Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 27: Night of Enchantment 03, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Qian Jie Mei!

On the afternoon of the third day, Tang Lizi entered the palace again with his own serum. Concubine’s poisonous injuries had improved. Seeing him coming again with medicine, Concubine stepped back and let Tang Lizi take the medicine. Infused into her blood. After everything was properly completed, Concubine lowered the curtain and sighed softly.

“Is your body feeling better?” Tang Lici asked softly. He was still wearing white clothes and shoes. Today’s clothes were embroidered with light-colored borders. The patterns on the borders were curled grass, which was auspicious and gorgeous. Concubine Concubine said quietly, “It’s better. Tomorrow at noon, next to the incense burner with green willow and lotus, I will put the green charm…” Tang Lici interrupted her, “No need.” Concubine Concubine was slightly startled, “Could it be that you – —” Tang Lici raised a finger to her lips and said softly, “Then the person who poisoned you and forced you to take the green charm will continue to send messages to you?”

“Yes.” Concubine raised the aqua curtain and looked at Tang Lici intently. He had obtained the Green Charm. How did he obtain it? Is it really that easy? Tang Lici’s eyes drooped, but the corners of her eyes slightly raised, “How do you reply?” Concubine took a long breath, “I said -” she said slowly, “I said Uncle Tang Guo was treating me. There has been improvement, so… I am not afraid of the poison of Yanpa. I will not take the green charm. I am not so bold to touch the emperor’s things.” Tang Lici smiled slightly, “What’s his reaction?” She shook her head and said, “Since I replied these words, Guard Qi’s little nephew has not been here again, but I think…” She whispered, “I hurt you…”

Tang Lici has a way to detoxify the poison of Yanpa. Maybe he can also detoxify the other two poisons. Anyone would think so. Therefore, it is very likely that they gave up Concubine Concubine and Lu Mei and targeted Tang Lici instead. Tang Lici didn’t care and said softly, “How did you arrange the news about the green willow and Xiaohe incense burner tomorrow?” Concubine’s eyes were very bleak, “I originally wanted to ask Xia He to put the green charm on my behalf. Send it, but I never said what I gave her.” Tang Lici’s eyes changed, “Oh… you can stop at Green Charm, but you still have to go to Cuiliu Xiaohe. You can go at noon today. I will wait for Cuiliu Xiaohe.” Concubine Concubine said quietly, “Do you always want to solve the problem so thoroughly? Maybe if you and I keep silent, they will retreat after knowing the failure.” Turning around, she said softly, “Ju’er, you know I don’t always like to keep things quiet.” Concubine Yu raised her gaze and glanced at his back, “I have said many times that you have a bad temper.” Tang Li resigned slowly. Bu Li said, “Well… it’s a pity… you never convinced me.”

He’s gone.

The tears in Concubine’s eyes fell down her cheeks. How many times had she cried for him? She lost count.

Too bad… you never convinced me.

This sentence was cruel, but it was not the cruelest sentence she had ever heard. How many sad words had he ever said to her? And the funny thing is… she can hear everything in her ears, and there is always a little bit of joy deep in her heart – he makes no secret of her, is it possible that to him, she is still a little different from others?

Is hurting without hesitation also a kind of emotion?

At least he saved her life. She is not as thin as a reed to him. Whether it is for his future interests, for the government, or for his overall situation, at least… he saved her life.

That would be enough to keep her alive.

Tang Lizi left Ciyuan Hall with a slight smile on her face and seemed to be in a good mood. The serum injected today contains the powder of Green Charm Pearl. The poison on Concubine’s body should be unharmed. The rest is just a problem that must be solved in Cuiliu Xiaohe. Not far from Ciyuan Hall, there was someone waiting in the Wenxin Pavilion. When they saw him coming out, they held their hands in a bow and said, “Li Ci.”

“Brother Yang.” Tang Lizi stopped and asked, “On duty today?” Yang Guihua smiled slightly, “Yes, Lizi seems to be in a good mood today. I wonder if there is any good news?” Tang Lizi responded elegantly. Smiling slightly, “I am very happy that Concubine is recovering well.” Yang Guihua stood in the pavilion and took a deep breath, “Li Ci, I asked you something as a friend, are you willing to treat me with sincerity?” Tang Li said Ci glanced at him, “Oh… I treat each other with sincerity. I wonder if Brother Yang will also treat each other with sincerity?” Yang Guihua was slightly shocked, “Of course!” Tang Li Ci looked at him with an ambiguous look and a smile. “Just ask.”

“Did what happened in the palace last night have anything to do with you?” Yang Guihua asked in a deep voice. Tang Lici didn’t blink, “No.” Yang Guihua asked in a low voice, “Are you serious about treating me sincerely?” Tang Lici said, “Shouldn’t you believe me?” Yang Guihua hesitated, “Seriously. Not you?” Tang Lici smiled and shook her head, “Come to think of it, what clues did you find in Bianjing? What is the officer Yi suspecting?” Yang Guihua breathed out softly, “The palace guards were killed recently. Sixteen people were killed in the middle of the night without any sound. Some of them were not inferior to Yang in martial arts. The places where the sixteen people were killed were different, but they were getting closer and closer to Funing. In the palace, some people have red spots all over their bodies after death, which is very similar to the ‘Sang Gui Jiuxin Pill’ poison that has been circulating in the world recently. Master Jiao and I both guessed that… someone sneaked into the palace and distributed poison among the imperial guards. But no one knows how many people have taken it.” Tang Lici frowned, “If they took poison, how could they be hit?” Yang Guihua’s expression was very serious, “Then maybe. It was because they were unwilling to obey the orders of the poisoner. The dead guards were all rough men with upright personalities and were easily impulsive. If someone really spread poison among the army, the situation inside and outside Bianjing would be in danger. The battle between our country and the Liao soldiers would not end. If the Imperial Guard loses control, the consequences will be disastrous.” Tang Lici pondered for a while, “What is the most likely reason for distributing poison in the Imperial Guard? Or is it because of rebellion? Both? ”

“I don’t know.” Yang Guihua said slowly, “We haven’t reported this to the emperor yet, so please forgive me.” Tang Lici said softly, “Then I haven’t heard anything. ” He closed his eyes slightly, raised his eyelashes and opened them slightly, “Brother Yang, maybe – you will gain something by looking at Ciyuan Palace.” Yang Guihua’s face changed slightly, “You mean… ” Tang Lici stepped forward and laughed softly when she missed his shoulder, “Spring peaches and summer flowers…” Yang Guihua’s expression really changed, “They…” Tang Lici’s sleeves of clothes fluttered, and he had walked over. , and don’t look back.

Yang Guihua looked at Tang Lici’s back, clenching her fists tightly, Spring Tao Xia He, Concubine’s maid. If the matter was really related to them, Concubine Concubine’s illness might be of great significance, and how could Tang Lici, who treated Concubine Concubine, be completely unaware of it? What was his intention when he said “Chun Tao Xia He”?

Tang Lici’s gait was very gentle, as if he was walking in the courtyard of the Guozhang’s Mansion. He planned to relax in the imperial garden for most of an hour, and then go to the green willow and Xiaohe. And after saying the four words “Spring Peach and Summer Lotus”, there is no doubt that Yang Guihua will follow him. At this moment, the delicate situation in the palace, having one more helper may bring unexpected benefits.

The assassination of Taizong by the Liao assassin yesterday was naturally a trap set by him. He wrote a letter in Liao script and threw it to a wanderer wandering the streets. Not many people knew Liao script, but the place he dropped was very subtle. Soon After that, the letter was delivered to someone who could understand it, and everything happened as expected. When the assassin’s arrow came, he pushed Taizong, and the arrow shot off the green charm. Before landing, he put away the green charm and put down the pearl. Everything was done in full view of the public, but no one saw it. Everyone sees an assassin. As for the assassin being accidentally killed in prison, that was indeed not his original intention. Although there must be another story behind the assassin’s death, it was no longer a matter of Tang Lici’s control. Yang Guihua did treat him sincerely, but unfortunately for Tang Lici, whether it was a letter of trust or a casual acquaintance, it might not be enough to cherish.

He cherishes very few things in this life and hurts many things.

The autumn wind is bleak, and all the autumn chrysanthemums are blooming in the imperial garden. Even if the varieties are rare, chrysanthemums are chrysanthemums after all, and they will never be as gorgeous as peonies and peonies. Tang Lici walked with her sleeves hanging down, her sleeves embroidered with flower curls blowing through the chrysanthemum bushes, stained with a layer of faint emerald green juice. The wind blew the remaining petals of the chrysanthemums, causing them to tumble and wither on the ground. He walked very slowly, walking from outside Ciyuan Hall to Cuiliu Xiaohe for nearly half an hour. Yang Guihua followed him from a distance and saw Tang Lici stopping briefly by a pond. There was a Shoushan Mountain in the pond, and there was an old frog lying on the Shoushan Mountain, shivering in the autumn wind. Tang Lizi walked by the pond, and something hit the old frog on the head with a “pop” sound, and his flesh and blood were blurred in an instant. Yang Guihua was slightly startled. When he looked again, Tang Lici had left without looking back. The cold wind blew slowly, and only a white jade on the head of the dead frog shone in the sun.

It was a piece of mutton-fat white jade carved in the shape of a longevity peach. It was only the size of a thumb, but the jade quality was delicate and smooth. It was worth about a thousand taels at least. Tang Lici threw it as a hidden weapon and shot him to death. An old frog. Such an action made Yang Guihua, who was following him, feel a chill all over his body. This man… seemed to be possessed by a demon, and his every move seemed to be filled with demonic aura, which made people shudder.

More than half an hour later, Tang Lici finally arrived at Cuiliu Xiaohe, a remote pavilion in the palace. There was a huge incense burner in the pavilion, close to Ziyun Temple. Before he came to Cuiliu Xiaohe, there was already someone in the pavilion. It looked like Xia He in the dress. Seeing Tang Lici’s arrival, she bowed to Tang Lici and said goodbye without knowing what she said. Tang Lici did not insist on staying. When Xia He left, he took out something from Cuiliu Xiaohe’s incense burner, patted the ashes on it, and put it into his arms.

What is this doing? Yang Guihua’s heart was slightly frightened. It looked like a deal, but… before he could finish the thought in his mind, a figure suddenly flashed in the pavilion. Several black shadows shot out from the flowers, two palm shadows, and a sword energy. Together they greeted Tang Li at the center point behind her resignation. Yang Guihua was startled, but saw Tang Lici return her palm to fight back. Within a few moves, the three black figures had already laid down one after another, so fast that they didn’t make any sound. Good skill! Yang Guihua’s eyes moved slightly, and he only heard a very slight sound beside him. He turned slightly to one side, and saw someone flashing away in the distant bushes. He followed him without thinking, and for a moment he had no distracting thoughts, but he was not there yet. Can you distract yourself from thinking about what Tang Lici was doing just now?

Within three moves, Tang Lici knocked down three strangers who covered their bodies and faces with black cloaks, and uncovered the black cloaks. Under the cloaks were three unfamiliar-looking palace guards. Tang Lizi’s white cloud shoes lightly stepped on the chest of one of them. The man had a stern face, closed his eyes, and made up his mind that no matter what Tang Lizi wanted to ask, he would never answer. Unexpectedly, there was only a crisp sound, and before Tang Lici asked anything, she stepped on one of his ribs and broke one of his ribs. The man let out a scream of “ah” and sat up suddenly, his face turned pale, ” You…you…”

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