Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 359: It turned out to be 3 (14)

The discussion between the two didn’t start, Hao Meihua was surrounded by the thugs she brought, she escaped from the security guards, and fled.

As soon as the community security guards arrived at the gate, a car picked up Hao Meihua and a group of people and boarded the car, and everyone in the community sighed.

But this is also good, Hao Meihua’s behavior made the people in the community think that she is a lunatic who came to make trouble.

Tong Xinlan is not unhappy either, this Hao Meihua came here out of nowhere today, she has to go home and check it out.

Let the community property change the door, bid farewell to Zong Yunfei who kept comforting her, and Tong Xinlan finally returned to her alone world.

“Host, you haven’t started this mission yet, have you?” 0561 got out of the bag and looked at Tong Xinlan who put the things.

“Yeah, it’s a bit difficult.” Facing 0561, Tong Xinlan could speak her mind.

“Is there anything that can be difficult for the host?” The little yellow chicken tilted its head and looked at Tong Xinlan suspiciously.

“It was very difficult to find you before, but after finding 06561, it’s very easy.” Tong Xinlan touched 0561’s head with her thumb, and said happily.

“Hey, is the host complimenting me?” 0561, who was not very happy before, stomped his feet happily.

“In this mission, if you are not careful, you will implicate innocent people. Could it be an innocent girl who Xu Yanhui fell in love with without knowing it? I can’t take photos or videos, even if I find someone to hook up with Xu Yanhui , That’s not okay, that’s my fault, subjectively it’s not Xu Yanhui’s fault, mainly, I still want to blame the problem on Xu Yanhui alone, after all, it was his fault in the first place.”

“What is the host going to do?”

“You’re here, so it’s easy to handle.” The information obtained from the private detective before must not be very careful. Tong Xinlan feels that it is more reliable and comprehensive to use the system to find information.

During the time that followed, Tong Xinlan was on hold, but secretly monitored all of Xu Yanhui’s actions.

The next girl Xu Yanhui saw was also a female college student, a sophomore girl, Ye Jun, who was hooked up by Xu Yanhui when she was accompanying her senior to a recruitment speech.

Girls at this age don’t think about many problems. If a man chases her, she won’t even think about whether this man will have a girlfriend or a wife. After all, in the concept of normal people. How can a man who is married and already has a girlfriend take the initiative to chase someone.

Based on Tong Xinlan’s observation, Ye Jun is a good girl, so naturally she will not just sit back and let her be cheated.

Lan Qiao Zhuang, a childlike innocence, has changed. He approached Ye Jun, used his talents as a lawyer back then, and persuaded Ye Jun based on the facts, telling her not to leave Xu Yanhui without revealing her flaws.

Although Ye Jun was very angry that he was cheated by a married man. But thinking of what Tong Xinlan said about giving such a scumbag a huge revenge, she still hid her grievance and anger. Fortunately, I haven’t fallen too deep, and I haven’t been cheated, so I sent a text message to Xu Yanhui to break up, just asking Tong Xinlan to let her know the fate of the scumbag in the future. Tong Xinlan naturally agreed.

Faced with his new girlfriend’s inexplicable request to break up, Xu Yanhui didn’t take it to heart at first, thinking that it was just a little girl who was awkward. It’s good to coax.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jun would block him, and it is impossible for him to go to Ye Jun’s school every day to find her.

In the end, I had no choice but to give up on the relationship that hadn’t started yet.

Xu Yanhui was puzzled. What happened recently? The success rate of chasing girlfriends has dropped so much.

Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, anyway, there are a lot of young girls, you must know that what he is facing is recruiting from major universities and major workplaces, if the old ones don’t go, the new ones don’t come!

Xu Yanhui comforted himself and started looking for a new girl.

And here, Tong Xinlan also figured out the reason why Hao Meihua rushed to her house to make trouble. It turned out that Hao Meihua accidentally saw the text message Xu Yanhui sent Luo Xinlan for a date. The column was naturally copied down by Hao Meihua.

Tong Xinlan let 0561 hack into Xu Yanhui’s cell phone and read it. The text message was really nothing special. It could only be Hao Meihua’s sensitive nerves and intuition. She found that her husband often called women, but she didn’t know that Xu Yanhui was actually Contacting many women, not the same person, let the hatred be vented on Luo Xinlan alone.

Even so, Tong Xinlan still has no plans to deal with Hao Meihua, leaving her to do later.

Xu Yanhui may also feel that he may be old, so now he is not as picky as before, focusing on a certain one, but casting a wide net, catching whichever is which.

This gave Tong Xinlan an opportunity to take advantage of.

When they were dating, Tong Xinlan asked 0561 to monitor and record the video, and then when Xu Yanhui wanted to go further, she tricked the girl back home with various reasons.

It didn’t take long, Tong Xinlan edited the videos of Xu Yanhui cheating girls, of course, including the video of cheating her by candlelight dinner, and put the girls’ faces After the mosaic, the video was posted online.

Luo Xinlan needs someone who is fair. In her last life, she had nowhere to complain, and no one would care about what happened. Just looking at the result, it would be her fault. In this life, let everyone know that it was that scumbag who took the initiative to lie to her. Lied to her, and many girls.

Title “Those who don’t have girlfriends on Valentine’s Day, let’s see what it means to be a master at picking up girls!” “

Tong Xinlan doesn’t know what’s going on, but she lacks interest in this task, maybe because the commissioner of this task is not particularly This made her revenge method much softer .

Then, Tong Xinlan directly asked 0561 to push this headline as a news push, and put it on top of Hao Meihua’s mobile news homepage.

Tong Xinlan will not help Hao Meihua deal with such a bad thing, that is her husband, not Tong Xinlan’s husband, she is not responsible for training him into a family man, let Hao Meihua manage it by herself.

Although Tong Xinlan didn’t include the video photos of the girls who were cheated by Xu Yanhui before, those girls still knew that Xu Yanhui cheated them after seeing the news.

Yes, a man who already has three children, the oldest of whom is 5 years old, could be unmarried when he pursued them!

Some of those girls chose to remain silent, and some chose to find someone to beat him up.

Things are getting more and more lively.

Hao Meihua, who was still a little self-deceiving at the beginning, had to face the reality. Her man was a scum, and it was useless to drive those women away. The root of the problem was that Xu Yanhui was bad at heart. (To be continued.)

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