Blue and White Society Chapter 448: Unforgeable identity

The poor element is by far the heaviest element on Earth, excluding its containment.

Through preliminary research, it is very suitable for smelting into alloys with metals such as iron.

After the overtime efforts of the research department, a piece of poor alloy was finally produced, only the size of a coin.

This poor coin is only the size of an ordinary one-dollar steel coin, but it is extremely resistant to high temperature and abrasion. After testing, an assault rifle can’t penetrate it, and there is not even a trace of it.

Not only that, but it is also a supermagnetic material, which is an excellent electromagnetic gun warhead.

“We only added a little bit of poor elements, less than ten grams, to this poor coin. But it has produced a material that is much better than titanium alloys. Unfortunately, processing is too difficult. If we have the nano-productivity of the opposite world, Poor alloys can be mass-produced,” Canaan said.

“How much is the poor element worth?” Mo Qiong asked.

Canaan smiled and said: “Each gram is worth at least 100 million U.S. dollars, and it can be more expensive. However, because this poor coin has been processed, I don’t know that new elements are used without in-depth research. If you only look at the value of materials in this way, it is also worth it. Just a few thousand dollars.”

Mo Poor said in shock: “Fuck! So valuable?”

Such a steel coin can be sold for thousands of dollars without exposing new elements? Exposure is worth a billion!

Canaan laughed and said, “In fact, for the world over there, new elements can be invaluable. Without you, we can’t synthesize this kind of element at all, and neither can the future world over there. A new element completely beyond our imagination and the generations to come.”

Mo Poor nodded, this thing is the debris left after the explosion of the super-compressed matter in the best metal ball, theoretically it should be a superheavy element that can only appear in the explosion of a white dwarf star.

However, the closest white dwarf to Earth, in the Sirius galaxy, is 8.6 light-years away.

So this is an element that no one can produce except Mo Poor.

If human beings want to produce it from scientific means, they will have to develop an unknown number of epochs.

“The alloy products we manufacture with poor elements will have unparalleled competitiveness there, and others cannot place them. After the energy problem is solved, the world can almost be said to be an era where materials are king. It’s so advanced, no one will buy it.” Mo Qiong laughed.

However, Canaan shook his head and said: “It’s a pity that we don’t have the industrial strength to smelt poor elements, so we can only sell raw materials. And selling new elements, don’t even think about it, Xiaoyou will be persecuted by the capital forces over there. With the synthesis technology of poor elements, anything can happen.”

“Huh? Then how did you smelt this piece?” Mo Poor asked.

There are only so many poor elements, maybe he, Mo Qiong, can make them, but there is no scientific synthesis method at all.

The best situation, of course, is to sell it after processing, then the other party will not know for a long time that the excellent alloy material is made by adding new elements.

Sell poor directly, then wait for a fight.

Canaan said: “In order to process such a small piece of alloy coin, our research department has spent a lot of effort, and it also occupied the containment – universal parts for a full week.”

He explained the universal parts to Mo Poor, which is the most important storage item in the research department.

The main body is a gear, but this gear can be placed in any machine and replace any component, provided that the placer clearly understands what component it will replace and has the complete data and principles required by the entire technology , it will work.

Science and technology strength mainly includes two fields, theoretical design and engineering technology.

Theory alone is useless if the engineering strength is not up to standard, and things cannot be made. Controllable nuclear fusion is actually very simple. As long as there is a device that can withstand a nuclear explosion and conduct heat stably, any engineer can use this mythical material to create a cold nuclear reactor.

But the problem is that without this material, it is simply a legendary material, and it is impossible to realize it.

So the model of controllable nuclear fusion can only be designed with extremely delicate ideas, under the conditions that the existing industrial strength can do it, or is about to do it.

So far, most of the advanced technologies of Lanbai Society are actually realized by relying on universal parts under the condition of perfect theory.

As long as the theory is perfect, it doesn’t matter if the engineering is a little bit worse, the universal part is the last piece of the puzzle.

To put it bluntly, if other people’s technology is to be mature, it must be 100% theoretical and 100% engineering, so that a product can be born as expected.

But for Lanbai Society, 100% theory and 90% engineering are enough. Universal parts are equivalent to ‘engineering +10%’.

A project, the theory is fully mature, but a supercatheter cannot be realized, what should I do? There is no supercatheter that meets the standard, just plug the universal parts in there, and it is a supercatheter.

By relying on universal parts, Lanbai Society can produce products beyond industrial capabilities, and nanotechnology relies on it to make breakthroughs.

Originally after the controllable nuclear fusion came out, it should have slowly progressed to nano-productivity instead of massive material production.

Lanbai Society stepped in directly, that is, it first manufactured the first nano-printer with universal parts, and then used the nano-printer to make up for the missing engineering technology. technical bottleneck.

But most of the machines can produce the missing components after they are not made.

There is only one universal part, and the research department needs it everywhere. Today it is in the intelligent assembly machine, tomorrow it is in the ultra-low temperature cooling instrument, and the day after tomorrow it is on the production line of the weight loss instrument.

The Blue and White Society does not have the industrial strength to smelt poor elements, and it is far behind. The theory is not perfect, and the research on new elements has just begun.

So even if you use all-purpose parts in a week, you can only make such a poor coin, which can be said to be just an experimental product.

This is already the highest efficiency in theory. With such a low output, it is impossible for the research department to always occupy universal parts for this plan.

Other countless projects are waiting for universal parts to start…

Mo Poor said: “Didn’t we get a lot of books? Can’t we make up for the theory?”

“Theory is theory after all, and learning takes time.” Canaan said.

Governor Gou got impatient when he heard that, he patted the table and said, “Those who care about this and that, should we cross or go across? They can still jump here and beat us?”

“The composition principle of the poor element can’t be figured out, so we can tell the principle of this poor coin?”

“I’m really afraid that the other party will check. If we sell super alloys like poor coins, we will also have trouble! What’s the difference!”

Canaan said seriously: “That’s right, I will apply for large quantities of gold from above, we will use gold to slowly exchange money, then buy cheap production lines that are about to be eliminated, and upgrade us… let’s take it step by step. “

Governor Gou rolled his eyes, lit a cigarette and said, “If you want me to say that the people in your research department are rigid, the origin of poor elements is too simple, so it’s over!”

“There is a whole society over there, and the technology is ahead of us. How do you make it up?” Canaan asked.

Master Gou smiled and said, “Isn’t this simple? Make a meteorite and let Mo Poor throw it down from the sky. Isn’t there a history?”

“…” Mo Poor was speechless, unable to laugh or cry: “You…”

“Good idea!” Canaan said suddenly.

“Huh?” Mo Qiong was taken aback.

Mo Poor couldn’t help but said, “What’s the matter? The meteorite fell, and it wasn’t Miss You’s. Why should we sell it? Any force can circle the meteorite and take it away for research.”

Canaan smiled and said: “No, I’m talking about Xiaogou’s thinking. He is right. You can cast across time and space, which is our biggest monopoly power. There is a whole society over there with advanced technology and monitoring mechanism. Extremely strong, no matter how concealed Xiaoyou’s lurking is, he will eventually reveal his secrets. Blindly hiding, covering up, and keeping a low profile is not the way, it is better to turn against the customer.”

“That is to say, we should directly create an unfalsifiable identity for ourselves.”

Master Gou grinned, Mo Qiong seemed to have realized something.

Gongsun You tilted his head and said, “Could it be…”

Canaan pursed his lips and said, “Aliens…”

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