Blue and White Society Chapter 981: The queen has no solution

Mo Poor pondered for a moment, collected himself, and then put his reverie about Mr. Lan Da behind him.

“As expected, it is called a magical containment by successive presidents! Just a few words made me almost forget the purpose of communicating with you.” Mo Poor said.

Shangqing smiled and said: “Almost all presidents will ask such questions, so I will say it on my own.”

Mo Poor knew that he might interrupt the communication at any time, so he left suddenly.

So I hurriedly asked: “These are not important to me, do you know how to get rid of the Zerg Queen?”

“Don’t say I don’t know, I know that everything is possible, but I want to know, given the current situation, how can I kill her.”

Shangqing smiled and said, “Is that Haili over there?”

“Are there any other Zerg queens?” Mo Poor asked.

“Of course, in the endless dimension, there are many blue and white clubs, some of which were destroyed by the Zerg queen, while others conquered the Zerg queen. All the Lanbai clubs that conquered the Zerg queen are basically in their dimension , can suppress the contents forever.” Shang Qing said.

Mo Poor nodded and said, “What can I do?”

“Based on your current situation, there is no solution. But you can’t find your characteristics at all, so I want to answer: I don’t know.” Shangqing said.

“…” Mo Poor was not surprised.

Because Kelong mentioned it, and Polo also asked this question, Sanqing’s answer at that time was that there was no solution.

At this time, the empress has become powerful in all aspects, and naturally there is no solution.

“How did the other blue and white clubs solve it?” Mo Poor asked.

“When Qi’s body has not yet been born, and his personality has not yet been finalized, he can be shaped into a partner of the Lanbai Club.” Shangqing said.

“What if it has already been born and the character has been finalized?” Mo Poor asked.

“Forcibly tampering with stronger characteristics than hers, its absoluteness, if her infinite adaptability can’t resist.” Shang Qing said.

“Nonsense…” Mo Poor shook his head.

He was already mentally prepared, and from Sanqing, it only confirmed the queen’s incomprehension.

At the beginning, there was a solution. The Zerg Queen was very weak at the beginning, even extremely ignorant. At that time, it was possible not to destroy her, but to control her, or educate, guide, and shape her.

Take the moon corpse from the beginning, and use the queen’s desire to train it, and you can still conquer her.

However, the Blue and White Society missed this opportunity. After discovering that the Queen was infinitely adaptable, it was already too late. When Polo asked Sanqing, he had no solution.

It is said that there is no solution, but there is no natural solution.

If there is a higher characteristic than the queen, it can be solved by violence if it is forcibly suppressed.

However, it is known that among all the contained objects throughout the ages, only the moon corpse and Best Metal are higher than the Queen.

But the functionality of these two items is not enough to kill or suppress the queen.

“What about me? Master Shangqing… May I ask how absolute is my personality?” Mo Poor asked.

Mo Poor must solve the queen’s self-confidence, not pure self-encouragement, let alone brainless conceit.

Although there are elements of self-encouragement, he also has a draft in his heart.

During the only meeting and confrontation with the Queen, he discovered that the Queen was not able to suppress Absolute Hit.

This is his source of confidence.

According to Mo Poor’s understanding, the trigger of absolute hit is extremely wide, and it seems to be applicable to everything.

He can control almost any energy as long as it can shoot energy.

If you can shoot one meter away, you can shoot infinitely far, ‘one’ means ‘infinity’, ‘yes’ equals ‘all’!

As far as the heart is, the arrow will fly as far as possible. Will do it anyway.

Theoretically, as long as Mo Poor shakes the queen, he can shoot the queen to a place where she will never return.

And is there one in that place?

Yes, even if you don’t ask Sanqing, Mo Poor still has a trump card in his heart.

That’s why the best metal shot at the queen disappeared.

At that time, the piece of best metal was shot by Mo Poor to a place where the queen could not find it! Of course, it is also possible that, as the Queen said, Best Metal deleted itself just because she overcame Mo Poor’s characteristics.

But this possibility is actually very small.

From the looks of it now, the biggest possibility is that Best Metal was shot into another dimension.

In other dimensions, there are exactly the same moon corpses.

In short, whether it is deleted or shot to another dimension, since the queen can’t be found anywhere, as long as Mo Poor shoots the queen, then even if the queen is not destroyed, the queen will not be able to come back .

At this moment, Mo Poor just wants to know how absolute is his absolute hit?

Unexpectedly, regarding Mo Poor’s question, Shangqing asked: “Which characteristic are you asking about?”

“It’s an absolute hit, an absolute characteristic that merges with my subjectivity.” Mo Poor said.

After a moment of silence, Shangqing said, “I didn’t notice this feature.”

“Huh?” Mo Qiong was speechless, as he came into contact with Sanqing, he felt that Sanqing was weak.

As if aware of Mo Poor’s feelings, Shangqing said: “I know you have this characteristic. From the information of other things, you can find traces of you using it many times.”

“Interesting, we can’t find any information about it at all.”

“Brother Dao, can you see it?”

“Failed, at least beyond our boundaries.” Another high-cold voice said.

Mo Qiong was taken aback, realizing that this voice was another one of the three Qings, perhaps Yuqing.

He smiled immediately, although there is a possibility of supernatant lying, but it is certain that the depth of his own characteristics is super high.

The meaning of Shangqing is very simple. His so-called omniscience can know Mo Poor’s life, and then indirectly know that the absolute hit does exist. Mo Poor has used it many times and affected countless things.

But in Mo Poor’s information, there is no information setting that absolutely hits itself.

“How high is the boundary between the two masters?” Mo Poor asked.

Your own characteristics exceed the limit of Sanqing, so if you know how high the limit of Sanqing is, you can indirectly know how high your characteristics are guaranteed.

I can only hear Shangqing say: “We are the sages of the blue and white world, from the blue and white world, down to the infinite dimension, and know everything!”

“In the interface, there are very few things that have not been observed by us in history.”

“Oh? What are there?” Mo Poor asked.

Shangqing said: “Information is above all, the first is Mr. Lan Da, who was already unbelievable when he created the infinite dimension.”

Mo Poor knew very well that that man was too terrifying to imagine.

“Then the second place is the highest heavenly ghost? The interface source observer that the master said?”

Shangqing denied: “It’s not him, Gao Tiangui himself admits that among the known people, the third-generation president of Zhigao Lanbai Club should be higher than him, and he also surpassed the interface and left with Mr. Lan Da. “

“The third is the highest heavenly ghost himself, and the fourth is Qingfeng.”

“Another one? The third-generation president?” Mo Poor already knew that his Lanbai club was just one of thousands of blue and white clubs, and the highest place was the original Lanbai club. The other blue and white clubs are all derivatives of the supreme blue and white club.

Unexpectedly, Qingfeng, who set up the ultimate containment measures and led to the birth of countless blue and white clubs, was only ranked fourth.

And the highest heavenly ghost, the source of all evil, the first cause and effect, almost determines the existence of everything, but it is only ranked third?

On top of that, there are two other information controllers. Needless to say, Mr. Lan Da, who are the three generations of presidents?

Shangqing said: “His surname is Bai, and his name is taboo.”

“That’s Mr. Bai Xiao?” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

Mr. Lan Da, Mr. Bai Xiao, come on, it happens to be Lan Bai.

Shang Qing said: “In small words, it is not appropriate. You can call his incarnation code name ‘Polo Song’.”

Mo Poor was shocked, Polo song?

Wait a minute, this name…

Of course Mo Poor is too familiar. Isn’t this the Omega containment, the polo song recorded in the void server? The most mysterious evil god, a name that all evil gods fear.

He himself believed in this guy, and by believing in him, he could be immune to all kinds of shocks from the evil gods.

It turns out that this is the third-generation president of the Supreme Blue and White Club? No, it’s just a code name for his avatar?

“The information is there, and what happened may also be deduced by some contained objects. It’s like the Lu Bu you have faced. In the void server, there will be no real ‘Polo Song’, at most Simulate a concept called polo song.” Shang Qing said.

“I understand.” Mo Poor nodded. Some of the things Po Luoge did when he was still there, unless there is information to cover up, it is possible that some storage objects will be used as historical records and become some designs. Certainly.

The Void server created a Cthulhu game with Poluo song, just like a certain containment created a Three Kingdoms game with Lu Bu.

This does not mean that there is a real polo song in it.

“Huh… I believe more and more that what you said, master, is true.” Mo Qiong sighed.

Shangqing actually explained the most mysterious evil **** Po Luoge. Mo Poor has always been wondering how there is such an evil **** that people can give up their belief after believing in it.

It turned out to be the president of Lanbai. This explains why he is not ‘evil’ at all.

“Hahaha, little friend never believed what I said.” Shangqing said with a smile.

“Being skeptical is a basic quality, don’t blame me, sir.” Mo Qiong smiled.

“No wonder.” Shangqing said with a smile.

Mo Poor said: “Master’s answer has almost perfectly solved several major mysteries in this world. Mr. Lan Da has created endless dimensions. The highest heavenly ghost is the source of all evil for the contained objects, and Qingfeng created the ultimate containment measures , according to this worldview structure, that Polo song should have done something to this world, and then left an indelible influence.”

“In this way, the world view will be perfect. Each of the four characters you described has changed the world and made the world what it is now.”

Shangqing said with a smile: “Bo Luoge is only for himself, and he doesn’t want to deliberately make any changes to this interface.”

“But even so, he did leave an indelible impact as you said.”

“For example, he left infinite clones in the endless dimension. Each dimension has a corpse, which can gain insight into all the information of the endless dimension.”

Hearing this, Mo Qiong’s thoughts changed.

“Corpse? Is the moon corpse a polo song?”

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