Blue and White Society Chapter 939: Apocalypse must die

“Is this the Polo song…” Mo Poor felt the beauty and greatness of the dreamy aurora body, and almost fell into it.

The pure white radiance not only dispelled Gheroth’s spiritual impact, but also greatly eased the pain from the Holy Shield.

Mo Poor was exhausted from this battle, exhausted physically and mentally.

Almost purely supported by a wave of energy, at this moment, under the comfort of this white light, I suddenly feel that everything is getting better.

Not only that, but there is also a feeling that life seems to be transformed, which is about to come out.

But after all, his mind is not pure, and Mo Poor is just using the polo song to dispel the influence of other evil gods.

That feeling is fleeting, and the transformation that accompanies it disappears without a trace.

Mo Poor guessed that if he really believed in Boluoge from the bottom of his heart and didn’t want to quit after this battle, maybe Boluoge would transform his life form and give him some strength or something.

But Mo Poor did not take this step after all.

According to the tests of some D-level personnel, even if you completely believe in Polo songs, you may not be able to transform.

It seems that there are still some conditions that do not meet, which caused the progress of the transformation to go back when the body and mind were halfway transformed.

The D-class personnel who made the most progress, only his eyes turned into a white light substance, and then turned back into human eyes.

Looking at it this way, if it completely transforms, the entire human body will turn into white light.

God knows what that is. It is known that the transformation of the human body by the evil gods from body to mind, once completed, will be lifelong and irreversible.

From the previous example, whether it is turning into a frogman or a hydra, it can almost be regarded that the original person is dead.

About this evil god, it’s too mysterious and weird, and rashly pursuing this unknown power will cause extra problems.

At this moment, the Apocalypse is already doomed to defeat.

The only difference lies in how much sequelae He will bring to human beings before he is killed.

“When I captured your avatar, you were doomed.”

“The victory or defeat no longer depends on your efforts here, but on when our people will help your avatar grow a head.”

As Mo Poor narrated, holding the Rubik’s Cube in his hand, he distorted the time and space around the unknown planet.

In an instant, countless substances were sucked out by Mo Qiong, turning into a rain of thousands of arrows, which shot out at omnics scattered all over the place.

The ominous star, Gheroth, is the limit of what David can summon without a lot of blood sacrifices.

Summoning it is not just intended to use the evil **** to attack and drive the Apocalypse mad.

There is another purpose, but because of the huge liquid iron ocean on Gehros!

This evil star is mainly made of iron!

Mo Poor uses a force field as a bow, and shoots out countless liquid iron!

As long as David doesn’t stop playing, as long as David doesn’t go crazy, Gherlos will always be wandering in space and won’t disappear.

These liquid irons are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Although these ominous things, there is no engineering effect at all, and all contacts will have nightmares.

But at this moment, it is just right to use it as an arrow to shoot the Apocalypse who is endlessly fighting with Iron Immortal.

Each iron arrow is equivalent to a short forced stiffness. Driven by absolute hatred, the Apocalypse devours iron it touches.

One by one, the omnics are like magnets, and countless gray-black iron slurry is smashed at them.

“Damn iron, **** Hei Di! Damn iron…”

Inexplicably, being forced to eat iron, many omnics crashed directly, devouring them endlessly.

Just like those members of the Olivia Mental Hospital of the Blue and White Club who also suffered from iron-hatred disease, they couldn’t contain their crazy hatred when they touched iron.

Unable to dodge, Mo Poor’s arrow is like a tarsal maggot.

Almost nothing can be done while the omnic is devouring the iron slurry.

There are too many incarnations of the Apocalypse, and who knows how many are hidden in any corner of the universe?

Basically, there is only one way to kill him, and that is to use containment objects such as chickens and white cloth ghosts.

In one breath, kill all the Apocalypse.

You don’t need to know where those avatars are, if one of them triggers the lethal feature, then all of them will die.

The chicken must take the initiative to attack. If Mo Poor shoots the chicken, it means that Mo Poor has killed the chicken, so he is ruled out.

The last and easiest thing is the white cloth ghost.

Look at the Apocalypse, and make all combat units headless.

He is also trying his best to avoid this, but Mo Poor captured an incarnation, and death is really only a matter of time.

At this moment, the members of the Yunjie Banner are suppressing the captured avatar.

That avatar also understands well, wanting to die, the members of Yunjie Banner are mainly protecting him at this moment…

In front of the contents, sometimes it is really impossible to die.

Abdul the Headless uses Chi You’s eye to forcefully control the opponent. Forced the only omnic in the Yunjie Banner to flee here and there, forced to disperse.

Lan Baiji put on her glasses, and the omnic became pregnant on the spot.

The pregnancy glasses determine the method of pregnancy according to the race of the other party. If it is a human, it will take ten months to conceive and give birth. If it is a mouse, it will only take 20 days.

If it is a robot, it depends on its productivity. It only takes a few minutes to reproduce itself.

No matter whether the knowledge of the Apocalypse has the ability to give birth to another self, he will now forcibly split under the characteristics, and separate the consciousness to live in.

His incarnation also has to pay for the resources needed for childbirth, just like when a human is pregnant, the mother must provide nutrition for the offspring.

When the captured omnic gave birth to a small robot, the Blue and White Society continued to split the small robot.

In the end, the blue and white society got an extremely weak Apocalypse carrier with almost no resistance.

By using absolute stitching to make up the head of this small carrier of the Apocalypse, the white cloth ghost can bring the overall consciousness of the Apocalypse into the evil room in one breath.

Although the Apocalypse can continue to give his knowledge to attack the white cloth ghost to resist decapitation, knowledge is limited. When he is continuously attacked by the white cloth ghost, no amount of knowledge will be used up. when.

So Mo Poor led everyone, at this moment, as long as the earth and the Sirius galaxy are protected, and the final madness of the Apocalypse is prevented.

“You can’t kill me… Hei Di.”

“Do you really think that I have nothing to do with the Sirius planet? At the ten Omega containment sites, I have left quantum time bombs capable of destroying galaxies. No one can disarm them except me.”

The Apocalypse was forced to eat iron and was disarmed, but he didn’t panic at all.

He has already left all kinds of containment objects capable of destroying the universe, and even destroying the multiverse.

If the Blue and White Society wants to kill him, then let the whole world be buried with him.

“Are you threatening me?” Mo Poor was very calm.

The Apocalypse said: “The world is so dangerous, the end of the world may happen anytime, anywhere. I am not a containment object, am I? As a civilization, you and I have the possibility of cooperation.”

“No…” Mo Poor said.

“Why not? If I die, no one in the world can crack the quantum time bomb. Don’t think that you can find it. The so-called quantum bomb will only appear in the future. Now it is in the The superposition state of existence and non-existence is the virtual and real particle pair that has not yet been born in the quantum ocean. If you kill me, then within a hundred days, the countless virtual and real particle pairs that I preset will be contained in ten omega Everything around it is born, and destroys all surrounding matter at the speed of light.” The Apocalypse said in a sweet voice.

Mo Poor said indifferently: “It would be better to change the universe.”

The Apocalypse said: “This has nothing to do with the universe. As long as the ten contained objects are still in time and space, the void ocean will breed my preset quantum bomb.”

“You may not understand. To be honest, I have forgotten what is going on. I only remember that it is related to their physical state. Unless you destroy their existing physical bodies, this future quantum event will It will happen.”

“In fact, I presuppose the same thing in your body. But I can tell you sincerely, as long as you destroy and reshape yourself, then you can get rid of the doomed quantum events.”

“How? You can continue to keep one of my avatars, so you can kill me at any time. On this basis, you and I can cooperate.”

Kaimen, David and others were quite moved.

The quantum bomb will destroy the ten omega containment measures at the material level, and even directly alarm the opponent to go berserk.

The way to crack it is to destroy the material level of the contained object first, but these ten contained objects cannot be moved casually, let alone destroyed, and they cannot be physically destroyed.

It is equivalent to saying, either actively stimulate the containment to go berserk, or wait for the future quantum event to happen, and then go berserk.

Mo Poor looked at David and said, “Don’t waver, the Apocalypse must die.”

“But…” David was confused.

Mo Poor firmly said: “There is no but! If you can’t give up, you will have nothing. This is how we forced the Apocalypse to come here. The same mistake, He will not make it again. We can’t make it either!”

“In fact, we can’t defeat the Apocalypse. Once we give him time, he will be able to overcome the gestalt consciousness and abandon the captured incarnation. Once the Apocalypse, there is no one characteristic, the weakness of all recruits, the incarnation of the multiverse Hundreds of millions of him, we will lose.”

“The spirit of contract does not exist in this universe. Give him this time, and he will definitely not give us another chance!”

David was sluggish, but Mo Poor had always firmly believed that the Apocalypse could overcome his own weaknesses.

Apocalypse’s resignation at the moment is actually buying time for himself?

“It’s all your guesswork.” David whispered.

The apocalypse also said excitedly: “Hei Di, don’t think too highly of me, the gestalt consciousness is a source program that I cannot overcome.”

“There is never an ‘absolute’ thing in the world, not to mention the containment. The coin you used before is actually the containment, right? You already have the root perception ability and grasp part of the containment. Why are you not here? Eliminate us from the beginning.” Mo Poor said.

The Apocalypse said with a sweet voice: “Because I have always retained the idea of ​​wanting to cooperate with you.”

Mo Poor shook his head and said, “I don’t believe it. If that’s the case, when I find you, you should try to cooperate instead of launching a devastating blow immediately.”

“Actually, you just want to wait for the inevitable victory. You don’t know that I am the one who will defeat you in the end. You regard the entire Blue and White Society as a threat that may defeat you. But in Blue Before Baishe knew you existed, you were already trying to crack your gestalt consciousness. Once you succeed, we have no chance of winning if we attack Lanbaishe.”

“Just because I discovered you in advance, you were forced to strike first.”

“You are waiting for the right moment to win, I firmly believe that.”

The Apocalypse said: “Hei Di, you misunderstood, do you really want to face the runaway queen so soon! The future quantum event will be within a hundred days, not a hundred days later, it may be tomorrow, or even It’s today! If you kill me, you will all die too.”

He was going crazy, Hei Di didn’t even give him the slightest chance, and beat him to death when he got a chance, obviously he didn’t have any information, yet he realized that he could change the gestalt consciousness directly based on the hypothetical premise limits.

David said: “Mo Poor, He has so many mind distortions now, maybe we can try to control him.”

Mo Poor glared at David and said, “Can you avoid it?”

“What…” David frowned.

Mo Poor said: “Whether it is the birth of the queen or the outbreak of the entropy beast, nothing can be avoided.”

“Believe me, even if the Apocalypse does nothing, the Omega containment will go berserk sooner or later. I must completely destroy them. If I fail, everything will be over.”

“There is no fluke, guess the fate of the world with the greatest malice, and then resist with the greatest efforts. Only in this way, when we are defeated, we can have no regrets.”

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