Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 803: Nervous

p;Ding Chunming said solemnly: “I am not going to use the method core now. If there is no need, we will use the spirit silk control Magical Artifact attack Shadow Clansman. Even so, we can also use advancing, Law Idol, Divine Fire. These are the backup tools we prepared. If Shadow Clansman is used We are using other means to deal with them. If they have no other means, then we can wait until the final battle with them. When dealing with Shadow Clansman, the French core can be used in advance, and we need to use Divine Fire I’ll use it until the final battle.”

White Eyes nodded. The idea of ​​Ding Chunming followed him to a piece. He also felt that it would be better not to use the magic core and Divine Fire now, but just use the spiritual silk control weapon. This would not only improve their fighting strength , and at the same time, it can also let their disciple understand their own Law Idol more deeply, which is the best method so far. So White Eyes open the mouth and said: Let’s do this for “OK,. tomorrow happens to be the day we want to attack. Let’s attack with together and give Shadow Clansman a hard time. ”

Ding Chunming nodded, and then the two of them cut off the communication. After they cut off the communication, Ding Chunming open the mouth and said: “Azure Dragon, send an order to those disciple in Sect who did not participate in the war, tell them, tomorrow we will strengthen our control against Shadow Clansman attack, allow them to use a few more spiritual threads control Magical Artifact. Can’t they use up to six spiritual threads control Magical Artifact attack Shadow Clansman? tomorrow They can use it, but remember, they must ensure their own safety.” Azure Dragon responded, and immediately went to pass the order .

At this time Gongsun Yulong open the mouth and said: “I think tomorrow‘s offense can also involve Alien Race. Alien Race will also use Lingsi now, and they will also use Magical Artifact. although said they will not use Law Idol, but their attack The power is very formidable. They can turn the spiritual thread into their own tail, and they can control up to six tail. I believe their attack power must also be very strong, especially after they added defense-breaking formation rune to the spiritual thread. Their attack power will be stronger, let them also participate in the battle of tomorrow.”

Ding Chunming nodded said: “Okay, Azure Dragon informed Alien Race to let Alien Race also participate in the battle of tomorrow.” Azure Dragon responded, and Ding Chunming turned to Zhen Lao said:Zhen Lao, how is the construction of underground city?” ”

Zhen Lao open the mouth and said: “Now among the remaining sites of his Shadow Clansman, half of the underground already have underground city. According to our original plan, we first need to build a circle of underground city on the periphery of their site. This duty has been completed , I believe that in it will not take long, Shadow Clansman‘s sites underground, we all have our underground city.” He has always been responsible for this matter, so he can easily talk about the progress of appears in this matter, because during the entire construction process, he I have been keeping an eye on it, of course very clear is progressing.

Ding Chunming nodded said: “OK, fantastic, so we have nothing to worry about. tomorrow started to attack with all their strength. I really want to see what Shadow Clansman will do next. It is nothing more than forming a big Statue. If If the big Statue still can’t stop us, then just use the big Statue to make Battle Formation to block us. At that time, is possible will be a little difficult, but with our Magical Artifact Might and Law Idol, we want to break it. Their Battle Formation should not be difficult. ”

Everyone nodded, Ding Chunming turned to look at Youwen Righteous Path: “Wenzheng, do you have any ideas?”

You Wenzheng shook his head, then open the mouth and said: “No, I have no experience with command(er) fighting large-scale.”

Ding Chunming smiled and said:(It) doesn’t matter, our attack this time will not have Battle Formation, nor will there be too complicated arrangements, because we are attacking Shadow Clansman now mainly to train troops, so command(er) will not be too troublesome. , you don’t have to worry about anything, haven’t you seen? My current command(er) is so simple, just everyday orders the attack, and then orders the withdrawal when the time comes, that’s it. I have almost no effect on other things, because our disciple of Sect have all participated People who have been in actual combat many times have rich combat experience. We only need to give an order. We don’t have to worry about other things in simply.”

You Wenzheng knows that Ding Chunming is comforting him. In fact, things on the battlefield are as simple as is impossible. However, You Wenzheng feels that Ding Chunming has a very good saying, that is, disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect are all experienced. Veterans of the war, you only need to give them an order, and they will know what to do. You do not need to deliberately go command(er) or something. Of course, if you want them to form Battle Formation, then you can listen. If you join them to form formation , that’s also no problem. If you want to micro-manage the entire army, it’s not impossible, but your level must be enough. If it is White Eyes, with its ability, you can really micro-manage army, but You Wenzheng, he is far behind. He can’t micromanage army now, let alone micromanage army. Even platooning formation arrangement is enough for him to learn for a while. After all, their army There are simply too many.

Ding Chunming doesn’t manageWhat is You Wenzheng thinking? They are very optimistic about You Wenzheng, but there are some things that you still need to observe by yourself. If they help You Wenzheng do everything, then You Wenzheng will never learn. By thing, they have done enough now. In the end, if You Wenzheng can reach that point, it depends on him. There is no way for others to help him in this matter, not even White Eyes. , so Ding Chunming didn’t say much, it just depends on You Wenzheng’s performance in the future.

The day’s battle ended quickly, without wind or waves. It was the same as everyday before. There was no difference. You Wenzheng also returned toed his in the room. Tonight, he did not practice too long time, but practiced well. He took a rest, because tomorrow was going to strengthen their offense, and he had to take a closer look. although said that there are not many arrangements for Blood Slaughter Sect’s offense now, but when they strengthen their offense, there will definitely be big scenes, and those big He must observe the battle scene carefully. This will be good for him in future command(er) battles. After all, he really has no experience in command(er) large-scale battles now.

Before, Ding Chunming although also tried to let him fight command(er) and several times, but that was just for fun, because the two sides were fighting a tacit understanding battle, so if they lost is impossible, they also won is impossible. His command(er) can be said to be dispensable. , so he still has little experience in fighting command(er) large-scale, which is why You Wenzheng pays so much attention to the fighting of tomorrow.

The next morning, You Wenzheng came to Command Hall early. The reactions of other people in his discover Sect seemed to be very normal, nothing special, which made him a little nervous. You Wenzheng is a little embarrassed. He is sitting on there, look at projection, and now projection only shows Reaching Sky Vine region outside. there has nothing except Reaching Sky Vine. And You Wenzheng’s mind is emptying now. He has not thought about today. What kind of battle would it be like? What he was thinking about was how he felt when he fought against the ordinary disciple in Blood Slaughter Sect before and participated in such a battle. Was he nervous at that time?

The answer turned out to be no. He was not nervous at that time because he knew at that time that he only needed to fight and did not need to worry about other things. thing He was happy when he won. If he lost, he would fight as soon as possible Even if he dies, he will still become Undead Race if he dies in battle. Of course, there is nothing to be nervous about, so he was not nervous at all at that time.

But now he clearly did not participate in the battle, and even command(er) did not use him today, but he will still be nervous, because he has subconsciously substituted himself into Commander‘s character, and once he becomes Commander, the battle will be won or lost. But it’s not his business alone, it’s about the lives of countless people, and even about Sect‘s entire plan, and these are like a huge mountain, pressing down on him, so he is nervous, Even more nervous than participating in a battle.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came said: “Wenzheng, what are you thinking about? So absorbed?” This voice suddenly appears startled You Wenzheng, his body was shaken, but immediately recovered, Because this voice belongs to Ding Chunming.

You Wenzheng immediately stood up. He turned around and saw that Ding Chunming and the others were already here. He was now smiling at look at. You Wenzheng couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. said:Senior Master, I was a little nervous just now. I’m here.” I thought, why am I nervous, so I got a little absorbed in my thoughts.” When You Wen was facing Ding Chunming, it was very relaxing, because Ding Chunming had always been very good to him, so he was really relaxed in front of Ding Chunming, compared to He still has to relax in front of White Eyes, which he himself is possible doesn’t have discover.

Ding Chunming When I heard him say this, I couldn’t help but slightly smiled said: “So it’s because of this. Don’t be nervous. Have you ever thought about the outcome of this battle? relationship The life and death of countless people, is that why you are nervous? ” Ding Chunming He knew this feeling very well, so when he heard what You Wenzheng said, he immediately understand Why was You Wenzheng nervous? So he revealed the reason why You Wenzheng was nervous. He himself had experienced such a period of time. He knew that in this situation, he had to adjust himself, and the method of adjustment was also very simple ,many command(er) several times It would be nice to have a battle like this, then there wouldn’t be any tension. That’s how he came here.

When You Wenzheng heard what Ding Chunming said, he nodded directly said: “Yes Senior Master, when I think of such a war, every decision we make, is possible will determine the life and death of countless people, I feel nervous, and I am still a little nervous now. , I am really don’t know what should I do, Senior Master, how to solve this situation?” You Wenzheng didn’t want to be nervous, but he control couldn’t help himself.

Ding Chunming look at couldn’t help but laugh at his appearancesaid: “It’s okay, don’t be nervous. If you participate in more several times battles in the future, you won’t be nervous anymore. In fact, you have to know that it is useless for you to be nervous, and it is best to have one type of. The best way to eliminate tension is to prepare in advance, understand, what do I mean? Make plans in advance. All plans must be done well. You don’t have a staff around you yet, but we have a staff group around us. They will We have come up with countless plans, and these plans have thought of all the situations. As long as we follow the plans, there will be nothing wrong. This is the confidence that we will not be nervous.” ()

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