Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 1634: In the wind and rain (5)

“Oh, I got it, what you said just now is not just thinking about it, you really want to start from other aspects to control the violation of traffic rules, it’s good, what you said For those ideas, Mom thinks, it’s easier for you to do publicity, because with your temperament, if you can’t be an official, you will offend people.”

After thinking about it, Mama Lai knew that what Tong Xinlan said just now had really been carefully considered, not just words, so she immediately began to offer more constructive suggestions.

“Mom knows me so well, so I started with publicity.” Tong Xinlan already had an idea in her mind.

After eating, Tong Xinlan went back to her room and turned on the computer.

I first wrote an application for job transfer, and then I had to do publicity. If I continue to do field work every day, I won’t be able to do what I want to do. It’s not difficult to think about getting a job transfer.

However, Tong Xinlan doesn’t want to be transferred to the departments that sort out documents and collect fines. She wants to be transferred to the traffic police dispatch center. The surveillance of the dispatch center extends in all directions, so that she can see the surveillance of every road in the city.

Although, if she finds 0561 in the future, Tong Xinlan will be able to see the monitoring in every corner, but what she wants to do must be monitored openly, otherwise others will suspect her source of monitoring, which is not conducive to Tong Xin The execution of Lan’s mission, this mission, she has to be a traffic policeman, there is no need to be a hacker to hide from the government of this world.

It didn’t take long for Tong Xinlan to write the application.

Next, she also followed the old rules and posted a piece of garbled code on the Internet so that 0561 could find her.

Doing these things well, Tong Xinlan didn’t go to sleep immediately. This time, the strength of one person is too small, and she has to rely on the transportation department to do it together. Then she has to write the report carefully and let the authorities support her approach.

This report is of course centered around the promotion of traffic regulations, but previous promotions have had little effect, and it is impossible to let too **** videos be broadcast on TV. It’s an embarrassing and warm promotional film. After all, the audience of TV is too wide. Children, the elderly and heart patients with weak psychological endurance can’t watch those things.

However, those drivers who violated the traffic regulations and were deducted points, and had to go to the traffic police brigade to re-study the exam to get points, should really receive education that goes directly to the soul.

Therefore, Tong Xinlan’s report hopes to use her own brigade as a pilot to collect photos of traffic accident scenes in the city, and edit the videos into videos for drivers who are studying for extra points.

For those drivers who did not wait a little longer after watching public service announcements on TV because they had family members, and did not drink alcohol, watch how other drivers who violated traffic rules and died in car accidents, and saw all kinds of **** videos , Tong Xinlan did not believe that those drivers would have no feelings.

If you don’t think about your family, you will always worry about your own life.

Tong Xinlan vaguely remembers the earth she was in in the past. There was a country where drivers who violated traffic regulations would be taken to the morgue by the traffic police to see the body of the driver who died in a car accident.

In fact, Tong Xinlan thinks that the country has done a good job, and those drivers should see what happens when they violate the rules, otherwise they won’t have a long memory.

However, the national conditions are different, and there are too many citizens. This method is not easy to implement in this country, so let’s talk about it after passing the video first.

It’s just a video, and it will also involve the privacy of pedestrians and drivers, so in many details, those media that like to make trouble must not find a place to attack this plan.

If this plan cannot be carried out, Tong Xinlan can only take drastic actions in the end to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

After finishing the report, Tong Xinlan didn’t go to sleep, but began to meditate.

Early the next morning, as soon as Tong Xinlan went out, she saw Lai’s mother looking at her expectantly.

Tong Xinlan opened the file bag amusedly, took out her transfer application and showed it to Mama Lai, “No, when will my words not count?”

After quickly reading the job transfer application, Lai’s mother touched the job transfer application with joy, “Okay, that’s great, then go to work quickly, and Mom won’t delay you, lest you go late and the leader will not be late again.” Go out, go to work early, remember to call me and let me know after you succeed.”

“I know.”

Tong Xinlan left home, rode a motorcycle to the traffic police brigade, and immediately submitted the transfer application.

The captain looked at Tong Xinlan’s application and said happily, “You finally figured it out, you don’t even know what the other brigades said about me, saying that our traffic police brigade doesn’t know how to be compassionate and cherish jade. You sent someone outside to bask in the wind and sun, now it’s all right, I won’t be scolded by those brats again.”

Hearing what the captain said, Tong Xinlan knew that there would be no problem with her transfer.

“Hey, Lai Xinlan, how many times we advised you to be transferred before, but you didn’t listen, why did you suddenly figure it out this time?” Captain Guan Yiming was still a little gossip in private, oh no, he was very concerned subordinate.

“Captain, you also know why I always wanted to do field work before, but I have been a traffic policeman for a long time. I found that such a one-by-one arrest is not very effective, so I want to change ~Next, Tong Xinlan handed her proposal to the team leader.

After reading the report written by Tong Xinlan, the team leader sighed and said, “Your idea is very good, but it involves many issues. We need to hold a meeting to discuss it. I will submit your report to the next city bureau meeting. Let’s see if we can pass.”

Since the captain promised, he will definitely do it, then wait, Tong Xinlan said gratefully, “Thank you, captain.”

“I’ve prepared the transfer document for you. You can go to the district traffic dispatching office to report later. They are all acquaintances, so I don’t need me to take you there.” Guan Yiming dexterously covered chapter.

Tong Xinlan didn’t expect that she could get the transfer approval so smoothly, but the traffic police brigade has too many monks, and the captain of the brigade might really be talked about by those male colleagues, but even if she was transferred to a clerical job, Tong Xinlan would not Maybe he has something to do with his male colleagues, and when the time comes, the team leader’s idea of ​​getting rid of the male colleagues in this unit will come to naught.

Tong Xinlan can only say sorry in her heart…

It is not possible to complete all the handover procedures in one or two hours when changing departments.

Busy until the afternoon, Tong Xinlan can be considered to have arrived at the district traffic police dispatch center.

There are many more girls in the dispatch center than in the field staff. After a few pleasantries, colleagues explain to Tong Xinlan how to work.

The work of the dispatch center is of course not just to watch the surveillance video, but also to pay attention to whether there is a traffic accident on the road, or where the red street light is broken, which road needs to give way to the ambulance, etc. So the work is not easy.

However, this is not too difficult for Tong Xinlan. As long as she goes to the dispatch center and can watch the monitoring in an open and aboveboard manner, Tong Xinlan’s future plans will go much smoother.

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