Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 1806: 2 fires

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Lv Fang saw the organs on the car, and then remembered the things her daughter said that were regarded as sophistry, and cursed.

“That psychopath, why did he harm my beautiful and lovely daughter? We just came to Paris, and no one provoked him. Why did he find my daughter?”

“Comrade police, you must help us find out the truth and seek justice!” Regardless of whether the French police could understand or not, Lu Fang began to beg.

The policeman who can speak Chinese assured, “Ma’am, don’t worry, we will definitely catch this murderer, he is very likely to be an extreme religious person, that’s why he uses these evil spirits to bewitch Parents, trick you into taking the initiative to hand over your children to him.”

“This kind of case has happened before. They think that children are the purest. Those lunatics will sacrifice the children they think are holy and beautiful to the devil. They think that they can sign a contract with the devil.”

There are indeed many such lunatics in foreign countries. Hearing what the policeman said, Lu Fang was taken aback for a while.

She asked in fear, “This time, if you didn’t catch that lunatic, will he come to trouble us again? I heard that he also killed more than ten members of Abel’s family? “

“Will he kill me next time? If I go back to my country, will I be fine?”

Looks like this incident really scared Lu Fang, she didn’t even want to make any money, she just wanted to go back to China.

“If this thing was done by him alone, you should be able to avoid him when you return to China. If he is not alone and he has accomplices, they have already determined that your daughter is their sacrifice. They will send people to your country to steal your children.” The policeman dared to say anything.

“Moreover, as a witness in our case, our police will definitely protect your mother and child closely. As long as that lunatic dares to come to you, we will definitely catch him.”

After all, Lu Fang was still reluctant to part with the money. After receiving the guarantee from the police, she nodded repeatedly, “Okay, then please protect our mother and daughter. Also, can you not tell the media about this matter? The child’s work has a negative impact.”

What if Lisab hears about this and thinks that her daughter is troublesome and will have a bad impact on their brand, what if she terminates the contract?

The police will not disclose the witnesses and details of this kind of murder until the case is solved, unless they don’t want their jobs anymore.

Received the guarantee, Lu Fang felt a lot more relaxed, and she no longer doubted Tong Xinlan, and instead persuaded Tong Xinlan to actively cooperate with the police investigation.

“Baby, what will the police ask later, answer as soon as you think of it. Only when we provide more and more accurate information can the police catch the murderer earlier.”

Seeing this, Tong Xinlan knew that she had regained Lu Fang’s trust, and Lu Fang would no longer suspect that she was possessed by an evil spirit. At this moment, she naturally wanted to pretend to be cute and continue to win the trust of this mother.

Tong Xinlan nodded reassuringly, “Mom, I understand.”

Then, she was taken in by the police to make a statement.

Although the child’s confession is not accurate, it would be better for the parents of the child to make the confession, but Lu Fang does not want to accompany Tong Xinlan to make the confession, she is afraid of hearing terrible things…

After a child has experienced a horrible thing, the logic of the statement will not be very strong, so Tong Xinlan can only talk a little bit, try to behave like a child.

Basically recounted her experience tonight.

The police also questioned her about her relationship with Abel.

She just said that the two of them are friends and classmates, and they have classes together in the children’s model school, and occasionally say a few words, so the relationship is gone.

Originally, Abel didn’t tell her much useful news. In the current situation, the police have already thought about cult sacrifices. Tong Xinlan will let them think about it.

The driver is just cannon fodder anyway.

The police also asked Tong Xinlan to describe the other person’s appearance, but Lu Xinlan couldn’t draw, so Tong Xinlan could only describe as accurately as possible.

The portrait drawn by the police is quite similar, but they should not be able to catch this person, after all, the tasker is still helping him.

In less than a month after arriving in Paris, she went to the police station twice. Lu Fang felt that she was a bit out of character with Paris.

“Baby, after this matter is over, let’s move to the UK. Anyway, these European countries are quite small, and going anywhere is as close as going to the next province or city in China. It doesn’t matter where you live.”


If it weren’t for this tasker Z who suddenly came out halfway, Tong Xinlan’s original plan would have been to persuade Lu Fang to change the nationality of the two mothers and daughters.

Because of the change of nationality, the strong child protection law here can play a role, and when Lu Fang’s actions are revealed, it is logical to deprive Lu Fang of Lu Xinlan’s custody rights.

Now, when it comes to this matter, I am afraid that Lu Fang will not agree. If the taxi driver is not dead, Lu Fang will always have a thorn in her heart, and she will feel that it is not safe to go abroad.

No matter how much she worships foreigners, she won’t make fun of her own life.

Although they have changed their residence, they still have two rooms. Lu Xinlan never wants to share a room with Lu Fang, but the calmness of a frightened child will also be suspicious.

So, Tong Xinlan is still afraid tonight and wants to sleep with Lu Fang.

Sleeping with Lu Fang, with the police watching outside, Tong Xinlan didn’t dare to act rashly at all.

In bed, I contacted 0561, but there was still no reply.

Is Xiao Yi going to have an accident?

What will happen to the system?

The next day, early in the morning, the police brought bad news to the mother and daughter.

The apartment where the two lived before suddenly caught fire and burned down their room.

The bad news is not limited to this one. Tong Xinlan also overheard the conversation of the police during the phone call, saying that there was a problem with the electric switch in the forensic room last night, and it caught fire, causing the freezer in which the corpse was stored to lose its cooling effect, not to mention~ also destroyed some corpses, and even burned some reports made by the forensic doctor.

The computer and hard disk that saved these materials were all burned out.

The police also felt that this was definitely not a coincidence, and they all thought it was the work of the lunatic who drove the taxi.

Tong Xinlan also thinks that he did it, probably the tasker Z gave him another order.

It’s just that the police thought it was a crazy act of a cult, but Tong Xinlan didn’t think so.

What are they trying to hide by destroying these corpses? Is it trying to hide the black technology under the system from the police, or something hidden from her, the tasker?

It seems that the death of Abel’s family is not simple. Even Abel’s death was problematic.

Could it be that Abel deliberately mentioned another quester in front of her at the beginning, but in fact it didn’t exist at all, and the other quester was Abel’s quester?

But, what does he mean by doing this on purpose?

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