Blue and White Society Chapter 942: The master killing effect

Nowadays, almost all contained objects on Earth are free.

The Apocalypse made the earth a mess, and all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared.

The ancient **** Gaia, walking on the earth, seeing the earth is full of devastation, and countless little people like sesame and mung beans fleeing under her feet, can’t help feeling relieved.

“The age of mankind… is over…”

She has seen countless omnics wreaking havoc on the earth. Although those robots were frightened away by cats afterwards, she still feels that human beings will also be run over by the wheel of the times.

“Humans have also lost to their own creations.”

Gaia felt a little emotional, and then realized that this was an opportunity.

Knowing that the elites of human beings are fighting against robots in space, she took advantage of the weakness of the earth to contain them on a large scale.

During the period, she also defeated a humanoid derivative whose contained object was the steel halberd in her hand.

It is a demonic halberd, which will erase a person’s thoughts, transform them into ‘Lu Bu’, and strengthen their physical fitness by three times.

If ‘Lu Bu’ dies, it will choose a new person to be Lu Bu.

Because no matter who it is, once it chooses, its thoughts, memories, and personality will all be changed into ‘Lu Bu’.

In a sense, it can be considered that the chosen one is dead, replaced by a puppet named ‘Lu Bu’ with a specific personality memory.

Zi Yi’s father is this generation of ‘Lu Bu’. He was in the task of containing the Demon Halberd, because after the previous generation ‘Lu Bu’ was killed by members, the Demon Halberd randomly selected him to become the new Lu Bu.

Now he is just a thug with the face of a commune member, but he is no longer himself at all.

Originally imprisoned in the prison of the Blue and White Society, but because of the omnic attack, he escaped from the ruins of the base.

To be honest, the main feature of the magic halberd is not how strong the Lu Bu is, on the contrary, it is very weak.

It’s just that his physical fitness has been tripled, and he can kill even bullets.

However, once the opponent dies, the magic halberd will re-select someone nearby, and it is meaningless to kill the so-called ‘Lu Bu’. The object contained is the magic halberd, not Lu Bu. It can kill Lu Bu, but not the avatar. On the contrary, it will allow others to be randomly drawn and become a new generation of Lu Bu.

When Gaia met Lu Bu, Lu Bu was fighting side by side with the members.

When the earth was in chaos and the containment objects were dancing around, some containment objects and derivatives actually helped the members.

For example, Feitouman D-202, for example, the wooden armored people of Mohism, for example, Lu Bu, the magic halberd puppet.

When Lu Bu was first born, he was extremely tyrannical, but after being overwhelmed by the powerful members of the commune, he became very cooperative during the containment period, and he respected the strong.

So Lu Bu’s containment measures are to make Lu Bu loyal to the Lanbai Society, and the members provide him with delicious food and drink, but in fact, they don’t give him anything to do, just patrol the containment base, or Teach him to read, give him some account books for him to count and play, and be accompanied by members of the club at any time.

Although he often expresses his dissatisfaction, Lu Bu is generally very well-behaved.

Even at the moment when the earth was in chaos, I followed the members of the club to clear up several containment objects that were raging.

It can be seen that Lu Bu finally has something big to do, he is very excited and working very hard.

Until I met Gaia.

Only meeting each other, several Alpha and Beta members were trampled to death by Gaia.

Thousands of arms and hands, shaking the sky and the earth, the missile bombing on her body was like a layer of dust.

When Lu Bu was about to be killed, he actually shouted: “The Great God is invincible, mighty like a prison, commanding the common people, overwhelming all ages, and destroying the Lanbai Society like a butcher of pigs and dogs! Lu Bu yearned for him and admired him for a long time I can’t wait to follow the Great God right away, I am really forced by the Lanbai Society, and I have to be the enemy of the Great God!”

“???” Gaia was taken aback.

In the eyes of Gaia, he thought Lu Bu was a member of the club, but he didn’t expect that there were people in the Lanbai club who admired the ancient gods.

If it’s an ordinary person, it’s fine. Gaia doesn’t care about believers at all, but it’s strange if they are members of the Lanbai Society.

She deeply hated the members of the club, especially Hei Di, the pride of the ancient gods was demoted to nothing by Hei Di.

Hearing Lu Bu’s words at this moment, I immediately feel at ease.

But that’s all, she knows that the members are scheming, so she doesn’t trust Lu Bu.

When he was about to kill Lu Bu, Gaia suddenly saw that there was a contained object in Lu Bu’s hand, and asked about its properties.

Lu Bu explained the characteristics of the Demon Halberd thoroughly, knowing that if Lu Bu died, the Demon Halberd would randomly choose a new Lu Bu, and Gaia completely extinguished his desire to kill Lu Bu.

No one wants to be twisted into another character by the mind, what if one is unlucky and accidentally finds himself?

So like the Blue and White Society, Gaia chose to subdue him.

“Follow me. From now on, you are the Archbishop of the Gaia Church. I want you to form a human army and take care of the contents for me.” Gaia said casually.

Lu Bu’s eyes brightened, he looked up at the tall and tall Gaia, and was very moved: “Bu is in the Lanbai Club, and is not reused! He is often confined to a small area, managing some accounts, reading some broken books, and he is unable to display his abilities. Today I met the Master of Ming, and I entrusted him with such a heavy responsibility! A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and Bu will help the Lord destroy the Blue and White Society.”

Gaia looked down at Lu Bu with contempt, thinking that the Lanbai Society did not reuse you, so did you betray the Lanbai Society?

“Are you going to betray me too?”

Lü Bu said with a firm face, “A loyal minister does not matter to two masters!”

Gaia tilted her head, not understanding the logic of this human being, and asked, “Are you a good bird or a loyal minister?”

Lv Bu was dumbfounded by the torture of the soul.

Gaia smiled, forget it, it doesn’t matter! Human beings are all ants, only pawns.

At this very moment when Lu Bu was loyal to Gaia, a strange thing suddenly happened.

The magic halberd danced in the air, cut the air for a while, and then fell into Lu Bu’s palm again.

“What does this mean?” Gaia asked strangely, he felt the trigger of abnormal characteristics.

Lu Bu said: “Bu has already severed his ties with the Blue and White Society, and if he meets a member again, he will be the enemy of life and death!”

Gaia wondered why there were so many fancy rituals, and suddenly she sensed the message on the magic halberd.

Just now, the magic halberd killed a person.

“Huh?” Specifically, Gaia couldn’t sense it either, and her senses were intermittent, but she also realized that this magic halberd was not simple.

“Who did you just kill?”

Lu Bu raised his head and said: “Bu has beheaded the leader of the Lanbai Society thief and dedicated it to the Lord!”

“Huh?” Gaia was shocked.

“Who! Who did you kill! Hei Di?”

Lu Bu was at a loss, he didn’t know Hei Di, so he said: “My lord, the president of Lanbai took office not long ago, but he is just a puppet! The actual person in power is the chief arbitrator Qimu. It is claimed that Qimu is the supervisor of the president and can veto all the orders of the president! This person is the real leader of the blue and white society, and it can be said that the power is overwhelming!”

It turns out that this magic halberd has another special characteristic?

The chief arbitrator of the Blue and White Society was obliterated from a distance?

Gaia said happily: “You kill the black emperor of the Lanbai Society again! This person is a serious problem!”

“Although Bu doesn’t know who the Black Emperor is, but the lord has ordered, Bu will kill him!” After finishing speaking, Lu Bu didn’t make any movement.

“Do it!” Gaia urged.

Lü Bu asked blankly, “Where is he? If I don’t fight with him, how can I kill him?”


Gaia thought about it, and it seems that she can’t kill whoever she wants.

She hurriedly sensed the magic halberd with all her heart, and after a while, she vaguely felt that the person killed by the magic halberd just now was strictly judged by a characteristic, not just a random choice by Lu Bu.

Combined with Lu Bu’s actions and words just now, Gaia quickly released this judgment.

When Lu Bu changes from one faction to another, the Demon Halberd will forcibly kill the leader of the faction that Lu Bu betrayed…

The master killing effect!

“Damn you!” Gaia turned angry.

Because Lu Bu is loyal to Gaia now…

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