Capture the Jade:

After Lin Chengyou said that, something popped out with his fingers, and the strange force under Juesheng’s feet suddenly disappeared. He moved his sore feet, even if he was reluctant, he could only move them back obediently.

Qizhi followed behind in a daze, Juesheng did something good and got caught by his senior brother.

Juesheng dejectedly walked up to Lin Chengyou and stood up, Lin Chengyou hooked his fingers: “Take it out.”

Juesheng obediently handed over the bag of things, Lin Chengyou poured out the things, and smiled when he saw it: “The more angry you are, the more you know you stole the things in the temple.”

Qizhi’s eyeballs almost fell out: “Ah, there are so many [calling your life worse than death – itching and blooming] bugs! Juesheng, what are you doing with this?”

The king of Chun’an County teased: “Needless to say, this must be the nickname given by Ah Da. Yu Fengyu, have you heard of this kind of strange insect?”

Yu Fengyu squinted his eyes: “I’ve never heard of it. Xiao Shizi, this is probably used to tease people again.”

Lin Chengyou said with a smile: “Cooking and eating can prolong your life. If your old man likes it, I will give you some later.”

Yu Fengyu was well aware of the child’s temperament, so he hurriedly said in fright: “No need, no need, the son should play by himself.”

Juesheng took advantage of this time to secretly wipe off his sweat, and Lin Chengyou’s eyes swept over him, freezing Juesheng into a shudder.

“Who do you want to give so much to?”

“Teng, Lady Teng.”

“Which Lady Teng?”

“The lady Teng who lent the sword to my brother yesterday.” Juesheng murmured, “When I asked Lady Teng about the situation in the bamboo forest last night, Lady Teng asked me to show her the tickle bug.”

His voice could not be lowered, and his head could not be lowered.

The king of Chun’an County pondered: “Ms. Teng who was in Ziyun Tower last night… Could it be Teng Shao’s daughter?”

Lin Chengyou stroked his chin, Mrs. Teng, he naturally remembers, the scene where he and her worked together to seduce the old demon last night is still vivid in his memory, it is strange that she can’t remember her appearance anyway, after thinking about it, he realized The girl wore the fence all night long.

“And then?” Lin Chengyou stared at Juesheng.

Juesheng became more and more uneasy: “Ms. Teng said that her emerald sword might not be able to deal with our itchy bugs. I was curious, so I agreed to give her a few when I came to the door today…”

“Does she know the usefulness of this tickle?”


Lin Chengyou snorted, that’s good, this is calculated on the head of Qingyun Guan, presumably he saw that this foolish boy was greedy for the jade sword, and deliberately used it as a bait for the holy thief to use it for her.

“She frightened you with a few words?”

Juesheng hurriedly shook his head, then nodded in shame.

“Have you ever thought that she purposely showed you the Emerald Sword just to get the tickle from your hand?”

Juesheng twisted his fingers in embarrassment: “Miss Teng…she doesn’t look like a bad person.”

“Not like a bad guy?” Lin Chengyou smiled instead of anger, “Can a bad guy write on his face? You just met her, and you don’t even know her details, so she just used an emerald sword to scare you a few times In other words, just steal itchy bugs for her, next time she wants to see other treasures, will you steal them for her too?!”

Juesheng shivered in fright, oh no, the senior brother seemed to be really angry this time, while wiping his tears while peeking at the senior brother, he found that there was no smile in his eyes at all.

He thought in a panic, senior brother, it is fine to play tricks on others, but it is absolutely impossible for others to play tricks on him. Mrs. Teng not only coveted the things of Qingyun Temple, but also almost got it. I will definitely not let it go.

“I’m dizzy.” Juesheng’s tears fell down, “I shouldn’t peek at the things inside just because I’m greedy for an outsider’s magic weapon. I, I, I did something wrong, what’s wrong with you, brother?” You can punish me, I will never dare to do it again next time.”

Lin Chengyou slipped Juesheng’s collar and carried him straight out of the sutra hall: “It’s useless to just promise verbally. If you don’t punish you severely, you will be stupid in the future.”

Qizhi was anxious on the sidelines, the brother was furious, he really wanted to be punished, it was not just as simple as copying the scriptures and punishing him by kneeling.

He hurriedly chased him out with his Taoist robe: “Senior Brother, Senior Brother, Miss Teng helped us out last night. The Absolute Sage has always valued friendship, and he probably couldn’t bear to refuse because he was thinking of repaying it. Just read For the sake of Jue Sheng’s first offense, please forgive him this time.”

Lin Chengyou said: “You don’t need to rush to intercede for him, it will be your turn soon. Last night on the Shangsi Festival, you and Juesheng sneaked out privately, watching a hundred operas and eating grilled meat skewers. You were very happy.” .”

Qizhi covered his mouth and almost forgot about it. After they were caught last night, the senior brother took the opportunity of setting up the formation and punished them not to eat meat for a year. The code is one code, and the next move is waiting here.

Actually, in the past, the senior brother often caught them breaking the rules, but the senior brother himself is an unruly person, so most of the time he just turned a blind eye and closed one eye. But Qingyun Temple was almost taken advantage of by a little lady.

Juesheng cried: “Today’s events are all because of me. Last night, I was the one who urged Abandoned Wisdom to go out. Please punish me alone. Please forgive Abandoned Wisdom.”

Lin Chengyou smiled and nodded: “Okay, you can excuse each other, anyway, each time you excuse, just add another hundred!”

The two bit their tongues in fright.

Lin Chengyou directly carried them to the most secluded Yunhui Hall in the temple. It was a huge hall surrounded by sky-high bookshelves, filled with various scriptures.

“Give me a good kneeling first.”

Juesheng and Qizhi fell into a ball, sobbing, while following the footsteps of their senior nervously with their eyes.

Lin Chengyou conjured something out of nowhere, patted his palm, and slowly walked towards them.

The two of them trembled, this is the ruler that the master used to teach the senior brother, this thing is black and heavy, and it will leave deep bruises on the body.

In the past when the senior brother caused trouble, the master would often move out this heavy ruler, but the roar was the roar, and the old man was not willing to beat it even once.

His Royal Highness Cheng Wang is different, as long as he hears that his senior brother has caused trouble, he will come and use this ruler to punish his son severely, and the senior brother has been beaten a lot because of this.

Juesheng and Qizhi cried bitterly, what should we do, the senior brother will only be more merciless than Chengwang back then.

“Take out your hand. Don’t want to be punished? Okay, then I’ll change something else.” Lin Chengyou gestured to turn around.

“I’m willing to be punished.” The two hurriedly stretched out their hands, but they couldn’t escape a beating anyway, and the ruler is better than other weird punishment methods.

“Brother, we know we are wrong, woo woo woo.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The disciple violated the first and seventh commandments in the temple.”

Qizhi cried: “The disciple violated the second and seventh commandments.”

“Going out of the temple without permission, deceiving the teacher, stealing the things in the temple, eating the inside out, what else are you afraid to do? In my opinion, there is no need to punish, and you will be expelled from the teacher directly!”

The two of them seemed to have been struck by lightning, and they took a few steps to hug Lin Chengyou’s legs: “Senior brother, punish us severely, please don’t drive us away, we are born as Qingyunguan people, and die as Qingyunguan’s ghosts. “

“Let go.” Lin Chengyou frowned in disgust.

The two refused to let it go: “If we leave, who will play with your little leopard in the future? Who will accompany the brother to set up the formation? After the master returns to watch, who will cook the old man’s porridge…”

Lin Chengyou was unmoved: “Raise your hands.”

The two raised their hands high, but after waiting for a long time, the ruler didn’t fall into their palms. They were just wondering, the senior brother suddenly picked them up again, opened their eyes, and met each other The senior brother couldn’t distinguish the black eyes of joy and anger.

“The ruler, each person receives five hundred, confinement, one person needs to be imprisoned for three months.”

Before the two of them had time to be happy, they were poured with cold water. The so-called “confinement” refers to a small quiet room, less than five feet wide, like a cage.

Those who were punished for confinement had to copy a scripture in the prison every day, copying it from morning till night, because there was no window, and there was no chance to sneak in.

One month is enough to get bored, and three months is enough to turn a person into a fool.

It’s useless to ask for mercy, who told them to suffer on their own, and it’s better than being expelled from the school.

They fell to the ground, weeping and saying: “The disciple is willing to accept the punishment.”

Lin Chengyou changed the subject: “But——”

Juesheng and Qizhi each stuffed a fat fist into their mouths, waiting anxiously.

“Because you still have important things to do today, I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. If you go out today, if you do well, you may be spared confinement. If you don’t do well, come back and be honest. Penalized.”

Juesheng and Qizhi never imagined that they would come back from a desperate situation, so they nodded violently while crying. This tossing is more terrifying than direct punishment, and they will never dare to steal things from the temple to outsiders in the future.

“You still go to Teng’s mansion according to the original plan. After you see Mrs. Teng, do as I say.” Lin Chengyou turned around and pointed to the bookshelf, “Take down the “Wuji Baojian” first.”

Abandoning his wits and ignorance, he got up and patted his knees, tiptoeing to take down a book that was spread out.

Jue Shengshun looked at the past, he was very familiar with this book, it recorded the most treasures of Taoism in the world, from the treasure of Lilong to the seal of the city god, it can be said that there are all of them, even His Royal Highness Chengwang’s The famous “Chi Xiao” is also among them.

The scroll is open, so it can be seen that the senior brother has already checked it after reviewing it.

“Teng Niangzi’s emerald sword can cut down the flesh of monsters. It is absolutely extraordinary, but I have searched the “Wuji Baojian”, but I can’t find any records about this sword. Her grandfather Teng Shao He returns to Chang’an every year to report on his duties. If he got such a sword, there will be rumors in Chang’an City, but even Qingyun Temple has never heard of this sword. It can be seen that Mrs. Teng may not have obtained it from her grandpa. You can directly ask She may not be willing to tell the truth about the origin of the sword, you go today and use my method to get her words out.”

Qizhi and Juesheng murmured in their hearts, senior brother has seen many rare and rare treasures since he was a child, although this emerald sword is rare, it is nothing compared to those treasures in the view, I don’t know why senior brother is so impressed interest.

Lin Chengyou seemed to know what they were thinking, and patted their heads lightly with a ruler: “Last night in Ziyun Tower, after all the evil spirits got out of the ground, they left you and me for a while, and turned to chase after the girl in the corridor. A group of people, at that time I thought they were rushing towards the wounded, but afterwards I realized that those evil creatures were made of vegetation, and the wounded had lost their minds, so that they would not attract the grass evil to drop the nearby living things to chase, so There must be something else that strongly attracts them. After thinking about it, among the group of people, only the emerald sword is the most special.”

Qi Zhi wondered and scratched his head: “No, when encountering such a magic weapon, evil spirits often avoid it, so how could they take the initiative to go up to it?”

“If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so you have to figure it out.”

The two nodded, feeling a little puzzled in their hearts, did they just want to know the origin of that sword? It seems that it is not in line with the brother’s style to just spare Mrs. Teng like this.

Lin Chengyou raised his eyes to look at them, and suddenly smiled: “Besides that, there is one more thing.”

After listening to Lin Chengyou’s explanation, Juesheng and Qizhi’s little faces were tangled up. They knew that offending their senior brother would not end well, but they were too busy to take care of themselves, so how could they dare to intercede for Madam Teng.

“But, but Mrs. Teng doesn’t seem to be so easy to be fooled.”

“Not fooled? Let me ask you, what does she want?”

The two said in a daze: “I want bugs.”

“…” Lin Chengyou, “You say bugs are bugs, right? Since you have greed, you don’t have to worry that she won’t be fooled.”

He smiled maliciously, daring to calculate his things, really ignorant.

The two kept Lin Chengyou’s words firmly in their hearts, and when they came out, they found that their Taoist robes were soaked.

Back to the scripture hall, An Guogong greeted him with a cane: “The old man has already measured the size of my wife’s feet.”

While talking, he handed the paper with the footprints on it to Lin Chengyou. As soon as Lin Chengyou took it, the Chun’an County King put down the teacup and said, “The lady Teng mentioned by Juesheng just now is Teng Shao’s daughter?”

Lin Chengyou deliberately said: “Who?”

The king of Chun’an County said: “Don’t play dumb, I understand that Teng Shao has saved my life, you can trouble others, but don’t trouble the Teng family.”

Lin Chengyou hissed, put his hand on his forehead, and frowned deeply.

The king of Chun’an County laughed angrily: “Look at you, every time you talk about serious things, you are like this.”

Lin Chengyou squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: “Yu-feng-yu.”

The countenance of the king of Chun’an County changed, Lin Chengyou’s expression was obviously not right, An Guogong threw off his crutches, and hurriedly tried to help Lin Chengyou, but he was a step too late, Lin Chengyou held his forehead and fell down.

Juesheng and Qizhi rushed forward: “Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

Yu Fengyu said anxiously: “My son’s old illness has broken out. Last night, the sage heard that the little prince was injured. He was worried about it for a long time. He didn’t expect to get sick so soon. Hurry up and help him to the couch.” .”

Chun’an County King supported Lin Chengyou and said in a deep voice: “In the past, it didn’t happen until April every year. Why is it so much earlier this year?”

Juesheng and Qizhi were in a state of panic. Last night, when the senior brother fought against the old monster, they hurt their lungs. After returning, they didn’t have time to check their injuries. They were worried that the senior brother would affect their old illnesses. , It really happened early.

Lin Chengyou closed his eyes tightly, and in the blink of an eye, his white forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. The onset of the disease was fierce and urgent, as if a sharp awl was stirring desperately in his head, excruciating pain Unbearable, endless.

He rolled around on the couch, unable to speak in pain, but fortunately his mind was still clear, before he lost consciousness, he barely raised his arm and pointed to his front.

Juesheng and Qizhi saw it clearly, and anxiously took out a jade dew bottle from Lin Chengyou’s clothes.

Yu Fengyu just opened the medicine box with trembling hands, his eyes lit up when he saw it: “Hurry up, dissolve it quickly and give it to the prince.”

This head took medicine, Yu Fengyu took out a pack of silver needles, and told the king of Chun’an County: “Your Highness, help the little prince, and don’t move rashly when applying the needles.”

Lin Chengyou’s face was pale, and he didn’t say a word. In just a short moment, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he could barely bear himself now, but if the pain continued, it was hard to guarantee that he would not lose his sanity and struggle.

The king of Chun’an County looked solemn, and supported Lin Chengyou as he said.

Everyone in the room was worried, but fortunately the treatment was timely, and after Yu Fengyu gave the last injection, Lin Chengyou’s eyebrows finally relaxed.

An Guogong wiped his sweat: “Okay, see you.”

The king of Chun’an County heaved a sigh of relief: “It happens every year, and I have to be frightened by this kid every year. I can bear it, and I never utter a word when the pain is so severe. But today’s experience was really too sudden, and it didn’t arrive in three days. It’s just a month away. If it wasn’t for Yu Fengyu here, you would suffer!”

Lin Chengyou lay on the couch with his back to the sky, lazily put the back of his hand on his forehead, and said with a smile: “The pain is over early, and there will be no pain in March.”

The king of Chun’an County turned his head to look at An Guogong and Yu Fengyu: “Look, the pain was so painful before, and he seemed to be fine when he turned back. Just now, he was in pain for a long time. Yu Fengyu, this disease is very serious. Is there no way to cure it?”

“How to cure it? It’s not easy if there is a way to restrain it.”

Lin Chengyou turned over and sat up, and waved his hands at Juejuesheng and Qizhi, which meant that he was all right, and asked them to go to Tengfu to do business as soon as possible.

Juesheng and Qizhi endured for a while, and saw that the senior brother could speak and smile freely, so they said goodbye and wanted to leave. At this time, the door of the side room opened suddenly, and the two old guards hurried out and said: “It’s not good, senior brother, Dinghun The incense flickers on and off, and the heart-purifying talisman is almost used up.”

Everyone was startled, Duke An hurriedly looked at Lin Chengyou, Lin Chengyou suppressed his smile, waved at Juesheng and Qizhi: “Don’t leave, you two, write a few talismans before leaving.” After finishing speaking, he stood up. Quickly entered the side room.

Juesheng and Qizhi spread cinnabar, brushes and inkstones on the table, one for grinding ink and the other for writing talismans.

Yu Fengyu and King Chun’an couldn’t help, so they had to stay in the main hall.

Yu Fengyu put the silver needles into the box and asked Chun’an County King: “Just now His Royal Highness mentioned the matter of getting rid of the root of the disease, but Yu didn’t even know why the little prince contracted this disease. If Your Highness knows the whole story, can you Tell me carefully.”

Juesheng and Qizhi were stunned, senior brother’s illness comes and goes like the wind, they have been kept in the dark in the past, and it was only the year before last that they accidentally bumped into senior brother having a seizure, and only then did they know that senior brother has a persistent illness.

Later, they heard that the disease was not a disease brought on by the womb, but the root cause of the disease caused by the brother’s indiscriminate use of spells when he was eight years old. It has been almost ten years now, and the pain will come once a year.

But they still don’t understand why the senior brother practiced that spell so well.

The king of Chun’an County glanced at the closed side room door, and smiled slightly: “It’s a long story, Chengyou has always been the most taboo about others talking about him.”

Yu Fengyu said: “Yu didn’t intend to inquire about privacy, everything is for the sake of healing the son, after what happened today, His Highness should also understand that the root cause of the disease can never be eradicated, Master Qing Xuzi Now that he is not in Chang’an, the sage has entrusted the son’s illness to Yu. Although Yu has long known that the son has a chronic illness, he is still at a loss as to what happened back then. How will you be informed? So Your Highness don’t have to worry about it, just tell Yu the cause of the disease. When the prince comes out, Yu will ask him face to face.”

The King of Chun’an waved his hands and smiled: “Don’t ask, he wouldn’t tell if he was killed, but what Yu Fengyu said is right, the cure needs to trace the source, it’s really wrong to hide it blindly, since that’s the case, Then I will tell you what I know, hoping to find a way to cure the root cause of the disease as soon as possible, so as to save me from suffering every year.”

Juesheng and Qizhi subconsciously pricked up their ears.

The king of Chun’an County scooped up a spoonful of light-colored tea soup with a silver fence, rolled up the sleeves of his robe, and poured tea for Yu Fengyu.

Jue Sheng and Abandoned Wisdom dare not show their grandeur. King Chun’an County is the younger brother of King Cheng, but the two brothers are not born of the same mother. Back then, King Lan married another stepmother many years after his original spouse passed away. Chun’an County King was born of that stepwife. His name was Lin Min, and he was known as Min Lang. He was sixteen years younger than King Cheng.

Because of this, although Chun’an County King is the uncle of the senior brother, he is only a few years older than the senior brother. He usually gets along with the senior brother, not like an elder but like an elder brother. He knows better than anyone else what happened to the senior brother when he was young.

Every time I see the King of Chun’an, Jue Sheng Qi Zhi thinks that he is Fanglan, gentle as a beautiful jade, but the King of Chun’an is notoriously slow, and this time is no exception. Waited and waited, but still did not wait for him to speak.

Yu Fengyu sipped the tea slowly, and he didn’t look in a hurry. Seeing that a cup of tea was about to be finished, the King of Chun’an County said leisurely:

“It’s a long story. When Chengyou was just born, Daoist Qingxuzi gave him a divination, saying that everything was going well for Chengyou except his marriage. The lady stumbled hard, and this matter was unsolvable. This matter was originally hidden from Cheng You, but Cheng You never thought that when he was seven or eight years old, he would learn to divination. Once he made a divination for himself just for fun , the result is the same as the hexagram calculated by his master back then.

“Chengyou didn’t want to believe this kind of thing, so he went to find Taoist Master Qingxuzi to divination for him.

“The Daoist Master Qingxuzi flatly refused, and even reprimanded Chengyou. Chengyou guessed that there was a difference, and after practicing for several months, he made a divination, but it was still the same.”

Speaking of this, Chun’an Junwang laughed: “At that time, Chengyou happened to be studying in Chongwen Hall, because he didn’t believe what the hexagrams said, so he made a divination for himself when he had nothing to do. The same result. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. His private actions are seen by others, and those partners who often play with Chengyou always make fun of him.

“Not long after, Chengyou accompanied Princess Cheng to the residence of the Marquis of Lin’an to have a banquet. On that day, not only most of the Qingshu families in Chang’an City went to celebrate, but also many officials from other places came to celebrate their birthdays. It was in the Marquis of Lin’an that Chengyou met a girl from Yangzhou.

Yu Fengyu said: “A girl doll from Yangzhou?”

The king of Chun’an County hummed: “I don’t know whose family the doll belongs to. She is only four or five years old. She doesn’t like to talk. She holds a dilapidated little puppet in her arms. I heard that she is very beautiful. She just opened her mouth. With a Yangzhou accent, Chengyou was playing with his friends in the garden, and when he got tired of archery and wrestling, he proposed to play hide-and-seek in the garden.”

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