Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 38: Blue blood as dark as darkness 04, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Qian Jie Mei!

“Hello! Xiaobi?” Fu Zhumei saw that he vomited out the strange blood and knew that his lungs and trachea must have been scalded. She hurriedly helped him sit up. Fortunately, she heard that the twelve silver needles that had been inserted in the man’s gut started to rise. After taking effect, she sat quietly for a while, and the bleeding gradually stopped. Bi Lianyi breathed very weakly, but could not utter a word.

Xiao Bi is saved. Fu Zhumei asked him to lean against the wall, close his eyes and rest, and then carefully got off the bed, fearing to disturb any of Bi Lianli’s hair.

Everything will get better slowly, Xiaobi’s feelings for Miss Hong, the future of Biluo Palace, the future of Jianghu, the future of Ali… He rubbed his hair, always believing that everything will get better, but In fact, not everything really gets better! But regardless of whether it will really get better in the future, he still expects this.

Ri loves his home.

After Bi Lianyi was seriously injured, Wan Yuedan stayed in his room for a while and quickly returned to his residence. Tie Jing followed him behind him and saw him fumble for a piece of clothing and a few taels of silver. Several bottles of pills, bundled into a package. Zhu Yan broke into the palace just now, so Tie Jing was extremely cautious. Seeing him packing a package, she asked in a voice, “Is the palace owner going out?” Wan Yuedan smiled, “I have to go out for a few days.” Tie Jing frowned, “I’m going to inform Yan’er, where is the palace master going?”

“I won’t bring anyone with me when I go out this time.” Wan Yu Yuedan picked up the package he had just packed and straightened his clothes, “I can’t say when I will come back. Before I come back, palace affairs Leave it to Brother Bi to take care of it. If Brother Bi is weak after the injury, you and Yan’er can ask Elder Bi first and then seek Elder Wenren’s opinion.” Tie Jing was surprised, “Palace Master, you don’t have any troops? How is that possible? No one in the palace would trust the palace master to go out like this and let Tie Jing and Yan’er go with you.”

Wanyu Yuedan turned around and waved to Tie Jing. Tie Jing approached with concern, “What are your orders from the Palace Master?” Suddenly she felt numbness in her waist, and Wan Yuedan’s right hand was released from her waist. Tie Jing collapsed in shock, and the Palace Master struck with the “Qilin Thorn” on her waist. Knocked him down, why? Wanyu Yuedan smiled apologetically and gently at him, dragging him with both hands until he was next to her bed. He originally wanted to carry Tie Jing to the bed and lie down, but his hands were not strong enough and couldn’t carry him. He had to let Tie Jing lie on the ground. He took off the brocade quilt on the bed and covered him with it, and also put the jade pillow on the bed. He moved it down and placed it under Tie Jing’s head. He carefully adjusted it until Tie Jing’s whole body was properly and comfortably placed, and then he stood up.

Tie Jing watched him arranging the brocade quilt and felt more and more horrified. Wan Yuedan made such preparations because she really planned to leave alone, but he was blind. How could he leave alone? Where can I go? When he was doubtful and worried, a suffocating breeze blew in from outside the door, bringing a familiar heat. He saw a figure reflected on the wall. The person was tall and had messy hair. When the breeze blew, , and seemed to have a vague air of blood.

Could it be that——Tie Jing saw that the figure was missing his right arm, and the horror in his heart reached the point of indescribability? Could it be that——Kuanlan Wuxing? impossible! He just left in vain, he had his arm cut off by Fu Zhumei just now, he was seriously injured just now, how could he suddenly return? How can anyone be so brave?

“It came so fast.” Wan Yuedan’s voice rang. Compared with the hot wind blowing in from outside the door, his voice was delicate and soft, with a little excitement, like a child who guessed the lantern riddle, ” A brave man who can wield an eight-foot-long sword and a halberd that is more than ten feet long will not retreat despite the difficulties. He will become more courageous as he fights. I expected that your husband would come back again, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon.”

Zhu Yan’s voice showed no signs of weakness after being seriously injured, as if he had never had that right arm. “You packed the package because you are confident that I won’t kill you?” The corners of Wan Yuedan’s eyes rose slightly, and the black and white He opened his eyes a little seriously and said, “I have always been very confident.” The fracture of Zhu Yan’s right arm has been bandaged with medicine. I don’t know how he did it with just one left hand. It was bandaged very properly. He was holding a Although the bamboo pole was just a bamboo pole, it was no different from a halberd in his hand. “It doesn’t take any effort to kill you.”

“There is no enmity between Biluo Palace and Sir. There must be some reason why Sir wants to kill me, right?” Wan Yuedan was carrying the somewhat messy package, looking like a clean, childish and gentle young man, “Yes Is there any wish that you, sir, cannot fulfill, and someone has promised it to you?” He said softly, “Killing me, even if you are brave and brave, you will definitely get into a lot of trouble. If you believe in Wanyu Yuedan’s ability, can you tell me, someone? What did I promise you? Is there anything I can do in exchange for my head?” He looked in Zhu Yan’s direction with a gentle expression, “Biluo Palace has never meant any harm to you.”

Zhu Yan’s eyes were flowing. If Wan Yue Dan could see it, her eyes were very sharp, filled with a violent energy like drinking blood. This demonic look lasted for a long time. He said in a low voice, “I want to Looking for someone.” Wanyu Yuedan slowly raised a picture scroll in her arms, “Is this the girl you are looking for?”

Zhu Yan glanced at him, and in an instant, the bamboo pole in his left hand exploded, and the bamboo joints were burned to ashes. He asked in a low voice word by word, “Where did you find this portrait?” At this moment, a voice came from He said neither high nor low, neither fast nor slow, “This portrait is mine.” Wanyu Yuedan smiled, and a person floated down from the roof beam. He was handsome and had an impressive scar on his face. He was the incarnation of ” Pan Ruo’an” the soul of Shen Lang.

It turns out that Shen Langhun rushed to Biluo Palace this morning, explained Tang Lizi’s predicament in a hasty manner, and handed over to Wanyu Yuedan the portrait that Tang Lizi had taken off at Wangting Villa. That portrait is very similar to that of Western Tao. It is hung and enshrined in the secret stronghold of Fengliu shop. It must be a person of great importance, and it is very likely that he has been seriously ill or passed away. Tang Lici hopes that Wanyu Yuedan can start to find out who the person in the painting is. If the woman in the painting has passed away, Fang Zhou’s lost ice coffin may have been taken by Xingtao for this woman to use. This woman must be related. A major secret in the romantic shop.

Wanyu Yuedan could not see the appearance of the woman in the painting, but he had heard in detail from Meihua Yishu that both Kuanglan Wuxing and Yu Honghou, whose pseudonym was “Western Tao”, were interested in Yu Honghou’s cousin Xue Tao. A love affair, if the woman in this painting looks very similar to “Western Peach”, who is it if it’s not Xue Tao? And Kuanglan Wuxing has such martial arts skills. Apart from the word “love”, what else in the world can make him go through fire and water, or even destroy his kindness and not care? Kuanglan Wuxing came suddenly just now. He didn’t bring the portrait with him, but he was already prepared at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as the portrait appeared, Kuang Lan Wu Xing’s momentum suddenly changed, Shen Langhun appeared at the right time, Wanyu Yuedan felt calm and said with a smile, “Is this girl Xue Tao?”

Zhu Yan looked at the portrait intently. The appearance of the person in the painting was almost exactly the same as that of Western Tao, but in his opinion, there was obviously a huge difference. “Where is she?” Zhu Yan’s eyes were bright with light. The flash became more and more powerful, fierce and terrifying, “Tell me!” Shen Langhun said calmly, “This portrait is mine.” Zhu Yan suddenly raised her eyes to look at him, and Shen Langhun said lightly, “This portrait is mine. “It was found by Prince Tang in Wangting Villa. Wangting Villa is the secret stronghold of Fengliu Shop. If the painting is there, I think the person may be there.” He did not say that the figure in the painting had a strange posture, as if he was not alive. people. The thin wrinkles at the corners of Wanyu Yuedan’s eyes relaxed slightly, and she felt clear and relaxed, “Jade Harvest…” As soon as he said “Jade Harvest”, Zhu Yan’s murderous aura suddenly became much stronger. Wanyu Yuedan just didn’t know, and continued. , “… He also has feelings for Miss Xue. With his personality, even if you take my head back today, will he really hand Miss Xue back to you?” His eyes were shining, vaguely containing sadness. , but still smiling at the corner of his eyes, “Or – what kind of Miss Xue will he give back to you?”

Zhu Yan clasped his hands behind his back and meditated quietly. He was extremely brave, but he was not reckless. Yu Honghou is vicious and vicious, and he will never let go of what he can’t get. “You said – he will give me back a corpse?” He said in a low voice, “Does he dare?” Wan Yu Yuedan asked, “He Don’t you dare?” Zhu Yan chuckled, “You just want me to go to Wangting Villa to find the person, and you can’t wait for Yu Honghou to hand over the person, lest he go crazy and kill Xue Tao. Humph! I don’t know what you mean—you and he both want to break up Wangting Villa, but you don’t have the ability—”

“Yes.” Wanyu Yuedan smiled slightly and admitted frankly, “I hope that Mr. Wangting Villa will be razed to the ground. If you want to save Miss Xue Tao, I also have someone I want to save. If you want to kill Yu Honghou, I I also want to kill Yu Honghou, that’s all.” He said slowly, “I don’t want to see a corpse in Wangting Villa, and I don’t want you to see another corpse in Wangting Villa. We don’t have enough martial arts to shake it. Wangting Villa, but to find Miss Xue’s whereabouts, sir, you also need our help, don’t you? ”

Zhu Yan suddenly flicked her sleeves and said solemnly, “Okay!” He didn’t care who he cooperated with or talked to, any method would do, as long as he could see Xue Tao as soon as possible.

He must see Xue Tao, he has one thing to say to her!

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