Blue and White Society Chapter 463: Scientific Artifact

The role of gears is unquestionable, and the quantum computer has finally exerted its due computing power.

The cosmic microwaves observed by the New Planck satellite have been thoroughly analyzed, and the unprecedentedly accurate Hubble constant was born. Although this value can be infinitely accurate, it is meaningless to be more accurate, because there is a universal value on the physical scale. In the Runck limit, it is not practical to go back to infinity in mathematics.

But soon they regretted it, because the aliens demanded that the gear be taken back.

“Don’t wow!”

“We haven’t finished the calculation yet, this value can be more accurate!”

The scientists spoke quickly, but their movements slowed down tacitly.

For them to calculate the accurate Hubble constant, the aliens even gave them a gear.

A ‘source part’ that can replace any part even in the black ball civilization.

This kind of thing must be extremely precious in the black ball civilization, otherwise the aliens would not borrow it.

The technology in it is completely incredible. Compared with it, the Hubble constant is nothing.

The Hubble constant, not to mention the gear ratio, is incomparable even with a quantum computer. With a full volume quantum computer, they can accurately measure all physical constants including the Hubble constant, and can undertake all precision engineering calculations Quantities can make all scientific fields take off.

And the quantum computer, in front of this gear, is not enough.

This gear represents all the engineering achievements of the black ball civilization. It can be said that as long as the technical content of the things designed by the earth does not exceed that of the black ball civilization, then this gear can make up for some of the engineering shortcomings of the earth’s advanced technology.

What kind of torment do engineering shortcomings have on scientists?

Theory always precedes engineering. Many great theories of scientists cannot be proved in their lifetime, let alone be put into reality. Conditions do not allow it!

Human beings can conceive of an advanced machine, and they can imagine what drastic changes this machine can bring to human life, but… they can’t do it.

It’s like an unprecedented picture that needs a kind of paint that has never been seen before. Obviously, the painter has a well-thought-out plan, but he still has to pick exotic flowers and herbs, pound and refine the pigment, and finally collect all the necessary materials. Everything, the man who conceived that picture, is dead.

Even if later generations drew that picture, he would not be able to see it anymore. He didn’t even know if there was any defect in the picture he conceived until his death.

This is a regret that all great scientists will experience, because without this regret, it can only show that his scientific thinking is behind the times, and if he is behind the times, he will not be a great scientist…he must be at least half a step ahead to be a great scientist genius.

It can be seen from this, what kind of ‘artifact’ is this gear?

In a sense, it can be said that the gears contain the “essence of one hundred thousand years of engineering” of aliens.

Will quantum computers survive in 100,000 years? Impossible, but this gear can, at least until the civilization of the earth reaches the current achievements of the black ball civilization, this gear can forcibly improve engineering attainments like this time.

It is the ‘half step’ that complements the thinking of great scientists ahead of the times.


Professor Cheng and the others, even if they are babbling, the Hubble constant has no meaning to continue to calculate. The computing power of quantum computers is epoch-making, but in a short while, the Hubble constant is accurate to the minus thirty-fifth power of ten. up.

This value is calculated back and forth, which is already a waste of time.

“Can we… can we calculate the gravitational constant again?” Dr. Galio asked.

At this moment, he has calmed down. He knows that this is an opportunity for the human science community, an opportunity for technology to take a sudden step forward.

Even if the aliens will take back the gears and the quantum computer will return to the original starting point, if you take the opportunity to calculate more things during this borrowing period, it will be **** money.

“Yes, before I leave, I can borrow all the smart parts from you.” Sister You said.

In fact, taking out the gear was not just for the Hubble constant, but for those scientists that Lanbai Society took a fancy to.

Scientists here are all standing on the shoulders of higher giants, and they have a high-level view, and their scientific concepts and thoughts are far beyond the scientific research department of the Blue and White Society.

With the help of a full volume quantum computer, the theory they burst out is undoubtedly more advanced.

If the world’s top technology is 50 years ahead of Lanbai Society, then the various theoretical models that were laughed at before are 80 years ahead.

With the help of quantum computers, these scientists are likely to come up with scientific achievements that are more than a hundred years ahead of the Blue and White Society.

The scientists were extremely excited to hear the aliens promised.

The adjustment of constants will have a great impact on various fields of physics, such as the correction of proton radius and Rydberg constant, which will greatly reduce the uncertainty in the field of atomic spectroscopy.

These are small things that do not lead to new discoveries.

What really drives them crazy is the leap in computing power, and the exploration of the microscopic world is so important.

The data generated by particle colliders are analyzed by quantum computers. They will undoubtedly have a better understanding of the structure of the subatomic field, and then promote the evolution of nanotechnology to a more fundamental scale.

At that time, it may be another comprehensive innovation of productivity.

Unfortunately, this must be an extremely long process. They know that the aliens will not give them such a long time.

“Procrastinate! We must find a way to hold off the aliens. How much we can get depends on how long the aliens will stay on the earth!”

There is no need to teach such a consensus, and no fool present can realize it in an instant.

Now it can be used for as long as it can be used. It is best to overcome the material problem of the light pole tube in the microscopic field. In this way, they can make the light pole tube by themselves. At least by ordinary standards, this is also an epoch-making feat.

If you take one step, you will be able to take the second step, one link after another, one breakthrough will lead to other breakthroughs, and the technology tree is lit up one by one.

“Ms. Black Ball, where would you like to dine?”

“That’s it.” Sister You said.


Representatives from various countries directly transferred top chefs from various countries. Now, only food can keep aliens staying for a while.

There is no doubt that the more special recipes for aliens, the better. It is best to have a lot of dishes on the table that aliens can’t finish, and then wait for the next taste.

If this can be achieved, every country in the world counts as one. Except for China, none of them can hold up the banner.

“The delicacies that the aliens have eaten will be recorded. Our recipe is to eat one less dish.” The representative of France smiled wryly.

“Our delicacies are mainly these five, and at most different chefs will make a little difference.”

“You can’t do the same thing, you have to think about new tricks.”

Back-up chef groups from various countries have compiled recipes. At this moment, human beings need them.

Countless chefs racked their brains and tried their best to piece together, and finally all countries combined to sort out 325 human delicacies.

The reason why there are so few is because Huaxia has not finished sorting it out. Under the urging, a chef of Cantonese cuisine trotted over with a stack of recipes.

When everyone saw it, there were three hundred and thirty-three…

“You still know how to eat.”

“There are so many kinds…this is only Cantonese.”

Everyone was feeling emotional, and the master said: “There are so many dim sums, and the dishes are still being sorted out, and it will be ready soon!”

“…” Everyone was stunned, what, this is just a snack?

The representative of Huaxia said solemnly: “Don’t make up for the bad food!”

“Understood! We have eliminated some that are too small.” The Cantonese chef said.

The representative of Huaxia solemnly said: “Master Yang, the burden of the development of all mankind is on your shoulders! Don’t make up for the situation, the more the better, it is best to invent more new dishes.”

Master Yang fell into deep thought.

The representative of Huaxia said: “If you have any difficulties, you can raise them. The matter is of great importance, and there are no taboos!”

“Is there really no taboo?” Master Yang’s eyes lit up, his beard and hair all stretched out.

When Master Yang said this, his whole temperament was different. When the representatives of various countries saw it, it was as if they saw a fierce beast.

“But it’s okay to say!” Huaxia representative said.

Master Yang glanced at the representatives of several countries and said: “There is a dish of food, which never changes. Cantonese cuisine has its own system. If there are novel ingredients, invention and creation will not be a problem.”

“You mean…”

Master Yang said: “Many cherished and protected animals have not been served on the table due to policy protection for a hundred years… There are also many endangered animals abroad that are not available in China, so it has never been cooked. It is a pity.”

“For example, young elephants, cheetahs, Nile crocodiles… Zebras, gazelles, giraffes… African waterbucks, polar bears… Australia’s chocobos, Madagascar’s fascia, Amazon’s anacondas…”

As Master Yang rolled his name, the faces of representatives from several countries turned black.

This mouth is the same as the name of the dish, but it is the protected animals of various countries.

There are a large number of protected animals in Africa, Australia, and South America that have not been cooked well in a systematic way. Eight hundred kinds of insects are rich in nutrients, more than 10,000 birds are edible, and more than 3,000 kinds of mammals unique to Africa Animals were never on the table either.

According to what he said, it seems that all of them can invent new dishes?

“Can you eat it?” The Australian representative asked with a sad face.

Master Yang said seriously: “Why can’t you eat it? Humans are omnivores!”

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