Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 2098: Analyze hostility

If the tasker knew in advance that these people had so many abilities and they were all very powerful, so they brought them here to help him, but Tong Xinlan didn’t know the information about the strong ones.

The people she is looking for are all random people she meets on the road. If she is really lucky, and the people she meets and passes her assessment are all strong people in the previous life, then she is a “bit “Son of Face” treatment.

However, all the people around the taskers are like this, Tong Xinlan doesn’t think so.

It is impossible that all the taskers she has observed have caught the “Reborn”.

So, in such a situation, the biggest possibility is that the tasker has the ability of “golden finger” to make people around him stronger.

After three years of investigation, Tong Xinlan can basically confirm that this is an exam question from the main system.

Look at how the taskers deal with these strong people around them.

The questers have been doing quests for a long time, and they are the ones with the most golden fingers in the quest world. It may also be that there is a “memory” of the client, so everyone is used to being the most special one.

But this world is different, the main system makes the people who follow the tasker stronger.

Because Tong Xinlan has been looking for a group that may be the tasker, and then lurking in the past to investigate, and collected enough information, she came to this conclusion.

Other taskers don’t know about this.

Tong Xinlan will naturally not share her information with other taskers. Only she knows about this situation.

She has been silently observing from the sidelines. Sure enough, several taskers cannot tolerate the existence of subordinates who are stronger than themselves. They are afraid of shaking their status, so they designed to kill several multi-line superpowers.

Rationally, Tong Xinlan can understand such an approach, but she disagrees. After all, doing so will actually cause other followers to feel distrustful and insecure.

However, everyone was in the game and didn’t collect enough information, so they didn’t realize what wrong decision they had made.

Like Tong Xinlan, there are still taskers who do not live in the building. She has found only nine people who can be confirmed as taskers. There must be more taskers who finally entered this world. many.

Then the other questers who haven’t appeared have either been killed by other questers, or they were killed by the “natives” of this world, or they were wiped out by the main system.

Tong Xinlan once again brought her team back to “her own”.

The name doesn’t have any meaningful name, it’s just based on the place name, Xining.

Back, Tong Xinlan asked the others to rest and found Chang Zheng Enming.

Zheng Enming said to her, “I asked you to come back soon this time because I received a communication from two taskers, and they hope to cooperate with us.”


“Lu Tianyi, and Cao Rui.”

“The two of them?” Tong Xinlan frowned, Lu Tianyi has the character of the male protagonist of Shuangwen, and he is relatively rude, but in the end of the world, his personality is very easy to get along with.

In the last world, the two of them had crossed paths.

But the other Cao Rui, in the previous world, Tong Xinlan didn’t have any memories of her.

But in this world, after Tong Xinlan’s repeated investigations, she has a deep understanding of this girl. She is a woman who is good at using men. Taskers, how could those male taskers be seduced by her.

So her usual methods could not be used in a short period of time in the previous world, so Tong Xinlan didn’t even notice when she “died”.

But this world is different. The main system gives everyone a lot of time, so she has time to do what she is good at.

What she built looks the same from the outside, but her top management are all handsome men.

Cao Rui didn’t have the troubles of other taskers summed up by Tong Xinlan before. Because opposites attract, she will not be jealous of the man who follows her becoming stronger. On the contrary, these will make her feel happy and fortunate, so, She didn’t kill the multi-line supernatural beings who were “highly accomplished” around her.

Of course, many people don’t disclose things like multi-element abilities, and they hide this matter as a trump card. If it weren’t for Tong Xinlan’s ability to “eavesdrop” on their thoughts at close range, It is also impossible to know that every follower next to the tasker has multi-line abilities.

Moreover, Tong Xinlan has calculated that if the first batch of people who evolved multi-line abilities were killed, the subsequent followers would not have multi-line abilities.

Explanation, the cheat given by the main system that all taskers themselves do not know is limited, it is a cheat that kills one less and cannot be regenerated.

It depends on how broad-minded all the taskers are, whether they can tolerate such strong people following them, and whether they can control these multi-line superpowers.

As for Zheng Enming, he didn’t have such a multi-line powerhouse around him, because he had no idea of ​​forming a team before. He was a lone ranger, and Haruko who followed him had no superpowers.

This is something that surprised Tong Xinlan, because according to Tong Xinlan’s investigation, people who are close to the tasker will become supernatural beings, but Haruko has not evolved supernatural powers.

Maybe there are other reasons Maybe Tong Xinlan’s speculation is wrong.

Tong Xinlan pulled back her scattered thoughts and returned to Cao Rui and Lu Tianyi.

“The two of them should be incompatible, and they even asked you to cooperate at the same time. If you agree to one of them, you will definitely turn against the other.” Tong Xinlan said this because Lu Tianyi is a chauvinist Straight men, although there are men and women among his followers, but strong women are all his harem.

As for Cao Rui, her followers are only men, and they are all her harem. These two people are naturally difficult to deal with.

“Yes, so I want to ask you, what should I do about their cooperation.”

Tong Xinlan enjoyed several possibilities, and finally said, “Could they just test our attitude.”


“Actually, they are unlikely to be able to fight. Everyone knows their situation. If they do, the other taskers will definitely reap the benefits of fishing. Who will really help them? As for one side, if they ask us this way now, the biggest possibility is that they want to try us, and whoever says what they say counts.” For those who have already established, it is better to have long and long-term follower information. Inquiry, unless the tasker does not go out to meet people.

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