Blue and White Society Chapter 998: Female member 60 million years ago

As soon as Qin Huali finished speaking, Mo Poor felt a sharp change in his soul.

“Aren’t you afraid of death? Shouldn’t you immediately break the spiritual link just now? If I can’t sense you, I can’t kill you.” Qin Huali said.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “You are in front of me, and the shield I am wearing can reflect your attack. If you chose to kill me just now, then you will be the one who gets killed.”

“Of course, your immortal soul is indestructible, so nothing will happen.”

Qin Huali was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: “Yes, you are worthy of the position of giant.”

“I just sensed some **** carnivorous nature in your soul, and I shut it down. Also, you are in extreme pain all the time, but I can’t do anything about it.”

Mo Poor said: “The pain of the holy shield’s backlash is a permanent effect. If the holy shield is gone, it will still exist. If you are not as deep as it is, you can’t kill it.”

Qin Huali said: “So you shoot me to the depth of the holy shield, and I can close your eternal pain.”

But at the same time, Qin Huali can also obliterate the Holy Shield and Mo Qiong.

Mo Poor smiled and said: “No, I don’t plan to get rid of this pain now, just let this pain stay, you don’t need to erase the Holy Shield, I still have it, I have even raised its depth to a higher level. “

“So, your current state cannot kill me at all, unless you are resurrected.”

“And I said, one day, I will resurrect you and my partner. At that time, you can do whatever you want. You can kill me with your own hands.”

It was the first time I heard Mo Poor say that, Qin Huali just took him as a polite person.

The second time I heard Mo Poor say that he would resurrect himself, Qin Huali came back to it.

Mo Qiong can obviously relieve his eternal pain now, but he would rather not relieve it, so that Qin Huali can’t kill him now.

If Qin Huali wanted to kill Mo Poor with his own hands, then Mo Poor couldn’t die now, instead he would help Mo Poor.

Qin Huali said with a smile: “Hahaha, you giant is really interesting, I was joking with you, do you really take it seriously?”

“I have spent my whole life trying to destroy the contained objects, so much so that I stepped into this endless torment. Now, thanks to you, I have comprehended information erasure, combined with your ability, we can destroy almost 90% of the contained objects, so why am I happy? Instead of doing it.”

Mo Poor said seriously: “If you have a grudge, you must avenge it. I don’t care what you think, I will keep the holy shield and this pain until everything is resolved, so as to ensure that you can’t kill me now.” Me.”

“Your state makes me unable to say whether you are really joking.”

“I repeat again, I promise to let you kill me, but after I solve the containment and resurrect you.”

“If you don’t want to kill me, then we can work together to destroy the containment, and I will work hard to survive. If you really want to kill me, then please cooperate with me now, destroy other containment, and help me Reach the strength that can save you, and then I will resurrect you and be killed by you.”

“I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t believe you, I prefer ‘don’t believe it’. I don’t care if you’re joking or not. I only guarantee that my purpose can be accomplished, whether you are joking or not, only decides me After working hard and succeeding, is it life or death.”

Qin Huali was stunned and speechless, he deeply realized that Mo Qiong was serious.

Whether he really wanted revenge or not, Mo Poor took it seriously and responded to it to ensure that the contained objects could be resolved to the greatest extent.

If it is false, then everyone will be happy. Really, it doesn’t matter to Mo Poor.

Qin Huali felt that Mo Poor focused on accomplishing his goals in everything, regardless of his future determination, he was extremely firm.

He was indeed joking…

But it was this joke that made Mo Poor have to keep the holy shield now, keeping the extremely painful backlash, because he couldn’t die from a very ridiculous mistake.

For those who try their best to improve their winning rate every moment and find ways to achieve their goals, jokes can’t be messed up.

“I… Forget it, no matter what I say, you won’t be shaken, right?” Qin Huali said depressedly.

“Yes.” Mo Poor said.

Qin Huali sighed: “It’s me who should be sorry. I didn’t expect you to have such an awareness. I’ll say it again, I don’t want to kill you.”

“Okay, but the Holy Shield is really useful for me.” Mo Qiong smiled.

Qin Huali said helplessly: “Then, just tell me what you want to do, and I will cooperate with you. Juzi.”

Mo Poor said with a smile: “Afterwards, I will let you destroy some of the contained objects. But this is just a temporary idea. After all, I did not expect you to comprehend information erasure.”

“Before that, one of the reasons why I came to you was to see if you could feel the information of the entropy beast.”

“The other is to ask, where did the little brotherhood’s earth awn, that is, the petrified heart come from?”

Qin Huali said: “I started from the Central Plains and traveled for hundreds of years… Don’t be surprised, the tail of chaos is on my soul.”

“As long as my consciousness is alive, it is bound to me forever.”

“Among its characteristics, there is an ‘ability steal’, which can attack creatures with tails, and randomly obtain a certain amount of physical abilities of the opponent, such as lifespan, sense of smell, reaction, weight, appetite, eyesight…”

“I have thus obtained many lifespans from animals, hundreds of years before and after.”

Mo Poor said with emotion that Qin Huali originally lived forever, but he died in order to suppress the fifth element and to become a heavenly ghost.

Qin Huali said: “At the end of my travels, I settled down, and after teaching a group of assassins, I didn’t bother to gain longevity. I was going to return everything to future generations. At that time, I ate the fifth element, my soul was immortal, and I took away my son after death.”

“That’s when I realized that it would be difficult for me to die. It was after that that I solved a prostitute on the Mediterranean coast called the ‘Church of the God of Beauty’. I won’t say how messy they are, anyway. I destroyed their headquarters, and that’s where the Tuman was obtained.”

“But I was alone at the time, causing a small number of their members to escape, and they also took a containment item.”

Mo Poor blurted out, “Is it a statue?”

Qin Huali said: “That’s right, but it should have affected my thinking. Because I have integrated the fifth element, I have no feeling for that statue.”

“Why, are you looking for that statue? I was looking for it too, but I never found it.”

Mo Poor said: “The statue has long been taken in by us.”

“What I’m looking for…is a person who turned into stone sixty million years ago.”

“What? Someone was there at that time?” Qin Huali was stunned.

Mo Poor thought, according to the ultimate containment measures, it was the appearance of a blue and white member 60 million years ago that led to the appearance of containment objects in this yuan mother universe.

Although the man is dead, he is not completely dead, but turned into stone.

According to this feature, Mo Poor can only think of the petrified heart. Now it seems that because of the price of the petrified heart, that person exhausted all his time and became a statue forever.

And this statue is exactly the statue of the Goddess of Beauty, which contains the supreme beauty.

If this is the case, the appearance of the Goddess of Beauty statue is likely to be her real face, that is to say, that member is a woman.

A female member who came here from another dimension and died here.

Mo Poor said all this, and told Qin Huali about the ultimate containment measures.

Qin Huali was shocked and said: “There is such a thing? Could it be that if I destroy her at that time, all the contents will disappear?”

Mo Poor said: “It’s useless to destroy her, she was already dead. It’s just that there is still the possibility of resurrection. Besides, she is not the only member of the Lanbai club now. I am a Mohist tycoon and the president of Lanbai. “

“Not only do I not want to kill her now, but I also want to save her!”

After all, Mo Poor watched the statue of the Goddess of Beauty from afar again, and shared the screen with Qin Huali.

“Let’s see where she came from.”

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