Breaking Through the Clouds: 97.Chapter 97, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

Late night, the hospital.

The emergency room was brightly lit. Jiang Ting was half-wet, his pale profile and the same color as the bed, sitting in a chair with his head tilted, and the nurse used tweezers to pick out the broken glass ballast in his forehead.

There were hurried footsteps in the corridor, and Ma Xiang led two trainee policemen into the brightly lit emergency room: “Consultant Lu!”

The nurse shook her hand, just about to scold him, but Jiang Ting raised her hand and politely stopped, and then turned to Ma Xiang: “How about Yan Xiu?”

“Serious arrhythmia, lowered blood pressure, and hyperactive vagus nerve. The doctor said that thanks to the timely delivery, he was out of danger!”

Ma Xiang’s expression was uncontrollable excitement. He thought that Jiang Ting would also show excitement. Who knows that consultant Lu’s natural face that can’t make expressions is still indifferent, just asking: “Is it poisoned?”

“Yes, it’s some kind of alkaloid. The test result will come out later! Damn, I have already reported to the bureau, and the blood samples and stomach contents are all archived and other tests. This time, it must be…”

Jiang Ting nodded, leaned back gently in the chair, and motioned for the nurse to continue.

Under the incandescent lamp, Jiang Ting’s black eyelashes were slightly closed, and there were haggard shadows on both sides of the nose. He unbuttoned three buttons on his white shirt, and his collarbone, back shoulders, elbows and even legs were injured in varying degrees. His hands were cut to blood and flesh, and his palms were flat on the armrests of the chair.

The nurse carefully pulled out the shards of glass from his forehead, probably feeling compassionate, and couldn’t help but said: “If you hurt, just hum, or I’ll give you some anesthetic?”

“No.” Jiang Ting said, “Hurry up.”

His tone is so normal that he doesn’t seem to think this is a big deal. Looking at the face that has remained motionless all the year round, Ma Xiang suspected that even if the nurse had to sew the needle into the flesh, he would not feel that it hurts.

I can’t see that Consultant Lu is quite a man… Ma Xiang muttered in his heart and waved to the trainee policeman: “You two should go out first, stay at the door of the emergency room, and call me immediately if anything happens. “

The two little policemen went out in response.

Ma Xiang picked a chair casually, and didn’t play with the phone, so he sat upright and waited there. The nurse finally cleaned Jiang Ting’s wound, put the medicine on it, and wiped off the dry blood on his cheeks with a disinfectant towel, before stepping back and instructing: “You should be careful not to get water in these few days, and take anti-inflammatory drugs on time. I will bring you the CT results later!”

Jiang Ting closed his eyes slightly, nodding his head in silence.

The little nurse looked at his face, her ears were a little red, and she turned around and went out.

Ma Xiang was unwilling to talk too much in front of outsiders just now, until he stared at the little nurse closing the door and leaving, and only two of them were left in the emergency room, he asked with concern: “Are you really okay? Consultant Lu ?”

Jiang Ting waved his hand wearily, motioning not to talk about this: “What is going on with Yan Xi?”

“Fuck me! I must have been poisoned, but the specific method and when the poison was confirmed can only be confirmed by the test results.” Ma Xiang revived the hot air in his nasal cavity. Said: “I have been given atropine and blood pressure drugs, and I am still closely watching in the emergency room. The doctor said that as long as there is no respiratory depression or heart failure within a few hours, it will be fine. At most, I will get another atropine injection tonight. .”

He remembered something again, moved the chair under his **** closer, and rubbed his hands sincerely: “Consultant Lu, thanks to you this time. If the police car rushes out of the guardrail and rolls over, in such a rainy day I don’t know it at all, even if we drive by in a police car, we may not be able to find it. And there was a nurse outside who said that if it was delivered half an hour later, it would be difficult to save even the big Luo Jinxian…”

“Not so,” Jiang Ting interrupted Ma Xiang’s gritted teeth, “I checked the heartbeat when I got into the ambulance. It’s better than when I just crashed.”

Ma Xiang nodded without knowing, and added: “Anyway, you are amazing!”

Jiang Ting said nothing, a wry smile appeared in his eyes.

“Brother Yan told us in the past that money is a thing that often harms people, but it can save lives when something really happens. Let’s take today’s example, if you didn’t drive Brother Yan’s modified car The big G who has passed, the collision must be reimbursed on the spot. More than four million in exchange for two lives, it is still very worthwhile…”

The door of the emergency room was knocked, and the police trainee who was sent to guard the operating room just came in: “Brother Marco!”

Ma Xiang instantly activated the spring under his butt: “What’s the matter?!”

“No, no, it’s okay, I’ll tell you, Brother Gao called and said that the city council person is already on the way, and I’ll be there soon!”

Ma Xiang, whose nerves were too tense, exhaled and sent off the trainee police.

As soon as the trainee police interrupted him, Ma Xiang didn’t have the mind to talk about it. He pinched his chin and wondered: “Hey, who hates our Yan brother to this point?”

Jiang Ting’s eyes are dull and there is no sound.

“If the poisoning is through food, I will be with Brother Yan all day today. We ate at the police cafeteria at noon, which is enough to rule out the possibility of poisoning. But if it is at night, I remember he took two loaves of bread from the city bureau before he left, not sure if he stopped to buy food in the middle of the road…”



“I have been following him, no.”

Ma Xiang frowned: “Is that bread?”

“Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing alkaline organic compounds, most of which are found in plants, that is, native medicine or Chinese herbal medicine. Like morphine, caffeine, solanine, or in the case of Feng Yuguang’s poisoning some time ago The scopolamine is a relatively common toxic alkaloid, and it is also a part that is easier to come into contact in daily life.”

Jiang Ting was probably a little cold, speaking with a dumb nasal voice, but it did not hinder the calm and steady tone of his narration. Ma Xiang unknowingly heard him, and asked, “But Brother Yan usually doesn’t touch these things? If you want to talk about morphine poisoning, the only place where the city bureau can get morphine is the forensic room. You can’t say that it’s Brother Gou. ……”

“Yan Xi made a phone call with me before coming out of the city office, then went up and down the highway, and then passed through the winding mountain road until the poisonous vehicle crashed. It took about three hours. Morphine poisonous poisoning will not be so slow, it should be something else. .”

Ma Xiang couldn’t help but nodded, rubbing his chin and pondering there. Suddenly he heard Jiang Ting ask: “By the way, why are you rushing to Jiangyang County overnight?”

“Hey? Don’t you know?”

Jiang Ting obviously didn’t want to explain too much, “I had some unpleasantness with your brother Yan. I was arguing on the phone when I crashed…”

“Oh—” Ma Xiang was smart and understanding, and immediately felt that he had gotten: “You don’t think that Brother Yan is going to find a small internet celebrity to open a room? Hey, no, no, this one really doesn’t. You go back to your natal house… The three days of running away from home, Brother Yan has had a bad life. He always talks about not irritating you. He also said that as long as you come back, no matter what bag and jewelry you want, you will buy it immediately…”


Ma Xiang’s characteristic of believing in Ma Youyan must have been learned from Yan Xiu. Jiang Ting coughed and immediately pulled back at the speed of light: “Hey, look where I am talking. In fact, it is like this. When we interrogated Li Yuxin, When the police were attacked on the road in Jiangyang County, Fan Wu’s group fired at the river with guns, but afterwards we extracted a 9mm Ruger shell fired by a 92 type hand|gun from the scene.”

Jiang Ting suddenly raised his head.

“It is currently impossible to determine the source of the guns involved. It is only basically determined that they are police guns from other provinces. The gunman and Fan Wu are not the same group. We went to Jiangyang overnight to investigate this matter, but the details I can’t tell you too much anymore. Would you like to ask him after Brother Yan wakes up?”

It may be because of the reflections on the walls of the ward. Jiang Ting’s face was extremely pale, even a little transparent, and even the last trace of blood on his lips disappeared:

“There was another gunman on the scene that day?”

Ma Xiang nodded.

“…Did the bullet hit Yan Xiu?”

“Do you know all this?!” Ma Xiang was truly shocked.

Jiang Ting’s chest was slightly undulating, his cheeks were completely icy white, and the fingertips holding the handrail trembled unnoticeably.

It turned out to be like this…

The new clues of the so-called serial kidnappings that Lu Jue said, Yan Xiu’s uncharacteristic paranoia after returning from the city bureau, wrapped in anger and rude marriage proposal, and earlier, the weird late return on the night of the birthday party——

All kinds of unreasonableness have been explained logically, because Yan Xiu has already become a target.

Jiang Ting’s most terrible guess was finally confirmed at this moment!

“Consultant Lu,” Ma Xiang finally found something wrong, and immediately got up and said, “Are you okay, Consultant Lu?”

“I didn’t…” Jiang Ting’s breath blocked in his throat couldn’t breathe, his chest tightened instantly, and he coughed with his mouth covered on the spot!

His health is really bad. Tonight’s car crash and poisoning caused a series of accidents, which caused anger and depression in his heart. When he coughed, he couldn’t stop the earth shaking. In the end, the throat was choked with bleeding stars and his mouth was full. It smells like fishy rust.

Ma Xiang was so scared that his face changed. He thought he had crashed and only found out now, and rushed out to call the doctor. The doctor hurried to take a look, and immediately gave him an injection of calming things. After a while, Jiang Ting slowly eased, leaning back in the chair, even the black eyelashes were covered with water vapor from cold sweat.

From the CT results, except for some soft tissue contusions, there are no signs of blood pneumothorax and organ damage. But when the doctor saw Jiang Ting, he knew that this person belonged to a high-risk group. He didn’t dare to let the public security personnel have an accident in the hospital, so he immediately asked the nurse to vacate a ward specifically to keep him in hospital for observation.

“Consultant Lu, should I help you to rest?” Ma Xiang cautiously arched his waist, as if waiting for an expensive kaolin flower, and blowing his breath might blow him apart: “Wait tomorrow morning Brother Yan wakes up and you can go see him again… No, I think he will recover first, and then come over to visit you non-stop, how about it?”

Jiang Ting’s brain hurt like a saw, pressing his eyebrows, waving his hand not to let Ma Xiang help, got up and walked out of the emergency room.

It was late at night, Jiang stopped and wrapped a piece of dry white bath towel on the outside of his shirt. When he passed the corridor, he raised his eyes to the door of the emergency room. The red light on the door representing the rescue has been extinguished, which means that Yan Xiu has been out of danger and is in the observation period.

Ma Xiang casually said: “Don’t worry about Consultant Lu, Brother Yan will be fine. I think he has been lucky since he met you, his wife was also found, and the correction is about to be mentioned. Even big cases are lucky enough to escape, today such a dangerous situation can be—”

“Ma Xiang.”


Jiang Ting seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before slowly saying: “After the people from the Jianning City Bureau arrive, I need your help. In fact, you might have guessed, but I don’t know Yan Xi. Have you specifically told you the situation……”

“It’s not very convenient for me to talk directly with people in your city council. It’s better not to let people discover my existence. I had already notified Yang Mei when I was on the winding road just now. She is on the way here. If anyone asks, you said she was the one driving G65.” Jiang stopped standing still. In the bright hospital corridor, his pupils were as deep as a pool of water, and his peaceful tone made his spine jump up suddenly. A chill:

“You have a ghost in Jianning City Bureau.”

Ma Xiang’s pupils shrank instantly!

“Hey, Comrade Police Officer?”

Ma Xiang shuddered sharply. Before he could say anything, he turned around and saw the doctor in a white robe strode from the office with a document under his arm: “Oh, police officer, I’m looking for you. The nurse said you guys. Go to the inpatient department—the poison test report came out, now, here.”

Ma Xiang’s thoughts are confused, his eyes are still a little trance, he took the report and turned over two pages, only to see the professional term full of words: “So what is our Yan team…”

“The vagus nerve is intensely excited, and the postganglionic fibers release a large amount of acetylcholine, which increases the excitability of the ectopic rhythm points in the myocardium, which leads to various arrhythmia. Fortunately, the intake is very small, so it can quickly get out of danger.” The doctor paused. After a pause, he explained: “Specifically, it is the ingestion of the highly toxic aconitum|alkali.”

The air was quiet for a moment.

Then the voices of Ma Xiang and Jiang Ting rang at the same time:

“Aconitum|Alkali? Where can I—”

“…is medicinal liquor.”

Ma Xiang: “Huh?”

Ma Xiang was stunned by the cold force on his arm, and he subconsciously silenced, only to see Jiang Ting squeezing his arm tightly with his fingers. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu, who seems to be Wenxiu’s weak and windy, could be so powerful that every syllable was brought in. The cold of the forest whistling with the north wind:

“The raw aconite soaking wine can only be applied externally. Once imported, it is more toxic than cyanide|potassium. Did Yan Xiu drink the medicinal liquor from the Municipal Bureau before leaving? He used raw black or black black?!”


Ma Xiang tremblingly took out his cell phone and dialed a call:

“Hey, Brother Gao? Let someone lock up the half bottle of medicinal wine in our detachment cabinet immediately, and let the technologist check the fingerprints now, hurry!”


Jianning City Bureau.

Huang Xing, who was temporarily called into the bureau in the middle of the night, couldn’t see the slightest fatigue, and hurried out of the elevator with a few technicians, with unconcealable tension and silence in his steps. The policeman on night duty didn’t know what was going on, and watched them in amazement as they quickly walked through the corridor and went straight into the gate of the criminal investigation detachment.

The detective on duty hurriedly got up: “Brother Gao? Director Huang?”

Gao Panqing’s face was blue, and he couldn’t even say a word. He walked to the cabinet of the big office and directly “Kang Dang!” pulled it away, put on physical evidence gloves and moved out of the medicine cabinet, and opened it in front of all the technical investigators. .

The atmosphere freezes in the next second.

“Where’s the medicinal wine?” Gao Panqing’s voice changed directly, almost roaring.

Interpol on duty: “Brother Gao…”

“Where’s this bottle of medicinal wine in our detachment?! Come! Check and monitor! Dare to steal material evidence from under the nose of the Criminal Investigation detachment. Give me the Information Security Office now! Tell me the Bureau Lu and Bureau Wei!——”

“Yaoyayaya——Medicinal wine?” The policeman on duty was so scared that he stammered: “Just now, Brother Qin next door came to borrow. Don’t be angry with Brother Gao. What happened? I’m here. Go to give you back?”

If the air just freezes, the expressions of Gao Panqing, Huang Xing and others are like more sizzling leads in the air, which will explode soon.

“…Who borrowed it?”

Gao Panqing’s voice was unusually calm and soft, but the little policeman almost didn’t scare him to pee. He didn’t understand the clear title of “Next Door Qin”, why at this moment everyone didn’t understand it:

“Brother Qin, Qin Chuan from the anti-drug detachment next door. What happened to this?”

Gao Panqing and Huang Xing looked at each other, and they turned around and rushed out!

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