Cannon Fodder Battle Chapter 1123: Terrible stereotypes (27)

1123, terrible prejudice (twenty-seven)

“Grandpa, don’t go to sleep, let’s go.” Grandpa Zhou Shancai felt bored every day hiding in the attic. Although there were monsters outside, Zhou Shancai felt that his attic was safe. They can’t climb up, so after the food is brought up, they sleep a lot every day.

Zhou Shancai, who was awakened, said to Tong Xinlan and Wen Guizhen, who had crawled several times and then paralyzed on the ground in fright, “Women are bluffing, what’s so scary, those monsters can’t fly up.”

“Grandpa, look, those monsters have already come, if we don’t leave, the house is down, and those monsters don’t have to climb up.”

In fact, in the last life, Su Xinlan brought a lot of food early in the morning, and took the two old people to other people’s cement and brick houses, so the treatment she received was actually much better than the current disaster.

However, Tong Xinlan wanted to scare the two old people, and they were the ones who were unwilling to leave at first. Tong Xinlan just respected the opinions of the old people.

Zhou Shancai also came to the window to take a look, his performance was not much better than Wen Guizhen, he fell to the ground, “Go, go, go!”

Tong Xinlan dragged the two old people to the entrance of the attic with one hand in hand.

Put down the ladder and help the two old people go downstairs again.

The zombies outside the door were attracted by the roaring car engine outside, so after Tong Xinlan opened the door, she led the two old people out very smoothly.

“Xinlan, go back and get some food, the house will collapse in a while, and our food will be gone.” Seeing that there were no monsters nearby, Wen Guizhen dragged Tong Xinlan to prevent her from going forward.

“Grandma, it’s important to escape now, there will be food.”

“No, there is no food, will others let us in?”

Unexpectedly, this old woman also understands that food is a stepping stone. If I knew it now, why bother?

“Okay then, you guys go there first, I’ll go back and get some food.”

Since Wen Guizhen wants food, then Tong Xinlan will leave.

Seeing that Tong Xinlan agreed, the two old people ran towards the high slope. Although there are still brick houses on the flat ground here, they feel that the high **** is safer, and the high **** is made of concrete buildings. Should be safer.

There are quite a few villagers who have the same idea as the two old people.

There were quite a lot of people running out of the house at this time, and they ran towards the high **** together.

Tong Xinlan returned to the house, packed 30 catties of rice with the backpack she had returned from work, and some gift boxes of biscuits she bought earlier, and went out to catch up with the big team. Top-Secret Revenge: Recovering the Demonic Young Master

Zhou Wenjuan’s house on the high **** originally didn’t want to open the door.

However, the villagers are also good at climbing over the wall, so they were still forced to open the door and let in all the villagers who ran to the door.

When Tong Xinlan rushed over, everyone was about to close the doors.

Tong Xinlan controlled her own speed, which made everyone feel anxious, but happened to rush into the gate a few steps faster than the zombies.

Seeing Tong Xinlan lying on the ground after sprinting, some villagers scolded Tong Xinlan dissatisfied.

“When you are running for your life, what are you doing with your bags?”

“I even brought all the gift boxes I bought at home. What time is it? It’s still showing off!”

“Come to give gifts at this time? What did you do a few days ago?”

Tong Xinlan embarrassingly put the exposed gift bag into her bag, “I don’t know how many days I will hide here, I can’t possibly eat all the things from Wenjuan’s house, I will carry the extra rice Don’t move, this thing should be lighter, grandpa, grandma and I should be able to eat for a few days.”

Tong Xinlan’s intentional words embarrass the other people who ran out in a hurry but didn’t bring anything with them.

Zhou Pingping smiled and pulled Zhou Wenjuan who was stroking her belly and said, “We are from a village, so we are so particular.”

Then, Zhou Pingping glanced at Tong Xinlan reproachfully, “It’s different after going to the coast to work. We in the countryside are not as fussy as people in the city. How much can we eat for two days when we come to Wenjuan’s house? Then each Just go home and bring the food back several times to Wenjuan, right?”

“That’s right, it’s like we are short of food, but the granary is full.”

Other people who did not bring food echoed Zhou Pingping.

Zhou Wenjuan’s mother came out, frowned and said, “There is really not much food left. Wenjuan and his wife bought a house in the city and wanted to take us to the county to enjoy the blessings. Therefore, every time they When I returned to the village, I dragged away some of the food from the family, and now the food left in the family is only 30 catties.”

“Fathers and folks come to our house to escape the disaster, we accept it, but there are pregnant women in our house, we can’t starve our family Wenjuan, besides, there are so many people here now, how can 30 catties of food be enough to eat? If you want to take refuge in my house, you still have to find a way to bring food.” My tablemate is a male god

“Su Xinlan, give us half of the food in your bag. You can take your grandparents upstairs to choose a room. It’s not that I’m taking advantage of the fire to rob you. It’s because there are pregnant women in the house.”

Wen Juan’s mother’s words made Zhou Pingping’s atmosphere lively, but it stopped again.

Tong Xinlan happily picked up her bag and said, “Thank you, Wenjuan’s mother, for taking us in. Wenjuan, take me to store food.”

“Okay.” These days, Zhou Wenjuan is also worried about the food at home.

Now it seems that although it is annoying that many villagers come to the family, these people can also become the source of food for their family.

Who told her to marry well, her husband not only bought two houses in the county, but also paid for her natal family to build a big and sturdy house.

So, facing Tong Xinlan who brought the food, Zhou Wenjuan showed a gentle smile again.

Wen Guizhen and Zhou Shancai originally wanted to bargain to let Wenjuan’s mother ask for less food, which is simply robbery.

At this time, Wenjuan’s mother said again, “Xinlan, you can live up there after paying the food, but Auntie and I said ugly things first, you have finished eating the food you paid, and if you can’t pay, you have to come down.” Now that we live in the dam, whoever pays more food can live in the upstairs house, and whoever can’t pay the food, don’t blame me for driving them out, after all, the people we add also have to eat.”

Tong Xinlan glanced at Wen Guizhen in embarrassment. Wen Guizhen, who was originally displeased by the boss, now knew that she had won the first prize and would not have to sleep in the dam tonight. It may be dry, and it will definitely be able to hand over the food.”

Tong Xinlan smiled noncommittally.

From now on, everything is different from the previous life.

In the last life, Su Xinlan was in prison and learned some militarized things in the prison. After she came out, she acted quite predictably and planned. For the safety of her grandparents, she also considered the issue of food, so it is Gathered the folks from the start and acted as a leader when everyone panicked.

So in the last life, there was no such thing as trading food for a room today.

This Wenjuan’s mother only considers her own family, and it is not too much to ask everyone for food, but this approach will anger some people.

It will also make some people jealous of Su Xinlan’s family who can now live in the upstairs room.

Tong Xinlan is looking forward to the next good show.

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