Blue and White Society Chapter 786: Return

Everyone began to return to the main body while sorting out the rebellious war.

Of course, when they were sorting out, the positioning had already been issued.

And Qimu directly dispatched an Omega member Kaimen from Xuzhou to personally lead the team to capture Gaia.

Kaimen is the only remaining member of the Omega group. He is not the Grand Arbitrator, but he is also a member of the Omega Club. With Wu Yunmo and Catherine both sacrificed, he will become the new Grand Arbitrator without any surprise.

After that, one person will be selected from among the elucidators, and the six seats of the Great Arbitration of the three Omega and the three elucidators will be completed.

There are two ways to return to the body. One is to inject the soul directly from the body into the body, so that the body of the cheetah and penguin will die. Of course, it can maintain its vitality and survive.

The other is to tear the soul in two and shoot one from the other. According to Adams, it is equivalent to a consciousness having two bodies that can be used back and forth.

There is no doubt that they choose the second option.

In the world of cultivating immortals, you can cut the soul directly, which means that it will cause great harm to the soul, whether it is the opponent’s or your own.

So they chose to use an alpha containment.

“Mo Poor, there are too few things related to the soul. After thinking about it, only this thing can help you divide the soul.” Qi Mu asked for a bronze bull knife.

α-092, Pao Ding’s Blade

It cuts anything like beef.

In other words, it forcibly adjusts the electromagnetic interaction between anything and itself to the level of beef.

This is another form of absolute cutting, and its trait triggers are not objective compared to the sharpest bread.

If the eyes are closed, or there is no holder, then it is just an ordinary kitchen knife and can even be destroyed.

And once a thinking creature takes hold of the handle, it is instantly reborn.

What is judged as beef depends on the observation ability of the holder.

“That is to say, if you can see the soul, you can use this knife to cut the soul like beef.” Qimu said.

Mo Poor said: “Can it harm something that is absolutely indestructible?”

“No, the indestructible property often directly ignores the electromagnetic interaction. That is to say, no matter how much the electromagnetic interaction is, it cannot be destroyed.” Chimu said.

Mo Poor said: “Then the soul does not have electromagnetic interaction.”

Adams said on the side: “This is different. Gaia’s body and best metal are indestructible, but physical attacks and their destruction are not linked at all. No external force can destroy Gaia. The body of a sub, even infinity will not work. But Pao Ding’s Blade adjusts the electromagnetic force of the target to the level of beef, that is, pulls it to a level lower than your own, and then presses it with bronze-level materials to cut.”

“The soul is invisible, intangible, and does not interact electromagnetically, just like dark matter. But! Paoding’s Blade can endow it with ‘beef-level electromagnetic interaction’.”

“Directly let the soul that has no electromagnetic effect become one, and then use your own bronze-level cutting power to chop it.”

Mo Qiong understands that the characteristic of Pao Ding’s Blade is to cut everything as if it were beef.

It is tougher than beef, so this knife is equivalent to weakening the opponent to chop.

But what if the target itself is weaker than beef? Or even no electromagnetic interaction at all?

Then pull it up to the level of beef, and then chop it. No? If you don’t have one, I will send you a copy, and then cut it.

This is the absolute characteristic. In short, no matter what you cut, it feels like beef, even if you wave it in the air, it is blunt.

Because it enhances the electromagnetic interaction between the air and itself…

To a certain extent, this is the strength of Pao Ding’s Blade, which allows things that cannot be cut to be cut.

As for those with the characteristic of ‘indestructible’, Pao Ding’s Blade can’t do anything about it, because it doesn’t matter how much Pao Ding’s Blade is stronger than the opponent.

“What about the side effects?” Mo Poor asked.

“Uh… there is no special side effect. If I have to say it, the side effect is… even light can cause great light pressure on it…you’ll know it when you hold it…” Qimu said.

With the Pao Ding’s blade in his mouth, Mo Poor really felt that it was blunt.

The air has great resistance to it, and any visible thing it touches has a lot of friction with it.

When the light shines on it, Mo Poor’s head sinks, and it feels like the knife is in the ocean of beef…

“Tsk tsk, I can hardly swing it.” Mo Poor’s current cheetah body was still too weak, so he only walked around with it in his mouth twice before his masseter muscles swelled.

He tried his best to loosen and hold it again, and the bull knife automatically cut into the waist of a calf, and ruthlessly cut off its lower body.

The target of the first experiment, of course, is D-35374, Li Mengfei…

Although Mo Poor really wanted to say: It’s his next life, let him go.

But the soul cutting experiment is very dangerous. After all, once the soul leaves the body, it will be annihilated in a short time.

If the soul hits the corpse and cannot be reborn, the cut person will be annihilated to half of the soul.

But among the twin souls, Li Mengfei is the only D-level personnel…

“Moo!” the calf wailed.

Both legs and buttocks were cut off.

On the surface, Mo Poor just chopped off his legs, but in fact, he used absolute hits to fight against each other with swords, so that this knife also cut at the soul at the same time.

In the past, he met with a human sword and stabbed the blurred Kayako.

Mo Poor’s characteristic is Tianke’s virtualization similar to the cracked space, and the soul is actually the same, superimposed with the body.

Now Mo Poor knows what his soul looks like, the human sword hits the soul when it meets, and the Pao Ding’s blade can touch the soul, and the two will interact with each other.

In this way, this knife is a real hit. The soul and the body are cut together.

The knife cuts the body, the heart cuts the soul.

Under Mo Poor’s control, the cow’s thigh flew towards Li Mengfei’s body.

Then Mo Poor pounced on him again, slapped his thigh with his paw, and reset it to the ground.

But Mo Poor used claws, so only the thighs were reset, but the soul was not.

The soul is still tenaciously attached to the corpse, because it is Li Mengfei’s corpse, with perfect qualifications.

So it stands to reason that the soul will immediately merge into Li Mengfei’s active body, just like when Mo Poor was resurrected.

“It’s done!” Everyone was overjoyed.

Li Mengfei sat up suddenly, panting and looking at everyone blankly.

He transferred his consciousness into the human body, but the memory was not completely transferred immediately. At this moment, he was a little confused like a person who lost his memory in a strange environment.

However, external reminders can speed up the transmission process. After chatting with him for a while, he completely recovered his memory in just five minutes.

“The memory recovery is much faster, is it because the human brain is more developed, or is it because the more you do this kind of thing, the faster it will become?” Qi Mu muttered, as if he planned to test Li Mengfei a few more times in the future.

Mo Poor said: “He has been a D-level personnel in the Blue and White Society for half a year, and he was forced to reincarnate into a cow. Can it be counted as he has sacrificed once for all mankind?”

In a sense, they are all in the next life…

This special situation may be the first opportunity in history for someone to break away from the status of D-class personnel.

Qimu looked at him and said, “Well, we won’t arrange experiments for him, but he can’t return to society, especially since he has two bodies now, and he is already a derivative.”

“For the time being, it is still a D-level staffing. I don’t have time to take care of his affairs now, but I will arrange for him to work in Xuzhou like the traversers.”

Mo Poor nodded and said nothing more.

Whether to let Li Mengfei get rid of the status of D-level personnel needs to be carefully considered. Now there is no time to take care of so much. The Blue and White Club is already the weakest moment in the past two decades.

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