Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 962: Eat me 1 Luoyang shovel (40) four more

The funerary objects in the ancient Egyptian pyramids were also Fred Morse’s favorite. [No pop-up novel network]

The 34 Pyramids of Ancient Egypt are also world-famous for their curse from the Pharaoh. Fred Morse did not want to suffer the fate of being cursed by collections like his old friends in the Collectors Club.

So, Fred Morse has a little relationship with people with relatively high mana in various religions, just to ask them to consecrate their funeral objects and drive away evil spirits.

As soon as those people came, Yu Chilan had to hide, into a gem that could shield his breath.

If it weren’t for that, Yu Chilan would have been eliminated by those priests long ago, how could he accumulate enough strength to release his resentment and find the system to take over his entrusted task?

So, Yu Chilan doesn’t know exactly what those people who are capable of exorcism look like and what their names are. He doesn’t dare to stay a moment longer to spy on them. For those who are capable, maybe they just look at them from a distance. At a glance, they can feel the breath of the undead and find them.

Yu Chilan, who has already suffered from recklessness, no longer lacks patience.

Yu Chilan didn’t know who those people were, so Tong Xinlan wanted to find out which religions and spiritual figures Fred Morse was close to in real life through the Internet.

To consecrate the stolen goods, if they are priests, Tong Xinlan thinks that they should be sent to see the boss of the religion they believe in for re-education.

If people who only have a little spiritual power to collect money and do things are counting on those who make money from stolen goods, Tong Xinlan thinks that their talents should be withdrawn, and they should be poor for life.

Those people also left some magical artifacts in Fred Morse’s house, but because those things were only magical artifacts blessed by the spiritual power of ordinary people, not real holy objects, so Yu Chilan Although it is a bit dangerous to stand up occasionally, there is no danger if you don’t get close to those magic weapons.

However, for the sake of safety, Yu Chilan seldom went out to wander around Fred Morse’s house, and only went to places that he knew were definitely not dangerous.

At that time, Yu Chilan was in a spirit state, he could walk those paths, but now Tong Xinlan has the entity of Zongzi, so she can’t go to those places.

So, what to do with Fred Morse, outside, at home? Tong Xinlan had to check the information carefully before making a decision.

If she was a human being now, she might be able to kill Fred Morse easily, but as a more powerful Zongzi, she would be restrained.

So, strength really doesn’t mean everything, and it is more secure to do tasks by combining your brain and strength.

Huo Yibin didn’t know that his mobile data was being consumed rapidly.

There was no more traffic, so Tong Xinlan bought traffic directly, and Huo Yibin’s little bank deposit was also used by Tong Xinlan.

No way, Tong Xinlan came naked, and Yu Chilan is an ancient man, he doesn’t have anything modern, so he can only use Huo Yibin.

Just pay him back later.

After that, Tong Xinlan continued to check the information and videos about Fred Morse and his friends.

Fred Morse had a wide circle of friends, even a cardinal.

However, Tong Xinlan is not sure whether the cardinal helped consecrate the stolen goods, but she just included the bishop in the list of suspects.

There are many mages in Thailand who raise ghosts, and Fred Morse actually has contacts with one of them.

Even Taoist priests of Chinese origin who claim to be descendants of celestial masters have contacts with Fred Morse.

There are also nuns…

Well, we can only check whether these people have financial contacts with Fred Morse, otherwise we really can’t judge whether they have shady deals based on the things on the Internet.

Tong Xinlan has been with 0561 for so long, and she also knows a little bit of hacking technology, but now relying on a mobile phone, the signal in the wilderness is not good, and Tong Xinlan has no way to investigate deeply.

However, it is generally clear who are the people who may have spiritual power who have contacts with Fred Morse on the surface, and Tong Xinlan has a bottom line in her heart.

In the following time, Tong Xinlan watched the forum posts or videos about exorcism, suppression of evil spirits, and raising little ghosts about those people who interacted with Fred Morse on the Internet.

See if they are really capable.

That Chinese person can be ruled out, he stepped on the wrong step, and Tong Xinlan, who knows oral English, also saw that what he was chanting was not scriptures, but gibberish nonsense. The liar is similar to the qigong master Wang Lin, but he can still deceive so many rich people, it’s really hilarious.

It’s not that there are capable people around Fred Morse, but he didn’t even realize that he was a fake Taoist priest?

Or, the fake Taoist priest is on the bright side, and the person who is really consecrating Fred Morse’s stolen goods is the person behind the fake Taoist priest?

Tong Xin Lan Yuecha, the more doubts, the more I miss 0561

If 0561 is here, it will be much faster to check these things, and it will be really difficult to check the information if Xiaoyi is no longer there.

If it was in ancient times, the tasker’s network would not be spread all over the world or other planets, and it would not be so difficult for Tong Xinlan to check.

Huo Yibin didn’t doubt that Tong Xinlan reminded him not to drive fatigued before, he thought it was Zongzi who watched the video and learned and sold it now. Huo Yibin, who had watched that movie several times, remembered that there were indeed such lines in that movie.

Therefore, without any doubt, Huo Yibin obediently stopped the car and slept in the car on the roadside when he was sleepy.

Basically, no one would come to such a remote and broken road, so as not to be more troublesome to take a rest on the county road.

Enough rest, Huo Yibin ate the bread prepared in the car, and started to move forward again.

According to Tong Xinlan’s instructions, he didn’t disturb her until he arrived at the hotel.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Huo Yibin drove the car to the hotel where he stayed when he This kind of roadside hotel is also a restaurant, and it caters for truck drivers who don’t want to take a detour to save money.

The parking lot is the spacious concrete dam outside the hotel, and it was cracked because it was overwhelmed by large trucks.

The boss saw Huo Yibin, he was a regular customer, and greeted him enthusiastically, “Brother, why are you the only one coming back? Where are your friends?”

Huo Yibin had already thought up the lines to respond to, and took out a cigarette and handed it up in a seasoned manner, “They think the mountains are fun, and they want to play for a few more days, so they bully me and tell me to beat me up first.” The wild boars and pheasants are brought back, and the hotels in the city are still urging for them, boss, don’t tell me, it’s not illegal to hunt wild boars this season.”

“Young man, it’s good to run more errands.” Fun in the mountains? The boss who grew up in the mountains didn’t think so, but the boss also understood that those people probably wanted to hunt more game in the mountains to get back and sell them for money. The boss, who knew nothing about it, took the cigarette and welcomed Huo Yibin in.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Tong Xinlan knew that Huo Yibin really brought her to the hotel where they stayed before.

(To be continued.)

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