Blue and White Society Chapter 812: Holy Cloth

“So this is the feeling of becoming a god.”

Once Adams became a god, some things suddenly became clear.

The mysterious side is set by Chuangjieshan, and the gods are just administrators. All power comes from this, and how much each **** will get is determined randomly

Adams at this moment, if the origin is expressed in energy, it is about 1.6 million suns.

From the perspective of God, this is actually very little, just a drop in the ocean in the vast universe.

In the group of ancient gods, this is just below average.

However, compared with Aton and other gods who have been imprisoned for countless years, he is a new upstart.

“Mo Poor, this set of golden armor is for you. From now on, you will be my saint.” The golden armor on Adams’ head turned into a golden light and directly merged into Mo Poor’s body.

In an instant, Mo Poor’s primordial spirit was covered with a layer of gorgeous battle armor, shining with blazing golden light, and looked more like a **** than Adams.

Mo Poor’s body has been destroyed, because without his genes, Adams can’t help him rebuild one.

But Adams, he is the patron saint.

That suit of armor is the embodiment of his laws, and the way he walks is the apostolic system.

That is to pursue the creation of powerful constructs, including but not limited to machinery, golems, holy clothes, soul armaments, apostle bodies…

To put it bluntly, this kind of system has never strengthened the human body, nor has it continuously trained the muscles and bones, nor tempered the primordial spirit. The Dantian Qihai is not necessary, and all the power and functions are concentrated on the construct.

And people can fuse with constructs, or simply transform themselves into immortal constructs.

This is actually like a mecha or exoskeleton on the natural side, a robot, a body modification or something.

“For the time being, I only have this set of constructs, which are my life companions, so make good use of them!” Adams said.

Mo Poor merged with the armor, felt the magnificent energy in the construct, and instinctively said: “How to use it!”

“I don’t know!” Adams also said in high spirits.

“???” Mo Poor said in astonishment, “You are a god, you don’t know how to use your own system?”

Adams said helplessly: “I really don’t know how to guide the power of the holy cloth… I haven’t invented it yet!”

“Huh?” Mo Poor was stunned, what do you mean he didn’t invent it?

What kind of ability Adams has actually depends on the development of this system.

‘1.6 million suns’ is an upper limit, a capacity. Energy consumption can be replenished, but normal means cannot exceed this total value. In other words, Adams cannot have the energy of 1.6 million and one suns.

There are only two normal ways to break this upper limit, one is to devour other sources.

The second one is the practice system represented. There are too many living beings flocking to practice, research, and develop, and finally transform this system into more natural energy.

Every **** has a system of practice. The gods don’t need to practice, and they can’t practice. After all, they are capped and there is no way above.

Once the **** dies, or the source is used up, the system represented will enter the age of doom.

The world of witchcraft that Mo Poor first discovered might have been a very powerful system. But that ancient **** should be dead.

As a result, the witchcraft system has fallen to a low level of magic, and even decreased day by day. Wizards have almost no magic power.

After a while, the wizarding world will completely return to the natural side.

A system has already been structured in the dark, with similar potentials.

God does not know how to exert the greatest power of this system.

To what extent it will develop in the end, it still needs countless intelligent creatures to evolve and dig.

What the practitioners invent, the gods will learn automatically.

For example, if a cultivator invented thousands of spells, then the master of this system: Sun God Hao, would automatically learn the thousands of spells created by people.

The **** is actually a terminal server, and the practitioner is the client.

The terminal pays energy to maintain and guide the existence of this system, and countless clients will carry forward this system.

In the end, this system was developed very well by humans, or other races, and all the results were collected by the gods.

If someone has reached the realm of God, then the spirit will rise to a higher level.

Countless practitioners are like water, carrying the gods to continuously sublimate, walking this way alone, without the interference of other external factors, practitioners will never be able to surpass and replace the master of their own path.

No matter how hard this person works, he is only helping the gods conquer the world and help the gods to strengthen their origin.

But on the contrary, God allows an extraordinary system to exist, but if no one practices it, God will continue to become ordinary.

Tao is created by man, not by God.

God is only the ultimate beneficiary.

After listening to Adams’ overview, Mo Qiong was speechless.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder some gods use energy very superficially, even just a few tricks back and forth, in fact, they didn’t preach well back then.

The stronger the god, the more obsessed with the root algorithm, and disdain for extraordinary power.

Because I plan to live on the earth forever, I haven’t spread the orthodoxy very widely. Up to now, the mysterious side of each universe is still left by some gods at will.

They go to a universe and use their own power, and that universe will be loaded with a mysterious side law package.

Then spread some people at random, and just stock them like that.

Focus on the root algorithm, which ignores, overrides, subverts, tampers with, and even creates any law, law, or nature.

Later, some gods were particularly strong, and it was purely because the people working under them were up-to-date!

And those who strive for strength are not for the sake of gods, but they consciously comprehend the method from the universe that has been infected with the mysterious side, and eventually evolve into a prosperous system step by step. This is all for the convenience of their own lives, for civilization.

Having said that, the battle situation is critical at this moment. How can Mo Poor know how to take the path of the apostle system in a short time?

It’s as if science and technology also has a god, and then this **** went to an ancient man and said: “All phenomena in nature contain truths, observe and summarize these truths, and use tools to master their power, so that These phenomena change nature!”

The ancients said: “How to do it? How to use tools to create phenomena and change nature? What are the simpler phenomena that can solve my current problems? How can tools be made?”

The **** of technology said: “I don’t know, you can figure it out for yourself. By the way, I have a technology engine that can be automatically upgraded. I don’t know how to use it, but it is very powerful. It is my natal companion. You study and study!”

Mo Poor pursed his lips and tried to control him like a cultivator, but it was useless.

The mana actually entered the holy cloth and mixed with the energy inside, but it seemed to be just ‘recharging’.

Mo Poor turned to alchemy again, but it was still useless, and he even felt some kind of feedback from the Saint Cloth.

It vaguely made Mo Poor feel a kind of “I am obviously a fighter jet, why are you pointing and clicking in front of me with an air conditioner remote control?” ’ sense of disobedience.

“Could it be that this thing needs to communicate with the heart and be driven by love?” Mo Poor thought to himself.

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