Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 5: The anger of the same wife (4)

Tong Xinlan wondered secretly, did she really want to spend four years with He Rujun in college?

Zhao Xinlan took care of He Rujun Middle School for 6 years. Back then, He Rujun said that class was too late in the evening and it was too far to go home. He immediately ordered someone to rent a second house for the child outside the school.

Later, He Rujun said that he was afraid of living alone, and that the food in the restaurant outside was not clean and tasty, not as good as the food cooked by his mother.

Zhao Xinlan felt sorry for the child, and after hearing what the child said, she also thought that the child was reluctant to bear her, and how could she bear her to live alone, so she took the initiative to move out of the villa and rent out a room to take care of He Rujun.

It was obvious that Zhao Xinlan was deliberately lured to take care of her in the rental house, but from what she said, it felt like she was working hard to take care of Zhao Xinlan, really shameless.

At that time, Zhao Xinlan, who was busy taking care of her daughter’s study and life, only went back to the villa on weekends. It seems that now that she is about to go to university, this “family of three” will repeat the old tricks again.

During the two months of summer vacation, Zhao Xinlan didn’t have to take care of the children and stayed at home every day. The two beasts must have been suffocated. No wonder He Rujun took her to the underwater world to play today. Time to snap.

In fact, these distances are not too far for people who can drive, but for Zhao Xinlan who can’t drive, it takes a lot of time to transfer to and from the subway and bus. She called every time she went out. How could a person who had lived a tight life since childhood do such a wasteful thing.

However, when she is not at home, the two who can drive home after get off work can get tired of being together every day, but she is outside helping them take care of their cheap children.

As expected of a family, they cooperated so tacitly when they lied to others. They fooled Zhao Xinlan into a daze, and made Zhao Xinlan, an idiot, help count the money after being sold.

For such an unfilial bastard, how should she replace Zhao Xinlan to educate her?

Tong Xinlan stretched out her hand and hooked her loose hair to her ears, thereby covering the corners of her slightly raised mouth. At this moment, a good plan was formed in her heart.

Didn’t He Rujun justly say to the original owner that the same **** is true love, and the opposite **** is only for reproduction? But in the end, she found a man to marry and had two children.

So, don’t speak so utterly! Double standards are not acceptable.

He Rujun, who was texting, suddenly felt a shiver in her back. She put down her phone and rolled up the car window, and she felt much warmer.

There was nothing to say all the way, and after returning home, I saw He Xuanmin and Zhao Zizhu sitting on the sofa in full clothes and reading the newspaper. There was no sense of ambiguity between the two of them. They are indeed liars at the actor level .

“Dad, little uncle, I’m back, I’m exhausted!” He Rujun threw away his bag, kicked off his high heels, and threw himself onto the sofa desperately.

As a “little uncle”, Zhao Zizhu next to him moved over to mess He Rujun’s hair for the first time, and elaborated on her behavior of wearing high heels to ask for trouble, and the two chatted like that.

Usually, at this time, Zhao Xinlan would step forward to pinch He Rujun’s feet with distress, then put on the slippers for “daughter”, and put away the high heels by the way.

But, would Tong Xinlan do this?

Of course not, is such a wolf-hearted daughter worthy of her service?

“Are you back? Then let’s cook quickly. I’m going to make it light today. I’m getting angry. I want to eat white rice porridge and make it thicker.” He Xuanmin said without looking at Zhao Xinlan, his tone as cold as ever.

If it was the original owner, he must have believed it after hearing this, thinking that He Xuanmin was on fire, and would definitely rush to cook light food in a hurry, and even get some heat-clearing medicine for He Xuanmin.

But now that the core is Tong Xinlan, she will believe that He Xuanmin is only a ghost when he is angry.

You are quite considerate of your little lover. This summer vacation was very tight, and today I finally found an opportunity to have sex. I don’t know how many times the two of you have done it. The man’s place is not used for this kind of thing. , Zhao Zizhu’s place must be red and swollen, otherwise He Xuanmin wouldn’t have specifically asked for light food.

Tong Xinlan silently rolled her eyes in her heart, two big men had an extramarital affair, and they had the nerve to ask their wife to take care of their lover, it’s really scumbag.

Originally, Tong Xinlan wanted to find an excuse not to cook dinner and ask them to eat out or order takeaway, but after hearing what He Xuanmin said, she suddenly wanted to cook.

Thinking about it, Tong Xinlan replied, “I’m on fire, then I’ll make some dried bitter gourd, lily and mung bean soup for you to take it easy.”

He Xuanmin heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Zhao Xinlan walked towards the kitchen after finishing speaking, not as babbling as usual.

What I was most afraid of was dealing with this woman. At that time, I just wanted to marry her and go home as a decoration, but I didn’t expect that she really regarded herself as the mistress of the house. Over the years, he had expressly hinted to keep her away from him, but this stupid woman couldn’t understand it at all.

Right now, my father has no intention of abdicating the throne for Xian, and he can’t tear himself apart with Zhao Xinlan.

Although the family looked down on Zhao Xinlan’s status as an elementary school Wenpin, they were even more reluctant to see the family members get divorced.

Besides, since he is divorced, the family will definitely arrange for him to marry a new woman. Who else can control women better than Zhao Xinlan?

Although this woman is a bit annoying at home, she doesn’t understand human affairs at all. Because she is shy, she has never even been naked in front of him. The incident of being seduced/seduced by the wife that I was worried about before marriage never happened.

After discovering Zhao Xinlan’s “simpleness” He Xuanmin was more satisfied with her, and was afraid that she would “go bad”. “.

And they don’t need a TV, a computer is enough, and Zhao Xinlan doesn’t know how to use a computer, and no one at home can teach her.

After years of subtle influence, Zhao Xinlan is not good at socializing, doesn’t go out to make friends, and spends almost all her energy in this family. Her only hobby is to take care of her vegetables and chickens in the backyard of the villa. His mind was still as stupid as ever, how could his little baby Zhao Zizhu be so smart.

Thinking of this, He Xuanmin put down the newspaper and looked at his lover in relief, but when he saw Zhao Zizhu being entangled by his daughter, he felt displeased. He really shouldn’t have a child just to deal with his family. Come out, look at the degree of clinginess, you are here to grab the bamboo from him.

“Let go of Aaron, don’t look at how big you are, you’ll be a college student soon, and still sticky.” Zhao Xinlan was at home, and He Xuanmin resisted the urge to step forward to break up his daughter, so he had to speak bluntly Speak in English.

“Hohohoho, look at your possessiveness, you are not ashamed to eat your own daughter’s jealousy!” He Rujun lay on Zhao Zizhu’s lap, pretending to be provocative and looking at his father in name, this handsome man A rich man, the older he gets, the better he looks, no wonder Dad’s heart is tied to him.

PS: Chengzi is grateful to Mantiandonglai for the tip, Nanyuan Beifa for the tip, and Xiaobaicai for the review vote!

Again, Chengzi continues to have the audacity to ask for recommendation tickets!

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