Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 11: A Quiet Night 03, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Qian Jie Mei!

The trees are green and the water is gurgling.

There is a small wooden house deep in the jungle. A woman in green clothes is washing her clothes quietly in the stream.

The water droplets splashed slightly, and there was a slight iridescence in the faint sunlight. The fish in the water jumped far away, and then jumped into the water again. A black and white bird paused beside her for a while, then fluttered away. Very peaceful and peaceful.

The sound of the flute was faint, and someone was playing the flute in the forest. The tune was sad and sad, full of complex and graceful emotions. Halfway through, the flute player put down the bamboo flute and sighed softly, “You… you are in a good mood. ”

The woman doing the laundry stopped and said, “Xiao Hong, if you think too much about things, your life will be very sad. Things that you can’t ask for or hope for… it should be yours, it’s yours, it shouldn’t be you. No matter how sad it is, it won’t help.” The red girl playing the flute in the forest stood up slowly, “You are so favored, how can you know other people’s feelings? You will only know what it feels like if you are abandoned by him one day.”

The woman who was doing the laundry was the one. She smiled faintly when she heard this, “Everyone only thinks that he is good in all kinds of ways, but I…” She paused slightly and shook her head, “In my heart…” Miss Hong’s eyes flickered. “There is someone else in your heart?” The man looked at the stream and sighed slightly, “That happened a long time ago. At this moment, it is useless to mention it.” Miss Hong asked, “Who is the person in your heart?” ? Could it be that the Lord is not as good as him?” The man dipped his clothes into the water, and his snow-white fingers sparkled like jade in the water. There was a faint knife mark on the ring finger of his right hand, which suddenly became apparent, “He… …It’s not Tang Lizi.” The red girl was slightly shocked. She finally revealed her doubts, “I didn’t say it was Tang Lizi. Who is he?” He slowly lifted up his clothes and wrung them out. “He’s just a cook.” Miss Hong’s eyes flashed, “Cook? Where’s the cook?” The man smiled slightly, “A cook with poor skills, but although I often go to his place to see him, he doesn’t recognize me. “The red girl frowned slightly, “Doesn’t he recognize you?” The man nodded, wrung out his clothes and put them in the bamboo basket, then stood up, “Of course he doesn’t recognize me, he…he only cares about me. “That turtle?” Miss Hong asked curiously, “Turtle?” The girl smiled slightly. It was the first time in recent years that Miss Hong had seen her smile so happily, and she said, “He has one.” He is a very big turtle. When he has nothing to do, he just watches the turtle and follows him wherever the turtle crawls. He only talks to the turtle. Sometimes he sits on the turtle and the turtle crawls everywhere, **** him into the water. I don’t care, it’s fun.” The red girl was surprised, and she suddenly felt a sense of contempt, “You…you like this kind of person?” When she thought about it, he was charming, elegant and restrained. A rare beauty, Bingjihou abandoned his wife and son for her, and eventually died for her. Liu Yan was frivolous and unrestrained, holding the power of life and death in the romantic shop, but he still suffered from her, while Tang Lici held that man hostage in Peony House. , inviting her to have a drink with her all night, is quite ambiguous. For such a woman, the man she cares about is actually a cook who raises turtles? It’s incredible.

“Well…some people, when you look at them, you will only worry and worry about them, worrying that even if you do everything for him, you still can’t keep him safe and sound. Lord…and Mr. Tang, They are all this kind of people.” The man said softly, “They are all very powerful in martial arts, very smart, powerful, and the best among people, but… they will only make people worry, worry… and become more worried after worrying… …You will be in constant panic all day long, because you don’t know what people like them will do today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, what dangers they will encounter, and how many people will be in danger…” She sighed leisurely. , “It’s tiring to love such a person, and you will never be happy, isn’t it?” Red Girl smiled softly, “If he is not such a person, how can he be worthy of love?” The man raised the basket, “But he won’t, When I look at him, I feel that everything is very simple, my mood is very calm, and it is very pleasant.” She slowly walked into the woods with the basket, and the red girl picked up a pebble and threw it into the water. She always hated herself. It’s not as good as the cook who is naturally charming but looks down on her at this moment and raises turtles. Dirty and stupid.

“I heard you are going out tomorrow?” The man suddenly asked in the forest.

“Well,” Miss Hong said lightly, “Bi Luo Palace Wanyu Dan is also an exciting man, worth a while.”

The man sighed softly, “I think…” She did not continue, but paused, “You have to be more careful.”

The red girl smiled, “Do you want to say that Fucui sent me to deal with Wan Yuedan with bad intentions? I know, but it was precisely because he bet that I would die in Wan Yuedan’s hands that I I want to go, but I don’t want to die. Am I someone who can be manipulated by others?”

“You have to take care of the Lord. Although he is not good at expressing himself, he relies on you very much in his heart.” The man said softly, and then left slowly.

Miss Hong sat alone by the stream. After a while, she slowly walked back to the forest and entered the cabin.

A man was leaning behind a tree. When he saw this, he quietly took a step forward. His figure swayed and followed the red girl. He stepped on the spot where she landed and followed silently to the back of the house. He looked in the window and saw Miss Hong entered the house and lost sight of her figure in a flash. She saw that the tables and chairs in the wooden house were just like an ordinary house. It was empty, as if everyone who entered it had quietly disappeared.

There must be a passage in this room, and of course there must be a trap. The people who were investigating outside the house quietly exited and disappeared into the woods. They hurried back a few dozen feet when they suddenly saw someone blocking the road not far away with a sword. They were instantly stopped.

“Are you Yu Qifeng’s son?” the man blocking the road with a sword said hoarsely. His back was tall and long, his shoulders were broad, and the hand holding the sword was scarred. It was shocking and terrifying to look at.

The investigating person was shocked, “You…you…”

The man blocking the road turned around and saw that his face was covered with wounds, his left eye was blind, his appearance was completely disfigured, and there was a dark wound on his neck. His mouth was tightly closed, and his voice came from his neck. The wound came out, and the voice was hoarse and unclear. “Yu Qifeng has never married in his life, how could he have a son like you?”

The man in green clothes carrying a sword behind his back who was secretly investigating was none other than Yu Furen. Seeing the scarred swordsman, he was trembling uncontrollably, “You——are not dead?”

“Hey,” the man said, “Yu Qifeng has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, how could he die from a mere gunpowder? Who are you?”

Yu Zhengren looked at the scarred swordsman intently, “I…I…who are you?”

The man said in a low voice, “If I hadn’t seen that you looked a bit like me when I was young and had not attacked Tang Lici in Haoyun Mountain last night, I would never have seen you. Who am I – hehe -” He raised his sword and swung it, only to hear a loud noise that shook the earth. The trees shook and grass blades flew. Four interlaced sword marks were cracked on the ground in front of Yu Fu. The sword was two inches and three minutes deep, and there was no trace of it. More, no less. After he sheathed his sword for a moment, there was only a crisp “clack” sound, and the ground in front of Yu Hui sank another three points, creating a deep pit the size of the mouth of a bowl – if this sword struck a person, this second heavy blow would Even though An Jin only penetrated three more points, it was enough to shatter a person’s internal organs.

“The sky travels, the sun and the moon…” Yu Furen murmured, “You…you are really Yu…Yu…” Halfway through, he was suddenly startled, “You have hidden stakes in Haoyun Mountain ? “Otherwise, how would Yu Qifeng know that he attacked Tang Lici last night? The matter was extremely secretive. Apart from the three people involved, very few people knew about it. Who leaked the secret?

“Whose child are you?” The scarred swordsman with the “Heavenly Movement of the Sun and Moon” asked hoarsely, “Do you know Jiang Siqi?”

Yu Furen staggered and took two steps back, “Jiang Siqi…you actually remember her, she is my mother.” Is this scarred swordsman really Yu Qifeng? Such a shrewd and calm person like Yu Qifeng felt confused, “You are really Yu Qifeng.”

“She is your mother…” Yu Qifeng suddenly burst out into a violent cough from the wound on his neck, “Cough cough…cough cough cough…then you are my son. How is Si Qi doing now?” He was choking and talking as he spoke. Bloody saliva kept spurting out from the hole in his throat, and his left eye kept twitching. His appearance was tragic and terrifying, and he was far from the majestic “Sword King” who responded to everything.

“She…she once went to Jianzhuang to look for you, but was kicked out by your slaves.” Yu Zhengren said word by word, “You must say you don’t know, right?”

“Ahem…I really didn’t know. How is Si Qi doing now?” Yu Qifeng said, “I regretted not being able to marry her back then, so I vowed not to marry her for the rest of my life. Where is she now?”

“She is dead.” Yu Lingren said, “Fortunately, she died early, so that she would not be deceived by you all her life. She still thinks about you day and night… and still thinks that you are a good person.” At the end of the sentence , his voice couldn’t help but tremble, “Why do you take banned drugs? Why do you want to be a lackey in a romantic shop? You…you are the sword king of the Central Plains Sword Society, you are glorious, who doesn’t admire you, why do you want to destroy your reputation? … Do you know that even though you are so unlucky, you have always been a hero in my heart…”

“Hey, things in the Jianghu are not as simple as you and other juniors think,” Yu Qifeng laughed sharply, “If you want to be a hero, you have to pay the price! Boy! Tang Lici used explosives to blow up my sword hall. , you saw how miserable it was for me! You saw it too, didn’t you?” Although he described it as miserable, he still held the sword in his hand with a majestic force that was different from others.

“A hero should fight injustice with a three-foot sword. He has gone through blood and sweat. Even if he is a ninth-rate martial artist, he lives an upright life, punishes **** and eliminates evil, how can he not be a hero?” Yu Jiren gritted his teeth and said, “You Why do you need to collude with Fengliu Dian to do such despicable things?”

“Everyone in the world knows that I was defeated by that boy Shi Tinghe, but they don’t know that he is actually a cunning and cunning liar! How can I be defeated because of such a person? Everyone thinks that I am not as good as that boy. What a big joke. ! If I don’t cut him into pieces, I can’t eliminate the hatred in my heart!” Yu Qifeng said coldly, “How could he have died so easily if he hadn’t done it earlier?”

“You just insist on being associated with Feng Liu Dian, insisting on dreaming of one day dominating the world?” After hearing his words, Yu Furen felt extremely disappointed, “Is victory or defeat really so important? You simply… I don’t care about my mother at all.”

“Boy! Whether you believe it or not, there is only one woman in Yu Qifeng’s life, Jiang Siqi.” Yu Qifeng said sternly, “Even though she looks very ugly, even though she has missing limbs and is covered in abscesses, she She is still the most beautiful woman in my heart.” He paused, “Now that Si Qi is dead, I have been made like this by Tang Li Ci. I am blind in my left eye and covered in wounds. The romantic shop’s surname Liu does not dislike it. I worked so hard to heal my wounds, so you became the father you are now! When Yu Qifeng was in the world, you didn’t come to acknowledge him. Now that he is disabled and his reputation has been ruined, you must be even more disowned?”

Yu Jiren slowly exhaled a long breath, “Haha, others despise the poor and love the rich, but I despise the rich and love the poor. I didn’t recognize you when you were famous all over the world, but when you were down and out and went astray, If I don’t admit it…doesn’t it mean I’m abandoning you?” He let go of his sword and pulled out Qingluo, “I have been learning swordsmanship for eighteen years just to defeat you at this moment – defeating you is for your own good. I recognize you as my father——”

Yu Qifeng’s eyes flashed, “Just you? Just you?” His thoughts were racing in his mind. He wanted to beat his unexpected son to death, and wanted to keep him by his side. Knowing that this stupid son was an obstacle on his way to dominance, he suddenly said, “Liu Yan of the romantic shop has saved my life. Tang Lizi is Liu Yan’s mortal enemy. If you really kill Tang Lizi, you will avenge me.” The other is to repay Liu Yan’s favor for me… Maybe by then, Yu Qifeng will be disheartened and go into seclusion with you.” He glanced at Yu Lingren’s sword with disdain, “At this moment, Boy, you are no match for me. Put your sword away and you will see me again when you kill Tang Lici.”

Yu Furen shouted urgently: “Stop! Go back with me!” He shouted loudly, shaking the treetops, and the leaves rustled down. Yu Qifeng laughed loudly, twisted his long sword, and wrote “Tian Xing Sun” “Yue” struck at Yu Furen’s chest. Yu Furen, Qingluo, hurriedly blocked it, only to hear a sound of metal and iron clashing. Four sword energies passed by, and four two-inch and three-point swords were staggered on the ground. Mark, the sword was actually swaying, and only the sound of Yu Qifeng’s wild laughter was heard, and she walked away. Yu Qifeng held Qingluo in his hand, and his palms were dripping with cold sweat. He couldn’t block Yu Qifeng’s false move with his sword! Yu Qifeng has strong skills, and even after taking banned drugs, he became extremely brave. If he didn’t have such skills, how could he survive the gunpowder? Just when he was stunned, white shadows flew around him, and a dozen figures surrounded him. Their white clothes were slightly raised, and they were all young women with white veils on their faces. I only smelled a faint fragrance, and someone was drinking in the distance. With a cry of “Let him go!”, dozens of white figures raised their hands and sprinkled a piece of gray powder, floating away. Yu Furen held his breath and retreated hastily. His heart was in chaos. If he killed Tang Li Ci, would Yu Qifeng really follow him and go into seclusion? If Tang Lici dies, who can destroy the romantic shop? But Tang Lici caused Yu Qifeng to be injured all over his body and blinded in his left eye, and pushed him further onto a road of no return. How could he not avenge this revenge?

The faint fragrance couldn’t help but invade his nose. Yu Furen felt lost and slowly returned to Haoyun Mountain. He didn’t notice the fine gray powder on his clothes, which was quietly falling on his skin with the wind and drifting into him. in the nose.

That is the powder of the “Forgetting Flower”, the flower that enchants the soul.

“Nephew Yu Xian, I’m looking for you.” As soon as he stepped into Shanfeng Hall, Jiang Wenbo came towards him and smiled happily, “Tonight you and I will explore the shelter from the wind.”

“Yes.” Yu Furen responded, holding Qingluo in his hand, passing by him and stepping into the courtyard.

Huh? Jiang Wenbo was very surprised – Yu Beiren’s sword was not sheathed, could it be that he had just started fighting? Who did he engage in to become so lost?

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