Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 968: Enter the forest

In the case of Niu Jin look at, he couldn’t help but said solemnly: “attack like Blood Slaughter Sect is really difficult to deal with. Their energy beasts really give me a headache, but fortunately, the number of these energy beasts There are a lot of although, but we also have a lot of martial arts trees and magic trees, they still can’t do anything advancing for a while, do you have any ideas about this situation?”

Tongying said solemnly: “Blood Slaughter Sect can think of a way to deal with us so quickly. This is indeed something we didn’t expect. How we will do it next, we have to think about it carefully. They can block it. Our attack, we have to be careful, because they have not used is possible and other attack, I think we still have to report the situation to Your Majesty.”

Niu Jin nodded, and then said solemnly: “Reporting to Your Majesty is certain, but how to deal with these energy beasts is also what we must know. You said that the Fashu in the back can use Magic attack and those energy beasts. It seems that we can only use this method to deal with their energy beasts now.” Niu Jin still wants to rely on their own strength to deal with energy beasts, and can’t just ask Shadow Sovereign from immediately whenever something happens. It would be too embarrassing. “

Tongying said solemnly: “You can try it. In fact, the Magic attack of our dharma trees is also very strong. Every hit has Strength of Law. We use those Magic attack, attack and those energy beasts, maybe we can block those energy beasts Attacking those energy beasts now will also block our clansman‘s attack. We still have to let disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect enter the giant forest forest, so that we can take advantage of the number of people and consume them bit by bit. “Niu Jin nodded, immediately asked Personal Guard to send orders. Those Fashus and Wushus can actually understand orders. They only need to give orders. As their orders are issued, countless Magic attack, flew out from those magic trees, directly attack those energy beasts, and soon Magic and attack landed on energy beasts, but those energy beasts did not disappear, but their bodies were smaller Some.

As soon as Niu Jin saw this situation, he knew that their attack was useful, so he ordered immediately to let those magic trees attack those energy beasts with all their strength. Suddenly Magic flew over the giant forest forest, Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple had to go far into the giant forest forest, because the top and bottom of the giant forest forest have completely become Magic‘s world, and even those bugs have all entered the giant forest forest. As a result, It was something Niu Jin and the others had never thought of.

As soon as I saw Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple, they all entered the giant forest forest, Niu Jin’s complexion could not help but change, then Niu Jin immediately open the mouth and said: “OK, fantastic, those disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect finally entered the giant forest forest, and ordered our clansman, at all costs, eliminate them, as well as the bone union beast, all dispatched. “Personal Guard responded, and immediately went to deliver the order.

After disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect entered the giant forest forest, a holographic projection was appears in front of all of them. Through this projection, they could see all the situations in all places in the giant forest forest, even there had The worms of Shadow Clansman can all be seen clearly. If Shadow Clansman or bone-linked beasts want to hide on giant tree and sneak attack them, they can also see them clearly.

However, there is one thing they have to pay attention to, that is, those giant trees will also perform attack for Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, and those giant tree attacks need to rely on Blood Slaughter Sect disciple to solve it by themselves, but fortunately Blood Slaughter Sect disciple has already been subjected to this In terms of training, they have fought in any terrain. In such a situation, they have also trained in True Illusion Boundary, so they also know how to deal with it. The disciple and immediately of Blood Slaughter Sect are divided into teams. Keeping a sufficient distance, they cooperate with each other advancing, and in each team, they also have all kinds of people, some of them are holding large shields, helping others to block attack, some People specialize in using cold weapons, attack those enemies who are close to them, and some people are holding steam machine guns, attack enemies far away, of course, in here, the Might of steam machine guns is also subject to great restrictions .

The teams started to advancing in the giant forest forest. They were actually looking for those Shadow Clansmans. They also knew that those Shadow Clansmans had already come to their heres. Then they would fight those Shadow Clansmans at here for a jungle strangling battle. Let’s see In the end, whoever has the last laugh, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is still very confident in themselves. You must know that their current bodies are nothing more than battle armor. Even if they are really damaged, they are still no big deal. They can be taken to a safe place by Transmission directly. Nothing to worry about.

However, the armor used by Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is different from the original armor. Now Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is using their own spiritual force, which is combined together with the armor. So this armor gives them the feeling that it is theirs. The body, if the armor is affected by attack, they will only feel it, and there will be pain, but the pain will be much lighter, because this armor is made by their Life Source Divine Beast, they must also Bear the damage with Life Source Divine Beast together, but the composition of their battle armor is only a small part of their Life Source Divine Beast, so the pain they feel will not be great, and they will not suffer too much damage, but the feeling of fighting, But it is much more realistic than originally‘s battle armor. If their bodies are directly destroyed by the enemy, then their spiritual force will also be affected to a certain extent, so now when Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is fighting, they are still very careful. Now it’s like playing one type of, a game with real body sensation, even if they die, they won’t really die, but spiritual force will be impacted, which is inevitable, after all, their spiritual force is connected to this body , and the battle equipment dominates.

But this battle armor also has another advantage, that is, they can be transformation at will. When they are fighting with the enemy, their in hand weapon can be changed at will, cold weapons, steam weapon, they all They can change at will, so Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is still very confident in themselves. They believe that they will defeat the enemy. Those Shadow Clansman is impossible are their opponents, because now those Shadow Clansman do not have Strength of Formation blessing/additional support, although they have Strength of Law, but their There is also Strength of Law on the battle armor, which caused their weapon to also have Strength of Law, so it is not a problem for them to clean up those Shadow Clansman, this is a bit like the battle between energy beasts and those giant tree.

Those giant trees also have Strength of Law, but energy beasts have more Strength of Laws, so energy beasts can clean up those giant trees, no matter it is a martial tree or a magic tree, and all of them can be cleaned up, and the armor that Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is using now has all twelve Crystal Skeleton , so the Strength of Law in their body is not only one type of, it is precisely because this kind of Strength of Law is not only one type of, so they are very confident in themselves, they believe that they can kill those Shadow Clansman, so for fighting in the giant forest forest, they Not afraid at all, and even have some expectations, they all want to see how much fighting strength those Shadow Clansman can play in the giant forest forest, both sides want to meet each other sooner, but Shadow Clansman is real Where is the disciple of don’t know Blood Slaughter Sect, they can only keep going forward, anyway, those giant tree can’t attack them, and Blood Slaughter Sect’s disciple knows where Shadow Clansman is through those Heavenly Maiden Scattering Flowers shells, so their actions are very purposeful nature, and before meeting with Shadow Clansman, they had already made preparations in advance, and soon the two sides met together, and when the two sides met together, the disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect had already moved first, and those of them The disciple with the vaporizer weapon fired first. As soon as they fired, they directly killed a few Shadow Clansmans. Those Shadow Clansmans just came out, and they didn’t see Blood Slaughter Sect disciple clearly. They were killed immediately. When they realized that they wanted to use giant tree to carry out attack on Blood Slaughter Sect disciple from the air, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple had already aimed steam weapon at sky. Blood Slaughter Sect disciple attack, of course, those giant tree are also attack Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple are all protected by large shields, and their large shields have rebound Law, which can also help them block those giant tree attack of Shadow Clansman.

Niu Jin and Tong Ying have been fighting in the look at giant forest forest, they also discover, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, seem to be ahead of them in everything, Niu Jin look at projection, frowning said:Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple, indeed Entered the giant forest forest, but they seem to be one step ahead of us everywhere. For us, this is not good news. Why do you think they are one step ahead of discover our clansman? If don’t know they are How to advance discover to us, then we will always suffer in the battle with them.” The others were all frowning and thinking about this matter, they were also don’t know, how did the other party advance discover those clansman, Blood Slaughter Sect If people can advance discover them, they will take the upper hand in their battle. They are very passive in this meeting, so they also want to know why Blood Slaughter Sect people will discover them ahead of them. Unfortunately, they have no clue , and their performance like this also made Niu Jin’s complexion not very good-looking. He hoped that these people could give him some advice, but unfortunately, it seems that these people don’t have any good ideas now. He was very disappointed.

At this time open the mouth and said: “I heard that Blood Slaughter Sect has one type of‘s strong detection of formation. initially General Li tried all the methods, but he couldn’t block Blood Slaughter Sect‘s detection of formation. These Blood Slaughter Sect disciple have that kind of detection. It’s normal to detect formation, so it’s not surprising, what do you think, Commander?” Tong Ying must have heard some stories about Li Liqing fighting Blood Slaughter Sect, and he also knew that when Li Liqing was fighting Blood Slaughter Sect, They also suffered a lot in this respect, so it is quite normal for them to suffer in this respect.

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