Blue and White Society Chapter 790: Make her immortal

cautiously came to Gaia’s side, she was already asleep.

If there is a big explosion or an earthquake at this time, it will be a **** of a dog.

The crowd used the air wall to silence the noise as much as possible, and then scooped up all the leaves and soil on the ground, and a 40-centimeter snake lay on it.

The locator floated over slowly, and when it was about to hit the little snake, Mo Poor stretched out his hand and patted it lightly, and put it away.

“How’s the dream?” Mo Poor asked.

David said: “Gaia ‘just woke up’ in the dream” and continued on his way. She is going to the beach with a purpose, but she intends to cross the ocean to the place where we found her when she was an octopus. “

“Can the Dream Demon know what she is thinking?” Mo Poor said.

“I can’t say that I know what she is thinking, but I can know what kind of scene she is looking forward to. It can be said that the dream is jointly shaped by Gaia and the succubi. Gaia conceives what will happen next, or wants to All the scenes you want can be part of the dream, and of course they are candidates… The Nightmare can make it happen, or not, or modify something to happen.” David said.

Mo Qiong understands that the succubus can always create some familiar scenes for people, and even some things they don’t want to face.

In fact, it is because the dream is also constructed by the dreamer himself.

The Nightmare can feel the various scenes and pictures flashed by the opponent’s mind, and even the prediction of what will happen next.

These predictions can ‘come true’, or they can just be imaginary. It depends on the succubi.

Through this function, it is actually a half-reading of the mind. It constantly induces some scenes and forces the plot to stimulate more imaginations of the target and more secrets deep in the memory. Then use these things that the other party has come up with and realize them in the dream, which is exactly what the succubus is good at.

Using this point, Gaia could almost be subjected to an inductive interrogation and learned many things about the ancient gods.

But unfortunately, in order to prevent Gaia from realizing that she is in a dream, the Blue and White Club dare not make such an attempt.

That needs an opportunity, and the top priority is to maintain stability.

They want to simulate reality as much as possible. If they suddenly switch the era in the dream, or interpret what happened in the past, Gaia will definitely be alert.

Lanbai Society Atlantic No. 1 Base.

Just nine hundred nautical miles east of the Florida peninsula.

Gaia was taken in on the island, and a protection area was specially set up for her, and a group of people monitored her condition anytime and anywhere.

The facility has strong shockproof measures, is ventilated, humid and has a suitable temperature.

Every five hours, a member of the club will clean up the snake’s slough for her. The sloughed off skin will make Gaia itchy. For this reason, it is necessary to apply molting aids and clean it up in time.

“It’s growing so fast… In one day, it’s only forty-five centimeters.” Mo Poor said.

“Compared to octopuses, snakes certainly grow faster.” Lord Gou said.

Mo Poor said: “She won’t keep growing, right? Gaia has sufficient energy supply, will she grow up without restraint?”

“It’s not certain, genetically speaking, it is impossible to grow infinitely. At most, her strong energy support can induce a huge fragment in her gene, and then grow to the level of her Cretaceous ancestors, or even bigger.” Gou Ye said.

Hot environments and high oxygen levels can make reptiles extremely large.

Gaia’s energy is enough to make the snake’s body not restricted by the external environment and food at this moment. When there is no environmental restriction, how big a snake can grow is not a fixed number, it may be hundreds of meters or even larger.

It is likely to break the record of the largest creature and leave a new chapter in the gene. After all, the latecomers can surpass the predecessors, and there is a first time for everything.

The members of the club have surpassed the limits of the human body and have begun to evolve. It can be said that every step they take has surpassed their predecessors and left precious genetic wealth for future generations.

The same is true for Gaia, she can grow to an incredible size.

However, there must be a limit to this. It is impossible to grow infinitely like a giant kun.

“But the largest reptile in the world…it should be a dragon, and its size…is planet-level.” Mo Poor said.

Everyone is silent, which means that there are precedents for extra-large creatures, but it is not necessarily true, because the mother universe is different from other universes. Only normal natural laws are allowed here, and extraordinary natural laws cannot exist.

Maybe dragons can only grow so big in other universes, and here it will have a biological limit.

If there is a physical limit, even if Gaia has huge energy, it is impossible for her to grow too much.

“Let’s not consider how big she will grow, anyway, we don’t need to feed her.”

“Focus on how to get her to sleep longer.”

The best thing is of course the Magic Trap of Thinking, perhaps by fusing the two Gaias and sealing the Magic Tick of Thinking, you can return to the previous sealed state.

However, one is a snake and the other is a rock giant, and neither of these two species is a fusion of the same ‘world’. As a result, it is certain that it must be neither a snake nor a rock giant.

The two Gaias can be regarded as similar to Mo Poor and Che Yun. Their bodies are different, but their souls are perfectly compatible.

So this fusion will not die, nor will it cause any damage to the soul.

But the problem is that the fusion of Mo Poor and Che Yun in a similar situation has set a very bad precedent, and they have become two-headed beasts…

Mo Poor has the body of a cheetah, and Che Yun is a foxhound. The souls of the two are perfectly matched. After the fusion, they become a beast with two leopard heads.

Then the fusion of two Gaias, will it be a two-headed rock snake, or a two-headed giant?

Thinking Magic Tie, only recognizes the head, and does not recognize anything else. For a two-headed creature, the magic trick of thinking can only reset one of the thinking to zero.

The Gaia consciousness in the other head will immediately initiate the incarnation.

I don’t want to gamble, I only try when there is no better way.

“Actually, I was thinking, Gaia is a snake now, so can we feed her… the fifth element?” Mo Poor said.

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up.

The moment Mo Poor sent Kelong into the Uncanny Valley, he removed the pineal gland.

The containment is now housed at the Institute as an Alpha-level threat.

Eternal life is its quality and its price.

The fusion person’s soul will be transformed into a regular dodecahedron, which will be immortal forever.

According to the scene of Gaia’s reincarnation, the soul will be taken out of the body in an instant and escape, and the previous octopus body will die on the spot.

This process did not trigger the characteristic of blowing up the earth, that is to say, Gaia’s soul is fine.

Since that’s the case, wouldn’t it be wonderful to make her immortal?

Even if Gaia breaks free from the dream, reincarnates, and is unlucky enough to be eaten by predators, she will only appear dead.

The soul of the immortal will take away his own child.

If there is no child, then the soul will also bear the pain from the former body, and then exist forever.

It can be said that this move directly draws the salary from the bottom of the pot, and letting Gaia die casually will not lead to the end of the earth.

In addition, because only one living immortal is allowed in the world, as long as the ether is still alive, Gaia cannot be reincarnated even if she has children.

As for reincarnation, I don’t know if it can overcome this feature.

If the absoluteness of reincarnation is low, then Gaia will not be able to reincarnate at all, and will always maintain a state of immortality, sinking in eternal torture and pain.

If the absoluteness of reincarnation is higher, then after Gaia is reincarnated successfully, Mo Poor can also find her.

Because the soul of the dodecahedron is absolutely unchangeable.

This is an inherent image, and Mo Poor can also locate her.

It can be said that making Gaia an immortal also solves the three major problems of ‘she will be reincarnated and escape’, ‘she will die and cause the destruction of the earth’, and ‘she can change the image of the soul’.

In the past, Gaia was made of rock, and she couldn’t eat the pineal gland and couldn’t transform it. Now she’s just a snake. Just feed her the pineal gland while she’s asleep.

It’s hard for Gaia to want to die.

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