Blue and White Society Chapter 929: Shake the world

In the Kamakura base, Mo Poor closed his five senses.

For the next plan, he doesn’t want to be disturbed by the doomsday, so he temporarily prevents himself from realizing what the doomsday is.

With the five senses closed, he lost the sense of smell, hearing, sight, taste, and time and space. He was in a kind of meditation, and under the absolute silence and darkness, he only had spiritual power, electromagnetic sense and touch.

In this way, even though they have come to the Kamakura base, they still don’t know what the end is here.

The reason why he needs the sense of touch is because he doesn’t have the sense of touch. He can’t block his senses at all…

On the other hand, it is because he needs to control his body well, and as long as the body surface is covered with a layer of best metal, it is impossible to realize the form of Kamakura Doomsday through the sense of touch.

He is betting that the Apocalypse will not dare to monitor this place, or even the entire earth.

With the loss of these real-time data, the Apocalypse cannot temporarily borrow blocks to use any attack on it.

The only thing that can hurt Mo Poor is the preset countermeasures on the equipment.

“Mo Poor, you didn’t bring cubes.” Master Gou said in Mo Poor’s mind.

“I know, if I don’t bring cubes, the Apocalypse won’t know which one I use.” Mo Poor said.

Master Gou said clearly: “Then what should I do next?”

Mo Poor said: “Wait a little longer… let the doomsday spread for a while…”

“You really want to let the doomsday spread across the world?” Lord Gou said in shock.

“The Apocalypse must not have completely cut off contact. He can use his servants to determine whether there is some kind of doomsday raging on the earth. If the servants say no, he will think that I am lying to him, and immediately monitor again Most of the earth.” Mo Poor said.

Master Gou sighed: “So we must really take the initiative to spread the doomsday of Kamakura, forcing him not to monitor the earth.”

“And I can use this time to go out and pick up a set of superman armor.” Mo Poor said.

Only in this way can it be completely guaranteed that the apocalypse does not know which cube Mo Poor is using, nor when Mo Poor is using it, whether it is for the main body or the avatar.

Then, he couldn’t accurately kill Mo Poor on his own initiative.

“Almost there.”

Ten minutes later, Mo Poor suddenly condensed a high-energy air mass in his palm and blasted it out.

The air mass disappeared in an instant, but the target was a servant he had not killed that he casually remembered during the previous battle with countless servant races.

Not surprisingly, this high-energy air mass killed it from the air.

Although the opponent’s force field defense is powerful, it can’t stand it. Mo Qiong ignores the defense… almost equivalent to the absolute hit of infinite magic penetration, and the sky can overcome all kinds of shields.

One shot down, no shield in front of it is useless.

“Shua!” He teleported to the target, fumbled to take away the cubes and tumors, and returned to the best ball in the Kamakura base.

During the whole process, he was in a state of closed five senses.

Afterwards, he resolutely used the knife and transplanted the tumor into the cheetah in the dark.

Cheetahs are not humans, so they are not affected by the virus.

Connected to the nerve line and stayed in the best ball, Mo Poor hugged the cheetah, and directly used his mental force to transmit the force field pattern to the cheetah clone. After a while, the cheetah’s brain passed through the tumor unconsciously, The corresponding strong magnetic force is sent to the block.

In an instant, he felt that the cube released a strong acceleration force field on the cheetah, which was actually the individual curvature engine!

As a ‘dream breaker’, Mo Poor can’t use Fengmang Feather. That thing has to decide what to change in his sleep, so he can’t pretend to be someone else.

The square immediately identified that the user was not the one specified, after all… the membrane was broken!

Mo Poor used an absolute hit and forcibly shot the strong magnetic force into the cube.

It stands to reason that if there is a self-destructive power hidden in the block, it should appear at this time.


“Huh? Nothing happened?”

Mo Poor stroked the cube, it didn’t self-destruct, nor did it counterattack to kill the cheetah.

“Sure enough, he would rather give us equipment than give us a chance to sweep away.” Mo Poor smiled slightly.

As for the block being used by a non-customized target, but without any countermeasures or self-destruct, Mo Poor felt very sorry about this.

Yes, sorry!

Because if the non-customized target is used, the block will explode directly, or kill the host in other ways, that would be better.

It is true that this can prevent the members from using the Apocalypse technology, but it also gives the Blue and White Society a chance to wipe out all the servant races in one wave.

It’s very simple, as long as Lanbai Club plays a song…

The song of reversal!

Turn all the enemies, you don’t need to fight, the squares on the enemies will destroy them all.

If the Apocalypse left that kind of master-killing mechanism in the equipment, it would be equivalent to giving all the servants a fatal weakness.

The Lanbai Society has many ways to use this to kill all enemies in one wave.

Unfortunately, the Apocalypse did not give this opportunity.

In comparison, the Apocalypse prefers that the Blue and White Society can also use cubes.

Just use the unified force field as a basic piece of equipment. It doesn’t matter if everyone has it.

This is the most sensible choice from the perspective of the Apocalypse.

Because the Apocalypse can also leave a hole, that is, the block will not automatically kill the master, but can manually kill the master.

He can deliberately let the members of the club also use this high-tech weapon. After everyone in the Lanbai club uses it, he suddenly sends an activation broadcast, directly detonating the cube, and the Lanbai club will be completely wiped out.

He thought of this hidden danger, and the Lanbai Society also thought of it, but unexpectedly, Mo Qiong released the doomsday of the Kamakura base.

He doesn’t know which cube Mo Poor is using now, nor does he know whether Mo Poor is actually using a cube.

So he can’t do anything except detonate them all.

Ke Moqiong said that members of the club are not allowed to use force field cubes until he has an order.

Now, only Mo Poor is using cubes, should he detonate them all?

What if Mo Poor didn’t use cubes at all, but just went to the Kamakura base to smoke a cigarette?

Mo Poor didn’t do anything, but a wave of fake moves made him kill a wave of his own people?

What’s more, he also knew that Mo Poor had a cheetah avatar, so it was impossible for him to use cubes to kill Mo Poor.

So, as long as the apocalypse dare not be contaminated by the doomsday of Kamakura, at this moment, Mo Poor cannot be stopped.

“Yang conspiracy…” Lord Gou said with emotion: “On the premise that the apocalypse can see through any of our conspiracy, only this kind of conspiracy can work.”

It’s nothing more than courage. Sending equipment and unknown doomsday, Apocalypse was forced to choose the former.

“After confirming this, I will be the next one.” Mo Poor murmured.

Mo Poor resolutely used the knife to transplant the tumor from the cheetah into his body.

His nerves are extremely powerful, and he can even directly and discriminatively control a certain segment of nerves. Mo Poor transplanted the tumor to his waist with a deadpan face, which is where the tumor must be.

At this moment, the anti-virus is activated.

His body quickly began to dissolve from the waist, and his whole body was like mud soaked in water.

However, Mo Poor did not turn into a puddle of blood, but the disintegrated place self-regenerated and combined, relying on some **** mud, he regenerated the collapsed cells at a super speed.

I saw some **** and muddy substances continuously dripping out of his body. After a few seconds, Mo Poor stood still alive, resisting the anti-virus with molecular-level regeneration.

It stands to reason that this virus will only disintegrate him once, that is to say, he will die together. It is equivalent to a biochemical bomb, which will obtain sufficient energy under the gene chain of a specific organism, split explosively in the cell, and spray the replica.

After the splashed virus collides with the cell, it will also instantly extract the energy of the cell to split and continue to spray, and spread like this to form a chain reaction, blooming like nuclear fission.

The way they obtain energy is devastating to cells, and all cells in the human body will fall apart like dominoes.

Human cells are not ‘uranium blocks’, but the Apocalypse has specially produced a virus that can use human cells as uranium blocks for nuclear ignition. This is called special killing.

However, this process happened to Mo Poor. Cells that should have completely collapsed were continuously generated, which is equivalent to a chain reaction that always has follow-up fuel to fill it up.

As a result, Mo Poor’s body was in a state of continuous collapse.

As if a nuclear power plant constrains nuclear fission to a controllable range and continues to react, the killing process is continuous.

Mo Poor’s state does look bad. His body is in a cycle of collapse, recovery, collapse, and recovery, with slimy biomass emerging from time to time.

“Still tenacious…”

“It seems that the body can’t produce antibodies to this, so let’s burn it all.”

Mo Poor said with a blank expression, he created a small piece of antimatter and annihilated it into energy, wrapped it in an air wall, and then shot the heat from it to the collapsed places little by little.

The blazing heat was evenly shot by him, the heat is enough to melt the cells,

With this, he crushed himself on the spot.

It’s almost like manually self-destructing again, melting countless cells with heat.

This anti-virus method can be said to kill a thousand enemies and harm a thousand.

But Mo Poor is really not short of a thousand.

After the parts affected by the virus were crushed, they quickly regenerated and recovered. In this way, the body was finally stable and the virus was completely eliminated.

“It’s done!” Master Gou said happily.

Mo Poor got rid of the virus, holding the cube in his hand, a powerful force field gushed out from his body.

His eyes sharpened, Best Metal unfolded in an instant, his petite figure soared into the sky, and reached the outer atmosphere in an instant at a hundred times the speed of sound!

With all eight senses fully open, he calmly felt the strange force field brought by the cube.

The unified force field unifies all the forces. The four basic forces of the universe are the four manifestations of the unified force field.

Of course, this is what modern earthlings say.

In fact, there have never been four fundamental forces. In the eyes of the ancients, force has countless manifestations such as gravity, electricity, magnetism, tension, buoyancy, and friction.

In the eyes of civilizations with more advanced technology, it only has two manifestations of long-range force and short-range force.

In the eyes of the Apocalypse, less, force is force, and it has only one form of expression, that is ‘interaction’.

Unfortunately, this is not a unified force field that is completely controlled by Mo Poor casually, but a castrated version that has several skills listed by the Apocalypse, and only a few specific functions can be used.

For example, the electromagnetic force can only create and constrain the ion light spear, and the gravitational force can only accelerate.

Mo Poor is equivalent to just acquiring the same skills as the group of lower servants.

However, the same skill, in his hands, can also turn decay into magic.

Mo Poor holds a cube in one hand and a best ball in the other.

The force field is fully open, the super gravitational arrow shoots into the best ball, and it is the curvature of the sun’s core.

In an instant, the terrifying gravitational force spread out at the speed of light, with Mo Poor as the center, attracting everything.

Adams, who was fighting on the earth, suddenly raised his head and grinned.

He could feel the incredible gravitational waves that centered on Mo Poor. In his senses, Mo Poor seemed to hold the sun in his hand!

In fact, the black ball in Mo Poor’s hand is almost the sun.

Although it is only the size of an apple, it has a stellar gravitational field.

Mo Poor held the black ball in his hand and was not affected by it in the slightest. The best metal blocked all the lethal force of distorting time and space, leaving only the invisible gravitational force for Mo Poor to hit.

But in Ye Shen Hei Di mode, Best Metal is restrained by Qi Tian, ​​it is absolutely impossible to hurt him, and he can play with it at will.

In this way, the little black ball in Mo Poor’s hand is his most powerful bow so far.


In Mo Poor’s eyes, the earth is crashing towards him.

The outer atmosphere still has air, but it is extremely thin.

At this moment, they are also rapidly converging towards it, hitting the surface of the black ball, rubbing, restless, and jumping.

Soon Mo Poor entered the stratosphere, and with Mo Poor’s palm as the center, a chaotic and disorderly huge accretion vortex was forming.

It is like a long dragon, connecting Mo Poor and the earth.


Mo Poor violently used his extremely strong sweet force field to control all the air molecules around him, and pressed down.


Under the absolute hit, all the air that Mo Poor could come into contact with was instantly repelled!

At the same time as there was nothing around, the earth and everything on it disappeared.

If he wants to shoot something, he only needs the force to shake the whole thing, and what touches and then separates can be just a corner.

The gravitational force in Mo Poor’s palm has already shaken the whole world, no, even everything within a few light seconds around him as the center.

At this moment, the atmosphere, the earth and all the objects above are all connected to each other, and Mo Poor regards them as an arrow.

The small black broken ball shook the world, and Mo Poor waved his hand to rub it in the air. If the atmosphere is repelled, the whole earth will be exiled.

The whole process is as if a match is struck on the matchbox, and then the matchbox is gone.

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