Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 1457: Journey to purify the soul (40)

Tong Xinlan acted as if she wanted to believe Huo Xinyue, but felt that there was something she couldn’t figure out, “But, how did you know they would turn us into human pitangkas?”

“I…, I…” How could a kind-hearted person like Huo Xinyue say that she once wanted to take advantage of their opportunity to go to the city to catch Bu Junlan and escape by herself.

It would be great if she escaped, now she can call the police and let the police come to rescue her. Sister Lan will definitely not blame her, and will thank her.

However, she didn’t escape, and Sister Jun Lan was arrested easily. If Sister Jun Lan knew the truth, she would definitely not forgive her.

Seeing that Huo Xinyue was still pretending to be pitiful and unwilling to admit her mistakes, the girl became even more angry, grabbed her hair and started beating her.

The movement in the cell where the female slaves were held finally attracted the attention of the slaves guarding the dungeon. They saw that the one who was beaten was Huo Xinyue, who was to be made into a sister-in-law under Li Wang’s order to take care of them. The woman broke Huo Xinyue, opened the door of the cell immediately, and waved a machete to scare the women away from Huo Xinyue’s side.

The guards in the dungeon saw that Huo Xinyue had already been skinned, and they were afraid that these women would beat Huo Xinyue to death. If he was beaten to death in the dungeon, his crime would be very serious, and he would be killed by Deji at that time. It might even be peeled off.

Thinking of this, the guard of the dungeon yelled at the women who beat Huo Xinyue, “Don’t beat her, whoever beats her will be skinned first.”

In fact, it’s not just Huo Xinyue. No matter who is going to be skinned in the dungeon, the dungeon guards will step forward to stop it. Fighting will destroy the sense of perfection of the skin. Perfect for scars.

However, everyone in the prison didn’t know what the dungeon guards were thinking. From their point of view, the dungeon guards were protecting Huo Xinyue. Because it was Huo Xinyue, the dungeon guards were protecting Huo Xinyue.

If these women hit the tour guides like this before, the dungeon guards would come in to stop them, but the tour guides are eloquent, and the other women have no evidence. They just suspect that the tour guides are undercover agents planted by the villains. Moved.

The guard of the dungeon saw that the women were too frightened by his words to beat them anymore. After yelling, he exited the dungeon, locked the door of the cell, took a second look, and left again.

Because of the dungeon guards, the women who were locked up really didn’t dare to beat Huo Xinyue, but they no longer doubted Huo Xinyue as an accomplice of this gang of villains, but definitely Huo Xinyue played a trick.

At first, Huo Xinyue was thankful that the dungeon guard’s two words helped her out of the siege, so that she would not be beaten, but now she looked at the eyes of everyone who avoided her and hated her. I also understand that this misunderstanding may not be resolved.

“It’s not like that, it’s really not like that.”

No matter how Huo Xinyue explained, no one looked at her again.

Facing Huo Xinyue’s pitiful eyes eager to understand, Tong Xinlan also turned her head away.

It’s really disgusting to do bad things and make yourself look innocent and innocent.

No one took care of Huo Xinyue, she could only sit on the ground alone and feel sad and regretful. If she had taken the opportunity of being able to make a phone call, she had asked Sister Junlan for help and told her to call the police, Sister Junlan would not have She was caught and entered. Sister Jun Lan is so kind. If she heard her cry for help, she would definitely call the police.

However, why didn’t you call for help at that time, but helped those bad guys to deceive Miss Junlan?

Huo Xinyue fell into regret alone.

Tong Xinlan continued to meditate.

At this time, Deji was still sending people in the urban area to catch Bu Juncheng and Shenniao.

However, 0561 can communicate with any monitoring system in the city, so every time it took Bu Juncheng to successfully evade the people sent by Deji to arrest them.

At first, Bu Juncheng only thought that Xiaoyi was being naughty, but after two times, he was almost caught, and Bu Juncheng also realized that someone wanted him.

At this moment, Bu Juncheng couldn’t keep up with his physical strength. He hid in a corridor and asked Xiaoyi, “Xiaoyi, why did those people arrest me? I didn’t offend anyone, and I don’t have any money. Could it be?” Say, are they trying to catch you and sell you for money?”

Xiaoyi also couldn’t fly anymore. After thinking for a while, he nodded to Bu Juncheng, and then wrote on Bu Juncheng’s hand with his paw, “110.”

“Xiaoyi, are you telling me to call the police?”

0561 nodded.

Bu Juncheng thought about it, and it seemed that he should call the police when he was in danger, and running away all the time was not an option.

Bu Juncheng took out his phone and found that a text message from his sister had just been sent.

Bu Juncheng seems to have a backbone, he opened his phone happily, but saw, “Your sister has been captured by us, if you want your sister to be safe, bring the vulture to replace your sister~IndoMTL .com~ Don’t worry, we have no malice towards you siblings, we only want the divine bird, return our divine bird to us, and we will set you free.”

Bu Juncheng looked at the text message with an extremely troubled expression.

He must be worried that his sister was arrested, even if he was to exchange him for his sister, he would agree.

But, the person on the other side is Xiaoyi, and Xiaoyi is also his friend.

0561 can no longer contact Tong Xinlan at this moment, and also knows that Tong Xinlan’s mobile phone is no longer in Tong Xinlan’s hands.

Tong Xinlan’s previous order was to tell him to protect Bu Juncheng, and Tong Xinlan also told him about Bu Junlan’s memory. At this moment, 0561 has analyzed that his and Bu Juncheng’s physical strength has reached the critical value, and it would be useless to run away.

Even if they went to the police station, Deji and the others had a lot of connections, and they would send someone to pretend to be Bu Juncheng’s family members and take him away.

The host has recovered the ability to practice, and these people’s plan is to use Bu Juncheng and Bu Junlan to have a son who is a woman, and they will not kill the younger brother immediately.

The host once said that the plan can never keep up with the changes. When the critical moment comes, the plan must be changed according to the actual situation.

If the host is here now, how will the host choose?

0561, who has carried out many tasks with Tong Xinlan, began to imitate Tong Xinlan’s thinking mode. Under its powerful calculation, it came to the conclusion that at this moment, let the younger brother be arrested.

And it cannot be caught. Through the words of the host, 0561 understands that it is a variable in the mission, and it must not be caught, otherwise it cannot assist the host externally. The appearance of Deji made Deji and the others no longer need the son of the mother.

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