Blue and White Society Chapter 538: NPC Dante

Seeing that this indifferent swordsman didn’t intend to help him up at all, Liu Ye had no choice but to get up by himself.

Even though the two basilisks came back to life soon, Liu Ye felt very safe with him by his side.

After all, the monster has no power to fight back under this sword.

“Puff puff!”

The monster rushed forward, and the white-haired young man hummed a song, turned his back on his back and did not look back, instantly drew his sword back handsomely, drew a sword glow, and flew the basilisk flying.

Then he drew his gun and shot, crackling and knocking the monster down.

He walked leisurely backwards while shooting back, and quickly retreated to the stairs.

Liu Ye hurriedly followed, and saw a blur in front of him, and the young man drew his sword and jumped back.

When she turned her head again, she saw him swipe back again with extremely fast movement, and then went from extremely moving to extremely quiet, and went downstairs without looking back.

Looking at the two snakeskin monsters again, although they were not completely cut into blood, they were cut into several pieces, struggled and roared on the ground miserably.

What a calm and sharp movement this is, he has already cut it back in the time it takes to turn around.

“You… hello… thank you for saving me.” Liu Ye said tremblingly.

“Follow me.” A voice came from the young man.

I saw the young man rushing down the stairs in an extremely swift and violent manner. He rushed for a few meters, then stopped suddenly and turned around at a leisurely pace, and then rushed for a while.

Just like that, calmly alternating between movement and silence, I reached the first floor in a flash.

Hearing the frivolous yet gentle voice, Liu Ye trembled with excitement, and hurried to catch up.

But the young man ran too fast, and when she reached the first floor, she could only see the back of a man in red in the distance.

“Wait for me!” Liu Ye was anxious, and could only use the fastest speed in her life to catch up with that figure.

In the lobby on the first floor, Adams and the others have already reached here from the other side.

At the main gate, there were several corpses on the ground, as well as messy blood and scattered guns and ammunition.

Judging from the traces of the extremely fierce battle at the scene, the number of dead troops was definitely not limited to this number, but most of them were probably eaten, and some of them were also mutated.

There are only a few that can leave the whole body.

“Liu Ye is screaming, something must have happened to her.” Labelle picked up the gun and said worriedly.

Xu Ning shook his head and said, “What do you think you are facing? Don’t look like a game, but all the feelings and experiences are extremely real.”

“And this time the monster seems to be more terrifying.”

When everyone looked at the corpse on the ground, they could feel discomfort just from the wound marks on it and the mucus left behind.

A lingering sense of uncertainty made everyone palpitate instinctively.

It is conceivable how frightening it must be to face the monsters that caused these traumas.

“Aren’t we going to save her?” Gao Qiu said.

Adams didn’t speak, he knew that Mo Poor had saved Liu Ye.

And Xu Ning touched the gun and sighed: “Let’s go, let’s go find her together.”

With weapons, everyone became more courageous.

All of them are professional players, and they quickly dressed up and brought their guns and ammunition. With a gun in hand, for them, they are not so afraid. It seems that the survival game that can only escape with bare hands has suddenly become a shooting and fighting game.

“I thought you didn’t care about her life.” Adams laughed.

Xu Ning curled her lips and said, “We can’t get these weapons without her. Although she is a stupid woman, we can’t ignore her.”

As he spoke, he looked at the NPC Chen Ai who was clumsily picking up a pistol, and said, “You come too!”

He dragged Chen Ai. Chen Ai was a patient with a weak body, so he could only run with him with difficulty.

However, they didn’t run very far when they saw an extremely fast white-haired man in red clothes turning in from the other side of the large hall on the first floor.

His coat flutters, and he runs like flying with a sword on his back. His white hair is very eye-catching.

“Da da da!” Xu Ning was taken aback, and shot without saying a word.

It was only later that I realized that it was a person.

“Puff puff puff!” The bullet hit the white-haired man in an instant.

But the opponent didn’t change his face, and rushed to the crowd without even slowing down.

“Fuck!” Everyone was shocked.

At this time, Liu Ye finally came after her out of breath. She heard the gunshot from afar and shouted all the way: “Don’t shoot! Don’t hit!”

“Who are you!” Xu Ning’s face was very ugly, he was shot a few times as if nothing happened, wondering if the boss came directly?

“Isn’t this…” Adams suddenly shut up as he spoke, and looked at other people, and found that they didn’t even know this character.

Mo Poor’s voice sounded in his mind: “Console games have long since fallen, it’s normal that they haven’t seen them before.”

Devil Hunter Dante was shot by Mo Poor from Devil May Cry. He is playing with a controller on the earth, controlling this character through an unknown number of worlds, even the gap between virtuality and reality.

In order to keep the fineness of the model up to what Adams and others look like at the moment, Mo Poor chose the nostalgic reset version of 2065, which is also the last version of Devil May Cry. That year was the last of console games, and many remastered versions of classic games were produced with the latest technology for people to collect, so the authenticity of the models was no less than that of later games such as Lord of War.

But after all, all countries are vigorously promoting somatosensory games that can exercise. Ten years later, in 2075, the old group of players will leave the game, and holographic games will completely occupy the entire market. Devil May Cry is not suitable for VR, so this IP has been sealed, and only people who have stopped playing games in the grandpa generation may still know it.

As for Xu Ning and others, they are young players in 2096, post-90s in the new era.

For them, even the latest one is an old game more than 30 years ago, and the image of Dante can be traced back even more than 90 years ago.

They don’t know such an old character at all.

“Isn’t that what?” Xu Ning asked in surprise.

At this time, Mo Poor spoke. The version of 65 years can have in-game voice, and the voice is directly uttered by the character.

I saw that Dante didn’t look at anyone, his mouth moved a few times, and he made a clear voice: “What are you still doing here? Are you having a party?”

“…” Hearing his teasing, everyone was at a loss.

Dante walked straight forward, squeezed Xu Ning away abruptly, and said: “Put the toys away, this is not the place for you, get out of here.”

Xu Ning was taken aback, and then realized that this is just an NPC!

Besides, compared with a weak woman like Chen Ai, this white-haired, stinky fart man’s style of painting is a bit wrong, he looks so strong.

Seeing that Xu Ning did not answer, Adams asked, “Why? What happened here?”

Ignoring his question, Dante walked up to the soldier’s corpse and squatted halfway to observe, with his back to the people with guns, completely ignoring them.

It’s no wonder that Mo Qiong didn’t answer, he didn’t know what happened here, so he just ignored it and pretended that he was not an intelligence NPC.

But Liu Ye rounded the field and said: “He saved me! The monster is vulnerable to him!”

She recounted the process of the battle just now.

Xu Ning’s complexion changed, and he quickly approached with a smile and said, “Brother! Are you…”

“Dante, demon hunter…” While Dante was speaking, he suddenly started humming.

I don’t know how he can hum while talking!

Mo Poor frowned, and the character became nervous again. Obviously the game world was compatible with Dante’s character abilities, but at the same time, Dante also complied with some of the settings in it, such as contacting monsters for a long time, there will be some Unusual behavior.

“Ode to Joy…” Everyone was ashamed, but what Dante was humming was Ode to Joy, and they knew such a classic melody.

“Are you going to destroy the monsters here?” Xu Ning asked.

Devil Hunter, the name is easy to understand. Combined with him saving Liu Ye, everyone knows that if they want to survive, this NPC is probably the most important thing!

However, Dante didn’t turn his head back and said: “If you don’t leave, the monster is coming.”

Xu Ning and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. This NPC absolutely could not obey if they asked them to leave.

They wanted to leave, but it was pitch black outside, and he knew that going out would mean death.

“The outside is full of monsters, we will die if we go out, why not follow you, maybe we can help?”

“You guys have to stay and watch my performance, I have no objection, be careful to die.” Dante said.

“Do you know **** those monsters?” Adams asked.

“If you can’t kill it, kill it again until you die.” Dante said, jumped up suddenly, followed by a double jump in the air, assaulted several times in a row, and landed on the chandelier on the dome of the hall.

He stood on it, flickering, as if waiting for something.

“…” Everyone was surprised to see him cross a distance of more than 20 meters and easily climb onto the beam. This skill crushed them.

“Great! There is such a strong person to help this time.” Xu Ning waved heavily.

But Adams said: “We can’t expect the NPC to pass the level. He may help us fight, but he doesn’t seem to know **** the monsters here.”

“Kill until you die? Like the zombie in the last level, Xu Ning, how many times do you think it would be useful to kill?”

Xu Ning frowned and said, “It’s useless no matter how many times, I spent two days and three nights with the zombies, and I can’t kill them unless I find the dead spot.”

“As for the death spot, do you think it will be similar to the last time, and find a way to turn the hydra back into humans? After all, they are also human beings based on their background!”

Adams nodded and said, “It’s possible, we have to go upstairs.”

“It’s about to start.” Dante said suddenly.

Everyone looked quickly, and saw two basilisks coming first from the direction Dante Liuye was running.

After seeing the real face, everyone felt numb all over.

However, I don’t know two, after them, there is a third, fourth, and fifth…

Swarms of hydra appeared, and they moved forward in strange postures, leaving wet traces wherever they passed.

Chen Ai screamed and struggled frantically, Xu Ning pinched her tightly and shouted: “Don’t move!”

As he spoke, he looked at the chandelier. I saw Dante pull out his guns and shoot at the Hydra.

His gun is very powerful, and every shot can burst out a huge blood flower.

With him here, everyone didn’t care to watch, suppressed the fear in their hearts, and used the marksmanship they honed in the game to shoot.

“Woohoo, hiss, ding, ding… baa.”

The Hydra hoarse, the gunfire stopped immediately, and even Dante stopped, froze in place.

On Earth, Mo Poor frantically pressed the handle, but Dante couldn’t make a shot.

“This trick again…” Before coming down, Mo Poor went upstairs to do a wave, and he already had a good understanding of some attack patterns of the Hydra.

At that time, I was almost killed by Yin, but this time I hid in a high place, and the monster couldn’t come up for a while.

“Puff, puff, puff!” Mo Poor was holding the handle with his left hand, and his right hand stretched out to the other handle.

It turned out that he was dual-activating, and there was another game on the next screen, and the character on it was a mage.

He rubbed a skill directly, and saw on the screen, a huge bursting fire dragon was released from the character’s hand, and then the fire dragon disappeared immediately.

At the same time, on the live-action game side, a large fire dragon suddenly appeared on the heads of the Hydras and exploded.

The raging flames shattered a large group of hydras, smearing the remaining limbs all over the ground, and emitting scorched smoke.

“Master Gou, haven’t found a hero who can seduce people from the air? How about making one?”

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