Blue and White Society Chapter 920: Battle for statues

After Mo Poor finished speaking, an electronic voice sounded: “Mo Poor, give me the statue, and I will leave your universe immediately.”

Mo Poor turned his head and saw a silver eye appearing above the base.

On the surface of the eyes, the corresponding Chinese characters are also displayed.

“The invasion was successful.” Dr. Canaan said secretly.

Mo Poor mentally replied: “Can you trace the source of the signal?”

“Impossible, there is no sign of any connection to the Internet. In short, the ghost computer has not been found to be connected to any data carrier.” Canaan said.

At this time, Mu Yuan added: “This is a projection board, or a blackboard. The Apocalypse used a certain method to project words on it, and he did not control it.”

“The moment it appeared, it was already under our control.”

With the presence of ghost computers, any data carrier that enters the range of human radio coverage can be hacked.

It is known that except for Mo Poor, no one can just throw a dead object and teleport it.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “The technology content is very low, right?”

“Well, there is no useful data.” Mu Yuan said.

Mo Poor nodded and said: “The Apocalypse knows our contents well, knowing that we have a ghost computer, it is impossible for us to find him along the ‘network cable’.”

Mu Yuan said: “I suspect that this kind of technology of sending objects out of thin air is not teleportation, but… made temporarily.”

“Because I didn’t find any change in the total mass of the site, that is to say, there was no more matter out of thin air. Since it was not teleportation, but appeared out of thin air, I can only think it is… dark matter transformation?”

Mo Poor said: “Dark matter, so the so-called technology that can monitor us without relying on detectors is probably some kind of dark matter technology?”

“Perhaps. In short, it’s not a technology that we can touch now. But we have already controlled this silver pupil, as long as I think, the Apocalypse can’t send a word.” Mu Yuan said.

“No, I want to talk to him.”

The communication between Mo Poor and everyone in the research department was only a short while.

Thinking for a moment, he said to the air: “Apocalypse, you finally understand human beings.”

“Humans are disgusting.” The silver pupil displayed such words, and at the same time made an electronic sound word by word.

Mo Poor said: “You can get lost.”

“Give me the statue, I can roll.” Yin Tong said.

Mo Poor curled his lips and said, “I’m not sincere, let’s have a look at the dark matter technology first.”

“Where is the statue?” Yintong paused.

Mo Poor pointed to his feet and said, “I’ve already told you, it’s on Earth.”

“You think I can’t search every inch of the earth?” Yintong asked.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “I don’t think you can.”

Yin Tong said: “I already know that the God of Beauty is in the Chuangjie Mountain.”

“You know a lot. If you don’t believe in evil, try to destroy the earth, and you can’t hurt me anyway.” Mo Poor smiled.

No matter how strong the Apocalypse’s technology is, there must be some things that cannot be probed inside.

Aside from other things, the Apocalypse will definitely not be able to detect that vat of unrecognizable paint.

That is an information confusion effect at the absolute characteristic level.

Mo Poor, a man known to shoot things anywhere he knows. Theoretically, the statue could be in another world, it could be on Mount Genesis, or it could be in an unexplorable area of ​​a containment.

He insists on saying that the statue is hidden on the earth, and the Apocalypse has to believe it if he doesn’t believe it.

“You guys are really hard to deal with. I knew it from the very beginning. I really shouldn’t hesitate. If I thought about it, humans were extinct when you were still a cheetah.” Yintong said.

Mo Poor admitted this.

The Apocalypse should have been the first to discover the mother universe shortly after the Gaia battle.

At that time, the earth knew nothing about it. With the ability of the Apocalypse, the people on earth will perish in ignorance.

But he didn’t do this. This is definitely not something that can be explained by fear of the containment. The only explanation is that he didn’t want to.

“Are you really an artificial intelligence? Still hesitating?” Mo Poor said.

Yintong said: “I am an omnic life, not an artificial intelligence.”

“Then why are you hesitating?” Mo Poor asked.

“I don’t need your demise. On the first day I came to this universe, I got what I wanted. Your existence is even more beneficial to me.” Yintong said.

“What’s good for you?” Mo Poor asked.

“There is no better containment organization than you. The containment is the best in your hands. I just hope that you will fight with other civilizations for five more years and don’t pay attention to me.” Yintong said.

Mo Poor raised his eyebrows. It is inconvenient for the Apocalypse to deal with mind-distorting containment objects, so he can only use other creatures.

You can’t even directly control others, but can only guide them indirectly. In this case, he thinks there is no one more suitable than the Lanbai Club. The Lanbai Club doesn’t need to guide and educate. Be professional.

He said he was very hesitant, that is to say, he was also very afraid of the Lanbai Society, so he just hoped that the two sides would not meet each other, let other civilizations draw the Lanbai Society’s attention, and don’t disturb him to stay silently in the depths of the universe to study information .

As long as the Blue and White Society doesn’t know of his existence, no matter how powerful it is, it won’t pose a threat to him.

However, this was just a fluke, and the Lanbai Society still threatened his survival after all.

No, think about it carefully, nonsense! How can I say so beautiful.

The Apocalypse knew the threat of the queen five years later, and planned to perceive the information to find a way to deal with the queen. And he also knew that the Queen would destroy the Lanbai Club first in five years, so the Lanbai Club was the best taunt follower…it would be of great use to stay.

Even, everything he said now was a lie.

“Have you got the containment? Or have you been able to perceive the root information?” Mo Poor noticed the important point in the words.

Unexpectedly, Yintong said: “Have you ever caught fish?”

Mo Qiong smiled and said, “I’m a fisherman.”

This guy has also learned to prevaricate. Although the Apocalypse didn’t say anything, Mo Poor also guessed that this guy at least has a containment, and even has both containment and root perception information.

“Last chance, Black Emperor Moqiong, give me the statue, and we will live in peace from now on.” Yintong said.

Mo Poor asked: “Have you been drinking?”

This is nonsense, the war has already begun, and although he would like to avoid it, it is a fool to hand over the statue.

From the beginning, Mo Poor didn’t intend to exchange for anything. The statue will not be a transaction, it will only become a strategic constraint.

“Why don’t you come here by yourself and let my son help you get rid of your addiction to the God of Beauty.” Mo Poor said.

Yin Tong paused every word: “I will definitely get the God of Beauty.”

Well, this war has changed from fighting for the containment to…a battle for beauty gods.

And very soon, the army vying for the statue had already reached the solar system.

The South Gate sent a message: “I found a huge fleet! There are too many, I can’t estimate them!”

The picture was shared with Mo Poor, and I saw layers of warships heading towards the earth from the orbit of Mars.

Nanmen pulled the screen in and found that the battleship was not a robot, but a human.

Besides humans, there are many strange intelligent races. This seems to be a multi-racial coalition.

In addition to battleships, Mo Poor also saw many creatures as huge as asteroids.

Magnificent, pervasive in the interstellar, incomparably magnificent fleet group.

Their goal is just a small planet.

At this distance, they could theoretically fire, but they didn’t. It seemed that these warships were only here to transport troops.

This is a battle for the statue!

They will only use powerful weapons with a small damage range, try not to destroy the earth as much as possible, but kill the people on earth, and search the sky to find the statue.

“There may be creatures he created here, and there may be intelligent creatures from other universes…” Adams said.

“The five major civilizations will no longer be the first bird, but the vast multiverse has many civilizations. If the Apocalypse finds any poor universe, he can get countless’statue searchers’.” Kaimen said.

Mo Poor said calmly: “In short, the next servant race…”

Being productive is being able to do whatever you want.

Unsurprisingly, his source of soldiers is unlimited, and with his technology, even if he does not use destructive weapons, his individual combat equipment is probably extremely powerful.

But after all, it is the civilization with the highest level of science and technology in the multiverse, and it is already the result of operation that it can win hand-to-hand combat.

“Fortunately, the flag was not sent out…”

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