Blue and White Society Chapter 909: Sudden death light

The arcane civilization, or the five major civilizations, have no concept of the power of the Zerg at all.

They think that after getting the contents of the Blue and White Society, they can also suppress the Zerg.

But now, after learning that the Apocalypse has entered the game, combined with Mo Poor’s words, they can’t help muttering: Is the queen really that strong? So much so that the Apocalypse made them pawns? Test the waters?

“The queen is very strong, very strong, so strong that as long as she starts to devour the ten thousand worlds, ten thousand apocalypse will be useless.” Mo Poor said.

The second method is non-committal.

As a civilization, they will never believe other people’s one-sided words, they will only judge for themselves based on their interests.

In their view, the earth is doing well.

If it hadn’t been for Omir to clearly show that the Apocalypse was behind the scenes, they would definitely try various intrusion methods.

But it is precisely because they realize that the Apocalypse is already there, so they don’t want to be this pawn, because even in their heyday, they would at most hide in their own universe to protect themselves, and dare not provoke Apocalypse By.

How can we talk about losing both sides with the civilization of the earth? Knowing that they will not get any benefit in the final outcome, and may be wiped out, they dare not start the war lightly.

To a certain extent, the Apocalypse has helped the earth a lot. Their existence is enough to make the five major civilizations start to wait and see.

The strongest Apocalypse doesn’t move? Then what do we do?

“You don’t need to tell me about Zerg, now that the Apocalypse is eyeing you, that’s enough…”

The second method said: “As you wish, Hei Di, we will no longer be tempted by your universe, but we are looking forward to it…you can inflict heavy damage on the Apocalypse.”

“You must work hard, I sincerely hope that you can create miracles!”

Mo Poor sneered: “Let me ask you, how strong is the technology of the Apocalypse? For example, its intelligence capabilities!”

The second method snaps your fingers on your right hand and points out a light cluster: “Unless you have the means of shielding the law, every move of the earth, no, every move of the entire galaxy is under the monitoring of the Apocalypse .”

“By the way, there is no need to find detectors, they don’t need detectors at all to monitor the starry sky.”

Mo Poor frowned. In this case, the other party probably has an incomparable understanding of the earth.

Knows even more about the planet than most members.

Everyone said, including the dialogue between him and Kelong, except for some spiritual communication, I am afraid that none of them escaped the eyes and ears of the Apocalypse.

This is weird, what are the Apocalypse waiting for? The queen is not on the earth, she must know it!

“Hei Di, if you don’t have containment objects for machines, use containment objects for life to deal with them! Omnics are also life.” The second method reminded.

Mo Poor was taken aback, and after hearing this, he suddenly realized something.

Omnics are also life, yes, even if they are not life, they can also create living things.

That is to say, the Apocalypse can actually get the containment anywhere in the universe.

It’s very simple, the entire universe is the era of containment, not just the earth where containment objects will be brushed.

The reason why it only brushes near the earth is because the contained objects tend to exist with life.

This is the result of the research of the ancient gods. Almost no contained objects will appear in the vast dead interstellar space, otherwise the universe would have been destroyed long ago.

Why? The ancient gods didn’t know either. The ancient gods believed that this was because the contained objects were both materialistic and idealistic, and some of them needed the subjectivity of life to realize their characteristics. For example, the stone pillar of creation, without life, this stone pillar has no meaning, it is just a stone . Another example is the chessboard, without chess players, it has no meaning of existence, it must play against people, and then decide the fate of the universe by winning or losing.

A certain characteristic determines that the containment must appear where life exists.

It was precisely because of this awareness that the ancient gods used the Book of the Dead to wipe out all life in the universe except them.

Let the whole universe, only the solar system can refresh the containment.

It is known that the Apocalypse is already in the mother universe, but it is not known in which corner of the universe.

They can wait for their contents as long as they wait long enough.

In this case, there is no reason for the Apocalypse to destroy the earth.

“No…not right.”

Mo Poor kept thinking, the Lanbai club has many contained objects, which is an eternal threat. The Apocalypse will destroy the earth no matter what.

Just as the Blue and White Society believes that only they can contain those dangers well, the Apocalypse cannot tolerate many dangerous things in the hands of the Blue and White Society.

The most reasonable situation is that the Apocalypse kills almost all the earthlings in an instant, and takes over all the contents in a destructive manner.

Part of the contents will be taken over according to the method that the Lanbai Club has already concluded.

For example, on the World Destruction Chessboard, the Apocalypse will not kill the chess player, but will instantly protect him and even renew his life.

For example, Taotie, Apocalypse will also take over with strong productivity and feed meat to Taotie in an extremely stable form.

As a scientific and technological civilization with super productivity, it has all the information of the Blue and White Society, and it can do this in theory.

The danger is not on the earth, even if you want to be safe, you can destroy the earth first, the Blue and White Society will be hit hard, and the Sirius after that is naturally not a concern.

Mo Poor realized that moving the most threatening containment objects from the earth would actually make the earth lose its ‘nuclear deterrence’.

But even so, the Apocalypse still didn’t do anything.

Which one is it concerned about?

Mo Poor’s mind flashed through all the existing containment objects on the earth, most of which are alpha and beta containment objects, and occasionally a few gamma containment objects.

However, he felt that each of them was not enough to make the Apocalypse Civilization afraid.

“Something is wrong, I must have stepped into a blind zone of thinking.”

Mo Poor realized that he must have thought about something wrong, but the blind spot of thinking is not so easy to bypass, otherwise it would not be a blind spot.

“How much do you know about the Apocalypse’s technology?” Mo Poor asked.

The second method smiled and said: “What do you give me in exchange?”

Mo Poor blinked and said, “Take your life.”

“…” The corner of the second method’s mouth twitched, and then he said angrily: “Hei Di, don’t go too far, this is just a clone I fabricated!”

“No, I’ve seen your body before.” Mo Qiong smiled.

The second method was furious, he slapped the table and roared: “Do you think I will be threatened by you? Let me tell you, Hei Di, the technology of the Apocalypse, can play with the quantum world, all matter, all energy , all time and space are the same thing in the hands of the Apocalypse.”

Mo Poor tilted his head and said, “What else?”

“Don’t go too far! Black Emperor, the Apocalypse has the power to destroy the universe, it can destroy the universe in an instant!” Second Fa Nu said.

Mo Poor was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had heard wrong.

What? Instantly destroy the universe?

“No, there must be something wrong with your description! What does it use to destroy it? The universe is so big…in an instant? What about the upper limit of the speed of light? Are you saying that it has the power to destroy all matter in the universe within a certain period of time?” Mo Poor couldn’t believe it , the apocalypse has that kind of terrifying technology, is there still a way for people on earth to survive?

The second method said: “I am not exaggerating. The Apocalypse has destroyed three universes, each time in an instant. It can’t do it slowly. This has nothing to do with the upper limit of the speed of light. It is not only the destruction of the material world, Rather, the entire universe, including space-time itself, is ber~ gone.”

“Otherwise, why do you think it is terrible? It can destroy the laws of physics from the foundation of the universe, and then make the universe collapse instantly, bursting like a bubble. It returns to nothingness before birth!”

“Fortunately, it can only destroy the natural universe, and any universe with extraordinary rules cannot be destroyed.”

Mo Poor frowned, his face serious.

He is not worried that the Apocalypse will destroy the Mother Universe, not even the Cultivation Universe, let alone the Mother Universe.

The opponent wants to destroy slowly, which means that it is using some means to destroy the laws of physics, a mechanism that only a purely technological universe can work.

However, this also shows that the opponent’s technology has reached an incredible level. Even if it cannot destroy the mother universe, the earth civilization has almost no chance of winning.

Mo Poor thought: “If you are so powerful, why don’t you dare to make a move? What are you afraid of?”

“I must have fallen into a blind spot of thinking. It is probably because of a very simple reason. It is so simple that even the earth, even the Blue and White Society, can kill this giant!”

Mo Qiong is thinking, and the second method is also thinking.

They all realize that this answer may be the Apocalypse’s greatest weakness.

“What kind of social form do they have? It is said that they still have fun? Entertainment is more developed than humans?” Mo Poor asked.

The second method nodded and said: “That’s right, they can be rational or emotional, they can have all that humans have, or they can not. It’s just a matter of model, don’t think that, those robots are very fragile, in fact On the contrary, they are more brutal and cruel than any brutal civilization in the world!”

Mo Poor’s secret path is tricky, isn’t this the mechanical Zerg!

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a spiritual link found Mo Poor.

“Hei Di! It’s bad! I found that there are countless rays of light approaching the solar system at the speed of light!”

The contact person is the South Gate!

He has God’s perspective and is the best observer.

Mo Poor sent him to keep zooming in and out to overlook the galaxy, trying to find out the location of the Apocalypse’s army.

Notify yourself immediately if you find out!

But I didn’t expect that the Apocalypse hadn’t discovered it, but discovered the attack!

“Where is it! How long is it?” Mo Poor quickly shared the view of the south gate.

I see, in the direction of Orion, the direction of Eridanus, the direction of Perseus, the direction of Ursa Major…

In short, at all angles of the sky, there is a thick red light spreading indifferently in the space, the speed is extremely fast, exactly the speed of light, it seems to be a kind of dead light.

These dead rays have destroyed Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter…the Sun!

Glory, in the endless brilliance, the earth and Mars are like children huddled in the middle of the sea of ​​fire.

And this cannot be seen on the earth. People in the world look up at the sky, and the sun is still there.

Except for the south gate, no one can see that the sun has died five minutes ago.

Countless brilliance, when you see it, is the time of death.

As the distance gets closer, they become more and more dense. It is conceivable that when they get closer, these countless rays of death will form a closed spherical light wall in the sky, completely connecting them together! It’s like a shrinking light cluster!

Countless brilliance is about to merge into one, and at the same time bombard the earth in all directions without dead ends!

Precisely, the countless dead lights came from unknown sources, blocking all the rotation angles of the earth.

Silently annihilated, Mo Poor had already seen that the new Mars turned into dust under the dying light.

From the view of the south gate, there are no other celestial bodies in the solar system except the earth!

There is only a vast sea of ​​light and a small blue light spot left.

“This distance…” Mo Poor suddenly stood up.

Nanmen sternly said: “Heidi, there are still three minutes!”

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