Blue and White Society Chapter 85: Containment

Mo Poor read the agreement carefully, and it was different from what he expected.

It turned out to be a restricted person, living in their base and being studied.

In fact, this is because Mo Poor ignored the nightmare. He never thought that the nightmare would be a continuous torment, thinking that it would be gone after only nine times.

What kind of torture is co-authoring? Yes, it was indeed a torment in the dream, but it didn’t take long for Mo Poor to wake up, he broke the dream nine times a night, directly and permanently eliminated the side effect.

“So the nightmare is a side effect? ​​Then I unintentionally used the absolute hit to solve it?” Mo Poor was speechless, secretly thinking trouble.

Obviously, the Lanbai Society has doubts about this, making Mo Poor still an uncontrollable factor.

“Whether I sign or not, I will be monitored objectively. The difference lies in whether I cooperate with them to figure out the problem.”

Mo Poor thought about it, he would do the same thing in another way. It is impossible to let a supernatural person in the society. If he can’t bring it to a controllable area, he must keep an eye on him to prevent him from using his ability to do evil.

However, it is understandable, but it is still difficult to decide which research department he should take the initiative to go with this group of people.

After all, he does have something to hide, and that is the absolute hit, which is not as passive as the deep diver effect. The absolute hit is the real risk factor, one that can keep him thousands of miles away, no matter how safe the opponent is hiding in the fortress , can also take its life.

No matter how much he can guarantee that he will not do anything wrong, it is useless. Possessing this ability itself is a huge security risk.

“Does your research department specialize in the study of supernatural things? How do you do it? Research the scientific principles that prevent you from drowning? Then develop the power that can free humans from the shackles of the oxygen environment?” Mo Poor asked.

“You seem to have misunderstood the containment. Do you think it is something like a magic weapon that can bring magical power to people?” Luo Yi suddenly laughed.

Mo Poor was taken aback.

Looking at Luo Yi, he continued: “It is undeniable that there are indeed some containment objects like this, but being used by people is also allowed by its characteristics. You have too little contact, and you don’t know the true horror of the containment objects They always have some absolute characteristics, which are enough to subvert the laws of the universe. Do you think that you will not drown, is there some energy supplying you with oxygen? No… It is the mechanism that the human body needs oxygen, which is turned off… in The D-class personnel who suffocated in the water for fifteen hours, their genes and cell structure have not changed, and they still need oxygen… However, the cells just forget that they need oxygen to convert energy, and forcefully work normally.”

“If the contained objects really become something like the magic weapon in the novel, then we really have to celebrate, because we have finally solved the contained objects… Moreover, it has enriched the branches of science and human civilization. The development of a hundred flowers blossoms…”

Luo Yi smiled, and Mo Qiong was thoughtful. Others might not understand what he was talking about, but Mo Qiong could still understand it.

What is an absolute characteristic that can subvert the laws of the universe? Among other things, Mo Poor knew that his absolute hit was like this. When he used to study this ability, he almost drove himself crazy.

I saw Luo Yi continue to say: “The magic weapon still has a principle and a structure that can be analyzed, and some principles of birth and restraint must be followed. If the materials allow, we can even make another one… even if it is an extremely powerful magic weapon , its power is also limited, and it also depends on the energy stored in it. If the energy contained in a certain magic weapon is too terrifying, we don’t have to be afraid, because we know that as long as we find out the truth, we can use technology to transform the energy Guide it out, turn it into your own use, turn it into a battery, and benefit the development of mankind.”

“On the contrary, the containment… I won’t say anything else, just talk about the wood carving you have touched. Does it work? Touch it, sleep and have nightmares, and then you don’t need to breathe underwater? Maybe you can Imagine what kind of radiation it released, affecting your brain cells or genes. Unfortunately, no, we checked the genes of all infected people, including yours, but you are all perfectly normal human beings, and a little bit of disease is not No.”

“Or maybe, you think it has a special composition, releasing some kind of unexplorable dark energy, attached to your body? It’s a pity… its composition is nothing more than ordinary, and its molecular structure has been thoroughly analyzed by us Yes. I can tell you responsibly: α-531 is just a piece of rotten wood!”

Mo Poor was sluggish. After he first learned about the Lanbai Society, he heard that there are many supernatural things on the earth.

The first reaction is that there are some superpowers on the earth, and they may even have martial arts or immortal cultivation.

It seems that it does not. Luo Yi even said that if all the contained items were replaced with fairy magic weapons and magic tools, they would all cheer!

Simply wonderful!

Because everything can be popularized, what is the difference between learning, research and development, and science?

It really has Taoism and magic as imagined, maybe it has been included in compulsory education. Because hiding is not conducive to development, only popularizing education and enhancing the quality of the people is the basis for future development.

Even if the difficulty is extremely high, we must hope that the next generation can learn a little bit. Based on the huge foundation, talented people will continue to emerge to provide blood for this energy science and make it develop better. Otherwise, it will be closed to the outside world. , is behind the times.

Even if it is not popularized for a while, even if there are various labor pains after popularization, the wheel of history will eventually push these things to universalization. It is only a matter of time, and it is only a matter of how many class conflicts will go through.

However, these are obviously just dreams, and they are nothing but fantasy themes.

The reality is extremely skinny.

In this world, the real supernatural things, called containment objects, cannot be duplicated, and they are all higher than the laws of nature in terms of their respective functional strengths.

Cellular processes require oxygen to burn to get heat from food, so humans need to breathe, otherwise cells die because they don’t have energy.

If the deep diver effect, it’s okay to modify the process of generating energy in cells, but it just doesn’t. Scientifically, it is still a cell that needs oxygen, but it just forgets that it needs to absorb oxygen.

Like an office worker, he still needs to receive a salary, but under some supernatural effect, he does not want to be paid, and works crazily for free! Still won’t starve to death!

“How do you study this?” Mo Qiong said speechlessly.

Luo Yi said: “Although the contained objects are unscientific, most of them can find their laws and characteristics. According to their characteristics, reasonable arrangements for containment measures can well ensure that their harm is minimized.”

“If you treat it as a scientific principle, it’s okay. Anyway, it’s useless to call it anything, Alpha 531… well, it’s the wood carving, which is already one of the most gentle containment objects, a truly terrifying containment object , you can’t even imagine it.”

“Understood? The purpose of our research is to make it as harmless as possible, to affect humans as little as possible, and not to shake the foundation of nature as much as possible…”

“Only after all the above guarantees are made and it is determined that it is sufficiently controllable can it be used to create useful value for human beings.”

As he spoke, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Luo Yi’s mouth.

And Mo Poor immediately thought of their ability to bounce in mid-air just now, which obviously used some kind of containment, and it was harmless and controllable enough.

“So you need people like me… Uh, you seem to have already experimented. What are the D-class personnel you mentioned before?” Mo Poor asked.

Luo Yi looked at Wei Lan, as if he wanted her to talk.

Wei Lan understood, and explained: “D-level personnel are a choice for death-row prisoners before execution. Whether to accept the death penalty or go to a base to accept a month’s work as a D-level personnel as an experiment to test dangerous containment objects. Products…”

“Often dispatched to touch dangerous containment objects, experience extremely horrible incidents, and the death rate is extremely high. There are many unknown dangerous places, and dangerous experiments that must be carried out by humans. It is impossible to sacrifice the lives of members in vain. Therefore, it is necessary to have a death squad like D-level personnel to go to thunder… Basically, it can be said that sooner or later, it will be dead.”

“A month? Then what if he didn’t die in a month? Could it be sent back to society to start a new life?” Mo Qiong said in surprise. One is execution, the other is a month of dangerous work, anyone will choose the latter.

“Return to society? Have you ever seen someone who has been executed in name return to society?” Wei Lan asked.

Mo Qiong thought the same, he really hadn’t heard of it.

Luo Yi interjected: “According to the agreement between the Lanbai Society and a specific country, becoming a D-level personnel is equivalent to the death penalty. The moment you choose to become a D-level personnel, the death row prisoner is equivalent to being executed, and the household registration is declared dead. This state is permanent.”

“The so-called one-month deadline is just to give them another chance to choose, whether to accept the death penalty or to be a D-class personnel again…It is better to live than to die. Some people grit their teeth and do it for another month. And some people , may have a mental breakdown, and honestly return to China to accept the death penalty.”

“Giving the opportunity to choose to die again every month is to prevent D-level personnel from running wild and collapsing. After all, many projects require the cooperation of D-level personnel. Every time a project ends, we have to routinely tutor D-level personnel. mental state, in order to minimize the possibility of them deliberately messing up and destroying the experiment the next time they touch the containment.”

“Remember, choosing to become a D-class personnel is equivalent to the death penalty. The only difference is that the person who was originally going to be sentenced to death will die in a way that contributes more to mankind.”

“If you choose to be a D-class personnel four times in a row, after confirming that he respects his own life and does not want to die, we will also award him the medal of the will of D, and try to let him participate in experiments with a relatively high survival rate .Because those who have won the Medal of Will of D are firm-willed and eager to live. They would rather keep wandering in pain on the verge of life and death than give up their own lives. They have indirectly made contributions to all mankind…We will also affirm this respect.”

“However, there are too few such people. There is only one person who has obtained the will of D and is still alive and persistent.”

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