Blue and White Society Chapter 844: Delete only

In any case, Kelong finally resurrected.

Mo Poor trembled with excitement, and went up to hug Kelong.

“How are you feeling?”

“…” Ke Long seemed to have not recovered.

Looking at Mo Poor, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then he lowered his head and stroked his body, tears streaming down involuntarily.

“It’s never been better…”

The fifth element is characterized by an immortal soul and eternal torment.

Torment can only be experienced after death. Once you are alive, you will naturally feel alive, and all the pain before will disappear.

“President!” Kelong looked at Polo tremblingly, never expecting to see the former president again.

Polo was still so young, facing Kelong, he didn’t move, still hugging the queen.

“Long time no see, Kelong, this is Haili, the Zerg queen.” Polo introduced his wife.

Kelong was not surprised, or in other words, nothing at this moment was enough to shock him.

“As expected of the president…”

Kelong said, and threw himself at the Queen: “Thank you for giving me a new life…”

Mo Qiong stood there, hesitated for a moment, and then bowed.

Unexpectedly, the queen didn’t even look at Kelong, she held Polo in her arms and said, “You still have seven days to live.”

“What!” Ke Long trembled all over, his eyes couldn’t help showing a fierce look: “Seven days?”

Without waiting for the queen to do anything, Polo glared at Kelong like a lion and said, “Do you want to die?”

Kelong lowered his head bitterly and said, “Yes, kill me. The one that disappears completely.”

Mo Poor said anxiously: “There must be a way, you have to live first.”

Kelong looked at Mo Poor and said, “People, live a long time, or die a long time.”

Mo Poor was taken aback and understood what Kelong meant. If you can’t get rid of this characteristic, then it’s meaningless to live and escape that pain for a while.

It is just as cruel as giving a blind man three days of light.

Having experienced that kind of pain and thinking about returning to that state after seven days, Kelong couldn’t face it at all. He didn’t even want to live for these seven days.

He just wants to die forever, exactly the same as Lin Guang who has experienced the evil of white cloth ghosts and shadows.

“Wait a minute!” Mo Poor said quickly from the side: “In my consciousness, there is a countdown to death, isn’t it? Can the same method be used on Kelong?”

Originally, when the consciousness returns to zero, it will be activated immediately, but the queen added a countdown and set it for five years.

Kelong is actually a countdown, and will die in seven days. With the Queen’s ability, it should be possible to change this seven days to another time.

“Yes.” Polo said.

However, Kelong was not excited, because there was no difference between seven days and five years.

Endless suffering is always waiting for him.

Polo’s eyes softened and he said, “I hope you become the new president, but if you really don’t want to live anymore, I won’t force you.”

Kelong looked at Polo and cried like a child.

He has always followed in Polo’s footsteps and fought in various places.

But they didn’t expect to see each other again. One just wanted to relieve his burden, and the other just wanted to die.

“I’m sorry, President, I choose to die.” Kelong cried.

“Alright…” Polo looked at the queen.

Mo Poor was in a hurry, but the queen said, “I can digest your dodecahedron soul, but you will still remain awake forever, because this dodecahedron has nothing to do with your eternal torture.” , On the contrary, it is even your second body, and all the pain your soul receives will also be doubled and transmitted to your consciousness.”

“Even if the universe is destroyed, you will remain sober.”

“Only by deleting your information can it be regarded as killing you, otherwise any attack will just turn you into another state, which is no different from turning your body into corruption.”

Kelong’s face is ashen, this is the most hopeless.

It turns out that the immortality of the soul is the immortality of the soul, and the torment of consciousness is the torment of consciousness. When all the particles of the body are decayed, when all the souls are destroyed, the ‘I’ still exists. The decay of the soul is not death, it is just equivalent to the decay of the body, adding to the eternal suffering. Even if the universe vanishes into nothingness, consciousness will exist forever. The universe is destroyed but ‘I’ is not.

The empress can adapt to Kelong’s soul, and then “absolutely digest”.

But this kind of digestion does not belong to information deletion, but transformation.

The pain of digestion for the soul will also become the torture for Kelong’s consciousness.

“Can you do it?” Crone asked.

The queen shook her head and ignored him.

Polo explained: “All matter, time and space, energy, natural laws, and even absolute characteristics are determined by information. Existence or non-existence, rationality or irrationality can all be determined by information.”

“The most superficial is the root perception. You can only feel it, and different people feel different one-sidedness. What can be understood is only the part that can be understood according to the logic of the perceiver.”

“After that, there is comprehension, and a certain characteristic is suddenly obtained. It is often an absolute characteristic that already exists in the world, just like randomly copying the characteristics of an item. Mastering it to the peak is copying and transferring.”

“On top of that, there is information tampering. Matter, space-time, energy, and even natural laws, all parameters, and even conditions can be tampered with to varying degrees. For example, if a person’s static mass is changed to zero, then this Without any warning, people will instantly turn into light…bloom away. The universe will lose a piece of quality forever.”

“After that, there is information deletion. Delete some kind of information that exists.”

“Compared to information deletion, death is just a state change. Annihilation is just a change in the state of matter. Even obliterating a person’s existence is just changing the state of existence to non-existence in information.”

“None of them can compare with the death of the information itself being deleted.”

In the end, it’s about creating.

Edit rules, absolute properties, etc. out of thin air. Known, unknown, existing, non-existent, imaginable, unimaginable, all exist because of information.

Polo has been with the Empress for so long, and knows a lot.

He directly talked about the particularity of the mother universe. Yes, all universes are information, but only the mother universe has opened up the information to be perceived and understood.

This has nothing to do with the presence or absence of containment. If information is open, there will be containment, but if there is containment, information will not be open.

So far, only the parent universe is known to be open.

Although Polo didn’t say it directly, judging from the queen’s performance and attitude, the queen won’t delete the information either.

The empress is so strong because she is in a universe that can be perceived by the root.

It is too difficult to achieve the level of information deletion.

Because of the path of the root algorithm, if you can, you will, if you don’t, you won’t, there is no way to learn, and there are no conditions at all. In fact, this is not a path at all, but a piece of information that allows living beings to wander in the root realm.

Unless there is a containment object that will delete information one day, the queen may still copy this feature.

“That is to say, killing Kelong completely is actually more difficult than removing this characteristic from him…” Mo Poor said.

Polo nodded and said: “It seems yes now, Haili can transfer Kelong’s characteristics to others, but it is known that no one can do it by deleting him from the information.”

Mo Poor really doesn’t know if this is good or bad.

The good thing is that Kelong is truly immortal, and the known universe, including the Queen, cannot make his consciousness disappear completely.

The bad thing is that it doesn’t make any sense, it’s worse than dying.

The queen can transfer this fifth element characteristic, but it has been tried before, and it is very troublesome. For the queen, it takes a long time to transfer a specific characteristic.

Why did she help Kelong? She just needs to let the Blue and White Club have a president in the past five years, and after five years, she will eat Kelong and digest Kelong’s soul into her own energy.

As for Kelong’s suffering after losing his soul, it has nothing to do with her.

“Kelong, live first! Whether it’s five years or seven days, it’s better to have time than no time. It’s up to man, there must be a way!” Mo Qiong grabbed Kelong’s arm tightly.

Kelon took a deep look at Mo Poor, and after a moment of silence, he said, “I understand.”

He stood up straight, raised his head, and he seemed to have returned to his former high-spirited time.

“It seems that I can only face the reality, Polo, since death is infinitely terrifying, then I can only live…”

“No matter what kind of enemy, whether it’s you or bugs, it can’t stop us from living. I have no choice.”

“Polo, starting today, I am the sixth generation…”

Before Kelong finished speaking, the Queen waved her hand and said, “Okay, okay, you are the sixth-generation president. If you step into the position of president, I will give you another five years. Now you can go Already.”

Speaking and waving his hand, Kelong was kicked out of Xudao.

When Mo Poor saw that Kelong had regained his strength, he couldn’t help being happy for him.

The Blue and White Club will face unprecedented difficulties in the future, but it is man-made. As long as you don’t give up in your heart, any difficulty can be overcome.

Kelong’s return allowed the Lanbai Society to regroup and face the next big battle.

Seeing that the Queen was about to drive away Mo Poor again, Polo suddenly grabbed the Queen and said to Mo Poor, “Mo Poor, don’t be too happy, Kelong is no longer suitable to be the president.”

“Huh?” Mo Poor looked at Polo, wondering what his position was when he said this.

Polo saw everything in his eyes. Although Kelong seemed to have cheered up in the end, he still felt that Kelong had changed.

In Kelon’s heart, the future is hopeless.

On the other hand, Mo Poor has always had hope in his heart. He strongly believes that everything will get better, and he is even conceited that in five years’ time, he will be able to defeat the Zerg.

Polo believes that the president cannot be defeated by the predicament. In the previous choice, Kelong chose to die.

Because he thinks seven days is worse than nothing.

This is not the attitude that a president or even a member should have. A real president will not give up, but will think: only seven days? Alright, then I will change my mortal fate within these seven days.

That’s what Mo Poor thinks. He is not at all desperate because he will die in five years. When he learned that Kelong only has seven days to live, he has been thinking of ways to make Kelong live longer, and said, “Definitely.” There is a way’.

After a short contact, Polo felt that Mo Poor was more suitable.

However, if Kelong doesn’t become the president, he will die in seven days. If he becomes the president, he still has five years left.

For Polo, this is the limit of what he can do, so he doesn’t plan to change his mind.

Just reminded: “Mo Poor, Kelong’s heart is still hopeless.”

Polo smiled: “That’s all I’ve said, you can go.”

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