Breakers Chapter 52:

Chapter 52 – Chapter 8: Excavation 

In-gong opened his eyes slowly . His head was still blank as he woke up from his sleep .

“Prince, are you still asleep?”

A green sight entered his blurred vision but it wasn’t Green Wind’s hair . Green Wind’s voice wasn’t so crude .

“Umm . . . Carack?”

The first thing he saw when he woke up in the bed was Carack . It was the correct answer as Carack’s big and crude hands lifted In-gong up .

“Come, here is some cold water to wake you up . ”

He always started his day with cold water . In-gong swallowed the cold water given by Carack and started waking up .

“It is almost lunchtime . ”

The clock next to the mini-map showed that it was already 11:20 a . m . It was unusual since normally, he would never have overslept this long .

However, Carack’s gaze was quite strange .

“What? Is there something on my face?”

Carack scratched his chin at In-gong’s question and muttered,

“It is really amazing . How does a person know the time after just waking up?”

“I just know . ”

There was no need to explain about the features of his mini-map . Just like a good subordinate, Carack just nodded and brought him a washbasin instead of asking more questions .

“The other people?”

In-gong asked as he wiped his hair with a dry towel . Carack removed the washbasin and replied,

“They are working outside . It is almost time for lunch, so shouldn’t Prince come out?”

“I will do that . I’ll take a look around . ”

In-gong combed his hair, put on some outer garments and left the tent . There was a welcome face at the temple entrance .

“Your Highness . ”

“Yes, Karma . Good afternoon . ”

Once In-gong said good afternoon instead of good morning, Karma bit her lip like she was trying not to laugh . Somehow, her respect for In-gong had spread into a strange shape .

In-gong took a look around with Carack and Karma . Like Carack said, everyone was busy working .

The most important thing was to process the bodies .

Yesterday, this place was a battlefield . Their allies’ bodies were cleaned up last night, but there were still the bodies of the casios and drake ogres .

Usually they would be left for scavengers, but this case was different . Hundreds of bodies were next to the temple where a miracle had occurred, so they couldn’t be left alone .

The casios’ bodies were dismantled into leather, bones, teeth, etc . On the other hand, they didn’t know the identity of the drake ogres and how to dismantle them . Therefore, they were buried in the ground .

In-gong’s gaze turned to the other side . Behind the temple was a small forest of treants .

The treants were taking in the sun like yesterday’s movements were a lie . They seemed like ordinary trees .

‘Still, it is noticeable . ’

There was suddenly a forest in the grasslands .

After looking around properly, In-gong decided to visit Ferocious Eyes . It was to discuss various post-casios problems .

However, there was someone who was one step ahead of him . It was also in his head .

‘My master . ’

“Green Wind! Is your body okay?”

In-gong looked up and asked . As expected, Green Wind’s shape didn’t appear but her voice was slightly clearer than before .

“It is okay . I’m sorry our conversation got cut short last night . ’

Green Wind had lost consciousness last night and turned into wind instead of waking up again .

It didn’t matter since he could still feel Green Wind through Conquest, but it was comforting to hear her voice .

“It is fine . Do you remember what happened yesterday?”

‘I remember talking about Master’s power of Conquest . I don’t know why, but . . . the remnants of Ainkel that remain inside me came to the forefront of my consciousness . ’

“What about now?”

‘I can’t feel it now that it has subsided . ’

There was regret in Green Wind’s voice . She seemed to miss Ainkel’s essence .

In-gong nodded thoughtfully .

‘It is pointless to ask any more about Conquest . ’

It was clear that last night’s story about Conquest had evoked Ainkel’s voice, but it was unlikely that Ainkel would appear again from the same thing .

‘The king’s power . . . and the Conquest Knight . ’

That, itself, was a harvest . Elder dragons were more likely to have special knowledge about Conquest and a Conquest Knight . If not, there would have been no reason for Ainkel to wake up .

‘I’ll have to really explore the library in the Demon King’s Palace . ’

However, his merit level was still lacking to use the large library . He needed a little more time to investigate .

‘I shouldn’t be hasty . ’

He needed to build up his merits and strength and he had to stop the Day of Massacre that Zephyr would cause .

The things he needed to do hadn’t changed .

In-gong settled his heart and looked at the air again . He heard Green Wind’s voice .

‘Master, I want to tell you a story . Can you come to the small temple?’

“I understand, I’ll do so . ”

‘I’ll be waiting . ’

Not only Green Wind’s voice but the wind circling In-gong disappeared . Feeling strange, In-gong looked back to see Karma’s eyes shining like lanterns .

“Your Highness, were you talking to Green Wind just now?”

She asked in an excited voice . In-gong responded with his hand slightly raised, as if he was calming her down .

“Uh, it happened so suddenly . ”

“Oh, my **** . . . Having a conversation so naturally at your age . . . It is great . Excuse me, but if Your Highness becomes a druid, you will surely be crowned with greatness . ”

Respect was shining in her eyes . It was burdensome, so In-gong turned his gaze away, only to see Carack having a different type of look in his eyes .

“Thank goodness . I thought Prince had gone crazy all of a sudden . ”

“I did . ”

In-gong shrugged and Carack laughed . Karma’s eyes moved between them as she ate up their conversation .

“Anyway, I will be going back to the temple . ”

Karma quickly raised her hand and asked In-gong,

“Can I go with Your Highness?”

She was excited because she wanted to meet Green Wind . In-gong shook his head with a sorry expression .

“I’m sorry, but Green Wind wants to discuss something with me . ”

“I understand . Then I will protect the entrance of the temple . ”

Karma was slightly disappointed, but she still gave a spirited answer . Carack, who was watching quietly, interrupted the conversation .

“Prince, then I will go to Ferocious Eyes to sort things out . This needs to be reported to the Demon King’s Palace . ”

Carack had completed In-gong’s miscellaneous duties even when it was the Red Lightning tribe mission . In-gong gave a thumbs up to Carack, his all-rounder assistant .

“Yes, you are the best . I’ll give you a present once we return to the Demon King’s Palace . ”

“I’m looking forward to it . “

Carack laughed and went his own way . Karma stared after Carack with envy .

‘Is it due to the reward or does she want to go the Demon King’s Palace?’

It reminded him of the drunk Karma from last night .

‘Well, I really am thinking of taking her . ’

However, right now, the meeting with Green Wind was more urgent . In-gong delayed the interview with Karma and headed to the temple hastily .

“Master . “

He left Karma at the entrance and entered the temple alone, then saw Green Wind sitting between the tree trunks . However, unlike yesterday, her body was transparent . She seemed like the wind spirit that Felicia had called .

“Uh, is it difficult?”

In-gong asked as he approached the tree trunk and Green Wind shook her head .

“It’s not like that . I am just saving my strength . After this conversation with Master, I will start working on replacing my parts . ”

“Then I’m glad . ”

In-gong sighed with relief and sat down on the bed . It was in order to converse with Green Wind .

Green Wind got in a comfortable position and said,

“Master, my conversation with Master yesterday was based on the premise that you are my temporary master . However, now I know that you are my permanent master . It is about something Master told me last night . ”

“Uh . . . Collecting the powers of the six dragons?”

“That’s right . It was a story I didn’t get a chance to tell you yesterday . ”

Green Wind rose from the tree trunk and reached into the air . Then a map of Enger Plains appeared before Green Wind .

“In the northernmost part of Enger Plains, there is a relic of Watcher Ainkel . ”

A bunch of lights started to form around the map . The shape was clear, so In-gong recognized it instantly .

“A shield?”

“That’s right, it’s Watcher Ainkel’s Shield of Life . Just like Master’s Earth Quaker, it contains the power of an elder dragon . “

It was a shield but the shield had fairly colourful corners . There was a large green gem in the middle of a rhombus shaped grey plate and pieces of ash-white metal bordering it .

Green Wind pushed the map and shield to one side and told In-gong,

“It is a story from more than a thousand years ago . Watcher Ainkle gave the Shield of Life to the bravest and most righteous warrior among the centaurs . The warrior led the centaurs to fight against their enemies and won many victories, but he wasn’t invincible . He was unharmed on the battlefield thanks to the Shield of Life, but he didn’t carry the shield to his bed . He was killed while sleeping by a woman who coveted his shield . ”

He thought it was a warm story about a warrior, yet there was a surprising ending . Green Wind ignored In-gong’s confusion and continued,

“The Shield of Life is something that Ainkel had given to the brave warrior . Due to this, no one other than the warrior can use or move the Shield of Life . ”

In-gong nodded . It was the same with Earth Quaker . The dwarves were unable to gain Enkidu’s permission and were forced to leave Earth Quaker behind in the dungeon .

The centaurs in this story weren’t much different .

“The warrior’s loyal subordinates eventually abandoned the Shield of Life and returned . The Shield of Life was buried in the warrior’s tomb in the north and over a thousand years have since passed . The Shield of Life became a legend and the centaurs attached the name of the brave warrior to the shield . White Eagle, that is the new name of the Shield of Life . ”

Green Wind finished her story and looked back at In-gong .

“Master, was my story good? Then please praise me . I am ready to hear praise . ”

Green Wind puffed up and smiled .

However, In-gong didn’t respond . His mouth gaped open and he shouted while jumping up .

“White Eagle!”

Of course, he knew it . It was obviously a name in his memory .

It was a fantasy that existed in Knight Saga . In Knight Saga, it was a top-notch shield that couldn’t be found despite In-gong challenging it many times .

‘Yes, if it is in the northernmost area, then I wouldn’t have found it . ’

In Knight Saga, not all the land located in the north could be explored . Beyond the north side of the Demon King’s dominated area, the demons lived in harsh environments . The reason why the casios headed south every year was because it was hard to live beyond the Northern Limit Line .

The Enger Plains were one of several areas in contact with the long stretch of the Northern Limit Line . The Northern Limit Line was virtually outside the Demon World, so it was a land that he couldn’t travel to when playing Knight Saga .

‘White Eagle – it is a relic of an elder dragon . ’

It contained the power of an elder dragon, but he was given a clue about where to find it . Moreover, In-gong had Ainkel’s strength, so it was clear that he could obtain it .

As In-gong clenched his fist with joy, Green Wind pouted,

“I am in a bad mood again . I am upset . ”

Then she kicked the ground and In-gong turned his attention back to Green Wind .

“Thank you for the great information . Do you know the location of the tomb?”

“I know it, but I don’t know the exact location . If I get closer, I will probably know . ”

In-gong nodded thoughtfully .

“Will it take three or four days to restore your parts?”

“Yes, but if I review it again, I think I can finish it faster . The life magic was activated due to the protection magic . That part relies on me less . ”

In other words, it would be easy to replace her .

“Okay, then please do so . ”

“I understand . I will start working on it straight away . ”

Green Wind said with somewhat slumped shoulders . At that moment, something flashed through In-gong’s head and he said quickly,

“Thank you, it was a really great story . ”

“It is late, but my pain has been resolved . ”

Her voice brightened . In-gong smiled involuntarily and said .

“Just let me know when it is done . I will compliment you again . ”

“I will expect it . “

Green Wind smiled brightly and disappeared into the wind .

Once alone, In-gong flopped down on his bed and started thinking .

‘I can use the task of punishing the casios as an excuse to go to the north . ’

He didn’t think of reporting everything directly to the Demon King’s Palace . He had to hide the fact that he had conquered Green Wind .

‘The problem is who will be dispatched from the Demon King’s Palace . ’

He couldn’t hide the defense magic of the small temple . It was highly likely that the Demon King’s Palace would dispatch an expert of harmful ruins .

‘There is a person from Knight Saga that I want to see . ’

If they still had the same value,In-gong wanted them . Someone would come anyway, so it was better if that person was someone he knew information about .

‘The merit is likely to be reported today . . . At the latest, a specialist from the Demon King’s Palace will arrive in a week to 10 days . ’

It would take time to select and send the specialist . It might even be later than that .

‘Maybe I should leave without waiting . ’

There would be no problem because he could use the subjugation of the remaining casios as an excuse .

In-gong finished his calculations and headed out of the temple . He wanted to talk to Carack .

However, after three days, In-gong was forced to modify his plan . It was because the expert from the Demon King’s Palace had arrived early . Moreover, the ruins expert was well known to In-gong .




“Felicia noona?”

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