Capture the Jade:

It was almost noon when Juesheng and Qizhi returned to Qingyun Temple.

It was quiet at the door, not even a sparrow, and when they stepped up the steps, they found two blue carts parked under the east wall.

Juesheng asked strangely: “Didn’t senior brother say that the viewing is closed today, why are there still guests here?”

Qizhi looked over, the cart was simple and light, without any decorations, but when he took a closer look, both the hub and the balance yoke were stronger than ordinary calf carts.

A handyman was sitting on the top of the car. Seeing the two of them, the man jumped down from the shaft of the car, cupped his hands and said, “I have seen the two priests.”

This handyman is white and beardless, with a smiling face like a Buddha, Juesheng and Qizhi return the gift blankly, but they can’t help but wonder in their hearts, what is the origin of the owner of this car, even the driver under him is very handsome.

While walking inside, Qi Zhi said: “Before we left in the morning, senior brother once said that Mrs. An Guogong’s soul has been out of the body for too long, and it is not easy to find it back. Now there is a way, but it needs another People with profound morals helped to set up the formation. The person the brother mentioned must be the owner of the cart.”

“I think so too, otherwise why would senior brother let that person in?”

The two returned to the scripture hall in a hurry, but there was no one in the main hall, Chun’an County King and Yu Fengyu had already left.

In the ear room to the east, there were people talking in low voices, the senior brother’s voice was easy to distinguish, and the voice of another middle-aged man was also a bit familiar, his voice was mellow and deep, and his internal strength seemed to be not inferior to the senior brother’s.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, there was a creak, and someone came out.

They leaned back in fright: “Brother!”

“What are you looking at furtively, how are you doing what you are asked to do?” Lin Chengyou’s voice was deliberately lowered.

Juesheng and Qizhi became more and more surprised. Seeing the appearance of the senior brother, it was obvious that they respected the person inside.

“It’s done, it’s done.”

Qizhi nodded desperately: “That’s right, Lady Teng’s emerald sword has lost its spiritual power.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and walked out first, asking as he walked, “Did you do what I said?”

The two talked about what happened just now.

Lin Chengyou paused: “That is to say, if I don’t release the evil spirit ring in in advance, you will lose a pack of itchy bugs for nothing, and you won’t be able to deceive the jade sword?”

Qi Zhi murmured: “We have worked very hard, but Miss Teng is not stupid at all.”

Lin Chengyou knocked over with a bang: “The two most stupid people in the world are here, and the outsiders will naturally not be stupid. Where is the sword? Where is the sword?”

Juesheng was discouraged: “The sword is still in Lady Teng’s hand.”

Qizhi puffed out his chest and said anxiously: “She refuses to hand it over to us, so we can’t grab it.”

Lin Chengyou laughed angrily: “It’s really a headache, how can I have such a stupid junior.”

Juesheng said with a guilty conscience: “But Mrs. Teng will definitely come to us with a sword, maybe she will go to Caifeng Tower tomorrow night.”

Just as Lin Chengyou was about to go down the steps, he stumbled when he heard the words: “Caifenglou? Did you tell her about Caifenglou?”

Qizhi cried with a sad face: “Senior brother, we are not good at deceiving people. If we let Mrs. Teng come to Qingyun Temple to find senior brother, senior brother may hang her up for ten and a half months. If we remind her to go to Caifeng Tower, we can find her right away. Senior brother, Madam Teng just wanted to get some itchy bugs, but we turned her treasure into a waste product, Juesheng and I can’t bear it.”

Lin Chengyou’s complexion turned black: “Okay, you are all bodhisattvas with hearts. Bodhisattvas should practice in a quiet and quiet place. Why are you still hanging around in front of me, a wicked person, and you have to **** me off to death before you give up? Immediately I’m going to the confinement room, and I’m not allowed to come out for a month.”

The two were ashamed and anxious, and couldn’t help sobbing. The sound spread to the back. In the originally quiet wing room, someone coughed. I am admonishing Lin Chengyou.

Juesheng and Qizhi were wondering, Lin Chengyou touched his ears: “Forget it, I taught you every sentence before I left, but in the end you were still deceived by her. If you say you are soft-hearted, you are soft-hearted. Why don’t you think about it and don’t let Mrs. Teng If you learn a lesson once, she will still make plans for Qingyun Temple in the future. Only by letting her know the fear, can this matter be stopped. Don’t you say that you are helping Guanli to prevent future troubles, and you are stupid enough to intercede for her? Are you willing to be fooled by her a few more times?”

Juesheng and Qizhi shook their heads together, then wiped their noses again and said, “But…Maybe Mrs. Teng just wants to get a few itchy bugs to play with, and she may not be able to lie to us in the future.”

Lin Chengyou said: “She is not a child, she knows the harm of this bug, what else can she do to deceive the bug, it can only be to harm people.”

Qizhi and Juesheng thought with tears in their eyes, what the brother said seems to be reasonable, the tickle bug can make life worse than death when it attacks, the senior brother knows how powerful this bug is, even though they keep it for fun, they never take it out easily to tease others .

As far as they can remember, the senior brother let go of the worm twice.

One time it was to deal with a lecherous old Taoist priest from other places.

The thief is quite old, but his heart is surprisingly bad. Not to mention cheating people and money, he also ruined many women. After the senior brother caught this old Taoist priest, he released dozens of itchi The worms came to the old Taoist priest, and the biggest worms were selected, so that they could play with the old Taoist priest in prison.

The other time was dealing with Dong Erniang who was full of lies in Ziyun Tower the night before.

In comparison, Mrs. Teng’s behavior of deceiving the tickle bug is really puzzling. She used bugs to harm people for no reason, so it’s no wonder that the brother suspects that she is not a good person.

The two wiped away their tears and nodded, “Senior brother taught you well.”

Lin Chengyou rubbed the center of his brows: “You guys messed up this matter, but I’m used to it, brother. I’d be surprised if you didn’t mess it up one day with the two of you. I’ll tell you to do it.” What about the other thing? What did Mrs. Du say when she woke up? Did she tell you who asked her to go to the bamboo forest?”

Qizhi pouted to express his dissatisfaction, and said sullenly: “Du Yuzhi said that his daughter did confide the truth after waking up, but because it concerns the privacy of the Du family, I can only tell the prince alone.”

Lin Chengyou sneered: “Don’t they know how many women were killed by that tree demon? Since the Du family knows the inside story, they should tell it right away. What qualifications do they have to negotiate with me?”

Qizhi scratched his head: “From Du Yuzhi’s point of view, that matter seems to be very difficult. Now the Du family is extremely eager for the help of the senior brother, but they seem to be afraid of something, and insist on only telling the senior brother.”

Lin Chengyou vaguely guessed what the Du family was worried about. He thought it was related to Lady Du’s reputation. He thought about it in his heart, but he didn’t bother to say anything, so he turned around and walked forward: “When will you say it? Where will you say it? “

“As long as the brother is willing to agree to the request of the Du family, Du Yuzhi will come and tell you immediately.”

Lin Chengyou looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back: “Today, the formation is going to be set up in the temple, and I’m very busy right now. You send people to Du’s mansion to spread the word. I’m not interested in spreading the privacy of others, but my patience is limited, and the Du’s house is limited until tomorrow.” Send a representative to Qingyun Temple and tell me exactly what happened that night without changing a single word.”

Juesheng ran down the steps: “I’ll ask someone to pass on the message.”

Qizhi asked: “Brother, if Mrs. Teng goes to Caifenglou tomorrow night, will you meet her?

Lin Chengyou asked with a smile: “Why are we going to Caifeng Tower?”

“Get rid of evil spirits.”

Lin Chengyou patted Qizhi’s head: “Since I want to get rid of evil spirits, how can I have time to deal with irrelevant people?”

Qizhi was stunned for a moment, is this going to leave Mrs. Teng alone? They had good intentions, but they did bad things again.

However, Mrs. Teng seems to be different from the ordinary women of the aristocratic family. She abandoned her wisdom and said timidly: “What if she insists on seeing senior brother?”

Lin Chengyou nodded with a smile: “Come on, let her come. She’d better admit her mistake to me obediently, and take the initiative to return the tickle bug to me. If she dares to play tricks, it’s nothing to destroy a magic weapon. I still have good things to do.” Follow her.”

Qizhi scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, senior brother is angry, if Mrs. Teng goes tomorrow night, I’m afraid she will suffer a big loss, do you want to send a letter to Mrs. Teng? I was afraid of being caught by my senior brother. After thinking about it like this, I looked up, only to find that my brother, Bu Gang, had started to draw amulets in front of the well.

Looking closely, the painting is “The Gate of Xuan Min”.

This gate is the root of heaven and earth. Mrs. An’s soul lingered after falling into the nether world and refused to return. Senior brother forged a Xuanmin gate and used this method to lure her back.

Qizhi rushed up to help, there was an offering on the table in front of the well, the thing was covered with a black square cloth, the square cloth was lifted up, revealing a young tree inside, the branches were green and lush, there was a kind of soul-stirring The flirtatious beauty.

Qizhi’s eyes widened slightly, and he was actually the real birth of the tree demon.

Juesheng returned to the yard and was quite surprised to see this situation: “Brother, since you want to bring back the soul of Mrs. An Guogong, why did you enshrine the tree demon here?”

Lin Chengyou said: “Mrs. An Guo was killed by this tree demon. Who is the person you hate the most?”

Qizhi blinked: “Tree Demon!”

Juesheng clapped his hands and said: “I know, using the breath of the tree demon as bait can arouse the resentment of Mrs. An Guogong’s soul. If the soul has obsession, the chance of finding it will be greater.”

“Furthermore, I drew a fake Xuanmin Gate here, which is equivalent to setting a target in the Qingyun Temple. I will break the evil spirit talisman outside the temple later, and all the wandering souls in Chang’an will be attracted. Although the tree demon has been beaten back to its original form, the evil spirit is still there, so if you put it in the courtyard, ordinary lonely ghosts dare not approach it, and when it comes to really attracting the soul, it will save a lot of trouble.”

As Lin Chengyou said, he re-examined the organs in the courtyard, and after careful preparation, he took out the piece of paper that Duke An had drawn in the morning from his bosom.

“After a while, if there are footprints on the ‘stop chasing fans’, it means that a soul has come. You compare them carefully. If the two steps do not match, drive them away immediately. lead the soul to the well.”


Lin Chengyou reminded them: “Be careful, it’s fine if there are no impersonators. As long as you dare to impersonate, you must be a bad person. The opportunity is rare and you should practice hard.”

“Brother, don’t worry.”

At this moment, there was a strange noise in the scripture hall, and the closed door of the side room opened on both sides, and a red thread flew out from the inside, shooting straight towards the front of the well.

The surprise of Qi Zhi and Jue Sheng is not small, no wonder the senior brother respects that person so much, this person’s internal strength is not even inferior to that of the master.

This red line is very thin, and there is a small bell hanging every few inches. It is strange that the bell is obviously swaying endlessly by the wind, but there is no movement at all.

Lin Chengyou grabbed the red thread firmly and said, “Go, tie it to the well.”

Qizhi agreed, the person in the wing held the other end of the red thread tightly, waiting for Qizhi to tie the red thread above the mouth of the well, the other end suddenly pulled back, the red thread was held tightly like a bowstring.

Cigarettes curled up in the sutra hall, and there was the faint sound of chanting mantras. The bell on the red thread was golden and jade-like, jingling.

Juesheng and Qizhi were shocked, and Lin Chengyou went to the edge of the well, pointed his sword at the east wall, and raised his voice: “Cheng Li, why don’t you come back?”

The sun was rising above the head, but in an instant, clouds covered the sun, a huge shadow enveloped the sky, and the entire courtyard was plunged into darkness.

Juesheng and Qizhi were facing the enemy, they quickly rushed to the porch and sat down, the ground was covered with floc-like anti-chasing powder, as long as the soul of the dead came, it would definitely appear.

Lin Chengyou stood on the edge of the well holding his sword, holding his breath and staring at the courtyard, he could hear needles falling all around, and suddenly a gust of wind blew.

Just hearing a babble, the courtyard door slowly opened.

Subsequently, accompanied by a vaguely filthy smell, a red-golden footprint suddenly appeared on the ground. The footprint was extremely small, and it was obviously not the soul of Mrs. An Guogong.

Juesheng and Qizhi’s scalp numb, they came so fast, this thing must be quite powerful.


Teng Yuyi looked at the sun above her head, and suddenly it was noon, Cheng Bo followed her orders, but there was no sign of anyone until now, and after waiting for a while without hearing anything, she simply got up to visit her cousin, and it happened that Mrs. Du sent someone I came to find Teng Yuyi, and said that the lunch arrangement was ready, so Teng Yuyi should hurry over to eat.

Teng Yu noticed Yilanxuan, Du Tinglan fell asleep after drinking the medicine, and the meals were served on the outside table. Mrs. Du and Du Shaotang were waiting for her. Du Yuzhi only took half a day off, and she will return to the Imperial College early.

Madam Du said: “I was supposed to take care of you, but who knows that something like this happened, I didn’t have time to make preparations in the morning, and I cooked a few dishes in a hurry, I don’t know if it suits your taste.”

Teng Yuyi sat down happily, and the table was almost full of her favorite dishes. She looked around the table and asked excitedly, “Are all made by your aunt?”

Madam Du smiled and handed the chopsticks to Teng Yuyi: “Try it.”

Teng Yuyi took a piece of Yulu Tuan, and was full of praise: “I don’t think about anything else in Yangzhou, but I think about the dishes made by my aunt. So many things happened this time when I returned to Chang’an, I thought it would take a few days before I could **** aunt. I didn’t expect to eat it so soon, it’s still so delicious.”

Mrs. , the two of you went back to the house to have a rest.”

Du Shaotang sat down on the opposite side and asked curiously: “Cousin Yu, just now the maid beside you asked me for the map of Chang’an, do you want to go out?”

Teng Yuyi said: “I haven’t been back to Chang’an for several years. This time I want to take a walk around. I’m afraid the driver is not familiar with the road, so I need to look for a map.”

Du Shaotang smiled and said: “Why bother, I can just go out with Cousin Yu. I am studying in the Imperial College now, and occasionally go out with my classmates. I have long been familiar with the streets and alleys of Chang’an City. “

Teng Yuyi took a sip of sugarcane syrup, and said casually: “I heard that a Persian wine shop was recently opened in Chang’an City. The owner is Persian Hu, and he makes good wine. What Yunfeng Tower.”

Du Shaotang pondered for a while: “I’ve never heard of such a Persian restaurant, but there is a Caifenglou, which has become famous in Chang’an recently. I just listened to their discussions, I never saw it with my own eyes.”

Teng Yuyi wondered: “Why do you admire that place so much? Is there anything special about Caifenglou?”

Du Shaotang took a peek at Mrs. Du, and said in a secretive way: “It’s just that the wine and food are very good…”

Then changed the subject and said: “Cousin Yu, if you are looking for good wine, why go to the wine shop outside, my sister brewed a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus spirit for you last year, and buried it under the crabapple tree in the corner of the courtyard, saying that I will wait for you Here it is, I want to dig it out for you to drink.”

Teng Yuyi couldn’t wait to put down her tooth chopsticks, turned her head and looked around: “Where is the wine?”

Ms. Du smiled and said, “You child, when you talk about wine, your eyebrows are beaming. The wine is buried under the tree. You don’t have long legs, so you can’t run. Sit down for me. You are tired for a while, so don’t worry about it.” Drinking, take a good rest today, and it will not be too late to ask Lan Er tomorrow.”

After eating, Teng Yuyi went to the next room to rest for a while, took out the emerald sword and wiped it against the window, and wiped his brows tighter.

Chunrong and Biluo didn’t know what happened. When the lady talked to the two little Taoist priests in the morning, they were very far away, and they didn’t know what happened, but since the little Taoist priest left, the lady took out her sword from time to time to see .

“Let’s take a nap while there is nothing else to do at noon.” Chunrong said.

Teng Yuyi slowly lay down on the bed, held the sword high in front of her eyes and studied it carefully.

“Lady, are you really going to the Caifeng Tower tomorrow?”

“Let Cheng Bo go and find out what other Taoist temples there are in Chang’an.” Teng Yuyi stuffed the sword under the pillow, “Or there are some Taoist priests with profound Taoism. If you want to inquire, let him come and answer me as soon as possible.”

She didn’t believe it anymore, Chang’an is so big, there must be many strange people and strange people, could Lin Chengyou alone be able to undo the evil spirit ring?

“Your maidservant is going to deliver the message now.” Chunrong tucked up the quilt for Teng Yuyi, “However, my maidservant heard that Qingyun Temple is the No. 1 Taoist temple in Tianda, so it may not be easy to find a rival to it in Chang’an City.”

Teng Yuyi secretly felt that these words were disappointing, snorted, and was about to feel sleepy, and suddenly opened her eyes and turned her head on the pillow: “Hey, where is my puppet.”

Qiyun came in with a dusty little puppet in her arms: “Sister Biluo washed it in the morning and just dried it now. Smell it, my lady, it still smells like the sun.”

Teng Yuyi took the puppet and turned over, humming in his mouth: “Be careful, if you lose it, I will never forgive you.”

Chunrong and Biluo couldn’t help laughing, although the lady is not old, she has long been used to making her own decisions, but every time she goes back to bed, she still can’t leave her behind like a child Muppet.

Suddenly hearing someone whispering outside, Teng Yuyi hurriedly said: “Is Cheng Bo back? Go and see.”

Bi Luo went out for a while, and brought back a map: “Young Master, someone sent it, lady, are you really going to that Caifeng Tower tomorrow?”

Teng Yuyi turned over and sat up, took the map and studied it: “Hey, is this restaurant in Pingkangfang?”

Could it be a brothel?

What did Lin Chengyou take his two juniors to a brothel?

Biluo and Chunrong also came to the bedside: “Ah, that’s not too close to Qinrenfang, and it takes more than an hour to go back and forth, lady, whether you go or not, at the latest at noon tomorrow.” You have to make a decision, if you leave later, you won’t be able to return to the Du Mansion before dark.”

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