Blue and White Society Chapter 97: Sleepless

The young man was a Caucasian man with brown hair, deep-set eyes, and blue pupils exuding a tired look, and he was very idle.

He sat up from the bed, grabbed the wooden carving, and stroked the nine snake whiskers on its chin.

Then shook his head and said: “Doctor, do you want to test whether I have the deep diver effect? ​​I have touched it more than nine times.”

Mo Poor looked at the young man in astonishment, and heard Dr. Sang say: “But you haven’t had a single nightmare, and you can’t even fall asleep.”

Having said so, the doctor arranged for a tank of water to be on the other side of the bed.

I saw the young man walking over, sitting in the big tank, and immersed himself in it.

When Mo Poor saw it, he couldn’t help asking: “Is he a D-level personnel?”

Dangerous experiments are all done by D-class personnel, and this young man is being used as an experiment at this moment, Mo Poor naturally thinks so.

However, Dr. Sang said, “No, he is an interpreter.”

“Explainer?” Mo Poor was surprised.

He wanted to ask before, the containment escorted two hours ago, Lao An saw the explainer before saying that it was a gamma-level containment.

Although I don’t know how powerful the gamma-level containment is, the interpreter is undoubtedly very special, otherwise Lao An would not have mentioned that there is an interpreter in the **** team.

In addition, regarding the gamma level, Mo Poor already had guesses in his mind, because he had heard Alpha and Beta successively, and gamma was the third Greek letter after them.

So the gamma level containment, Moqiong feels that it can be understood as the third level containment.

“Well, members with strong self-control and firm beliefs who hold, suppress, control, and use the power of the contained objects, in other words, the interpreter himself, are the containment measures for one or more contained objects.”

Dr. Sang was talking, when he saw the young man rushing out of the water shaking his head, shaking the water drops and saying, “No, I still have to breathe.”

“Nightmare is a ritual. If you don’t accept the nightmare effect, you won’t get the deep diver effect.” Dr. Sang said.

“Do you have something that won’t fall asleep?” Mo Poor said sharply, he saw the way.

The young man stared at the dead fish eyes and wiped the water silently, while Dr. Sang said: “He really can’t sleep.”

Mo Poor shouted: “Having this kind of containment can save the person who sleeps for a day and grows old for a year, can’t it? That smog! Isn’t this kind of containment specially designed to overcome smog?”

“Maybe you want to say that it has many side effects and unpredictable harms, but if you don’t do this, that person will die soon, so no matter what the consequences are, he is willing to accept it?”

The young man listened to the words and said: “Smog? I went that time too. Unfortunately, it was an emergency. Twelve comrades were still infected. They are now decades old.”

“Can’t be saved?” Mo Poor understood after a little thought.

If it can be saved, it will not be delayed until now. In the containment operation of the Lanbai Society itself, twelve people were infected. If it can be saved, they will not make them age by decades.

The young man shook his head and said: “There is no containment that makes people unable to fall asleep. People must sleep, except for me…the only thing we can do is to use various techniques and medicines to prolong their lifespan.”

“Then you…” Mo Poor stared at the young man, who also went, but he was not infected, and he is still so young.

The young man looked at the camera and smiled dejectedly with dead fish eyes. Obviously, there is such a screen on his side.

He smiled and said, “I’m also infected, but I can’t sleep at all, hehe, I’ve lived for more than twenty years, and I still don’t know what sleep feels like.”

“This…” Mo Poor was stunned, more than twenty years? How old is this person?

Dr. Sang said: “David has never fallen asleep since he was born. Whether it is a powerful sleeping pill or a physical stun, it doesn’t make sense to him. Later we confirmed that he has a psychological resistance effect, so far So far, I have touched more than eighteen containment objects with mind-distorting effects, but they have not been affected at all.”

“He is the purest and most powerful spiritual resister in the world today, he doesn’t even have normal sleep…he is an extremely rare humanoid containment…”

“What…” Mo Poor knew as soon as he heard it, how important a man who is immune to mental distortion is to the Blue and White Society that suppresses the contained objects.

No wonder he became a preacher at such a young age, he is simply a natural containment officer.

However, when Mo Poor looked at David’s dead fish eyes again, he couldn’t help asking: “Are you tired? You have never slept, can you bear it?”

David said weakly: “Ah, it’s okay. Compared with spiritual resistance, lack of sleep is my real absolute characteristic, and spiritual resistance is only incidental… Haha, I have also been affected by some contained objects , but nothing has ever put me to sleep. My mind is always high, my brain is never tired, my mind is always awake, my consciousness is never interrupted for a second…”

“Even infected with the one-year-old effect of sleeping once, because of my special case, I discovered that if it does not sleep, it will not grow old… That is to say, the smog that killed many people, Not only did it not let me die, but it allowed me to obtain the effect of possibly eternal youth… Hehe.”

Dr. Sang said in a low voice, “David…”

David shrugged and said, “Don’t worry, sleep if you can, forget it if you can’t, I don’t worry about it anymore.”

At first, Mo Poor didn’t know what David was suffering from, and what Dr. Sang was worried about.

But soon I figured it out, a person who never stops thinking is too tired to live, even if he doesn’t feel tired, a life that never stops thinking means he doesn’t know what peace is.

He is thinking when others are thinking, and he is still thinking when others are resting. He can have a lot more time to study than others, but it is too late, his consciousness is always clear, I am afraid that if he wants to let himself go, he will not be able to stay in a daze.

It’s hard to imagine, let alone experience, the feeling of being tired but not tired.

Maybe, if you want to experience true peace, you have to wait until death…

No, according to the urine properties of the contents, there is another possibility for David, that is, he can still stay awake after death… It’s just that he has no life at that time, and can’t do anything except think, Waking up in the dead silence of endless darkness.

Thinking of this, Mo Poor was startled. This possibility is not impossible. He could think of it, and these people must also think of it.

“Mo Poor, you can get rid of the entanglement of nightmares, which means that you have the effect of spiritual resistance…” Dr. Sang continued the previous topic.

After listening to him, Mo Poor realized why he called him now, because he happened to be testing with David to save time.

David voluntarily applied for this experiment. He wanted to try whether wood carving could make him fall asleep.

Originally as an interpreter, he was not allowed to touch the contained objects needlessly. After all, he is very important. It should be his turn to appear in the situation where the smog would spread to crowded places at any time.

This kind of idleness came here to intentionally infect the effect, what if it falls?

However, it is known that the mind resistance effect can resist or be immune to the effects of mind distortion, and David, as the strongest mind resister in the world today, if even he can’t get rid of the dream, then there is probably no one else.

What’s more, with Mo Poor as an example who has successfully got rid of the nightmare, the higher-ups still approved David’s application.

The time is scheduled for today, because David is just about to lead a team to **** a gamma-level containment to Moe Island, so he can touch the woodcarving by the way.

Mind distortion is a large category, hypnosis, sensory manipulation, thought distortion, affect emotions, concept reversal, etc… All effects that affect personality consciousness belong to mind distortion.

Similarly, psychic resistance is also a large category, which can resist one or more kinds of psychic distortions.

There are not many spiritual resisters in the Blue and White Society, but there are also many, and they are all caused by the contained objects. Most spiritual resisters have a single effect, and the resistance effect itself is not the main characteristic, but is often one side of the multi-faceted effect.

There is no need for a doctor to explain what is multi-faceted. Mo Poor has learned a lot about the urine properties of the contained objects from old An Na.

For example, if a person is infected with a certain effect, he will accumulate all the anger, and then only erupt on a full moon night, turning into a monster or something.

On the other hand, when it is not a full moon night, this person will not be angry anymore, no means can make him angry, all anger will only appear on a full moon night.

This is a feature that has multiple effects, one of which is that it may make him immune to irrational rage.

Obviously he was infected with a mind-distorting effect, but because of some specific conditions, he can resist the influence of other contained objects on him in some aspects.

Blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings.

This is the case with most of the containment objects. Sometimes it seems to be a side effect and a cost, but it has a positive effect instead.

The seemingly favorable side may also be full of crises.

That’s why the Lanbai Society advocates not to use containment objects as much as possible. Even if you get a satisfactory result, you must have paid a price.

But when necessary, it must be used, because if the containment is used well, even if it pays a price, it can at least suppress other containment.

David the Sleepless is the only known full-scale resistance type.

Not only that, but he is also an extremely rare humanoid containment object, not because he is infected with some containment effect, but because he is born like this.

So, Lanbai Club wants to see what Mo Poor’s spiritual resistance is like.

“Mo Poor, are you willing to accept the virtual reality experiment?”

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