Blue and White Society Chapter 808: Spirit extraction

“Without any knowledge, without any culture, rotten meat like ants…why! Why do you still have this belief!” Aton was too uncomfortable.

He has never reflected on why he lost, but the deepest impression left on him by the army of rebels is the unstoppable belief.

Once started, there is no stubbornness to turn back.

He recognized that human beings could burst out with such amazing beliefs back then, but why can this group of meat races do it?

The scene in front of them completely stupefied the ancient gods, almost slapping them in the face.

Because this means that their 800 million years of so-called suppression and training are simply ridiculous! It didn’t work at all!

He felt that he had paid enough attention to human beings. Instead of letting human beings manage themselves as in the past, he made various strict rules in order to stifle the potential of human beings.

Let human beings live like pigs, confused, and ignorant. All this is to destroy them psychologically and ideologically, so that what remains is only a pool of flesh and blood.

But obviously, all this was done in vain! If you don’t care about it for three days, you will have to go to the house to expose the tiles!

“Tell them, what are you doing for!” Mo Poor roared.

“For ice and snow!”

“For the stars!”

“For the lisianthus flower!”

“For Kunlun Mountain!”

“For the big bear!”

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone shouted what they most wanted to see.

That thing is also their name.

The names of the people here are chosen by themselves after a little understanding.

Billions of people shouted at the same time, and the noise shook the sky.

It looks like a rainbow, but what it shouts is all kinds of ridiculous things.

At least in the eyes of the ancient gods, it is ridiculous!

Can such an astonishing obsession be burst out just by relying on these ordinary things?

Yes, that’s enough.

This is like a mysterious big secret treasure. I know it exists, but I have never seen it, so everyone will look for it.

This is the same as the ancient gods chasing the supreme truth, there is no distinction between truth and truth.

For those who have never seen snow, snow is as precious as the ultimate truth of the universe.

“In the past, we didn’t realize this, but Yandi’s daughter realized it as early as 800 million years ago, and told her children about these things, making our restrictions meaningless.” Taifeng almost groaned.

Aton also felt very annoyed, because the Empress Sang did this in front of his face back then, leaving a seed in the hearts of future generations in a grandiose way.

In embarrassment, a piece of best metal flew out of his mouth.

The sky unfolds into an ultra-thin disk several kilometers away, cutting towards the crowd.

Instinctively, he wanted to save energy. After all, controlling Best Metal would cost him almost nothing.

However, in mid-air, Best Metal suddenly turned a corner and cut to Aton himself in the opposite direction.

“Clang!” Aton remained motionless.

Even Mo Poor prayed with the stigmata and made the best metal rotate at a high speed, but the air was stirred violently.

As for Aton’s body, not even a spark can be scratched out.

This is why Aton will be sealed in by the traitor, this guy is physically immune.

In the next second, Best Metal quickly changed from a disc to countless hair-like lines.

These lines extended towards the crowd, stabbing tens of thousands of people to death in an instant!

The tens of thousands of gods flew out of their rotten bodies, burning with strange flames, and crashed into them with a bang.

“No!” Mo Poor hastily stopped him.

But this group of people is so upright, afraid of being captured by Aton’s sun roulette, they decisively blew themselves up.

There was a loud bang, and under the strong fluctuation of mana, the Feather God Gabriel was slightly shaken back.

But Aton was still unscathed, and even absorbed Yu Wei back, making a small fortune.

As a god, as a mysterious side source, this kind of mana can be absorbed with a thought.

“Although your resistance surprised me, but you just want to kill God like this, what do you think of me!” Aton said coldly, and at the same time a ball of light condensed on his fingertips.

Blooming a strong energy like a fine nectar.

In order to save energy, he restrainedly rushed towards the crowd, like a golden torrent.

As long as human beings touch it, they will be melted instantly.

However, a huge black wall stood in front of everyone, it was the one of Adams.

Adams’ manipulative ability was better than Mo Poor’s, and he directly made the black wall stand like a two-dimensional mountain.

Mo Poor immediately took over, remotely controlling the metal to fly forward.

The golden torrent slammed into it, but it didn’t make the black wall take half a step back.

Don’t say half a step, it is still moving forward!

It is the ancient gods in turn, there is no way to stop the advancement of this wall.

However, it is too dangerous to use the best metal in front of the ancient god. Although the ancient **** cannot stop Mo Poor from moving the metal, he can change the shape of the metal.

The black wall was restrained in the blink of an eye, and turned into thousands of silk ribbons, dancing wildly in the air, and it seemed that tens of thousands of people would be strangled again.

To deal with the ancient god, this battle must be banned by default.

Mo Poor smiled and shot Best Metal far away.

This time, they are not facing one ancient god, but three.

Taifeng never made a move, but the Feather God Gabriel flew away with a whimper, chasing Best Metal.

Mo Poor looked at Tai Feng, a little surprised, he just wanted to rely on two pieces of best metal to lure away two ancient gods.

Although the energy of the other ancient gods is much lower than that of Aton, their spiritual power is not bad at all.

With Best Metal, their combat power will be much closer to that of Aton.

Unexpectedly, only Gabriel was fooled and ran after him.

“Get up!” Adams Yujian was in the air.

When the mana was stimulated, a square sculpture was condensed on the desert, which was impressively the Kitchen God.

That is something that Adams and Jiang Long have already prepared, there are one every one kilometer, covering hundreds of square kilometers.

Without the supervision of the Feather God, people violate the rules and no one cares about making sculptures privately.

As for the usage, Adams has already taught it to everyone. The people on the ground were all in the dark, and prayed to the nearby air-conditioning **** at the same time.

Although there are only 200 million people in the frontal battlefield, there are more than 2 billion people in the distance behind them. Although they are only mortals, there is no problem in praying.

Even if it’s just a very low-cost ultra-shallow believer, it can be gathered together to form a continuous flame.

Billions of flames, plus a huge pillar of fire personally prayed by Adams and Jiang Long.

The human side seemed to be on fire, the sky was burning red with fire.

Mo Poor looked at Aton with bleeding eyes, while Adams and Jiang Long were bleeding from their palms. It was the blood of the stigmata that tasted like roses.

For this mission, the two gamma personnel were also stained with stigmata, in order to better use the characteristics of the house **** and increase their combat power.

Of course, it’s pointless to expect these fires to hurt the Old Gods.

The purpose is to disintegrate the golden torrent released by Aton.

Know that whether it is the God of Kitchen or the God of Air Conditioning, they do not use the power of faith to create energy out of thin air, but draw materials from nature.

Such a large flame immediately took away the energy in Aton’s hand.

In an instant, the huge torrent of energy was broken into parts by countless human beings, embezzled and emptied, leaving only a stream.

With a shock from the air wall, Mo Poor bounced all the air and shot it to Jupiter.

Although this was just a drop in the bucket for Aton, he was still **** off by this method.

“I’m well prepared…”

“Mo Poor, I will torture your soul until the end of time.” Aton smiled coldly, and the sun wheel above his head was spinning at a high speed.


Countless people felt the shaking of their souls, and then they were suddenly pulled out from the Tianling Cap!

Two hundred million Taoists fell down like dominoes, and one after another primordial spirits fled towards the sun roulette, like a meteor shower.

The scope of the soul draw is getting bigger and bigger, spreading towards people farther away.

Behind Mo Poor, there are hundreds of millions of people without souls. Once their souls are drawn out, they will end up being annihilated.

With his own strength, it is impossible for Mo to shoot back so many souls in a short time.

Aton went all out, no longer saving energy, and planned to take away the primordial spirit or soul of three billion people in one breath!

“It’s so strong!” Adams and Jiang Long looked serious.

This is the ancient **** who is not suppressed by forbidden demons, and the birth and death of three billion people is easy.

“Whew!” Mo Poor stepped into the sand hole beside him.

There, there is also a piece of best metal hidden.

This is used for teleportation. Mo Poor got into the best cabin and appeared next to Aton in an instant, above the sun roulette.

“Don’t touch my things!” Aton knew Mo Poor’s ability, how could he let him mess with his legal objects.

With a finger, Mo Poor was imprisoned.

Mo Poor was shot by self-harm, so only his head is left, which is regenerating rapidly, and he can’t actually move the roulette.

His purpose was not to shoot directly, but to use blood directly to paint a painting on it!

The idol of the electric fan!

Ink Poor’s characteristics are infinitely useful. When the brush is dipped in ink and swiped hard, the ink dots can fall on the wall according to his mind, and finally form a picture.

Similarly, the rose blood gushing from his eyes fell on the roulette, forming a blood image.

The natural freezing air sprayed from the neck coagulates and dries up the blood.

“Give me reverse!”

The high-speed rotating sun wheel suddenly rotates in the opposite direction!

This is an absolute characteristic, how can Aton’s mysterious side law resist it? The laws on the mysterious side are equal to the normal natural laws, and the natural laws have to adapt to the absolute characteristics.


This sudden reversal, Aton’s soul twitching was directly interrupted.

Not to mention that the sun roulette can’t work normally, but it was hit by this torsion force, and it cracked with a click!

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