Breakers Chapter 183:

Chapter 183 – Chapter 37: Confluence #3

The next afternoon, In-gong visited Amita’s workshop . There was the matter of modifying the fourth elder dragon equipment, El Ragra, but he also had some things he wanted to entrust to Amita .  

However, Amita started rampaging as soon as In-gong brought up a new request .  

“I don’t want to! Why do I have to look at it again? I have no reason to put that heart in White Eagle! Are you trying to exploit my labour! This scammer!” 

In-gong had two new requests . One was to repair the Giant King’s Sword, while the other was to insert Abseltur’s heart into White Eagle .  

Amita looked quite angry as they tapped their tail on the ground, but In-gong still had a relaxed expression on his face . He knew this was going to happen and had given Amita the ‘Heavenly Wine’ in advance .  Moreover, Amita was also peeking at him during their tantrum like they had been expecting it . In-gong smiled villainously and said, 

“I will give you another drink . ” 

“Leave it to this Amita!” 

Amita jumped up and was ready to begin work immediately . It was the most ambitious In-gong had ever seen them .  

‘What a fearsome power . ’ 

Looking at the present situation, it seemed like he would be able to keep using Amita, even if he didn’t use the excuse of the last flame .  

‘It is like when I knew they liked sweets . ’ 

In-gong nodded and turned toward Daphne next to him . She was dedicated to taking care of Amita .  

“I will also prepare a share for Daphne . You have gone through a lot of trouble . ” 

“Not at all . I am always happy to help Prince . ” 

Daphne said with red cheeks . The tips of her toes wriggled as though she too wanted to jump around with joy, like Amita .  In-gong laughed and took out the Giant King’s Sword and White Eagle from his inventory .  

“Then I will leave it to you . ” 

“Just leave it to me!” 

Amita smiled as their tail waved . It was the first time In-gong had ever seen Amita like this .  

‘Is it because they have a strong appetite or is the Heavenly Wine truly so great?’ 

It felt more like the latter .  

‘So, I shouldn’t abuse it . ’ 

He would give a small bottle to the 3rd Queen and 4th Queen, but that was it . It was better to hide the recipe as well .  

‘It will be a problem for me, but it will also be a big deal if the gandharva are damaged . ’ 

Ordinary gandharvas had a good smell . Although their body fluids weren’t as delicious as In-gong’s, he didn’t know if it would add some flavour .  In-gong nodded as he remembered some wildlife which had become endangered due to overfishing . He could be overreacting, but it was always better to be careful .  

Carack, Felicia, and Delia were waiting at the entrance of the workshop .  

“Is it done?” 

“Yes, I have never seen Amita look so passionate . ” 

In-gong smiled as he explained . Felicia shook her head like it was ridiculous .  

“Hah . Oh, my **** . Shutra, you let them drink it this morning on purpose?” 

Felicia knew that Amita’s morning breakfast had included the Heavenly Wine . In-gong shrugged and replied,

“Well, a little bit?” 

“Shutra, you are terrible . ” 

Felicia shook her head in disbelief and sighed . Although In-gong’s Heavenly Wine wasn’t bad, there was a lot of room for abuse .  

In-gong asked Felicia,

“Noona, do you want more?” 

He had made quite a lot yesterday, so he still had some to spare . Carack and Delia’s eyes shone at In-gong’s suggestion, but Felicia’s reaction was different .  

“Uhh… it is okay . I want to drink it, but I can bear it . ” 

It was Delia who was the most shocked at Felicia’s words, but no one noticed it except for Carack . In-gong made a questioning sound and asked, 


If it were Felicia, In-gong wouldn’t add any conditions like he had done with Amita .  

Felicia opened her mouth several times before finally speaking .  

“It isn’t that easy to make the Heavenly Wine right? You have to use Spiritualism and then melt divine power and divinity . You also have to shed blood . No matter how delicious it is, I don’t want to force Shutra to do anything unreasonable . ” 

Felicia was a good magician and knew about the meaning of blood .  Blood was the essence of life and the soul . It wasn’t just a simple body fluid .  

After saying this, Felicia exhaled . Her heart wanted to taste the Heavenly Wine everyday, but she had to endure it .  It was at this moment that In-gong suddenly took hold of Felicia’s hand .  


Felicia asked with surprise as In-gong stared at her . Then he dragged Felicia into an embrace .  

“I only have Noona . Felicia noona is the best . ” 

Who else would give up the Heavenly Wine for him? Even the dignified Green Wind had asked him for more .  

“Hrmm . ” 

Felicia reacted like she had always done, but she didn’t push In-gong away . Instead, she just smiled .  

‘I-I also don’t want Master to do anything unreasonable . ’ 

Green Wind whispered in In-gong’s ears . However, instead of saying thank you, In-gong replied bluntly, .  

‘Aren’t those just words?’ 

‘Hiing . ’ 

Green Wind’s past actions contradicted her words .  After teasing Green Wind a few more times through their mental connection, In-gong released Felicia from his arms . She looked disappointed, while Carack clicked his tongue and said, 

“Prince, it is impressive, but it is now time to move on . ” 

“Of course . Let’s go to the Merits Department . ” 

There were many things to prepare before the next court gathering . Felicia tidied up her clothing and said, 

“Are we supposed to meet Caitlin and Chris at the Merits Department?” 

“Uh, I have decided to meet the 4th Queen after the work at the Merits Department is finished . ” 

4th Queen Elaine Moonlight was currently staying at the Demon King’s Palace . However, it wasn’t just her . All the other queens had also decided not to leave the Demon King’s Palace until the next court gathering, due to the unusual cancellation of the previous one .  

“Hrmm . ” 

Felicia thought for a moment before asking,

“Shutra, if we are going to the north, do you want to go through the territory of the dark elves? It would be a good idea because we will be able to get some support from the dark elves .  

She brought up the idea she had suggested before it had been decided that he would be sent to Curtis . The home of the dark elves was in the north, so it was possible to go through there like Felicia said .  

“That isn’t bad . I want to go to the palace of the dark elves . ” 

“Okay, then it is decided . I will tell Omamama . ” 

Felicia nodded at In-gong’s answer . She wanted to make sure that it really happened .  

“Princess is the reason why Prince looks so good . ” 

Carack said with a laugh, and Felicia quickly opened her fan . Delia just smiled like she had already given up .  

“Then Noona, what do you think about the organizational chart that Carack made?” 

In-gong asked Felicia as they walked towards the entrance of the mansion . She had been talking about it with Carack while waiting for In-gong .  

“Not bad . I think it is pretty good . It feels like a high-mobility unit?” 

“It is to take advantage of Prince’s maneuverability skills . The army needs to be very fast to follow Prince . ” 

Carack added .  

Felicia agreed with Carack’s concept . The first condition was that all the members would be mounted .  She couldn’t help laughing as she recalled ‘faster than the wind’ . It felt like she would be exhausted again when they headed to the Northern Limit Line .  

Felicia turned toward In-gong and spoke once again, 

“A high-mobility unit can be created using the golems that can only be found at the Demon King’s Palace . The number of them will be small, but is that really so bad? I think it would be good to have a small number of elites . But there is one problem . ” 

“The cost?” 

“That’s right, if you want to implement a unit like this, you will need of merits and riches . ” 

Carack had planned an independent unit consisting of only 100 people . Considering the size of the armies at the Demon King’s Palace, the number itself was small but each one of them would need to be an elite . They would also need extraordinary equipment normal soldiers wouldn’t be able to afford .  

In fact, when In-gong first saw the estimated cost then, he had thought it was impossible . However, when he looked carefully, he saw that it was viable .  

“I’m not lacking in merits or wealth if I count all the treasures I’ve collected . I’ve explored a few ruins with Noona . There is also Amita to create the equipment . ” 

It was also possible to use the equipment taken from Thunderdoom Fortress .  In-gong had gained many merits with every mission . Moreover, the gap between achievements was short, so he hadn’t spent the merits on many things .  

‘I couldn’t do this in Knight Saga . ’ 

He had gained merits in several months which would have taken him a few years in Knight Saga .  Felicia nodded with satisfaction at In-gong’s words . She had accompanied In-gong on almost all his missions, so she was as familiar with his merits as Carack .  

“Hmm, okay . I like it . Will the commander of the independent unit by Vandal?” 

“Yes, does Noona agree?” 

“Yes . ” 

Being the leader of an independent, high-mobility unit was the best position for Vandal .  

“Vandal said that he will arrive at the Demon King’s Palace tomorrow morning . ” 

Carack interrupted with important information . Then In-gong boarded the carriage with Felicia and suddenly recalled Sektum… 

One of his three most loved subordinates in Knight Saga .  In-gong currently had Nayatra and Vandal . However, he didn’t know the whereabouts of Sektum, the last one .  

‘I have to find Sektum . ’ 

In-gong wanted to obtain him .  

After worrying about it for a little bit, In-gong then arranged his thoughts . Now that he had a lot of power to mobilize, it was time to concentrate on the search for Sektum .  

The carriage In-gong and Felicia were in headed to the Merits Department .  

Then the next morning, Vandal arrived at the Demon King’s Palace .  




Zephyr’s gaze moved to a place far away .  He was riding a nightmare while Sektum and Quanta were standing behind him . (TL: The nightmare here uses a different Korean word, so it is different from the succubi and incubi)

Unlike Sektum who was in a relatively free state, Quanta was heavily restrained . She still looked like a gandharva, and all her limbs were restrained . She couldn’t see due to being blindfolded and she was gagged . The only freedom she was allowed was her hearing .  

Sektum followed Zephyr’s gaze . There was a group approaching .  

They wore cloaks which signified they were knights from the Erebos Church .  Everyone was wearing thick armour and helmets which covered their entire faces, so they couldn’t be distinguished as male or female . However, there was one person among them whose age and gender were both recognizable .  

A young woman was riding on a black unicorn . Sektum had never met her before, but he could figure her out her identity with one glance .  

Dark Saintess Altesia… 

She was dressed in gold and had long, beautiful black hair reminiscent of the night . Sektum couldn’t see the colour of her eyes because they were covered with a black cloth . However, according to rumours, they were golden like the moon in the night sky .  

Her pale white skin emphasized her beauty, and there was a small smile on her face as she gazed at Zephyr .  Altesia bowed slightly like they were close acquaintances, while Zephyr frowned and drove the nightmare toward her . Altesia spoke first,

“Isn’t this too stiff? I am still your fiancee . ” 

Sektum’s eyes widened at the lively voice . The Saintess of Erebos was engaged to the 2nd Prince? However, instead of kissing his fiancee’s hand, Zephyr frowned .  

“I have no memory of an engagement with you . ” 

“The great Erebos has decided it . You are the protagonist that the oracle mentioned . ” 

Altesia spoke again, and Zephyr sighed . After turning to look at the 20 knights behind Altesia, he asked her in a loud voice,

“Are you going to join me?” 

“I will join you . ” 

Altesia replied happily . She had ridden to the far north to be with Zephyr . Erebos’ oracle had pointed toward him .  

Zephyr allowed Altesia to join his group, then he headed to the north with her .  




The Death Knight looked toward the south .  

The War Knight was approaching .  

Death felt War’s presence . Famine’s power was also growing, despite still being weak .  

It wasn’t just the Four Riders of the Apocalypse who were gathering .  

From the far south, the dragon warrior raised by Guardian Queian was heading to the north .  One of the singularities, 2nd Prince Zephyr Ragnaros, was also approaching the northern area called the Aegis Gate .  And the last one, the Conquest Knight, chosen by the loved and hated Conquest, was also heading to the north .  

The Death Knight was patient . So, he waited a little bit longer . He had already been waiting 1,000 years for this .  

The northernmost area of the Demon World .  

The protagonists were gathering .  

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