Blue and White Society Chapter 638: Forbidden

“The situation is basically understood. The virus did not collapse when it was sent to the earth. It was actually a product allowed under ordinary rules.”

It took the research department two days to properly collect the virus carried by the zombie’s heart.

There is no detoxification serum, but through nanomedicine, it can kill the zombie virus in the human body. Of course, the premise is that there is no variation.

If it is mutated, there is no cure. The target is completely dead, and the remaining zombies are already another kind of creature.

The virus can withstand a low temperature of minus forty degrees and a high temperature of two hundred and eighty degrees. Spread through organisms and water sources. It will only infect animals with brains, and it is the brain of vertebrates. According to the researcher’s analysis, it should be some kind of encephalitis virus at the earliest. For some reasons, it has evolved a very aggressive and magical host. Zombie.

It first squeezes most of the host’s energy, destroys the host’s brainstem, and then stimulates the host’s instincts, making the host a frantically hunting zombie.

Although the host’s body is rotten and necrotic, the viruses in the cells can still take on the functions of various organs, that is to say, the heart that seems to stop beating and rot can actually work.

Similarly, since it is the virus that is working, not the organ itself, it doesn’t matter what shape the organ is or the muscle is destroyed.

If you want to kill a zombie, you can only destroy its motor neurons or brain stem, or brutally clean all the viruses.

This virus is not very dangerous to Adams. Although the virus hides deep in Adams’ cells and becomes more tenacious with the help of Adams’ high temperature resistance, at least Lanbai Club now has nano-robot technology.

Hundreds of billions of nano-robots break into the human body and directly “hand-to-hand” fight the virus, and they can exchange for health at a very high price of money.

Of course, Jiangcheng didn’t get such a good treatment. In order to have cheaper detoxification serum, the virus in his body was not completely removed, and some remained to test various medicines.

Two days later, Jiang Long and the others had already dealt with the follow-up, and Lord Gou returned with fifty dragon blood warriors.

After they heard about the situation, they also figured out the characteristics of the contents.

God Master said: “Adams is not bad, at least he has time to wake up.”

As an old member, he has seen a lot of retired members who have been distorted by their minds, and there are all of them in the Okvia Mental Hospital.

As for Adams, it is normal if it is not activated. Although it may be pretending, it can be pretended for a lifetime. There is no need to worry too much about some unwarranted possibilities.

Jiang Long said: “The current situation is that this effect is usually in a dormant state, and only when there is a new extraction, the mind-distorted person will suddenly burst out this obsession.”

As long as the obsession is completed, Adams is very sober and retains the memory of losing his mind before.

It was also because he knew what he was thinking just now that he felt guilty. The feeling of countless unscrupulous thoughts coming out continuously for the purpose made him very uncomfortable.

He knew very well that it would be fine if he was allowed to eat, and stopping him would only make him more extreme.

Although I was just thinking about it just now, if Mo Poor really stopped, Adams knew what he was thinking, and he would definitely use it without hesitation.

Whether it succeeds or not is another matter, but in the state of mind just now, he didn’t even frown at all by killing people to silence people, massacring cities and delaying.

“It’s better to block than to sparse. In this case, if you continue to use the containment in the future, try not to stop you.” Mo Poor said.

“Unless I can be completely imprisoned, once I have the ability to do something, there will be no psychological pressure at all to kill innocent people indiscriminately.” Adams said.

“It seems that we need to be more cautious when using it in the future. It will be troublesome if we draw something that will eat the internal organs that will die.” Mo Poor said.

Next, they continued to test the containment.

As long as there is no one to stop him and Adams is allowed to go up and take a bite, there will be no extreme actions.

Now, Tie Han and Jiang Cheng are also participating in the experiment under supervision.

Those who have used the contained items, including those who wrote the sign, will inevitably be infected with the ‘tasting obsession’.

Indirect use is also considered, it does not refer to the existence of the machine, even if the robot is manipulated to pull the drawer, the price will be paid to the machine user.

Of course, it is also possible to let smarter animals pull the drawers, and those animals can’t help but eat a bite of the selected internal organs.

“In general, any internal organs you want can be randomly selected through it. Including but not limited to animals under ordinary rules.” The researcher said.

“How far can the scope be reduced at most?” Jiang Long asked.

The researcher said: “It does not accept any names, and the acceptable prefixes are groups such as race, ethnicity, and occupation. If this universe does not have one, the scope of screening will spread to more universes.”

“Then if there is a **** who comes to a universe without gods, wouldn’t the containment be sure to eat him? No matter how random a **** is, it’s him!” Gou Ye said.

Mo Poor said: “In theory, this is the case, but after experiments, we have confirmed that it prioritizes ‘this universe’ rather than ‘the universe in which it is located’.”

The scope of its screening is either the universe where the contained object was born, or all universes.

It is meaningless to move the location of this container.

So if you want to use this thing to draw a god, you must first let that **** come to the universe of the ‘Late Song Dynasty’.

The researcher added: “In addition, the containment has the final right to interpret the prefix.”

“What do you mean?” Lord Gou said.

The researcher thought for a while and said: “Let’s put it this way, according to our habits, if we want to use it, in order to narrow the scope, we will lie to ourselves, for example, fabricating a nation, using a specific person, and ‘official’ form designating a distinct nation.”

“This is ineffective on the viscera drawer, and it cannot be fooled.”

Gate Gou asked: “It doesn’t admit it?”

The researcher shook his head and said: “No…it admitted it, and identified similar objects as our fictional groups.”

They conducted an experiment and designated the D-level personnel in Jiangcheng as the ‘Lucifer Apocalypse M87 Pastoral Pikachu’ family.

This nation has been recognized by all imperial powers in the world, from Fusang in the east to Ireland in the west, plus the Mayan Empire and Australian aborigines, all of them have compiled this nation into the record.

Even in some small countries, they directly and openly admit that one person is a nation.

“However, it turned out that a strange kidney appeared in the drawer,” said the researcher.

They have made the name so unique, however, the randomness did not happen to just one person in Jiangcheng.

“Afterwards, the victim was found on Bay Island, and his tribe was given compensation, but it has to be said that this unexpected result allowed us to kill an innocent Chinese.” Researcher Said.

Grandpa Gou touched his head, he understood that the contents do not necessarily choose people according to the statement on the wooden sign.

It directly takes the concept of the “Lucifer Apocalypse M87 Pastoral Pikachu” family, and actively fills in similar “ethnic groups” according to the actual situation.

“Afterwards, we issued a special ‘π’ badge to Jiang Cheng, gave him the unprecedented title of ‘Patient Level Personnel’, and deleted his D-level file. This profession is responsible for serving as a civilized administrator, temporarily all blue There is only one person in Baishe, and that is Jiangcheng,” said the researcher.

Master Gou scratched his head and said, “Then the other D-class personnel suffered?”

The researcher nodded and said: “No, don’t forget that Jiangcheng is in this universe, so as long as there is one in this universe, it will be selected in this universe. But unfortunately, a strange kidney appeared again.”

“This time the victim is…” Master Gou asked.

“It was a serf in Upper Lorraine. He was so hungry that he killed an elk in the forest of the baron lord and tried to escape. He was sentenced to death by the angry baron. Lost a kidney and died in a dungeon,” said the researcher.

As if the containment directly translates the term “personnel” into a death row prisoner, somehow the kidney of a serf who was sentenced to death in Western Europe was taken out.

Or, the content feels that Jiangcheng’s most important identity is a death row prisoner?

Master Gou frowned and said, “Stop this kind of experiment.”

“We have already terminated it. We failed twice in a row. We basically gave up controlling this containment. The only controllable result is to write about the kidneys of D-class personnel. In this way, it is definitely Jiangcheng’s kidneys.” Researcher road.

Containment has its own way of understanding, it is not strictly selected according to the description of the wooden sign.

It seems to find a superficial group according to the words on the wooden sign, then understand this group almost intelligently, then draw a category with its own understanding, and finally choose a random one in the category it understands.

So it is not that the storage objects are selected according to the range given by humans, but that human beings should try their best to give a range that the storage objects will not be misunderstood.

Due to two unexpected innocent deaths, it was finally decided that the containment was strictly forbidden to be used, except for writing ‘Kidney of D-class personnel’.

Maybe its mechanism is regular, but Lanbai Club decided not to continue the research.

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