Blue and White Society Chapter 628: Dragon Heart

“A large amount of blood gushes out from the heart, causing many creatures to mutate.”

“No one is allowed to cross this line.”

Master Gou rushed to the vicinity with hundreds of peripheral personnel and sealed off the scene. Fortunately, there are not many people who are in trouble in this era. Hearing that the gods descended from the sky blocked the Yellow River, the residents along the Yellow River consciously ran south .

Occasionally, there were a few people who wanted to go north for various reasons, but they were all persuaded to leave by outsiders.

This allowed hundreds of people to patrol on horseback one or two miles apart, ensuring that no one from the south approached this area.

However, what troubled Lord Gou was that the Yellow River diverted its course. A large amount of golden blood mixed with the water of the Yellow River broke through the ground to the north and east, and the torrent went directly to Qilu Province.

At the same time, although the water in the old course of the Yellow River was blocked, a large amount of golden blood flowed downstream.

It can be said that it is a two-pronged approach, and the two Jinhe main roads rush to the sea.

Many of the fish and shrimp in the river and the animals on both sides of the river died, but many of them also gained extraordinary power from their blood.

As time goes by, the area affected by the golden blood will become bigger and bigger. At that time, he, more than a hundred people, will not be able to block it, and Lord Gou will be powerless to stop it.

First, there are too few people, and second, they lack large-scale industrial strength here.

The only two production bases, one in Australia and one in Diaoyu City, will not be able to mobilize enough cutting machines and cranes for a while.

As the ‘first communication’, Mo Qiong has lost contact again at this moment.

“Mo Poor is fine, I can connect with him mentally, but he can’t reply me, he should be in a coma.” Jiang Long said.

The spiritual power that Mo Poor was connected to them before still exists, but has not disappeared, which means that this person has not lost his account.

“Look for it!” Gou Ye said, already stepping on the air to reach the top of the heart.

“Trouble, how did such a big heart come out…”

Master Gou would not believe that this is a containment object. First of all, it appeared too abruptly, and Master Gou could sense its mysterious pressure through his soul. There was a weak will shrunk deep in his heart, like It is a mysterious side product.

Secondly, this thing is obviously dying, and its vitality is decaying at an accelerated rate. Of course, it’s too big, so the decay may last a year or two.

“Can you think?” Lord Gou asked with his mind connected to the will of the heart center.

The will replied after a moment of silence: “Where is my mother?”

Master Gou: “…”

Jiang Long: “…”

“Uh… is this your heart? What’s your current state?” Lord Gou asked.

The will said: “I want my mother!”

“I’ll help you find out what your mother looks like.” Master Gou put it another way.

“Mom…Mom…” That will passed a scene to Lord Gou.

In Lord Gou’s mind, there was an empty space. In the space, a golden dragon was entrenched on a huge star. The dragon’s whiskers exceeded the diameter of the star, let alone its body.

Such a huge golden dragon, relying on gravity alone, is crazily plundering the mass of the star, causing the star to be pulled into an ellipse, like a nebula of gas and dust, each cluster must exceed the size of the earth, but it is densely crowded Float together to the Golden Dragon.

The golden dragon just sucked in with its mouth open, and devoured an unknown amount of stellar gas with the mass of the earth.

If you eat it like this, a star will lose about tens of thousands of mouthfuls.

The stellar gas eaten by the golden dragon is occasionally spit out by it, and it comes towards the ‘camera’.

The owner of the angle of view also opened his mouth wide, just devouring it bit by bit.

Undoubtedly, the master of perspective is the master of heart.

“Gulu…” Master Gou said with numb scalp, “Your mother…is so big…”

The will is quite ignorant, and he keeps asking for his mother.

Master Gou coaxed him to ask in different ways, and only then did he learn something.

What came out of nowhere was a dragon heart, and its owner was actually a young dragon who had just been born. It is only more than 20,000 meters long…

This data is estimated by Jiang Long, because according to its mother’s body proportions, combined with the length of this heart, the body length of this little dragon should be about 24,000.

Although this is extremely huge, in the opponent’s race, this is only the length of the initial young dragon.

It doesn’t need absolute characteristics, just relying on this terrifying body, it is the threat of the Delta class: the extinct human class.

“Are there any mistakes? How could there be such a huge creature?” Jiang Long knew very well that it was almost impossible for a universe to normally breed such a large creature. How can there be such an environment? Could it be that it was bred in the era of the first generation of stars when the universe was born about 5 billion years ago?

There is no doubt that this kind of super dragon is definitely in an extremely terrifying mysterious side universe.

“It seems that I have provoked an extraordinary existence.” Master Gou had a headache.

“Can your mother find you?”

“Yes, definitely…” the young dragon said.

This little young dragon was eating, but he came here with a heart attack.

The containment deprived the young dragon of its heart alive, which seriously injured the young dragon. The heart gathered most of its energy and was the source of life. It even hosted part of the young dragon’s consciousness.

This time it’s better, pull it over in one breath, and directly inflict heavy damage on it.

As for whether the main body will die or not, Lord Gou doesn’t know. The wisp of consciousness in his heart doesn’t know the situation on the other side of the body, and the young dragon is too ignorant, and doesn’t know much about his own race.

“Woo… this world is so uncomfortable, I’m going to dissipate… Mom… save me… why don’t you come and save me…” After Yu Gou communicated, the incomplete consciousness in his heart became weaker and weaker. , finally dissipated completely.

After the consciousness dissipated, the heart also stopped beating. It is conceivable how strong its vitality is, a single heart and a sliver of consciousness like embers can persist here for several hours before dying.

Furthermore, death did not make this heart sluggish. The energy contained in it was too advanced and exuberant, at least for human beings.

To the extent that this blood is enough to bring evolution to these mortals, providing them with powerful strength, resistance and vitality.

“Hahaha! God descended from the sky, I will definitely be able to do a great job!”

The golden heart can resound with loud roars everywhere, and some people can’t help but be ecstatic when they find that they can crack monuments with every move of their hands and feet.

There are also animals, roaring up to the sky, venting the energy in their bodies.

They fight each other, some fight with beasts, some fight with humans, and some fight with beasts.

It’s not to fight for the golden liquid, after all, there are too many, it’s not worth fighting for.

The reason why they fight is because of their high energy…

At this moment, Lord Gou and Jiang Long have cautiously never been in contact with dragon blood, so they don’t know the feeling of the power of dragon blood.

It is difficult for ordinary people to suppress the desire to vent their power. With such great strength suddenly, all kinds of ambitions grow in the hearts of mortals, let alone suppress themselves.

Governor Gou thought that this kind of energy would make people lose their sanity, so he pulled out his steel sword and said, “Find Mo Poor quickly, and I will deal with this group of people.”

“Understood.” Jiang Long spared no effort to let go of the power of the primordial spirit, and walked around the heart while stepping through the air while looking for Mo Poor.

As for Lord Gou, he is responsible for subduing this group of people who have just gained strength and started fighting with each other.

It can be said that a dragon heart has now become the source of mystery in this ancient ordinary world.

A temporary origin.

Everyone can use this source of stock through soaking, absorbing, etc.

The so-called origin is such a simple thing. It is like a demon giving power to believers. These believers call themselves magicians and pass it down from generation to generation. So, for this system, that demon is magical power origin.

The power of any magician comes from the devil.

Once the demons are gone, the source is lost, and the age of magic is gone.

This is the case with the dragon heart at this time. Although this source is extremely simple, without rules like the source of gods and demons, it is just a simple strengthening of the mysterious side of the body, but it can be regarded as a system.

Of course, this dragon should not have been in this universe. Lord Gou would rather believe that the contained object brought the heart across the universe than in this world where humans have not discovered a single bit of extraordinary power. Such a terrifying dragon clan is hidden.

In this way, according to the known law, in the universe that does not belong to its own power, the use of any mysterious side power is to use a little less.

Just like a cultivator of immortality, here the Taoism is downgraded as it is used.

So although the dragon heart brought extraordinary energy to this group of people and animals, after all this energy is completely exhausted, the short dragon blood era will pass.

Master Gou estimates that it will only last for a year or two. If there are enough people to use it to dry up the lake, then it may not last for half a year.

The age of dragon blood will be like a meteor towards the end of the Dharma.

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