Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 1927: Then rice

Bu Yuan didn’t continue talking about the gunpowder, but thought for a while and said, “Waterwheel, we birds are afraid of water, and with wings, it’s very convenient to drink water, so we don’t do much research on rivers.”

“But I heard her pointing to the picture of the waterwheel and telling me that with that thing, barren and dry places can be irrigated, so that food can grow in those places. She told me that farmers on the earth will grow their own Food. Birds like grains and fruits very much. You don’t need to look for those things in the wild. They can be planted in large areas, one mu of land… Although I don’t know what a unit of land is, but she said that one mu of land Rice or grains can feed a thousand human beings for a year.” New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

“Although her words are definitely exaggerated, she should not exaggerate much. Before I died, her empire had already been established. She had chosen the address of the imperial city, and the palace was also being built. She took out the waterwheel. Find Bai Ming for the blueprint, and ask him to find an orc craftsman to start building.”

“By the way, she also found the seeds of grain and rice. The very precious protectors asked Bai Ming’s orc soldiers to stand guard to protect a few small seeds.”

“I think what she said is true. Our bird family also loves to eat grains, but the yield is too small, so we can only use it as a leader. If we find a small piece of wild valley, it is only enough for a family to eat. .”

“I want to make the bird clan stronger, not only to conquer other races by force, but also to let our bird clan have enough food.”

“Why do we birds have a worse life than beasts and humans? Obviously we can fly, live in farther places, and find food on steeper cliffs. It is because the food we need is too difficult I found it, unlike humans and orcs, the entire grassland and the entire forest have countless animals providing them with meat.”

“We, the Bird Clan, also eat meat, but if we eat too much, our stomach will suffer from indigestion. We have to eat fruits and hard-to-find grains, so it is difficult for us to breed more people.” Bu Yuan’s eyes flashed with light , that is the expectation for the future Bird Clan, he thinks he will definitely let the Bird Clan have inexhaustible millet and rice.

Although the idea of ​​Buyuan is much better than gunpowder, it will change, and there will be more bird tribes, so they will definitely compete for the living space of the other three tribes.

They don’t have the idea of ​​living together, they all think about their own race, and Tong Xinlan can’t ask primitive people like them to be so impartial.

It’s just… Leng Xinlan hopes that everyone can coexist peacefully, and that all ethnic groups can live happily and not be exterminated. Then Tong Xinlan will also follow Leng Xinlan’s idea to keep the four clans in balance.

Even if it is necessary to provide planting methods and design drawings of waterwheels, it is impossible to only give them to the Bird Clan.

Of course, that’s all after the taskers are settled. Now, you can fool around Buyuan first.

“This… I understand what you said. It is only used to improve everyone’s living standards and will not take anyone’s life. I am willing to help you, waterwheel design, I will draw it for you , As for the seeds of rice and millet, I believe that you birds will find them better, and if you have fruits you like, you can also find saplings or cores, and we can grow them.”

After Bu Yuan heard this, a smile finally bloomed on his face, and he asked aggressively, “Then, where is the explosive?”

“Dynamite, I…I can’t give it to you.” Tong Xinlan hung her head desperately, just not to look at Bu Yuan’s darkening face.

“Lan Lan, Lan Lan, you…you promise.” Fang Huiqing called Tong Xinlan, winking at her constantly, asking her to compromise first.

Tong Xinlan pretended to understand what she meant, and pretended to agree, “I…I will write, but I have graduated for too long, seven or eight years, and I have forgotten a lot of high school knowledge, you ask me to write for a while , I can’t recall it all at once.”

“Even if it’s a waterwheel, I have to remember it.” Leng Xinlan didn’t draw so many drawings in a month or two. Life is boring, so I draw all the things that should be drawn and those that should not be drawn. When I think of it, I draw it.

Therefore, it is not too abrupt for Tong Xinlan to prevaricate with “remembering well”.

“You still don’t want to paint, you are all lying to me, just like that woman, who has been lying to me and making me full of expectations. In the end, I still have nothing…”

Bu Yuan wanted to open the cage violently, when Bu Gu walked in and said in animal language, “Brother, what are you doing?”

Bu Yuan simply relayed the incident to Bu Gu with the Bird Clan, Bu Gu said apologetically to Tong Xinlan in animal language, “Sorry, my brother was irritable again just now, but I believe you, you said you would If you don’t want to draw gunpowder, then don’t draw it, first draw the waterwheel that is beneficial to life, and write down the things you need to pay attention to when planting.”

“You can also write about other things that can improve your life.”

Before Bugu finished speaking, Buyuan interjected, “That woman told me that in your last life, you remembered these things because you wanted to improve your living environment. We improved the environment of the bird tribe, so we took you over. You You can also enjoy a better life You can also eat the rice and toast that the woman is thinking about, so you don’t have to eat jerky and fruit pulp all day long. I know you humans on earth don’t like to eat these something.”

Tong Xinlan seemed to be attracted by the cakes drawn by the two of them. She nodded, and suddenly asked Bu Yuan, “In the last life, what happened before you were reborn? I didn’t feel dizzy yesterday. Understood, can you tell me? How is my ending?”

Neither Buyuan nor Cuckoo expected that Tong Xinlan would suddenly care about this issue, but Buyuan was willing to talk about it. After he was reborn, he was jealous and longed to speak out about his grievance of losing weight, and to tell everyone Fang Huiqing’s true face , the Overlord can’t let all the Bird Clan people go and kill Fang Huiqing with him.

Now, if you can tell Leng Xinlan about the things in your last life, Bu Yuan thinks, maybe tell her that the woman beside her who thought she was a good friend imprisoned her all her life and killed the man who loved her the most. Let Leng Xinlan accept the kindness of Niaozu.

Thinking in this way, Buyuan expressed his thoughts to Bugu in bird language.

Bu Gu nodded, Bu Yuan stepped forward to open the cage, and walked out with Tong Xinlan, “Okay, I’ll tell you everything about my last life, you have to be mentally prepared, I’m trustworthy Bird clan, I will never lie to you.”

Tong Xinlan nodded ignorantly, and followed the two of them. Fang Huiqing saw that the two of the Bird Clan did not intend to open her cage and take her out, especially not seeing the expression on the faces of the two Bird Clan. With hostility or something, it could even be seen that they smiled at Tong Xinlan, and when they carefully protected Tong Xinlan to go out, she panicked completely.


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