Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 478: Legendary Kraken (10) Fourth Update

Yeah, time is of the essence, and even Miller understands that.

“Even so, you should go eat something and continue later, okay?” Tong Xinlan put her hand on Miller’s shoulder, feeling his heart beating a little faster and his breathing a little short, and she was really tired , “Thank you, Miller.”

Miller is glad that the world is dark now, otherwise Yuna will see him blushing, just like cold-blooded snakes especially like to sleep around warm things, mermaids actually like to be close to warm things, and Yuna The touch feels completely different from the mermaid touch. Miller likes it very much, but usually, Natalie and Agatha rush to hug Yuna. How can he approach Yuna alone?

Obviously he was the first to discover Yuna, hey, there are a bunch of troublesome sisters.

Swimming at such a low speed is not tiring for him at all, and it makes Yuna worry about him. Could it be that he looks down on him?

“Yuna, I’m really not tired, you must think that I’m comforting you, how about this, after this incident is over, we will take you out to play in the future, Ivan, Agatha does this too It’s very easy, I’m an older brother, for me, it’s really easy to pull a small boat, and I can even pull a bigger one.”

“Okay, you are amazing, I don’t care about you anymore, go to eat.” For some reason, Tong Xinlan felt a little wronged in her heart, it was obviously for the other party’s benefit, but the other party was so stupid that she didn’t feel it.

Well, this kind of emotion must belong to the client. Her awkward personality has also affected her. Tong Xinlan wrapped the blanket tightly and decided to adjust her mood. The client of this task has too much influence on her emotions. Great, this is a bad phenomenon.

It’s only now that I’m facing Miller. If she meets her enemies, she will be affected by her emotions, and those enemies will find out the problem. It’s not wise to confront those people head-on. When she doesn’t have strong rights and force , It is better to hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity.

Miller had supper. The two moved on.

Miller’s swimming in the ocean is actually not as lonely and boring as Tong Xinlan thought. Many passing fish will swim with him for a while, or chat with him.

But generally the IQ of fish is very low, so let’s talk about the weather and water temperature. And express the natural worship of mermaids.

But at last Miller was very lucky. When he met a passing dolphin, “Do you know the passing ship? How many ships passed this way just now? Have you seen a crescent moon hanging on the bow? And the ship of the stars?”

The dolphins are all in groups, and they start to communicate with their own audio, and only Miller can hear their discussions. Tong Xinlan, who was sitting on the boat, didn’t know what happened, but Yuna also knew that Miller could communicate with some fish and know where the water temperature is more suitable for swimming, where is more suitable for predation, and so on.

So Tong Xinlan also guessed that Miller might be able to communicate with marine creatures such as dolphins with higher IQs. This is one of the reasons why Tong Xinlan asked Miller to lead the way. Tong Xinlan has already adjusted her mind, and she doesn’t feel guilty anymore. Otherwise, she would have to die of guilt during the mission.

Even now knowing that he is really communicating with the dolphins, Tong Xinlan will feel that her decision is wise, finding a good teammate is good for the task and for everyone.

However, you must treat Miller well in the future, Tong Xinlan will never use people for nothing.

“Oh, okay, thank you.” After communicating, Miller knew the direction to go, and it was indeed one of the routes drawn by Yuna. Then it will definitely not go wrong.

So Miller turned around and swam in the direction the dolphins pointed.

The dolphins did not leave Miller either, they floated out of the water in a queue and began to jump. Surrounded by Tong Xinlan’s boat, she began to swim. At this moment, Tong Xinlan could feel their existence.

The sea in the daytime is azure, and has a variety of styles. The sea in the night is more like a terrifying demon that can swallow everything. It wants to swallow everything with its **** mouth. . If the stars in the sky were not there, the world would be even more lonely.

With dolphins accompanying her around, Tong Xinlan was not so lonely at last, she could lie on the boat and look at the sky, and began to plan.

In addition, I also began to miss 0561. During this mission, I did not find egg 9561 at home, nor did I find doll 0561. I don’t know where and what shape it exists this time.

When Tong Xinlan was about to fall asleep in a daze, Miller finally slowed down. Miller swam to the side of the boat and called softly, “Yuna, there is a three-masted sailing boat ahead, let me go ahead to see if it is Not Uncle Berent’s ship.”

“Huh? Just caught up?” Tong Xinlan wiped her eyes, but in the dark night, she couldn’t see the boat ahead.

“Well, yes, I asked the dolphins, and they showed me the way, so we saved a lot of time.” Miller replied, stroking the dolphins who approached him for praise.

“Just now I feel that they are accompanying us, thank them for me.”

“They said they were very happy to help.” Dolphins are one of the kindest creatures among the few high-intelligence fish in the ocean, and Miller also likes them very much. They are not as fierce and cool as sharks , and will not be as unreasonable as octopuses, they are braver than mermaids, and they will appear in front of human merchant ships to swim together or lead the way, which is unimaginable for mermaids.

“Then you should pay attention to safety for a while, and don’t be seen by the people on the boat.”

“Don’t worry, they can’t see me.” Miller let go of the rope and swam forward.

There is no searchlight on the ship in this era, Tong Xinlan is quite at ease.

Miller’s swimming speed alone was really fast, and he returned to Tong Xinlan’s side not long after leaving. The time wasted should also be spent observing the signs of merchant ships.

“Yuna, that is indeed Uncle Berent’s boat, with stars and moons on it, and a sign that says lucky.”

“Finally caught up Thanks Miller.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Then what are you going to do? Yuna, just follow the boat silently?”

“Yes, let’s follow it slowly.” The sky has lightened slightly, and nothing will happen tonight. During the day, when the ship docks for trading, Tong Xinlan will find a way to find Yuna’s father.

This place is the same as the world where it grew up. There were already telescopes in the 15th century. In order not to be discovered by the people on board, Tong Xinland had to keep a safe distance from them. Fortunately, the telescope manufacturing process at this time was still relatively primitive. Not too much, Tong Xinlan asked Miller to slow down the speed of catching up, and kept at about 3,000 meters away from the boat. She could see the big boat clearly. Even if the person on the big boat had a telescope, even if they saw her, they would only think it was a floating object in the sea. (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks: ttdmm

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