Capture the Jade:

Bulky guy? That is Duanfu.

Lin Chengyou nodded: “Understood.”

He **** Lu Zhaoan again, got up and got out of the cage, and locked Mrs. Wang into another iron cage, locked the two cages himself, and told the yamen servants a few words to confirm that there was nothing wrong with it. ‌Go out of the prison.

Li Yan and his colleagues walked to the table and chairs in front of the cage with a smile, and was about to sit down, when a figure flashed in front of his eyes, someone grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up all at once.

The opponent’s figure is as fast as a ghost, even if Li Mao’s skill is not bad, it was unexpected, and even when he was pinched, his eyes popped out, and the half of the silver thread in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. on the ground.

“Who sent it here?” Lin Chengyou’s eyes were full of frost.

Li Yu’s facial features were twisted into a ball, he seemed to be unable to understand where he was showing his secrets, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, more of a surprise, confusion turned into confusion, he did not forget to fight back, poured his right palm Full of internal strength, he struck Lin Chengyou’s chest vigorously.

Lin Chengyou raised his wrist with a hand knife, and hit Li Xi’s wrist hard. At the same time, he bent his right knee and slammed it hard, hitting Li Xi’s chest and abdomen.

Li’s throat was locked, his internal strength and speed were all suppressed, he dodged the attack on the upper front but failed to dodge the blow to his abdomen, and bowed his back back, as if his internal organs had been shattered. His knees shook so much that he almost fell to his knees in front of Lin Chengyou.

All this happened too quickly, and when the servants came back to their senses, they all drew their swords and stepped forward.

“Come here.” Lin Chengyou shouted, “Cover the cage to prevent him from releasing poisonous smoke on the prisoner.”

“Yes.” The yamen servants ran outside the cage instead, and quickly lowered the curtain around the cage.

In order to prevent Li Mao from committing suicide by biting the poison, Lin Chengyou shook out the silver chain from his sleeve and let it penetrate into Li Luo’s mouth.

Li Yu still stared at Lin Chengyou, as if he was asking, where did I show my flaws?

Lin Chengyou sneered, dared to pretend to be Teng Yuyi’s name, and didn’t ask whether he was worthy. Teng Yuyi is more cautious than anyone else when going out. In the past, it was difficult for people to recognize her original appearance when she was dressed as a man. Recently, she has a face that is indispensable when she goes out. In order to lure him out, the fake Li made a point of emphasizing the prince’s beauty, but he didn’t know that it was precisely this that showed his flaws.

“Maybe there are accomplices outside, hurry up and take them down.”

“Yes.” Several yamen servants with the strongest martial arts took the order to go.

As soon as Li Yan’s mask was pulled off here, a stream of black blood overflowed from Li Yan’s mouth. Obviously, he had taken poison before he came here, and he was not injured. Once the blood in his body surged, immediately Will die from poison.

The mask was torn off, and an elusive smell filled the air. Lin Chengyou held his breath for a moment. Sure enough, it was a fraud. It’s weird. Fortunately, it dissipated quickly, and there was a strange face underneath, and the yamen servants were amazed: “I said that Li Yan looked thinner than usual tonight, and I thought I was dazzled, but it turned out to be fake. Is it for the purpose of robbing the prison or to silence? It is really impossible to guard against.”

“I remember that Li Yu said that he wanted to go out to have a meal.” Lin Chengyou began to search the body of “Li Yu”, “Hurry up and look around, maybe Li Yu has been killed, and in addition Hurry up and notify the two ministers that there are traitors intending to rob the prison, and the prison needs to be re-armed. From tonight, the multiple key cards must be guarded at all times. No matter who comes in, they must first search carefully and check their faces. .”

After inspecting the body of “Li Yu”, Lin Chengyou stared sharply at Mrs. Wang in the prison, looking at the fish, because he caught a big fish in his net, the master behind the scenes who has always been calm , finally couldn’t bear to deal with him head-on.

Thinking about the scene just now, it is really chilling.

Although the actors in Caifenglou had dealt with Prince Wang, they didn’t quite know that Prince Wang was Teng Yuyi.

But this person not only knows that Teng Yuyi is the prince, but also knows how to use the prince to seduce him.

The person who can come up with this idea is very likely to be Eji, her behind-the-scenes master.

E Ji was originally the eyeliner of the people behind the scenes, and she was born with a pair of vicious eyes. After passing through Caifenglou for a few days, it is not difficult to guess that the prince is the daughter of General Teng, which is puzzling. Yes, they actually know that he cares about Teng Yuyi very much now.

Not many people know about this.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it is true that he bought jewelry at the Zhaixing Building before. Now that the case has come to light, the Deng family must publicize it everywhere in order to protect the reputation of their granddaughter. Many people already knew that the Yingyue bead ring that Deng Weili received last night was not a gift from him, so it is very intriguing to think about where the jewelry he bought at Zhaixinglou went.

Perhaps someone guessed that his sweetheart is actually Teng Yuyi based on this, so there is this show tonight? It was too quick to react.

If it wasn’t for this fake Li who pretended to be smart and made a fool of himself, he might really have gone out because of the sentence “The prince is in a hurry”.

Soon a yamen servant came back and reported: “Lin Ping, there are no princes outside the door.”

A few other yamen servants came back carrying Li Yan’s body, and said with tears in pain: “Li Yan was assassinated. The body is hidden in the alley next to it, and it cannot be rescued… this gang of scum !”

Lin Chengyou straightened up and inspected Li Qu’s body, and after a moment of silence, he raised his hand to close Li Qu’s slightly opened eyes.

“Until I finish interrogating Aunt Wang, everyone is not allowed to leave without permission.”


After half an hour.

Lin Chengyou sat in the middle of the iron cage of Mrs. Wang and Lu Zhaoan, waiting quietly.

The same method, the same Gu worm, and after half an hour, Wang’s eyes are still cold when looking at Lu Zhaoan, even revealing a strong disgust.

The way Lu Zhaoan looked at Mrs. Wang was still so hot.

On the right is Lu Zhaoan’s fire-like deep cave, and on the left is a pool of stagnant water. Lin Chengyou was caught in the middle of the water and fire, and couldn’t help but fell into thinking. Could there be a way? But he used the same method, and he had already succeeded once before, so there was no reason why he would go wrong.

Suddenly thought, Mrs. Wang is the same as Zhuang Mu from earlier, not only can she survive the torture, but she is also very good at hiding her inner emotions, maybe she has already developed love for Lu Zhaoan Yes, but it’s not obvious on the surface.

At this point, Lin Chengyou released Lu Zhaoan from the iron cage, put him on the torture tool, and then said to Mrs. Wang: “Okay, I’m going to punish Mr. Lu.”

Aunt Wang stared at a pair of triangular eyes, still indifferent.

Lin Chengyou waved his hand to make people go to prison.

Lu Zhaoan screamed like a pig being killed.

Amid Lu Zhaoan’s screams, Lin Chengyou happily said to Wang Yu: “As long as you tell who is behind the scenes, I will stop torturing him immediately.”

Ms. Wang rolled her eyes and looked at her lips. She didn’t care about Lu Zhaoan’s life or death at all.

Lin Chengyou raised his eyebrows, doesn’t it work? This Gu worm is so overbearing… If it is not easy to use, unless there are other Gu worms hidden in her body. One penthouse cannot hold two Gu worms, as long as a new Gu worm invades the heart veins, it will be immediately swallowed by the old one in the body.


Using torture on Lu Zhaoan, the Nostalgia Gu in Lu Zhaoan’s body might give up and run away, so the gain outweighs the loss, so Lin Chengyou waved his hand to tell the yamen servants to stop.

Lu Zhaoan said pantingly: “What is it coming at me to hurt her…”

Lin Chengyou endured his embarrassment and asked: “I’m the first in the Jinshi department, and it’s sooner or later to become an official, but I choose to give up the right path and follow the evil path. What kind of benefits did everyone behind the scenes promise? ?”

“How about the first Jinshi?” Lu Zhaoan mocked with eyes full of eyes, “You are the proud son of heaven, how can you understand the suffering of people from poor families like us? I know better than anyone else what is going on in the world. If a person has no backing in the court, even if he becomes an official, he can only start as a small official… I have endured for so many years, how can I be willing to live under others for a long time… I just want to Get ahead…I will deal with whoever can help me rise to the top… With my talent, as long as you give me a chance to display it, one day I, Lu Zhaoan, will be powerful and have disciples all over the world.”

The yamen servants all spat: “There are so many people from poor families, how many of them seem to be ungrateful for profit? Just like this brazen face of a villain, only a scum would be willing to do it.” student.”

“Returning the power to the world? Using that **** as a worm to harm innocent women, his heart and liver stinks worse than the mud in the stinky ditch. If you ask this person to be a butcher, The whole court will be stinky.”

Lin Chengyou figured out some meaning from Lu Zhaoan’s words, and ordered Lu Zhaoan to be **** and sent back to the cage, and said to Wang Yu: “That guy has known Master Jingchen for many years ?”

Ms. Wang said nothing.

Lin Chengyou thought about it and said: “No wonder the imperial court failed to capture the Haoyue Sanren and Wenqing Sanren in the past few years. It turned out that they were hiding in a corner of Chang’an, and the person who took them in should be a certain nobleman from Chang’an. Assuming The three of them have known each other since the beginning of their escape, and they may not be too young. They have a deep relationship, right? That’s why the last time the family knew Mrs. Jingchen Defeated, risking the lives of thirty dead men will take her soul away.”

Wang Yu in front of her is like a dry well, no matter what Lin Chengyou says, it can’t stir up any waves.

Lin Chengyou was surprised and said, “Is the Gu worm in ‌ the body of the Haoyue Sanren, or the Wenqing Sanren?”

There was a slight ripple at the bottom of the well.

Lin Chengyou smiled: “They were poisoned by the gu, are they afraid that you will betray them, are you also a disciple of the Promise Sect when you were young? Or were they pulled into evil paths by these two undisciplined people later? ?”

She closes her eyes.

Lin Chengyou said at the same time: “Doesn’t it feel good to work for a tiger? If someone can help you out of the gu, don’t you want to live a peaceful life for a few days.”

Aunt Wang raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression was very strange, as if she was saying: My boy, I have survived torture, I have survived temptation, I never expected that you would come up with such a way to seduce me Open your mouth.

Lin Chengyou knew that he had given the right medicine this time, so he smiled and said:

“In 2008, the imperial court confiscated dozens of secret books of Wujimen, the most famous of which belonged to “Soul Sutra”, which is a masterpiece of Qiankun Sanren. But at the same time, several “Gu Sutras” were also confiscated. My master has studied for so many years and figured out how to deal with the Wujimen Gu poison. As long as you tell us what you know, we can immediately explain it to you Gu.”

Ms. Wang looked straight at Lin Chengyou.

“Don’t believe me?” Lin Chengyou lied without changing his face, “Take me as an example, more than half of the Gu poison in my body has been cured. I can’t tell you how to solve it. It only takes the last step. The Gu imprint will disappear completely. If you know Mr. Wang, you must have inquired about the phlegm on me. This is the most convincing example. For my master, the venom in the body It’s not a problem to be together.”

Lady Wang lowered her head in a state of deep thought.

Lin Chengyou earnestly and kindly said: “Once the poison in the body is detoxified, no one will be able to control it in the future. As long as I can help Dali Temple catch the owner, I can help him commute his sentence at will.” , After being released from prison, you can live the life of ordinary people, whether to continue to be a demon in the ‘underworld’, or to return to the ‘Yangjian’ to be a human being, it’s all a matter of one thought.”

Lady Wang still didn’t answer.

Lin Chengyou was very patient: “Give me half an hour, let me think about it carefully, and let me know when I figure it out.”

Suddenly there was some commotion outside. It turned out that the two ministers and their colleagues rushed from their homes when they heard that someone was planning to rob the prison.

Yan Sizhi and Kuan Nu were among them.

Kuan Nu also brought E Ji’s body.

After hearing the clues about Eji from Lu Zhaoan tonight, Lin Chengyou immediately asked his secret guard outside Dali Temple to notify the Kuannu to close the net, and then waited for the Kuannu to lead someone in. Eji had already committed suicide by taking poison.

“Look at the death status, she died early this morning.” Kuan Nu wiped off his sweat, “Eji didn’t go out these few days, and several groups of people took turns to stare at her. In the morning, I went to a 饆饠 shop near the Bodhi Temple to buy 饆饠, and I must have heard that Lu Zhaoan was arrested, and knew that she would be found soon, and soon after returning, he took poison and committed suicide in the house.”

“But immediately send someone to look at that restaurant? Who is it?”

“I don’t know who it is, but this store has been open in Chang’an for five or six years. The location is very remote, and there are not many people going there on weekdays. Two groups of people are watching nearby.”

Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi inspected Eji’s body together. Looking at the pupils and the shape of her lips, she was indeed poisoned, and what’s more, the most common heartbroken grass in the market was used.

Yan Sizhi listened to the conversation outside the corridor, and said to Lin Chengyou in a low voice: “There are a lot of people here, and you need to take care of them in prison. Let’s do this. I’ll take someone to that store to have a look right away. There must be a lot of clues in Eji’s house, I will search inside and out.”

“There are two routes on the Bing’an Road, and that shop let Kuan Nu and the others go.” Lin Chengyou said, “Brother Yan took people to Mo’er Lane to arrest Wang Jiuen. Remember to bring more yamen servants, and let the Kuan Nu go to Yan Brother Yan sent more secret guards, the other party’s methods are cruel, and they are highly skilled in martial arts. I feel relieved to have them take care of Brother Yan. If you find out any news, send someone back to deliver the letter immediately.”



The prison was re-armed, and the yamen guards searched one by one to confirm that there was nothing wrong with each other, so Lin Chengyou re-interrogated Ms. Wang, but Ms. Wang still did not speak.

Lin Chengyou was puzzled. The conditions he proposed were attractive enough. Seeing Mrs. Wang’s imitation, he obviously wavered a little. Why is his attitude still so stubborn.

It was not until the morning of the second day that Mrs. Wang still refused to say anything.

Seeing that both hard and soft tactics didn’t work, a strange feeling crossed Lin Chengyou’s heart.

Could it be that Mrs. Wang is sure that Master can’t undo the Gu on her body?

How can she be sure?

Absolutely Gu makes people unable to move, but he has a sweetheart, which is enough to make people wonder if the Gu poison in his body is still there.

After thinking about it, an idea popped up in his mind, maybe this Gu poison is not depressing, but rather harmful. Master was very worried about this a few days ago, maybe he also thought of this.

He walked to the cage, and was about to ask Mrs. Wang to clarify, when Mrs. Wang suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed.

“Lin Ping!” The yamen servants turned pale with shock.

Lin Chengyou quickly stepped forward to restrain several large acupoints on Wang Yu’s body, and stuffed the detoxification pill into her mouth, but Wang Yu was obviously not poisoned. The erythema, after a while, died of exhaustion.

Lu Zhaoan watched his sweetheart die tragically in front of his eyes, and his heart was broken. He rolled and bumped his head while crying, desperately looking for death and life.

Lin Chengyou thought of the strange smell on Li Yu’s mask, and his complexion was extremely ugly. It turned out that what was attached to the mask was not poison, but an insect primer that induced the poisonous poison in Wang Yu’s body to break out early.

Although he had someone cover the prisoner’s cage in time, he never expected that the worm Yinzi could crawl.

For the first time in his life, he had the feeling of being provoked by criminals, who had endless tricks and were surprisingly meticulous.

Would you like to play?

Once Mrs. Wang died, more than half of the clues were cut off.

In contrast, Lin Chengyou was not so eager. Eji was able to get the news of Lu Zhaoan’s arrest so quickly. That restaurant was the key. He left Dali Temple and went to the store to collect evidence.

Unsurprisingly, before Dali Temple came to investigate, the restaurant suddenly caught fire last night. Fortunately, Kuannu reserved manpower in advance. The shop clerk in the couple’s shop was already sound asleep at that time, and almost died in the flames.

In the evening, Eji’s home shop was turned upside down by Lin Chengyou, but no useful physical evidence was found. He accidentally got an important clue during the interrogation of the shop assistant.

The clerk of the house had lingering fears about his escape from death. When he was asked who the regular customers were in the store, he remembered that a regular customer came to buy porridge yesterday morning.

They don’t know the origin of the regular customer, they only know that the man is about ten years old, the clothes are neat and tidy, but there is a soybean-sized mole on the left side of the nose, and there is a white stick on the mole. Mao, in the past, this person would come to the store every now and then to buy glutinous rice balls. When E Ji came over, the person had just left, and the two of them didn’t say hello, obviously they didn’t know each other.

A white light flashed in Lin Chengyou’s mind, and he said in a deep voice, “Go to the painter.”

Soon the painter was found, and the two guys stammered and described the figure of the man to the painter, and when the portrait was drawn, Yan Sizhi was stunned when he came out.

This regular customer was actually Zheng Baorong, the manager next to Zheng Pushe.

When investigating Shu Liniang’s case last time, Yan Sizhi dealt with Zheng Pushe’s supervisor several times.

“Could it be him?” Yan Sizhi’s voice trembled a little.

If it is true, this news will be like a thunderbolt to Chang’an and even the government and the public.

Thinking about the whole thing, the other party hid too deeply and attacked too quickly. If it wasn’t for Lin Ping’s timely response, these shop assistants would have been unable to identify them.

After the interrogation, Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi came out of the room.

Lin Chengyou looked at the pines and cypresses in front of the court in a trance, everyone behind the scenes had strategies, financial resources and people, these Zheng Pushes fit.

It just so happened that what happened during this period of time could not match Zheng Pushe one by one.

Shu Liniang was exactly the housewife Zheng Pu shot in the case of pregnant women taking fetuses a while ago.

Song Jian could marry Xiao Jiang as his wife for revenge, and Zheng Pushe might also let Shu Liniang, who had done evil, be his housewife for the sake of Yueshuo Tongjun.

In addition, Zheng Pushe’s eldest son suddenly regretted his marriage for a while, which is also worthy of scrutiny. The ostensible reason for retiring the engagement was that Duan Qingying was accidentally pregnant, but Zheng Pushe didn’t want her son to become the brother-in-law of Wu Erniang, who did a lot of evil, so he specially arranged this.

If it is really Zheng Pushe, then it is reasonable to say that the Sanren of Haoyue in the previous year and the Sanren of Wenqing escaped the court’s arrest.

The imperial court could never have imagined that they were hiding somewhere in Zheng Pushe’s house.

In the whole thing, the only thing that doesn’t make sense is Zheng Shuangyin.

Assuming that Zheng Pushe is the mastermind behind the scenes, how could Lu Zhaoan use his thoughts to confuse his daughter.

After thinking about it, maybe Zheng Pushe himself didn’t know about this matter, and later he knew that his daughter was being tricked, so he didn’t mean to protect Lu Zhaoan after the incident, so he didn’t hesitate to take him away. Become an abandoned son.

For the time being, Zheng Pushe is the man behind the scenes, but after thinking about it, I still feel that there are a few doubts that are not right.

“Brother Yan, I have to go to the palace.” Regardless of whether it is Zheng Pushe or not, the imperial court must make arrangements in secret as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Chengyou came out of the palace, the yamen servant came over and said: “Yan Sizhi, Wu Erniang said that she has important clues to provide, but before she provides the clues, she wants to see her mother, and she also wants to see Mrs. Du.” ‌Ms. Teng, if Dali Temple does not agree to her request, she will refuse to provide clues.”

“Do as she says.” Lin Chengyou said without hesitation.

The yamen servant hesitated: “But… Mrs. Teng, Mrs. Du is a weak girl after all, so she may not dare to come to the prison.”

“No, they will come.” Lin Chengyou smiled and walked out.

He still doesn’t know Teng Yuyi, she is not afraid of anything, and when she hears that Wu Qi wants to see her, she will come quickly.


Teng Yuyi ate well and slept soundly in the past two days. With Wu Qi’s arrest, more than half of the shadow that had been in her heart earlier was wiped away.

Although the person behind the scenes has not been found out for the time being, she is very confident in Lin Chengyou’s ability to solve the case.

Catching up with the academy’s holiday, she took a few days off and when the news from Dali Temple came, she was lying on the couch having a drink with Xiaoya.

Hearing Chunrong’s reply, Teng Yuyi hastily put down the wine cup.

“Wu Qi wants to see me?” She thought she had heard wrong, and subconsciously touched her ears.

“That’s right.” Chunrong Biluo said outside the curtain, “In addition to the lady, she also said that she wanted to see the Du family aunt. The yamen servant from Dali Temple came to deliver the message, and rushed to the Du family to pass the message. Ma’am, shall we go?”

Teng Yuyi waved Xiao Ya to climb into the sword, and got up with a single bone.

“Go.” She said decisively, “Hurry up and prepare my clothes and car.”

I went to Du’s house to pick up Du Tinglan, and the two sisters rushed to Dali Temple together.

Lin Chengyou had been waiting at the gate for a long time, and when he saw the Teng family’s cart coming, he went down the steps to meet him.

Teng Yuyi got out of the car quickly, and as soon as Lin Chengyou got close, he could smell the faint smell of alcohol on her body.

Sweet apple wine.

The smell is so fragrant, let alone drink a can.

She is not afraid of getting drunk after drinking so much.

He glanced at the pair of shining eyes behind the veiled hat, and Teng Yuyi was also looking at him.

Behind are Yan Sizhi’s yamen servants. Lin Chengyou just took a look, and then solemnly bowed his hands to the three siblings: “There is trouble. The suspect suddenly said that he has important clues to provide, and I have to trouble Mrs. Du.” Ladies, let’s go.”

Du Tinglan pulled her younger sister back and saluted: “Lin Ping has made great contributions to solving the case, and we are duty-bound.”

Lin Chengyou looked at Du Shaotang behind the two of them: “Please wait here, Mr. Du.”

Du Shaotang nodded worriedly.

“It’s not too late, follow me in.” Lin Chengyou turned back up the steps, and took the lead to walk in with his hands behind his back. “When we get to the prison, I will always be by your side. Ladies… don’t be afraid.”

Teng Yuyi looked at Lin Chengyou’s back, feeling extremely at ease. She wasn’t afraid at all, but the elder sister was obviously a little nervous. She had been holding her hand tightly since the beginning, and her palm was still sweating. Thanks to Lin Chengyou’s saying that he would not walk away, the elder sister was finally at ease. Not a lot.

Just as the three of them were about to enter, a group of people suddenly came at the end of the road, and the leader was a man in purple robe and gold crown.

It is the prince.

The prince got off his horse in front of the door, first glanced at Du Tinglan, then nodded to everyone, and finally pulled Lin Chengyou aside, and asked in a low voice: “The suspect wanted to see Lady Du, but he agreed to her? Are you not afraid?” Is there any accident?”

Teng Yuyi turned her head to look at Sister. Sister had a very calm face, but her face, which was hidden behind the veiled hat, turned red all of a sudden. You can see the difference.

Look at Shaotang over there, he moved forward to talk to the prince.

Teng Yuyi wondered to herself, maybe the prince went to see sister in private these two days, otherwise they wouldn’t be so acquainted.

It’s a pity that in the past two days, in order to celebrate the arrest of the murderer, she ate and slept at home all day. A few times when my sister came to look for her, she slept at home.

No, you have to ask carefully later.

I don’t know what Lin Chengyou said to the prince, but the prince seemed relieved, got on his horse and waited outside the door, showing no intention of leaving.

“Let’s go.” Lin Chengyou dismissed the yamen servant next to him, and led the two of them inside alone.

Teng Yuyi looked around while walking, and it turned out that this is where Lin Chengyou usually handles cases. It is not as gloomy as she imagined, but spacious and clean.

I don’t know if they have been counted in advance, but there are almost no government officials along the road, such as Dali Temple officials.

Passing through the front hall, you will find the central hall. After exiting the central hall, there are Banyan Pavilions on both sides. After coming out of the Banyan Pavilion, you will find a sparse courtyard full of green and cold-resistant pines and cypresses. A little serious.

Lin Chengyou led the way, and focused his attention on Teng Yuyi behind him. He never dreamed that one day he would bring Teng Yuyi here for a visit.

Is this place too boring for her?

He couldn’t help turning his head to take a look.

Just seeing Teng Yuyi looking at the Banyan Pavilion in the east, he turned his head and looked straight ahead and said, “That’s the Banyan Pavilion.”

With no outsiders around, Teng Yuyi was much more at ease than before. It was rare to go back to Dali Temple, and wanted to inquire a few words. Hearing this, he asked curiously, “Is this where the officials sort out the case files?”

“That’s right.” Lin Chengyou said.

I didn’t expect her to be really interested.

The words of the Banyan Pavilion are useless to him, and he has never stayed in it seriously for more than an hour. If he hadn’t gone to find Yan Sizhi sometimes, he guesses that he still doesn’t even know where the door of the Banyan Pavilion is. Know.

Teng Yuyi nodded, and asked a question that he had been curious about for a long time: “Where are the corpses of those victims usually placed?”

“The morgue, you can see it later.”

Du Tinglan’s complexion changed, her younger sister was so bold as to inquire about such things.

Fortunately, when passing by the morgue, Lin Chengyou only pointed to his sister from a distance, and didn’t really take her there.


Teng Yuyi was amazed: “It turned out to be such an unremarkable row of low houses.”

Lin Chengyou was a little funny: “Why don’t you think the director of the morgue is doing something?”

“I thought it was like the mortuary in Beitian Convalescent Workshop, it was gloomy, but I didn’t expect that the morgue in Dali Temple was all low-rise buildings, and there were so many flowers and plants planted outside. “

Lin Chengyou said: “The cases submitted to Dali Temple are usually more difficult. In those old cases, the corpses are already rotten. Don’t plant some flowers and plants to repel the smell. The row of pillars is hollow and filled with ice bricks, which can also slow down the decay of the corpse. Didn’t you find that this place is cooler than the other place? ?”

Teng Yuyi sighed: “It’s true.”

Du Tinglan smiled and listened, Lin Chengyou was very patient every time in front of his sister, so he didn’t know if the two of them realized it.

There is a big prison ahead, and Lin Chengyou led the two of them in. The death cell for felons is built underground, and there are many checkpoints outside.

Along the road to the innermost cell, Lin Chengyou stopped and said, “Here we are.”

The yamen servant said to Lin Chengyou: “Mrs. Wu just left. When she came, she brought some food for the prisoner, but was stopped by the villain. The mother and daughter talked a lot inside, and there were tears on their faces when they left. .Siqing ‌ and several directors watched outside the whole process.”

Lin Chengyou said lightly: “Understood.”

Take tendu and two in.

As soon as Teng Yuyi entered, she saw Wu Qi sitting in the iron prison,

In just two days, Wu Qi was in a lot of trouble, her hair was in a disheveled bun, and her red dress was dirty and wrinkled. When they came in, she was sitting with her back against the wall, her face still stubborn and cold .

Lin Chengyou sneered and said: “Man, I brought it to , and I have the final say on what to do next. Remember, after asking the question, spit out the clue immediately, dare to play tricks,  ‌I know how much trouble I will have to wait for.”

Wu Qi’s iron-like expression finally changed subtly. She seemed to be full of hatred and more of fear. She stared at Lin Chengyou for a while, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: “Got it.”

Then turned to look at Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan: “Here we come.”

Her voice is rustling.

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