Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 2: Out Of Luck Identity

Chapter 2 Out Of Luck Identity ()

The moment Zhao Hai passed out, a memory that did not belong to him, suddenly appears in his mind, was like a program that did not belong to your computer. suddenly was installed, and the brain of Zhao Hai almost crashed. Now although does not have It crashed but also caused his brain to crash, digesting the information in his brain little by little.

don’t know passed how long and Zhao Hai woke up. He felt that suddenly in his brain had an extra memory that was not his.

In this memory, his name is Adam Buda, he was born in Ark Continent, an Military General Aristocratic Family of Aksu Empire, and has played for three generations of Aksu Empire, ranking high in Marquis, but in the Adam generation, it has fallen, Adam is a sister-in-law, in Coupled with his mother’s early death, his father’s perennial soldiers were out, and he couldn’t go to the extreme. He bullied men and women into evil, but his father was a short guard and a heavy soldier, so no one touched him.

But his father did something wrong. When the new and old King of Aksu Empire changed positions, he stood in the wrong team.

Aksu Empire‘s old King is the seventh in 40. He has fifteen Prince. Five of them can inherit the throne, namely Crown Prince, Third Prince, Fourth Prince, Seventh Prince and thirteenth prince.

Aksu Empire‘s law regulation. Only children born to the queen and concubine of King have the right to inherit the throne. Of course, not all children born to the queen and concubine can inherit the throne. Only this child is named as the title of Grand Duke or above. Can.

Royal people will have an earl as soon as they are born. If he did not make any contribution to Empire, they will only be an earl in their lifetime, or an earl without fief. The title will rise, with a maximum of Crown Prince.

Of course, like the children of the queen and concubine, is impossible has only one earl’s title, and they are usually dubbed as dukes. Then, as long as they can do a little work or find an excuse, they can be promoted to Grand Duke, and finally rose to Crown Prince, so they can inherit the throne.

The five children who can inherit the throne of the seventh Aksu King of 40 are Crown Prince, of which Crown Prince, Fourth Prince are born of the queen, Third Prince, Seventh Prince are born of Princess Carin, and thirteenth prince is born of Princess Aiweier , Also the weakest one, has not been favored by people. People always think that Crown Prince is born of the queen, he is the orthodox, and the three princes have been wearing a pair of pants with Crown Prince, so many Noble in Empire support Crown Prince succession. Fourth Prince and Seventh Prince are a group. Seventh Prince has the support of Fourth Prince and Carlin Clan. The voice of Imperial Court is also very high, only thirteenth prince, the youngest, the weakest, the lowest key, so there has been no one. Optimistic about him.

The father of Adam is the Crown Prince party. This is also normal, because Crown Prince had the highest voice at the time, and Buda Family was not an old-fashioned Noble. They only made relying on military achievements in the grandfather of Buda, step by step. At the position of Marquis, they want to quickly enter the ranks of those old Noble, so he chose to support the Crown Prince that most is possible became King at that time, so as long as Crown Prince became King, Buda Family will have is possible into Aksu Empire The core of power becomes the Noble of recognize in Empire.

Be aware that on Continent, any King Noble is divided into two types, one type is old Noble, and one type of is new Noble, the gap between new and old Noble is very obvious, the new Noble will generally It is considered an upstart and will not be recognized by the old Noble, and it will not enter the core of the country’s power.

After so many years of develop(ment) on Continent, Noble has played a role in a country is very enormous. At some point, they can even control the rise and fall of a country, especially those who have been develop(ment) for thousands of years, dozens of generations The old Noble is a force in Empire that even the imperial power must be afraid of. It can be said that the old Noble is the core of power of the Empire. Any new Noble wants to get their approval.

If you want to get the recognition of the old Noble, you must have the corresponding strength. The speed from Buda Family is too fast. This is how Aksu Family several old Kings came up with to balance those old Noble, but since the 40 After the death of six Kings, the life of Buda Family will be difficult. The new King wants to promote them, but the old Noble wants to suppress them, so they can only support the new King, so that Clan develop(ment) can go down.

But Adam‘s father stood in the wrong team. He supported Crown Prince with the highest voice. In the end, he did not become King. Instead, it was the lowest key. The weakest thirteenth prince became King. Crown Prince was given death. Crown Prince None of the people in the party had a good end. The father of Adam was also given an excuse to go to jail, and then died in prison unclearly. The bad things Adam had done before were also turned out, but because of Green their existence, Empire are also afraid of a few 8th level Expert to find them trouble, adding the new emperor to the throne, but also to show a little Big bellied, so they dealt with Adam lightly, and Adam should inherit the title of Marquis , To the Viscount, replaced their original fertile fief with Black Wasteland, and Adam was fed Water of Nothingness, and became a complete waste.

Even if there is fief in Noble, it will be given to Butler or someone who trusts it. although fief there is their own Root, but they will stay in the Imperial City in order to pay attention to any changes in Empire occur, those It is good for Yu Clan, and those that are bad for Yu Clan.

But they are not Adam. After being replaced by King with fief, they were ordered to have leave within three days, and leave fief will not be allowed within the next three years. This is never seen in all Clan.

The current King of Aksu Empire, the original thirteenth prince ABO about Aksu, the reason why Buda Family is like this, one is because Buda Family is Crown Prince one party, and the other is because of the pressure of those old Noble. Now he has just ascended the throne. Of course, he must suppress the Crown Prince and Seventh Prince parties with all efforts, but he is afraid to move those Great Noble, and those old Noble see Buda Family is not pleasing to the eye, naturally put pressure on Abou, so Ah Such a decision will be made by Biaoyu.

The reason why Adam drink nothingness water is because of one type of of Buda Family Battle Qi practice method, Wild Dragon Battle Qi, this Battle Qi practice method is very famous on Continent. It was obtained by Adam‘s grandfather inadvertently. His training speed It is three times faster than the ordinary Battle Qi Cultivation Method, attack and very strong, have always been the top Battle Qi practice method coveted by Empire and Great Clan. If Adam has to learn Battle Qi, if he really learns Wild Dragon Battle Qi, and he still remembers the hatred of today, then Those Great Noble and Imperial Clan are threatening, so Aboyo gave Adam Water of Nothingness.

The reason why Abyo did not kill Adam, in addition to the aforementioned reasons, there is another reason, that is, Green dedicated this set of Battle Qi practice method to Abyo, and also issued poison. Oath, people from Buda Family will not practice Wild Dragon Battle Qi in the future, so Aboyo released Adam.

Of course, Green is not open and aboveboard‘s dedicating this set of Cultivation Method to Abyo. He entered Royal Palace at night, found Abyo, and then offered Cultivation Method. This is one way to plead for Adam. The other is Let Abyo know his strength, and let Abyo kill the idea of ​​killing Adam.

Aboyo was really afraid that Expert like Green would find him in trouble, so he agreed to Green‘s request, but lowered the title of Adam, and replaced fief, and did not kill Adam.

Green also agreed. He is very clear, his strength although is not weak, but Imperial Family is also very strong. The reason why he can sneak into Royal Palace without knowing it is because he has no knowledge of Royal Palace. The situation is very familiar. Second, because the new emperor has just ascended the throne, Royal Palace has undergone a major shuffle, and the strength is still a bit weak. In addition, his Cultivation Method is very special, so it was not discover.

The reason why Green didn’t save Adam‘s father before was because he thought that Abyo would not kill the father of Adam. Anyway, the father of Adam is also a chip that Imperial Family used to deal with those old Noble. Imperial Family should not Will be easily abandoned.

But they didn’t think that the reason why Abyo can become the support of the old Noble of King, Correct, so after he became the throne, he naturally wanted to please those old Noble, so he killed the father of Adam, etc. When Green knew information, Adam‘s father already died, and Green had to find a way to protect the final bloodline of Buda Family, Adam.

The reason why he will hand over the practice method of Wild Dragon Battle Qi is also because of the water of nothingness. The reason why the water of nothingness will become the supreme Magical Treasure on Continent is not only because he can make people unable to practice Magic and Battle Qi, but also overbearing, this situation will continue to his children and grandchildren.

Also in other words, as long as you drink Water of Nothingness, your children and grandchildren will have no magic studies and Magic and Battle Qi. This situation will not end until after the tenth generation.

But that’s a whole ten generations. Ten generations can’t learn Magic and Battle Qi. What will happen then? At that time, this Clan does not have existence, can it continue to the tenth generation, these are all unknown, this is the terrible part of the water of nothingness, and also the reason why Green handed over Wild Dragon Battle Qi.

The people of the ten generations of Buda Family after Adam and Adam are all there is no way to learn Wild Dragon Battle Qi. What use is there to keep this thing? It is better to hand it over for Adam‘s life, so Green will not hesitate to hand over Wild Dragon Battle Qi.

Facts have proved that he did exactly the right thing. If he does not surrender Wild Dragon Battle Qi, Adam and is impossible are still alive and leave.

But someone from don’t know did trick/hand and foot in the water of nothingness, or Adam itself is guilty of the water of nothingness. After drinking Water of Nothingness, Adam passed fainted until fief hasn’t woke up, wait for him When I woke up, already changed from that sister-in-law Adam to Earth nerd Zhao Hai.

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