Blue and White Society Chapter 892: Avenge Moscow

Compared to Tokyo, Moscow’s loss is not that great.

Adams completed the evacuation ahead of schedule, and his method was simple.

Flying in the air, control Best Metal to keep expanding.

Then there was a bang! The black curtain slammed into the northern suburbs of Moscow, penetrated deeply, and continued to spread.

The best metal wall towers into the sky, cutting the road, the land, the forest, and slowly encircling Moscow.

Adams’ strategy is similar to Wu Yunmo’s, which is to directly use visible and tangible threats to force the people to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Of course, let me know.

“The enemy still has 30 minutes to reach the battlefield. Moscow will blockade the entire territory within 10 minutes, and non-combatants will evacuate immediately!”

“Repeat! This is not a drill, non-combatants evacuate immediately!”

What kind of enemy, what is this black wall, I don’t explain it all.

Withdraw or not? Do not withdraw and close the door!

The announcement resounding throughout the city, the siege visible to the naked eye, and the entry of a large number of mechanized troops all alarmed the civilians in the city.

Originally, there were quite a few passionate people who picked up the weapons at home and rushed out of the house to see where the call came from, but unexpectedly they hit Moscow silently!

As a result, I saw a huge black screen, like a closed cage, extending continuously from the edge of the horizon, enclosing the entire city, and the engineers were so scared that they dropped their shovels.

On the edge of the city, a terrifying roar can be heard constantly, it is the sound of the best metal wall cutting the ground.

Under the imminent blockade that is visible to the naked eye.

Without any property, the people put on overcoats and fled the city with their families.

Adams not only wants to envelop Moscow, but also goes deep underground to form a fully surrounded ball, locking most of the city into the ball.

After that, it’s ‘Iron Cage Deathmatch’.

On the sky above the Red Square, a million **** warriors descended suddenly.

These soldiers found themselves trapped, and quickly stopped the input of follow-up troops.

They try to unlock Best Metal, but Best Metal can only be manipulated by one person at a time. None of their mental strength is as good as Adams, so naturally they can’t crack it.

In the face of Best Metal, there is no such thing as countless people working together to fight with spiritual power, because there is no such thing as a master of Best Metal.

Working together, not to mention, they will also make power seizure judgments among themselves.

So as long as everyone’s mental strength is not as good as Adams, it doesn’t matter how many people go together.

“Captain, watch out for traps!” Someone said.

The headed governor said indifferently: “Nonsense!”

“This is Shenzhen iron, don’t worry, being stretched to such a huge size means that its thickness is extremely thin!”

“When you reach the edge of the black wall, the follow-up army may randomly descend outside the wall.”

The men nodded, but still worried: “If they shrink the Shenzhen Iron, won’t we be wiped out?”

The governor said: “They don’t dare. Once it shrinks, even though we may all die, the follow-up troops can come to the outside of the ball.”

“The Blue and White Club created such a bureau, just because we don’t want our people to be sent outside.”

This is a sensible person, and he immediately broke Adams’ blockade.

The reason why they will only come to Moscow is because of the cross-universe launch, they will randomly appear within one kilometer of the positioning teleportation point.

This was originally an error, but using this error, the so-called physical siege is meaningless. Unless the wall is a thousand meters thick, as long as people come to the edge of the wall, people may randomly descend outside the wall.

For this reason, he stopped the follow-up teleportation, and wanted to wait until the people were killed to the edge, or kill the controller of Best Metal, and then let more troops teleport over.

“Conquer here! Break out of this cage.”


I saw the violent blood warriors eject a wave of air from their armor, accelerate their fall, and hit the building like a meteor, destroying the building.

They are simply a humanoid Tyrannosaurus, no, Tyrannosaurus they can tear them apart!

The Violent Blood Empire is a martial arts civilization, and all the invaders have powerful fists, fierce whip legs, a physique like copper heads and iron bones, and reactions that break the limit.

Wearing heavy armor and holding sharp knives, they scattered and killed all over Moscow in the form of powerful special operations.

The cold wind of winter night can’t calm down their boiling blood, only death can.

The bullets hit them like hitting a tank, and they could only splash sparks.

Even if they hit the front doors that were not protected by armor, they would only break their skin a little.

The missiles that were enough to blow up a building collapsed on them, but only blackened their faces.

Their body is like a super-powerful machine, every cell contains explosive power.

With a sword in hand, it is easy to split tanks and cut off aircraft.

Kicking a car is equivalent to a cannonball hitting it.


A violent soldier, carrying a hail of bullets, suddenly picked up a bus and slammed it at the Russian army.

The participation of the Russian army in the war is strongly requested by the government. They do not allow both sides of the war in their own capital without the Russian army.

Although the powerful mechanized troops provide fire suppression, the damage to the **** fighters is very limited.

On the contrary, this army is extremely vulnerable in front of the enemy.

The bus made a palpitating whistling sound, so startling that the Russian army even forgot to dodge.


A figure flashed by, raised its shield and blocked the bus in the air.

The car door was dented, and the man grunted and spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Why are you still standing there, run!” This is a member of the club. Although he has also trained his physical fitness to be able to resist tanks, he is still immature in front of **** fighters.

The bus that was thrown over was like a high-speed train.

This is still severely weakened in the mother universe, only relying on armor to supply energy.

If it were their world, the strong could crush this city with one kick.

“Hmph!” The violent blood warrior rushed towards him like an arrow, and the air directly stirred up a cloud of white mist-like shock waves.

It was rumbling as if the body was surrounded by thunder, it was the whistling sound of the air vibrating at supersonic speed.

The members of the club had to buy time for the retreating Russian troops. Facing the supersonic slash, they only had time to block the poor alloy shields in their hands in front of them.

“Dang!” Sparks burst out between the ferocious blade and the shield.

Heavy force came from the shield, directly knocking the member into the air.

When he got up again, the bones of his hands and ribs had been shattered, his flesh and blood were like mud, and even the shield forged from poor alloy was almost cut off.

Although this blow didn’t hit his body, the terrifying force still shook him to the point of death.

“A good shield…” The violent blood warrior looked at the shattered saber and threw it away.

The metals they use are no less than poor alloys, and they are also extracted from white dwarf stars by the strong of their civilization.

It’s just that the scientific smelting method makes the technology and formula not as mature as Lanbaishe.

Speaking, the violent blood warrior swiped to the member’s side, and snatched the poor alloy knife from the member.

He held up the poor blade, and he was about to kill this member.

Unexpectedly, Qiongren suddenly spun on its own body and cut his own hand instead.

This is exactly the power of the electric fan god. The members Mo Poor assigned to Adams were all “faith fighters” infected with stigmata at his request.

On the poor edge, many house gods including the electric fan god, the air conditioner god, the kitchen god, and the bed **** are engraved.


Rose-flavored blood flowed from the soles of the members’ feet, and the violent blood warrior suddenly felt a strong drowsiness, and then fell asleep lying on the shield.

Not only him, but many members also activated the bed god’s ability at the same time.

On the black wall, Adams has already used his fine manipulation to make countless patterns of bed gods appear in relief on the black wall.

Small sculptures were also placed in various parts of the city, together with the weapons of the members.

It can be said that as long as the power of faith is sufficient, they can make any violent blood warrior sleep on the spot.

It’s a pity, the problem is that the power of faith is not enough.

There are too many enemies, and only one can be put to sleep at a critical moment. If you want to put this million people to sleep, all the members of the club will not be enough.

The will of this group of people is very high, and the power of faith is required.

“Kill them!”

More violent blood fighters have already killed here.

They all have super jumping and flying abilities. They don’t have air walls, but they can do it purely by stimulating creatures.

Seeing that member was about to be beheaded by a group of warriors, a wall of Best rose suddenly from the ground.

The member staggered and leaned against the wall, and Best Metal immediately wrapped him up.

Dozens of blood warriors slashed at it without a single mark.

Not only the members, but also the Russian army everywhere, surrounded by Best Metal, forming black mushroom-shaped fortresses.

In an instant, Moscow became quiet.

Countless **** warriors wreak havoc and rampage, but there is no opponent.

Everyone hid in the best cabin.

“What are you doing!”

“Come out! Didn’t you have a good fight just now?”

The violent blood fighters were at a loss, they didn’t expect the enemy to be so cowardly.

They beat the best metal, and these black fortresses all spread out from the huge black giant ball.

Strictly speaking, the metal warehouses scattered across the city belong to the same piece of metal as the giant ball covering Moscow.

And it is controlled by only one person, and that is Adams.

“Leave them alone! Go to the edge of the city!” the governor ordered.

“Boom!” A huge mushroom cloud suddenly erupted in the crowd.

Then comes the second flower, the third flower…

The whole of Moscow was buried in a nuclear explosion, which was thirty-five neutron bombs!

The giant ball of Best was filled with berserk energy, and countless violent warriors were annihilated by the flames!

When a million invaders were about to be blown to death, their armor suddenly glowed red, as if they were rapidly absorbing the surrounding energy.

When the dust settled, there were still 500,000 **** warriors who survived tenaciously!

Their armor can absorb energy, and their bodies can also resist powerful high-energy impacts. After a lot of tossing, they were only seriously injured but did not die.

The only ones who died were the weaker among them.

A black fortress opened a door, and Adams walked out of it, thinking to himself: This can’t be blown up, it’s worthy of being the strongest human being in the multiverse.

Behind him, there are countless Russian troops. Just now they hid in the black fortress and didn’t know what happened. At this moment, when they saw it, they were stupid: Moscow was razed.

“What are you kidding! Moscow…is gone!”

The Russian army couldn’t accept the appalling city in front of them.

For this, Adams was also very sad. With red eyes, he stared at countless ancient buildings that were destroyed and turned into fly ash.

It seems that sadness is coming from it, and tears are spinning in my stomach.

Adams roared angrily: “Damn! You have ruined Moscow! Your crimes are known to everyone from the earth to the multiverse!”

“Do you really think we don’t have weapons of mass destruction! We just hate our homeland!”

“Prepare for a nuclear strike! Avenge Moscow!”

After hearing this, the Russian army was also angry with the enemy.

“Revenge! Blow them up!”

The general thought to himself that Moscow was destroyed by the evil invaders anyway, and he didn’t mind dropping the nuclear bomb.

“???” The violent blood man was stunned, what? Didn’t you blow it up yourself?

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