Blue and White Society Chapter 782: wither

The search and rescue operations of members are carried out almost simultaneously in various places.

Following the reception of signals in two cities, signal sources from various corners of the earth also began to appear on the map.

Mo Poor sent a large number of people to various places.

Some immediately found the reincarnated body, while others, for various reasons, only found the locator when they teleported nearby.

For example, in the African savannah, the small antelopes live hard. Predators want to hunt them all the time, and the only way to survive is to escape.

The search and rescue personnel rushed to the scene, only to find the locator and the trace left by the springbok not long ago.

It made them realize that what they were looking for might be on the way.

After all, it is impossible for the member who awakened the memory not to recognize the locator, and the most correct thing to do when seeing this thing fall on him is to stay where he is and wait.

However, this member left the landing point, and didn’t even have time to hold it in his mouth and take it away with him.

Then there is only one possibility, it is in danger and there are predators hunting it.

The three-month-old antelope cub is the most delicious food for predators. Once it is targeted, it is difficult to escape, basically relying on luck.

Fortunately, the search and rescue personnel found the member who turned into a springbok in time and saved him from being eaten by a group of hyenas.

Thanks to the hyenas… and there are not many of them, only five.

When the search and rescue personnel arrived, although the springbok had been gnawed beyond recognition and had its intestines pierced, it did not swallow its last breath.

Under emergency rescue, the member saved his life and recovered after a day of treatment.

According to him, he was actually being chased by the cheetah at first. After several clever sharp turns, he managed to make the cheetah give up the pursuit, but he was also separated from the pack.

In the process of retrieving the group, he was accidentally targeted by hyenas.

The group of hyenas chased it for several hours, and other young springbok would have died long ago, but the members have tenacious will and can squeeze their physical strength to the limit.

He used wildebeest herds and giraffes successively to avoid hunting, but this did not keep him out of danger, it just allowed him to breathe.

The hyena easily chased away the wildebeest and the giraffe, forcing him to run for his life again. Finally, he was cornered and jumped onto a tree…

Fighting to the death with a branch in its mouth, condescending, forcing the hyena to choose to squat, allowing him to breathe again.

But the hyena also happened to be resting and enjoying the shade under the tree.

The next step is to compete for endurance. He must let the hyena realize that it is not worthwhile to waste effort and time to obtain this bit of meat, so that he can survive.

However, the springbok has too many natural enemies. Just when the hyena was about to give up, a vulture fell from the sky and attacked him.

Being forced to jump down to escape for his life, he thought he was doomed, but a locator fell on his head.

He suddenly remembered something, and realized that there might be humans coming to save him soon.

Although he doesn’t know why he firmly believes this in his heart, he can only choose to believe it.

So he desperately procrastinated, ran as hard as he could, and when he finally collapsed from exhaustion, he deliberately pointed his **** at the enemy, hoping that they would start eating from a place that was not vital.

He deliberately catered to the hyena to eat himself alive, so as to live as long as possible.

Feeling the loss of vitality step by step, he calmed down, closed his eyes and used his emotions to slow down his metabolism. She silently endured the pain of her intestines being eaten, her stomach sac being torn, her tendons and bones being chewed, and her internal organs being bitten to pieces.

Finally, when he was dying, he waited for rescue.

“Brother, what a thrill, welcome back!”

After listening to the report, Mo Poor sighed towards the screen.

Thanks to him quickly teleporting people to the vicinity of the signal source, otherwise, when the people from the stronghold arrive at the scene by plane, they may have to collect the corpses.

A few minutes is the distance between life and death.

When the members of the Antelope Club were found, one after another, good news came from various places.

A club member is found in the Gulf of Mexico transformed into an orca.

This is a real top predator, the overlord of the ocean, and it stands at the top of the food chain except for humans.

When he was found, he was playing with the shark with great ease.

The locator was swallowed by him, and he was fighting with the shark while waiting for the members to come to him.

Even though he was just a three-month-old baby killer whale, he couldn’t stand the fact that the whole family was a boss. When he started, the whole family formed a group to beat up the shark.

He lived a carefree life.

There is good luck, but there is also bad luck.

A member of the club has turned into a wild mouse in the Amazon jungle. Its natural enemies range from feline predators to snakes, frogs, mongooses, and birds of prey, all of which are fathers.

The entire jungle is full of crises, and people live in fear every moment.

From birth to being found by Lanbai Society, in just three months, he has experienced no less than hundreds of life-threatening crises.

He is food for almost all animals and lives a precarious life.

Thanks to human knowledge, he gradually learned to make tools.

The rodent’s claws and incisors are very flexible. Taking advantage of this, he grew up and built his lair like an orc bunker, full of traps all around.

When the members found him, he had already learned to make bonfires to force the natural enemies away from his territory.

Both of these are not bad, the truly hopeless reincarnation is to become an insect.

Wade is so far the only club member found to have turned into an arthropod, a praying mantis.

He was reincarnated in the nymph stage and matured in half a month.

Everywhere in nature is the threat of death, and he, who can even be blown away by the wind, only has knowledge that allows him to know the weaknesses of some insects of the same size and how to avoid them.

Life can be said to be very difficult, especially in order not to let himself be eaten by the female praying mantis after being weak after mating, he crazily curbed his instincts.

Live in the jungle until the locator pops out of nowhere.

Without Mo Qiong, he would surely die. There are not many praying mantises who can live until next year. The average lifespan of adults is only six months.

No matter how weak the creature is, there will be none, or there will be… and it will be dead.

Unable to locate, it can only show that some animals, even if they are members of the club, have not lived beyond three months. Before Mo Poor was positioned, he died due to various reasons.

Among them, Catherine is also included.

“There’s no need to try, that’s all for those who are still alive.” Lord Gou stopped Mo Poor.

Mo Qiong sighed: “The big arbitration, just died in nature like this?”

“She has worked in Lanbai Club for nearly fifty years, and it’s time to retire.” Lord Gou said.

Everyone was disheartened. Mo Poor had tried many times, but only seven people could be located.

It is certain that the missing companion is dead.

Catherine the Grand Arbiter, perhaps a bug, became a meal for the killers of nature. Perhaps a fish that was swallowed whole by a gigantic animal when it was still a fry.

Or, she was a large animal, but she was killed in the nest when she was still a cub and couldn’t even open her eyes.

She fought tenaciously in frontal battles with Gaia. She was not an interpreter, but she used her physical fitness and combat experience to the limit, and used the air wall and various small skills to the peak.

Catherine is the most simple and classical member, who has struggled so far purely relying on wisdom and luck.

She has met three generations of presidents, fought under the leadership of the fourth generation president, and fought side by side with the fifth generation president. She sealed a god, contained Omega-level things, and became the Great Arbitration after the Zerg Disaster.

The arbitration with the most experience is already old.

As a result, she did not die under Gaia’s divine power, but was sent to a corner of the earth, a fragile, newly born life body.

Then they may not even open their eyes, and they will be killed without any room for manipulation. Just like a lion kills a puppy, a shark devours a small fish, a toad eats a reptile, and a spider kills a fly, it is easy to die in an unknown corner.

“Get David back quickly, and then we will hold a general meeting.”

“There are already two vacancies for the position of the Great Arbitrator.” Qimu said in the communicator.

Mo Qiong couldn’t help being in a trance.

Kelong died, and Wu Yunmo took over, but Wu Yunmo died again. Before a new successor was chosen, there was now one less big arbitrator.

In just three months, the senior management of the Lanbai Society has undergone drastic changes, and only four people are making up the six-member arbitration position.

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