Blue and White Society Chapter 640: Small

“He can definitely think of it. Mo Poor is already proficient in the use of absolute hit.”

“After obtaining molecular regeneration, he has thought about the way to match his own characteristics for a long time, and he definitely knows this way!”

Che Yun believes in Mo Poor very much, she believes in Mo Poor’s talent and calmness, as well as his will and intelligence.

However, Kelong shook his head with a wry smile: “I also believe that he can think of this method at that moment.”

“If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t bomb the mantle and try to cooperate with him.”

“But the crux of the problem is not here. The crux is that there is no teleportation point that can keep him alive!”

Che Yun was stunned and said: “Ah? Why not? Isn’t this here?”

She pointed to Best’s room, Lord Gou and Wu Yunmo were rescued by Mo Poor and teleported in.

This was prepared a long time ago as the teleportation point for Mo Poor to help everyone evacuate, and it is also the teleportation point for the team to come in.

It’s really not possible, but it’s also possible in other worlds. Diaoyu City is a very good transfer station.

But Kelong sighed: “If he teleports here, he will die.”

“Because the volume of natural gas is 1/625 of that of air. When it is exposed to normal pressure, it will instantly expand 600 times! The density is extremely diluted!”

Che Yun was shocked, realizing this serious problem.

If Mo Poor’s blood reaches the normal pressure zone in an instant, the density will be diluted, and even if it is killed, it will not be able to compare with the density of molecular clusters in the mantle.

Who is the main body of the regenerative characteristic? The big one is not bigger than the other one. Otherwise, wouldn’t the most sloppy part become the biggest? It’s about quality.

If you compare the quality alone, you are playing hooligans. How can you tell us apart?

It has a standard density, which is constantly changing according to the actual distribution of all Moqiong molecules.

Molecular clusters below this standard density will not be regarded as ‘one’, but ‘several’.

It’s like 10,000 apples scattered in a building, only the room with the most apples will trigger the feature.

Under the circumstances that countless molecules are scattered, even if Kelon helps to bomb the mantle, the natural gas and blood shot up may not rank well. It is 600 times diluted than air, and the mantle is a million times the pressure of the atmosphere. surroundings.

The diluted natural gas blood can only be divided into hundreds of millions of parts to compare with a certain part in the mantle, so naturally each part has a very small mass.

“As long as it is teleported into the best ball with a very small internal space!” Che Yun said.

Kelong shook his head and said, “We didn’t prepare such a small ball. After all, if we want to seal and kill, Mo Poor can make a temporary one with his best metal, so we didn’t prepare at all.”

“All we prepared is this best room for teleporting people, but this room is too big.”

Che Yun sighed, this room is indeed too big, after all, it is the starting point for more than 30 members to come down.

Not only can it accommodate more than thirty people, it also houses many instruments and equipment.

In short, if Mo Poor shoots natural gas and blood here, it will swell instantly.

“Shall we shrink this teleportation room?”

Kelon said: “It’s too late, if it is really diluted, then its status as belonging to the Moqiong elements will be covered by the new natural gas molecules.”

“Don’t look at the Moqiong molecules in the mantle that cannot be restored to any biomass cells, and are in constant birth and death.”

“However, it is still possible to recover hydrocarbon gases. The density of these new hydrocarbon gases will not be too high, because it will explode if it is too high! But it will not be too low, at least under high pressure, never will be lower than the density of natural gas in atmospheric pressure.”

Che Yun immediately understood that the natural blood that Mo Poor shot out the moment he was annihilated must not be diluted. It must maintain the degree of polymerization ex vivo.

What belongs to Mo Poor’s body? The decision is simple.

Mo Poor cut off an arm, and then a new arm did not grow, so the severed arm was always a part of Mo Poor, and it had the right of inheritance, or the right of regeneration in the judgment.

Once that arm grows out, the one that was cut off before will be deprived of the right to regenerate. No matter which piece of flesh it is counted from, it will never start repairing from the previous arm.

It is not impossible to store an organ in advance as a resurrection point and store it in a safe house as originally envisaged.

In fact, as long as the arm is cut off, a super-powerful annihilating attack that exceeds the recovery speed can continuously destroy Mo Poor’s arm, so that the new arm will never grow back.

Then the arm in the safe house can always have the right to regenerate.

The reason why this method is not considered is because it also consumes happiness continuously at the same time, so no one intends to let Mo Poor do this, and it doesn’t make much sense.

But at this moment, Mo Poor is in such a state.

The body is instantly annihilated, and the hydrocarbon gas that should have replaced the ejected blood is not created. Or in other words, it is destroyed when it is about to be created, and the density is between the state of the qi and blood just after leaving the body and the state after expansion.

The semi-finished product has been in the mantle, waiting for Mo Qiong’s blood to expand and replace his inheritance rights.

In other words, the qi and blood shot out by Mo Qiong cannot expand!

Once the expansion exceeds a critical point, the status will be refreshed and overwritten, and it will be useless to press it back after that. It has nothing to do with Mo Poor.

“So Mo Poor must be aware of this at that moment, and send the spurted blood into an extremely small enclosed space, and that place must be inaccessible, meeting the ‘teleportation’ condition. “

Che Yun frowned, is there such a place?

First of all, the Lanbai Society is definitely not prepared, even if there are in the world, but the question is, are there any coordinates in it?

Even if there are coordinates or special patterns, Mo Poor still remembers them, but is that place still the same now?

For example, to make the best metal **** produced by poor rocks, the research department has always had them before, but they were dismantled a few months ago, because there are many places where best metals are used, it is impossible to keep them in the state of small **** Let it go.

Everything is changing, what was seen a long time ago may be outdated now, not like that.

“Don’t think about it, no, because if you take 10,000 steps back, even if Mo Poor has seen that kind of teleportation point that fully meets the conditions in his past life experience, Mo Poor can’t be resurrected, because in a small enclosed space, that The mass of qi and blood cannot return to human form, and is still in a state of continuous consumption of happiness!” Kelong said.

Che Yun was suddenly desperate, and only then did she understand what Kelong said at the beginning: The key to the problem is not whether Mo Poor wants to get this solution, but… there is no teleportation point that can keep Mo Poor alive.

The teleportation point is too big, die. Small or dead.

Success is natural, failure is natural.

It can be sprayed instantly, making it very convenient for Mo Qiong to shoot out in an instant. But it can also expand instantly, making it replaced by regeneration rights.

“Then…doesn’t that mean there is no way out?” Che Yun asked anxiously.

Kelong said: “There is a way to prevent the ejected blood from swelling, and that is Mo Poor’s own characteristic.”

“As long as it is not teleportation and does not reach the destination, the blood in motion will converge in most cases.”

Che Yun understood that it was difficult for Mo Poor’s arrows to reduce their density during motion.

Because reducing the density means that some of the molecules slow down…

As we all know, Mo Poor’s arrow can never be lower than its initial velocity, it can only accelerate.

To expand is also to expand forward, but in this way, the molecular speed at the front end is faster than the initial velocity. Moqiong’s characteristics only ensure that the initial velocity does not decrease, and the part higher than the initial velocity will be affected by gravitational pull and resistance.

So the blood energy shot by Mo Qiong will not expand, but fly faster, and the center may be denser…

The reason why I say only most of the cases is that if only some of them are given additional acceleration, then naturally it will also split and the density will decrease.

For example, when Mo Poor’s arrow was flying, he suddenly exploded with a missile. Then some of the fragments are propelled by the explosion and fly faster, while some fragments are accelerated in the opposite direction, and then continue to maintain the initial velocity because of the iron rule that the initial velocity must not be lowered.

In this way, you will see that the arrows are blown to pieces and scattered to the ground.

However, this extra propulsion will disappear sooner or later due to factors such as gravity, and eventually the arrows will still converge.

“That is to say, as long as Mo Poor has a path to allow his blood to fly out of the mantle, the resistance along this path will make him in a state of high-pressure aggregation, and he will fly firmly at the initial speed in this state. And the faster he flies, Its aggregation state is more stable.”

“Then even if the qi and blood are burned into other substances at ultra-high temperature, they still belong to Mo Poor and have the right to regenerate.”

After listening to Kelong’s words, Che Yun almost collapsed.

If there is a flight path, the flight is too slow, and when Mo Qiong dies, the blood will not be able to fly out of the mantle.

Okay, if you teleport, this problem can be solved.

As a result, now Kelong said that it was only in theory. In reality, there is no teleportation point that can keep Mo Poor alive. To solve the problem of regeneration rights, there must be a shot with a flight path.

“However, even if Mo Poor’s energy and blood are exhausted, he won’t be able to fly to the surface! Hundreds of kilometers away!”

Che Yun is going crazy, why is Mo Poor dying? I can’t teleport, and I can’t do it without teleportation. What should I do?

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