Mrs. Duan and Mrs. Duan were relieved, and even laughed and scolded: “It’s so late, it’s been worrying for so long! Where did you go? I can’t find you anywhere! Remember the beating today, and call you tomorrow Grandpa will make it up for you!”

Duan Ningyuan knocked his head three times, and said in a loud voice: “The grandson should be punished. For today, the grandson specially prepared a birthday gift for the grandmother. How can I know that the little people have rough hands and feet and put the makeup on the outside? The brocade was dirty, and the grandson was afraid that it would stain the eyes of the grandmother, so he ordered them to replace it with another piece. Because the brocade of that color was rare in Chang’an, it took some time to come and go. The grandson was afraid of being punished, so he wrapped it himself. In order to present it to grandma, I don’t know if grandma likes it, but if grandma sees it too much, she should punish her grandson a little less.”

He trembled inadvertently while speaking.

Old Madam Duan smiled from ear to ear: “It’s so pitiful, you can’t hide from a beating anyway. Madam Du and Yu’er are over there, haven’t you seen it yet? Just kneel and do something, don’t you?” Hurry up and say hello.”

“That’s it.” Madam Duan feigned anger, “Yu’er happily came to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday, but was left aside by you for no reason, if you don’t make amends to Yu’er today, I will be the first to forgive you. “

Duan Ningyuan then turned to Teng Yuyi and the other three, bowed deeply and said, “This junior apologizes to Madam. Please don’t blame this junior for being late because of something.”

Madam Du squeezed out a smile: “You don’t need to be too polite, please get up quickly.”

Duan Ningyuan turned to Teng Yuyi again, bowed his eyebrows and cupped his hands and said: “I neglected my lady, I hope she will forgive me.”

Teng Yuyi turned sideways and bowed: “Little General Duan is serious.”

Old lady Duan and Mrs. Duan looked at the two with smiles on their faces. Duan Ningyuan straightened up, but suddenly, his shoulders shook again. She smiled slightly and lowered her eyelashes calmly.

Duan Ningyuan has overestimated himself too much, he dared to show his face even when the tickle was on his upper body.

It is estimated that Duan Ningyuan had been struggling for a while before, and he had to bite the bullet and come out to meet the guests because he couldn’t justify it.

If you don’t come out to meet guests, you are unfilial and arrogant.

When you come out to meet guests, you will inevitably reveal your clues.

An itchy body is nothing compared to damaging one’s reputation. But if Duan Ningyuan can last forever, wouldn’t Lin Chengyou be boasting in vain? Since the insect’s nickname is [Making your life worse than death-itching and tickling blossom], it can naturally make life worse than death.

She is not in a hurry, let’s see how long Duan Ningyuan can bear it.

After Duan Ningyuan saluted, he wanted to speak in front of Mrs. Duan, but just as he took a step, his body suddenly moved again, this time the movement was too big, attracting everyone’s attention.

Duan Ningyuan gritted his teeth secretly, Yun Danfeng lightly ordered his servants: “Give the gift to grandma first.”

Everyone looked around for a while, thinking they were dazzled, and just about to look away, Duan Ningyuan couldn’t help but twitched again.

Even Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan noticed this time, Mrs. Duan wondered: “Da Lang, what’s wrong with you?”

Duan Ningyuan is tall and straight, with a straight waist. Even at this time, this pine-like demeanor is still unmistakable. He smiled reluctantly: “It’s nothing.”

However, while speaking, his eyebrows twitched again, as if the itching was unbearable, he accidentally made a face, before he could adjust his expression, his neck tilted inadvertently, as if to stop the itching, he gritted his teeth Rubbing towards his collar.

This is very disrespectful, almost like a field slave.

Everyone felt more and more weird, Duan Ningyuan didn’t seem to care about saying hello, and walked out in a hurry.

Mrs. Duan and Mrs. Duan went in without knowing it. Seeing Duan Ningyuan’s strange behavior, they felt that their face was lost, and they shouted in unison: “Da Lang!”

Duan Ningyuan took two steps, his footsteps stopped suddenly, he suddenly raised his arm, and grabbed it back desperately. This behavior has almost lost his composure, and many female family members lost their voices in surprise.

Duan Ningyuan trembled all over, trying to control himself, but his head was dripping with cold sweat, and his expression was extremely convulsive.

Everyone was so surprised that they couldn’t move. Several wives who had been to Ziyun Tower recalled the scene that day, and said in horror: “Isn’t this the itchy poison of Dong Erniang that day?”

“Dong Erniang?”

Madam Du took the opportunity to say: “I just said why it looks so familiar, it’s strange, how could the poison on Dong Erniang’s body get to Mr. Duan?”

The pot exploded in the flower hall.

“Itching poison? What is itching poison?” someone asked.

“It’s an itchy bug.”

“Who is Dong Erniang?” Another group of people asked.

“Dong Erniang is the second daughter of Dong County Magistrate of Wannian County. On the Shangsi Festival, she pretended to be ill and deceived the Liuyuan Pill of Wang Shizi, who was discovered by Cheng Wang Shizi on the spot. She has been locked up in the prison of Jingzhao Mansion. I was cast with itchy bugs.”

“Ah? Since Dong Erniang is in the prison of Jingzhao Mansion, why did Mr. Duan get this poison?”

Amidst the discussion of everyone, Duan Ningyuan’s body was hot and cold for a while, and every pore was tingling and numb.

He was itching so badly, the itching was unstoppable, sweat rolled down, and his limbs couldn’t help twitching. He wanted to leave the flower hall, but every muscle in his legs was trembling, refusing to listen to him.

He was terrified, Dong Erniang had been tortured in prison for the past few days, because he didn’t want to accuse others, he never approached Lin Chengyou, but because he couldn’t bear Dong Erniang’s suffering, he successively asked several medical officers to see her.

The medical officer thought of many ways, but they all said that Dong Erniang’s poison has no cure, and it will spread to others, so you need to be more careful when approaching it.

He kept these words in his heart, he hadn’t met Dong Erniang in the past few days, when did he get this poison? ! I didn’t even know it.

Just as he was thinking wildly, he suddenly felt two cold eyes cast over him. His five senses were sharper than ordinary people. He gritted his teeth and looked up. A little lady opposite was looking at him in panic. This woman was wearing a green calyx skirt, Born with snow skin and flower appearance.

Duan Ningyuan was taken aback for a moment. He was still young when he got engaged. He didn’t even see Teng Yuyi’s face clearly. After she went to Yangzhou, the two didn’t even have the chance to meet. His impression of Teng Yuyi after several years Already faded.

Just now to salute, he didn’t even raise his head, he didn’t expect Teng Yuyi’s complexion to be so gorgeous.

Are those two cold gazes just now hers? He was suspicious, but the panic on Teng Yuyi’s face was so flawless that no flaws could be seen.

As he was thinking about it, his arm was already uncontrollably grabbing the front of his front. Mrs. Duan and Duan Wenyin became more and more disturbed when they saw Duan Ningyuan’s gaffe: “Go and tell the master that Da Lang is sick, and ask the master to find a medical officer to come to see a doctor quickly.” .”

After all, Mrs. Duan was used to seeing strong winds and waves, so she said in a trembling voice, “Yes, yes, where did the itching poison come from? Group.”

“It’s the wheal!” Duan Wenyin hurriedly answered, “I heard that this disease is very annoying, and this is what it looks like when it itches.”

Unexpectedly, Teng Yu said suddenly: “The wind group can’t help the wind blowing, and the windows in the flower hall are open. If General Duan stays in the hall any longer, the itching may get worse.”

Mrs. Duan and Duan Wenyin were reminded by these words, they hurried over to help Duan Ningyuan.

Duan Ningyuan shook his head and hurriedly retreated, but he was a step too late. Although Duan Wenyin withdrew her hand in time, Mrs. Duan took her son’s arm.

Duan Ningyuan pushed Mrs. Duan away with all his strength, and said sharply: “Mother, don’t, don’t touch me.”

Ms. Duan’s heart was shocked, and before she could figure out what was going on, a strange feeling came up her arm, which made her shiver, once there was the first twitch, there would naturally be a second and third twitch.

Ms. Duan’s skills are far inferior to her son’s. Once an attack occurs, it is far inferior to his son’s tolerance. The flesh on her face began to twitch, and she scratched everywhere: “Itch, itch, itch.”

Everyone was horrified, before they understood what was going on with Little General Duan, Mrs. Duan went crazy in a blink of an eye.

“This is the tickle bug!” The Madams of Hou panicked, “Dong Erniang looked like that that day. Prince Cheng said that the poison would spread to others, and told the palace people not to touch Dong Erniang. Look, Mrs. Duan is the only one!” Touch it and it will be stained.”

When everyone heard this, they were both surprised and puzzled: “But according to what you said, there were so many people in Ziyun Tower that day, and no one except Dong Erniang was infected with this poison. Sudden infection?”

“Then I don’t know, this bug can’t run around, there must be a reason for being infected.”

Duan Ningyuan’s complexion became more and more ugly, and the female family members of the Duan family trembled when they heard it, the old face was completely humiliated by such a commotion at the birthday banquet.

While speaking, the Duan family’s mother and son twisted more and more violently, the servants feared that they would be contaminated, they retreated like a tide, and in the huge flower hall, only Duan’s mother and son were left struggling in pain.

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